5.7 ELMo
5.7 ELMo¶
!wget -nc --no-cache -O init.py -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rramosp/2021.deeplearning/main/content/init.py
import init; init.init(force_download=False);
replicating local resources
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
print ("setting tensorflow version in colab")
%tensorflow_version 1.x
import tensorflow as tf
setting tensorflow version in colab
TensorFlow 1.x selected.
ELMo: Embeddings from Language Models¶
Word embeddings such as word2vec or GloVe provides an exact meaning to words. Eventhough they provided a great improvement to many NLP task, such “constant” meaning was a major drawback of this word embeddings as the meaning of words changes based on context, and thus this wasn’t the best option for Language Modelling.
For instance, after we train word2vec/Glove on a corpus we get as output one vector representation for, say the word cell. So even if we had a sentence like “He went to the prison cell with his cell phone to extract blood cell samples from inmates”, where the word cell has different meanings based on the sentence context, these models just collapse them all into one vector for cell in their output source.
Unlike most widely used word embeddings ELMo word representations are functions of the entire input sentence, instead of the single word. They are computed on top of two-layer Bidirectional Language Models (biLMs) with character convolutions, as a linear function of the internal network states. Therefore, the same word can have different word vectors under different contexts.
Deep contextualized word representations
Character-level Convolutional Networks
from IPython.display import Image
#Image(filename='local/imgs/ELMo.gif', width=1200)
Given \(T\) tokens \((x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_T)\), a forward language model computes the probability of the sequence by modeling the probability of token \(x_k\) given the history \((x_1,\cdots, x_{k-1})\). This formulation has been addressed in the state of the art using many different approach, and more recently including some approximation based on Bidirectional Recurrent Networks.
ELMo is inspired in the Language Modelling problem, which has the advantage of being a self-supervised task.
A practical implication of this difference is that we can use word2vec and Glove vectors trained on a large corpus directly for downstream tasks. All we need is the vectors for the words. There is no need for the model itself that was used to train these vectors.
However, in the case of ELMo and BERT (we will see it in a forthcoming lecture), since they are context dependent, we need the model that was used to train the vectors even after training, since the models generate the vectors for a word based on context. source.
Let’s see how to define a simplified ELMo version from scratch:¶
def Char_CNN(vocab_size, input_size = 120, embedding_size=32):
# parameter
conv_layers = [[8, 3, 2],
[8, 3, 2],
[8, 3, -1],#]
[8, 3, -1]]
fully_connected_layers = [64, 64]
dropout_p = 0.5
# Embedding layer Initialization
embedding_layer = Embedding(vocab_size + 1,
# Model Construction
# Input
inputs = Input(shape=(input_size,), name='input_c', dtype='int64') # shape=(?, 1014)
# Embedding
x = embedding_layer(inputs)
# Conv
for filter_num, filter_size, pooling_size in conv_layers:
x = Conv1D(filter_num, filter_size)(x)
x = Activation('relu')(x)
if pooling_size != -1:
x = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=pooling_size)(x) # Final shape=(None, 34, 256)
x = Flatten()(x) # (None, 8704)
# Fully connected layers
for dense_size in fully_connected_layers:
x = Dense(dense_size, activation='relu')(x) # dense_size == 1024
x = Dropout(dropout_p)(x)
Char_CNN_Embeddings = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=x)
return Char_CNN_Embeddings
#Define model on top of Char_CNN: sentiment as input
Input_elmo = Input(shape=(input_text_charact_padded[0].shape[0],input_text_charact_padded[0].shape[1],), name='input_s')
CNN_Embeddings = Char_CNN(len(tk.word_index), input_size = word_max_length, embedding_size=32)
embedding = TimeDistributed(CNN_Embeddings)(Input_elmo)
x = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=True,
recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(embedding)
x_rnn = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=True,
recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(x)
x_add = add([x, x_rnn]) # residual connection to the first biLSTM
#----------------ELMo ends here -------------------------------------
x_dense = TimeDistributed(Dense(16, activation="relu"))(x_add)
out_1 = TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation="sigmoid"))(x_dense)
model2 = Model(inputs=[Input_elmo], outputs=[out_1])
We can also use pre-trained ELMo from tensorflow hub repository.
