LAB 2.3 - Pairwise classification

LAB 2.3 - Pairwise classification#

!wget -nc --no-cache -O -q
import init; init.init(force_download=False); init.get_weblink() 
from local.lib.rlxmoocapi import submit, session
import inspect
session.LoginSequence(endpoint=init.endpoint, course_id=init.course_id, lab_id="L02.03", varname="student");


In this lab we will use define a slightly different machine learning task. Given two MNIST images as input we want a network with a binary output: 1 if both images belong to the same MNIST class, and 0 otherwise.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import tensorflow as tf
%matplotlib inline
mnist = pd.read_csv("local/data/mnist1.5k.csv.gz", compression="gzip", header=None).values
print("dimension de las imagenes y las clases", X.shape, y.shape)
Xtr, Xts, ytr, yts = train_test_split(X,y, test_size=0.3)
Xtr.shape, ytr.shape, Xts.shape, yts.shape

FIRST, observe how we build a labelled dataset for this task, so that each training example has:

  • two images selected randomly from the original dataset

  • label 0 if they belong to the same class, or 1 otherwise

This way, the resulting data structures

  • pXtr and pXts contain the paired images, for train and for test

  • pytr and pyts contain the labels of the corresponding paired images, for train and for test

  • eytr and eyts contain the 0/1 new labels, one for each pair.

def pairup(X, y, n_pairs_per_class, same_class):
    idxs = None
    labels = np.unique(y)
    for i in labels:
        idxs_p1 = np.argwhere(y==i)[:,0] if same_class else np.argwhere(y!=i)[:,0]
        idxs_p2 = np.argwhere(y==i)[:,0]
        c = np.vstack([
                    np.random.choice(idxs_p1, size=n_pairs_per_class, replace=True),
                    np.random.choice(idxs_p2, size=n_pairs_per_class, replace=True)
        idxs = c if idxs is None else np.vstack((idxs,c))
    X_pairs = [X[idxs[:,0]],X[idxs[:,1]]]
    y_pairs = [y[idxs[:,0]],y[idxs[:,1]]]
    y_labels = y[idxs[:,0]]==y[idxs[:,1]]        
    return idxs, X_pairs, y_pairs, y_labels

def build_image_pairs(X,y,n_pairs_per_class):
    idxs0, pX0, py0, ey0 = pairup(X, y, n_pairs_per_class, same_class=False)
    idxs1, pX1, py1, ey1 = pairup(X, y, n_pairs_per_class, same_class=True)
    pX = [np.vstack((i,j)) for i,j in zip(pX0, pX1)]
    py = [np.hstack((i,j)) for i,j in zip(py0, py1)]
    ey = np.hstack((ey0, ey1))
    idxs = np.vstack((idxs0, idxs1))
    return idxs, pX, py, ey.astype(int)
itr, pXtr, pytr, eytr = build_image_pairs(Xtr, ytr, n_pairs_per_class=100)
its, pXts, pyts, eyts = build_image_pairs(Xts, yts, n_pairs_per_class=100)

understand and inspect the structures created and observe how the function above creates a balanced dataset

[i.shape for i in pXtr], [i.shape for i in pytr], itr.shape, eytr.shape
([(2000, 784), (2000, 784)], [(2000,), (2000,)], (2000, 2), (2000,))
[i.shape for i in pXts], [i.shape for i in pyts], its.shape, eyts.shape
([(2000, 784), (2000, 784)], [(2000,), (2000,)], (2000, 2), (2000,))
print ("class distribution %.2f::%.2f"%(np.mean(eytr), 1-np.mean(eytr)))
class distribution 0.50::0.50
for _ in range(5):
    i = np.random.randint(len(pXtr[0]))
    plt.ylabel("CLASS %d"%(eytr[i]));
    plt.title("pair_0 :     %d"%(pytr[0][i])); plt.xticks([],[]); plt.yticks([],[])
    plt.title("pair_1 :     %d"%pytr[1][i]); plt.xticks([],[]); plt.yticks([],[])
../_images/d8874b413d8c5ace84d941835c4df182226bcb797ecb84bd037a9f88411471f4.png ../_images/cdefe1a999f6e9b26bbe0b10809b3af6d5b0f5009a50b3930744878dce18825a.png ../_images/2b45fe010aca48509d13997b04342b4118022ecd3cb2b0b5119041c013eb9f45.png ../_images/764b8a2bb06f31f78bca9223c72749cdc89bae34ae78fee58187bdc250f75469.png ../_images/0a586bd3bb5c200bbf7508cad6da5ad6dc9aa7a5512055242d2da066a80b02a9.png

TASK 1: Multi-input model#

Create a model with the architecture depicted in the following figure.

from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='local/imgs/twoinputs.png', width=600)

Observe that

  • it will have TWO input layers with input_dim=784 neurons each.