Download the model¶
Let’s load ELMo model. This will take some time because the model is over 350 Mb in size
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow as tf
#gpus= tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
#tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[0], True)
elmo_model = hub.Module("https://tfhub.dev/google/elmo/2", trainable=True)
# In TEnsorFlow 2 the statement should be somethin like this
#elmo_model = hub.KerasLayer("https://tfhub.dev/google/elmo/2")
embeddings = elmo_model(["i like green eggs and ham",
"would you eat them in a box"],
INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore
INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore
(2, 7, 1024)
Name Entity Recognition (NER)¶
NER is a sequential labeling problem where the aim is to label every word in a sentence of pargraph, according to a list of “entity” classes. This is different from part of Speech (POS) tagging, which explains how a word is used in a sentence For more information about POS.
Tipical labels in NER are:
import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package maxent_ne_chunker to
[nltk_data] /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Unzipping chunkers/maxent_ne_chunker.zip.
GPE stands for Geo-Political Entity, GSP stands for Geographical-Social-Political Entity. and there are other definitions of labels that include more classes Detailed info can be found here.
NER task is commonly viewed as a sequential prediction problem in which we aim at assigning the correct label for each token. Different ways of encoding information in a set of labels make different chunk representation. The two most popular schemes are BIO and BILOU source.
BIO stands for Beginning, Inside and Outside (of a text segment).
Similar but more detailed than BIO, BILOU encode the Beginning, the Inside and Last token of multi-token chunks while differentiate them from Unit-length chunks
import pandas as pd
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv("local/data/ner_dataset.csv", encoding="latin1")
data = data.drop(['POS'], axis =1)
data = data.fillna(method="ffill")
Sentence # | Word | Tag | |
1048563 | Sentence: 47958 | exploded | O |
1048564 | Sentence: 47958 | upon | O |
1048565 | Sentence: 47958 | impact | O |
1048566 | Sentence: 47958 | . | O |
1048567 | Sentence: 47959 | Indian | B-gpe |
1048568 | Sentence: 47959 | forces | O |
1048569 | Sentence: 47959 | said | O |
1048570 | Sentence: 47959 | they | O |
1048571 | Sentence: 47959 | responded | O |
1048572 | Sentence: 47959 | to | O |
1048573 | Sentence: 47959 | the | O |
1048574 | Sentence: 47959 | attack | O |
words = set(list(data['Word'].values))
n_words = len(words)
tags = list(set(data["Tag"].values))
n_tags = len(tags)
class SentenceGetter(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.n_sent = 1
self.data = data
self.empty = False
agg_func = lambda s: [(w, t) for w, t in zip(s["Word"].values.tolist(),s["Tag"].values.tolist())]
self.grouped = self.data.groupby("Sentence #").apply(agg_func)
self.sentences = [s for s in self.grouped]
def get_next(self):
s = self.grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
self.n_sent += 1
return s
return None
getter = SentenceGetter(data)
sent = getter.get_next()
[('Thousands', 'O'), ('of', 'O'), ('demonstrators', 'O'), ('have', 'O'), ('marched', 'O'), ('through', 'O'), ('London', 'B-geo'), ('to', 'O'), ('protest', 'O'), ('the', 'O'), ('war', 'O'), ('in', 'O'), ('Iraq', 'B-geo'), ('and', 'O'), ('demand', 'O'), ('the', 'O'), ('withdrawal', 'O'), ('of', 'O'), ('British', 'B-gpe'), ('troops', 'O'), ('from', 'O'), ('that', 'O'), ('country', 'O'), ('.', 'O')]
sentences = getter.sentences
largest_sen = max(len(sen) for sen in sentences)
print('biggest sentence has {} words'.format(largest_sen))
biggest sentence has 104 words
%matplotlib inline
plt.hist([len(sen) for sen in sentences], bins= 50)
words2index = {w:i for i,w in enumerate(words)}
tags2index = {t:i for i,t in enumerate(tags)}
ELMo embedding represents every word as 1024 feature vector. Therefore, in order to reduce the computational complexity and based on the former histogram, we can truncate the sequences to a maximum length of 50.
max_len = 50
X = [[w[0]for w in s] for s in sentences]
new_X = []
for seq in X:
new_seq = []
for i in range(max_len):
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
y = [[tags2index[w[1]] for w in s] for s in sentences]
y = pad_sequences(maxlen=max_len, sequences=y, padding="post", value=tags2index["O"])
Using TensorFlow backend.
array([13, 14, 14, 11, 6, 6, 6, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14],
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_tr, X_te, y_tr, y_te = train_test_split(new_X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=2018)
batch_size = 32
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from keras import backend as K
sess = tf.Session()
This is how we have to define the layer in order to be used in the model (In TF 2.x this should not be necessary take a look to this guide):
def ElmoEmbedding(x):
return elmo_model(inputs={
"tokens": tf.squeeze(tf.cast(x, tf.string)),
"sequence_len": tf.constant(batch_size*[max_len])
from keras.models import Model, Input
from keras.layers.merge import add
from keras.layers import LSTM, Embedding, Dense, TimeDistributed, Dropout, Bidirectional, Lambda
Excercise 1: Complete the model arquitecture¶
After the Embedding layer include two Bidirectional LSTM layers with 512 cells each. The second layer must be on top of the first one. As output layer include a Dense layer which takes as input the sum of the two Bidirectional layers output’s. Remember that in NER the output must be a sequence of same length as the input.
input_text = Input(shape=(max_len,), dtype=tf.string)
embedding = Lambda(ElmoEmbedding, output_shape=(max_len, 1024))(input_text)
x = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=512, return_sequences=True,
recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(embedding)
x_rnn = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=512, return_sequences=True,
recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(x)
x = add([x, x_rnn]) # residual connection to the first biLSTM
out = TimeDistributed(Dense(n_tags, activation="softmax"))(x)
INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore
INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore
model = Model(input_text, out)
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
Split data into training and validation subsets, use both during training to evaluate training and validation accuracies.
X_tr, X_val = X_tr[:1213*batch_size], X_tr[-135*batch_size:]
y_tr, y_val = y_tr[:1213*batch_size], y_tr[-135*batch_size:]
y_tr = y_tr.reshape(y_tr.shape[0], y_tr.shape[1], 1)
y_val = y_val.reshape(y_val.shape[0], y_val.shape[1], 1)
Train the model using a batch_size = 32 and 5 epochs. Use verbose=1 to see the evolution of the training process.
model.fit(np.array(X_tr), y_tr, validation_data=(np.array(X_val), y_val),
batch_size=batch_size, epochs=5, verbose=1)
Train on 38816 samples, validate on 4320 samples
Epoch 1/5
38816/38816 [==============================] - 542s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0584 - accuracy: 0.9828 - val_loss: 0.0415 - val_accuracy: 0.9867
Epoch 2/5
38816/38816 [==============================] - 542s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0413 - accuracy: 0.9867 - val_loss: 0.0329 - val_accuracy: 0.9889
Epoch 3/5
38816/38816 [==============================] - 542s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0347 - accuracy: 0.9884 - val_loss: 0.0267 - val_accuracy: 0.9907
Epoch 4/5
38816/38816 [==============================] - 540s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0291 - accuracy: 0.9899 - val_loss: 0.0208 - val_accuracy: 0.9927
Epoch 5/5
38816/38816 [==============================] - 541s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0242 - accuracy: 0.9914 - val_loss: 0.0169 - val_accuracy: 0.9943