  • there is ony ONE output neuron.

  • the model summary should be as follows and MUST NAME THE LAYERS ACCORDINGLY (but not the tf.concat which is just an operation, not a layer):

    Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
    input_img0 (InputLayer)         [(None, 784)]        0                                            
    input_img1 (InputLayer)         [(None, 784)]        0                                            
    layer1_img0 (Dense)             (None, 100)          78500       input_img0[0][0]                 
    layer1_img1 (Dense)             (None, 100)          78500       input_img1[0][0]                 
    tf_op_layer_concat_39 (TensorFl [(None, 200)]        0           layer1_img0[0][0]                
    layer2_common (Dense)           (None, 100)          20100       tf_op_layer_concat_39[0][0]      
    output (Dense)                  (None, 1)            101         layer2_common[0][0]              
    Total params: 177,201
    Trainable params: 177,201
    Non-trainable params: 0
def get_model(input_dim):
    inputs1  = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_dim, name="input_img0")
    inputs2  = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_dim, name="input_img1")
    outputs = ...

    model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[inputs1, inputs2], outputs=outputs)    
    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
    return model
model = get_model(X.shape[1])

Registra tu solución en linea

student.submit_task(namespace=globals(), task_id='T1');

test your model

now we can test your model

model = get_model(X.shape[1]), eytr, batch_size=16, epochs=20)
preds_ts = (model.predict(pXts)[:,0]>.5).astype(int)
preds_tr = (model.predict(pXtr)[:,0]>.5).astype(int)
print ("accuracy in train data %.2f"%(np.mean(preds_tr==eytr)))
print ("accuracy in test data  %.2f"%(np.mean(preds_ts==eyts)))

inspect TEST predictions. Do you see any class getting more confused with others?

for _ in range(20):
    i = np.random.randint(len(pXts[0]))
    plt.ylabel("PREDICTION %d\nTARGET %d"%(preds_ts[i], eyts[i]))

TASK 2: Measure per-class accuracy#

For each class we want to measure what is the prediction accuracy for the binary task when it participates in a pair. Observe how we gather the labels of each pair together with the binary prediction and the true value.

ts = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack((pyts[0],pyts[1], eyts, preds_ts)).T, columns=["pair_0", "pair_1", "true", "pred"])
pair_0 pair_1 true pred
0 4 0 0 0
1 8 0 0 0
2 8 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0
4 2 0 0 0

of course, the true value coincides with pair_0 being equal or different from pair_1.


To compute, per-class accuracy in this task, for instance for class 2:

  • select the rows where pair_0 or pair_1 is 2

  • measure the percentage of time in the selected rows where true==pred

for instance, for the following DataFrame

        pair_0  pair_1  true  pred
    0        0       0     1     1
    1        0       0     1     1
    2        0       0     1     1
    3        2       2     1     1
    4        1       1     1     1
    5        0       2     0     0
    6        2       2     1     0
    7        2       2     1     1
    8        2       2     1     1
    9        1       1     1     1
    10       1       1     1     1
    11       1       1     1     1
    12       2       2     1     1
    13       0       2     0     1
    14       2       2     1     1
    15       0       0     1     1
    16       2       2     1     1
    17       1       1     1     0
    18       1       1     1     1
    19       1       1     1     1

you must return this accuracies:

    {0: 0.8333333333333334, 1: 0.8571428571428571, 2: 0.7777777777777778}

the accuracies must be returned as a dictionary such as above. They keys are the original class labels, and the values the accuracy just described.

The accuracies must be correct up to 3 decimal values.

def perclass_bin_accuracy(ts):
    r = {}
    for i in np.unique(ts.pair_0.tolist() + ts.pair_1.tolist()):
        r[i] = ... # your code here

    return r

test your code with the example above

t = pd.DataFrame(
        np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1, 1],[2, 2, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 1],
                  [0, 2, 0, 0],[2, 2, 1, 0],[2, 2, 1, 1],[2, 2, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 1],
                  [2, 2, 1, 1],[0, 2, 0, 1],[2, 2, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1, 1],[2, 2, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 0],[1, 1, 1, 1],
                  [1, 1, 1, 1]]), 
    columns=["pair_0", "pair_1", "true", "pred"])

test your code with other random examples

n, n_classes = 20, 3
p0 = np.random.randint(n_classes, size=n)
p1 = np.random.randint(n_classes, size=n)
dtrue = (p0==p1).astype(int)
preds = np.random.randint(2, size=n)
td = pd.DataFrame([p0,p1,dtrue,preds], index=["pair_0", "pair_1", "true", "pred"]).T


Registra tu solución en linea

student.submit_task(namespace=globals(), task_id='T2');