<keras.callbacks.callbacks.History at 0x7f0a2f696a20>
!pip install seqeval
Collecting seqeval
Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/34/91/068aca8d60ce56dd9ba4506850e876aba5e66a6f2f29aa223224b50df0de/seqeval-0.0.12.tar.gz
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seqeval) (1.18.3)
Requirement already satisfied: Keras>=2.2.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seqeval) (2.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (1.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (3.13)
Requirement already satisfied: h5py in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (2.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.14 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: keras-preprocessing>=1.0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: keras-applications>=1.0.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from Keras>=2.2.4->seqeval) (1.0.8)
Building wheels for collected packages: seqeval
Building wheel for seqeval (setup.py) ... ?25l?25hdone
Created wheel for seqeval: filename=seqeval-0.0.12-cp36-none-any.whl size=7424 sha256=b57be0c86874a72d5b1d198068cbc96e97ae0f762a26f7aa52c3ef7b099cf4b0
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/4f/32/0a/df3b340a82583566975377d65e724895b3fad101a3fb729f68
Successfully built seqeval
Installing collected packages: seqeval
Successfully installed seqeval-0.0.12
from seqeval.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, classification_report
X_te = X_te[:149*batch_size]
test_pred = model.predict(np.array(X_te), verbose=1)
4768/4768 [==============================] - 48s 10ms/step
idx2tag = {i: w for w, i in tags2index.items()}
def pred2label(pred):
out = []
for pred_i in pred:
out_i = []
for p in pred_i:
p_i = np.argmax(p)
out_i.append(idx2tag[p_i].replace("PADword", "O"))
return out
def test2label(pred):
out = []
for pred_i in pred:
out_i = []
for p in pred_i:
out_i.append(idx2tag[p].replace("PADword", "O"))
return out
pred_labels = pred2label(test_pred)
test_labels = test2label(y_te[:149*32])
print("F1-score: {:.1%}".format(f1_score(test_labels, pred_labels)))
F1-score: 82.6%
print(classification_report(test_labels, pred_labels))
precision recall f1-score support
geo 0.85 0.90 0.87 3720
per 0.74 0.77 0.76 1677
tim 0.86 0.86 0.86 2148
gpe 0.96 0.94 0.95 1591
org 0.69 0.70 0.70 2061
eve 0.22 0.36 0.27 33
art 0.38 0.10 0.16 49
nat 0.33 0.18 0.24 22
micro avg 0.82 0.84 0.83 11301
macro avg 0.82 0.84 0.83 11301
Let’s see the predictions for one sequence:
i = 390
p = model.predict(np.array(X_te[i:i+batch_size]))[0]
p = np.argmax(p, axis=-1)
print("{:15} {:5}: ({})".format("Word", "Pred", "True"))
for w, true, pred in zip(X_te[i], y_te[i], p):
if w != "PADword":
print("{:15}:{:5} ({})".format(w, tags[pred], tags[true]))
Word Pred : (True)
Citing :O (O)
a :O (O)
draft :O (O)
report :O (O)
from :O (O)
the :O (O)
U.S. :B-org (B-org)
Government :I-org (I-org)
Accountability :I-org (O)
office :O (O)
, :O (O)
The :B-org (B-org)
New :I-org (I-org)
York :I-org (I-org)
Times :I-org (I-org)
said :O (O)
Saturday :B-tim (B-tim)
the :O (O)
losses :O (O)
amount :O (O)
to :O (O)
between :O (O)
1,00,000 :O (O)
and :O (O)
3,00,000 :O (O)
barrels :O (O)
a :O (O)
day :O (O)
of :O (O)
Iraq :B-geo (B-geo)
's :O (O)
declared :O (O)
oil :O (O)
production :O (O)
over :O (O)
the :O (O)
past :B-tim (B-tim)
four :I-tim (I-tim)
years :O (O)
. :O (O)
Lest’s compare the result with a simple Embedding layer instead of ELMo¶
For the sake of comparison, create a model using a conventional Embedding layer, instead of ELMo model. We are going to use an output dimension of 1024 for the Embedding layer and 10000 words dictionary for tokanization.
class SentenceGetter(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.n_sent = 1
self.data = data
self.empty = False
#agg_func = lambda s: [(w, t) for w, t in zip(s["Word"].values.tolist(),s["Tag"].values.tolist())]}
input_func = lambda s: " ".join(w for w in s["Word"].values.tolist())
ouput_func = lambda s: " ".join(t for t in s["Tag"].values.tolist())
self.in_grouped = self.data.groupby("Sentence #").apply(input_func)
self.out_grouped = self.data.groupby("Sentence #").apply(ouput_func)
self.input_sentences = [s for s in self.in_grouped]
self.output_targets = [s for s in self.out_grouped]
def get_next(self):
i = self.in_grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
o = self.out_grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
self.n_sent += 1
return i,o
return None
getter = SentenceGetter(data)
sent_input, out_put = getter.get_next()
sentences = getter.input_sentences
targets = getter.output_targets
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
y = [[tags2index[w] for w in s.split(' ')] for s in targets]
y = pad_sequences(maxlen=max_len, sequences=y, padding="post", value=tags2index["O"])
array([13, 14, 14, 11, 6, 6, 6, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14],
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
word_tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=10000)
# fit the tokenizer on the documents
# summarize what was learned
# integer encode documents
encoded_docs = word_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(sentences)
OrderedDict([('thousands', 495), ('of', 26394), ('demonstrators', 132), ('have', 5487), ('marched', 65), ('through', 519), ('london', 280), ('to', 23322), ('protest', 238), ('the', 63916), ('war', 994), ('in', 28098), ('iraq', 1749), ('and', 20147), ('demand', 221), ('withdrawal', 154), ('british', 648), ('troops', 1202), ('from', 4557), ('that', 6437), ('country', 1948), ('iranian', 402), ('officials', 3390), ('say', 4178), ('they', 2397), ('expect', 66), ('get', 170), ('access', 127), ('sealed', 19), ('sensitive', 30), ('parts', 169), ('plant', 111), ('wednesday', 1258), ('after', 2740), ('an', 4236), ('iaea', 73), ('surveillance', 51), ('system', 267), ('begins', 51), ('functioning', 11), ('helicopter', 110), ('gunships', 18), ('saturday', 1152), ('pounded', 15), ('militant', 461), ('hideouts', 16), ('orakzai', 19), ('tribal', 170), ('region', 858), ('where', 658), ('many', 600), ('taliban', 288), ('militants', 1065), ('are', 3721), ('believed', 175), ('fled', 154), ('avoid', 82), ('earlier', 827), ('military', 2041), ('offensive', 154), ('nearby', 107), ('south', 1023), ('waziristan', 82), ('left', 352), ('a', 22785), ('tense', 17), ('hour', 129), ('long', 401), ('standoff', 31), ('with', 5448), ('riot', 46), ('police', 1868), ('u', 5472), ('n', 905), ('relief', 203), ('coordinator', 13), ('jan', 66), ('egeland', 14), ('said', 5331), ('sunday', 1215), ('s', 4563), ('indonesian', 114), ('australian', 121), ('helicopters', 69), ('ferrying', 2), ('out', 1093), ('food', 388), ('supplies', 163), ('remote', 99), ('areas', 309), ('western', 541), ('aceh', 56), ('province', 947), ('ground', 82), ('crews', 18), ('can', 511), ('not', 2710), ('reach', 124), ('mr', 3088), ('latest', 232), ('figures', 72), ('show', 222), ('1', 753), ('8', 264), ('million', 919), ('people', 2758), ('need', 147), ('assistance', 141), ('greatest', 19), ('indonesia', 221), ('sri', 144), ('lanka', 93), ('maldives', 6), ('india', 529), ('he', 4370), ('last', 1990), ('week', 1370), ("'s", 10923), ('tsunami', 157), ('massive', 144), ('underwater', 7), ('earthquake', 159), ('triggered', 75), ('it', 3823), ('has', 7216), ('affected', 92), ('millions', 144), ('asia', 242), ('africa', 356), ('some', 1110), ('27', 107), ('000', 1210), ('known', 335), ('dead', 360), ('aid', 487), ('is', 6750), ('being', 575), ('rushed', 23), ('but', 2520), ('official', 750), ('stressed', 50), ('bottlenecks', 2), ('lack', 107), ('infrastructure', 101), ('remain', 236), ('challenge', 54), ('lebanese', 217), ('politicians', 79), ('condemning', 18), ('friday', 1279), ('bomb', 720), ('blast', 338), ('christian', 97), ('neighborhood', 60), ('beirut', 96), ('as', 4226), ('attempt', 150), ('sow', 2), ('sectarian', 59), ('strife', 15), ('formerly', 26), ('torn', 54), ('string', 31), ('voiced', 22), ('their', 1798), ('anger', 24), ('while', 627), ('at', 4699), ('united', 2051), ('nations', 1036), ('summit', 245), ('new', 2155), ('york', 286), ('prime', 1135), ('minister', 1877), ('fouad', 3), ('siniora', 9), ('resolute', 1), ('preventing', 30), ('such', 423), ('attempts', 63), ('destroying', 30), ('spirit', 12), ('one', 1853), ('person', 141), ('was', 4881), ('killed', 2861), ('more', 2332), ('than', 1896), ('20', 413), ('others', 627), ('injured', 239), ('late', 570), ('which', 1633), ('took', 438), ('place', 381), ('on', 7137), ('residential', 15), ('street', 85), ('lebanon', 302), ('suffered', 102), ('series', 264), ('bombings', 243), ('since', 1358), ('explosion', 227), ('february', 263), ('former', 1020), ('rafik', 52), ('hariri', 105), ('other', 1527), ('syria', 294), ('widely', 65), ('accused', 490), ('involvement', 116), ('his', 3469), ('killing', 585), ('comes', 234), ('days', 529), ('before', 719), ('investigator', 16), ('detlev', 11), ('mehlis', 19), ('return', 262), ('damascus', 69), ('interview', 154), ('several', 915), ('syrian', 241), ('about', 1567), ('assassination', 131), ('global', 322), ('financial', 304), ('crisis', 257), ('iceland', 10), ('economy', 586), ('shambles', 1), ('israeli', 1044), ('ariel', 75), ('sharon', 159), ('will', 3404), ('undergo', 12), ('medical', 172), ('procedure', 23), ('thursday', 1333), ('close', 239), ('tiny', 19), ('hole', 10), ('heart', 71), ('discovered', 116), ('during', 1232), ('treatment', 106), ('for', 8586), ('minor', 32), ('stroke', 36), ('month', 1136), ('doctors', 102), ('describe', 14), ('birth', 32), ('defect', 4), ('partition', 4), ('between', 1050), ('upper', 40), ('chambers', 13), ('cardiac', 1), ('catheterization', 1), ('involves', 24), ('inserting', 1), ('catheter', 1), ('blood', 58), ('vessel', 53), ('into', 1159), ('umbrella', 6), ('like', 143), ('device', 40), ('plug', 1), ('make', 334), ('full', 143), ('recovery', 81), ('returned', 138), ('work', 362), ('december', 314), ('25', 259), ('emergency', 216), ('hospitalization', 4), ('caused', 217), ('any', 511), ('permanent', 87), ('damage', 120), ('designers', 3), ('first', 1142), ('private', 155), ('manned', 7), ('rocket', 158), ('burst', 13), ('space', 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131), ('allen', 10), ('co', 70), ('founder', 25), ('microsoft', 26), ('corporation', 45), ('north', 906), ('korea', 516), ('says', 4640), ('flooding', 65), ('by', 4541), ('typhoon', 47), ('wipha', 1), ('destroyed', 131), ('14', 200), ('homes', 187), ('09', 10), ('hectares', 15), ('crops', 34), ('news', 764), ('agency', 810), ('kcna', 8), ('reported', 486), ('monday', 1266), ('floods', 65), ('also', 2314), ('or', 934), ('damaged', 81), ('public', 375), ('buildings', 92), ('washed', 16), ('roads', 55), ('bridges', 11), ('railways', 4), ('report', 806), ('did', 412), ('mention', 16), ('deaths', 221), ('injuries', 103), ('most', 644), ('heavy', 190), ('rains', 86), ('occurred', 198), ('southwestern', 76), ('part', 639), ('including', 812), ('capital', 729), ('pyongyang', 130), ('severe', 69), ('600', 66), ('missing', 173), ('displaced', 95), ('00', 224), ('strong', 196), ('under', 754), ('ocean', 111), ('sumatra', 14), ('nias', 5), ('islands', 197), ('panic', 12), ('no', 1011), ('geological', 18), ('survey', 73), ('gave', 118), ('preliminary', 41), ('estimate', 29), ('strength', 39), ('tuesday', 1394), ('morning', 94), ('quake', 100), ('6', 212), ('7', 278), ('richter', 3), ('scale', 76), ('epicenter', 9), ('island', 305), ('geir', 2), ('haarde', 1), ('refused', 148), ('resign', 43), ('call', 191), ('elections', 768), ('cause', 113), ('march', 340), ('900', 20), ('both', 443), ('experienced', 38), ('countless', 2), ('earthquakes', 18), ('producing', 62), ('26', 142), ('death', 505), ('toll', 151), ('tragedy', 23), ('stands', 36), ('76', 28), ('28', 89), ('them', 618), ('nearly', 503), ('50', 288), ('still', 384), ('listed', 19), ('feared', 31), ('rap', 5), ('star', 60), ('snoop', 6), ('dogg', 6), ('five', 699), ('associates', 13), ('been', 2892), ('arrested', 467), ('britain', 335), ('disturbance', 4), ('heathrow', 6), ('airport', 113), ('told', 685), ('media', 398), ('musician', 16), ('who', 1981), ('born', 83), ('name', 122), ('calvin', 2), ('broadus', 2), ('members', 654), ('entourage', 3), ('were', 3520), ('held', 592), ('charges', 445), ('violent', 135), ('disorder', 9), ('affray', 1), ('group', 1324), ('waiting', 29), ('flight', 55), ('perform', 10), ('concert', 23), ('when', 1230), ('denied', 222), ('class', 29), ('lounge', 3), ('later', 514), ('threw', 50), ('bottles', 10), ('whisky', 1), ('duty', 35), ('free', 283), ('store', 29), ('scuffled', 6), ('member', 356), ('gang', 41), ('crips', 2), ('southern', 862), ('songs', 11), ('reflect', 25), ('gritty', 1), ('life', 172), ('streets', 88), ('blames', 32), ('economic', 740), ('calamity', 2), ('commercial', 60), ('bankers', 6), ('afghan', 834), ('president', 3452), ('hamid', 115), ('karzai', 150), ('fired', 277), ('high', 550), ('ranking', 41), ('spying', 43), ('countries', 815), ('warns', 27), ('would', 1160), ('spare', 14), ('anyone', 55), ('engages', 2), ('activity', 130), ('disclosure', 3), ('lunch', 12), ('meeting', 594), ('newly', 58), ('sworn', 36), ('parliament', 506), ('dismissed', 85), ('nor', 37), ('indicate', 61), ('action', 206), ('involved', 188), ('evidence', 136), ('against', 1257), ('even', 129), ('if', 718), ('punished', 14), ('found', 474), ('foreign', 1125), ('be', 2540), ('shown', 47), ('television', 286), ('put', 183), ('trial', 244), ('led', 657), ('afghanistan', 1043), ('taleban', 576), ('ousted', 145), ('2001', 233), ('won', 248), ('presidential', 396), ('election', 735), ('2004', 242), ('now', 391), ('waging', 14), ('insurgency', 126), ('administration', 293), ('four', 857), ('weeks', 337), ('un', 69), ('secretary', 545), ('general', 734), ('kofi', 101), ('annan', 164), ('trying', 282), ('broker', 12), ('deal', 365), ('kenyan', 64), ('government', 3262), ('mwai', 17), ('kibaki', 36), ('opposition', 586), ('raila', 4), ('odinga', 6), ('negotiations', 172), ('concentrated', 10), ('power', 543), ('sharing', 53), ('agreement', 430), ('transitional', 37), ('arrangement', 12), ('leading', 189), ('forced', 175), ('ask', 44), ('international', 1088), ('monetary', 55), ('fund', 121), ('multi', 48), ('billion', 384), ('dollar', 109), ('loan', 29), ('recent', 563), ('complimentary', 2), ('sets', 48), ('issues', 208), ('must', 285), ('addressed', 29), ('finalize', 8), ('detailed', 17), ('francois', 11), ('grignon', 1), ('director', 134), ('program', 605), ('icg', 1), ('telephone', 40), ('discuss', 268), ('stake', 19), ('voa', 237), ('reporter', 44), ('akwei', 1), ('thompson', 1), ('demonstrate', 13), ('stronger', 45), ('political', 736), ('tackle', 11), ('task', 22), ('legal', 136), ('constitutional', 126), ('reform', 144), ('needed', 137), ('transition', 35), ('because', 620), ('\x85', 4), ('\x94', 4), ('electoral', 104), ('dispute', 153), ('losers', 1), ('bush', 981), ('signed', 297), ('legislation', 100), ('require', 36), ('screening', 9), ('all', 793), ('air', 276), ('sea', 148), ('cargo', 43), ('provide', 173), ('cities', 149), ('deemed', 18), ('risk', 80), ('terrorist', 365), ('attack', 997), ('signing', 47), ('bill', 207), ('advisers', 5), ('counter', 84), ('terrorism', 299), ('homeland', 57), ('security', 1627), ('teams', 58), ('doing', 73), ('everything', 22), ('protect', 103), ('what', 569), ('called', 1023), ('dangerous', 68), ('enemy', 39), ('measures', 164), ('recommendations', 20), ('independent', 185), ('commission', 256), ('investigated', 31), ('11', 305), ('attacks', 1077), ('states', 1520), ('those', 572), ('include', 269), ('grant', 36), ('4', 254), ('given', 129), ('upgrade', 11), ('transit', 33), ('mandate', 31), ('bound', 37), ('planes', 61), ('ships', 69), ('within', 207), ('next', 626), ('years', 1021), ('burmese', 103), ('democracy', 236), ('advocate', 9), ('aung', 75), ('san', 121), ('suu', 65), ('kyi', 68), ('calling', 216), ('citizens', 155), ('her', 632), ('toward', 157), ('national', 755), ('reconciliation', 47), ('year', 2232), ('statement', 717), ('she', 558), ('asked', 194), ('struggle', 58), ('together', 108), ('strengths', 1), ('force', 432), ('words', 61), ('2011', 76), ('health', 591), ('experts', 178), ('cancer', 63), ('become', 171), ('world', 1349), ('2010', 218), ('overtaking', 2), ('disease', 201), ('65', 41), ('old', 523), ('democratic', 366), ('reforms', 153), ('burma', 319), ('released', 530), ('seven', 355), ('house', 600), ('arrest', 204), ('november', 268), ('13', 208), ('just', 311), ('rulers', 17), ('claimed', 283), ('overwhelming', 22), ('victory', 111), ('criticized', 191), ('decades', 159), ('establish', 50), ('social', 123), ('networks', 23), ('achieve', 21), ('well', 346), ('truly', 4), ('again', 158), ('leaders', 710), ('2', 481), ('200', 180), ('prisoners', 238), ('engage', 20), ('talks', 1006), ('clinton', 122), ('assembled', 7), ('activists', 155), ('academics', 4), ('address', 163), ('poverty', 109), ('warning', 143), ('conflict', 248), ('opening', 101), ('initiative', 51), ('conference', 267), ('coincides', 7), ('millennium', 22), ('assembly', 142), ('focus', 104), ('day', 942), ('secure', 59), ('concrete', 15), ('pledges', 22), ('significant', 96), ('problems', 178), ('simply', 18), ('talk', 32), ('organizers', 40), ('different', 51), ('forums', 1), ('participants', 20), ('required', 42), ('pledge', 45), ('ways', 79), ('back', 281), ('progress', 134), ('expected', 600), ('attendees', 4), ('speakers', 11), ('tony', 92), ('blair', 129), ('israel', 966), ('deputy', 180), ('shimon', 14), ('peres', 29), ('peruvian', 26), ('narrow', 23), ('gap', 30), ('candidates', 149), ('vying', 3), ('second', 484), ('spot', 21), ('ballot', 20), ('run', 352), ('tightened', 11), ('further', 201), ('organization', 461), ('issued', 297), ('factor', 17), ('behind', 121), ('growing', 150), ('deadliness', 1), ('rising', 114), ('cigarette', 6), ('smoking', 21), ('developing', 113), ('center', 268), ('alan', 19), ('garcia', 12), ('leads', 26), ('pro', 268), ('business', 181), ('congresswoman', 3), ('lourdes', 1), ('flores', 12), ('less', 132), ('96', 11), ('votes', 89), ('90', 96), ('percent', 677), ('counted', 27), ('surge', 35), ('attributed', 22), ('support', 470), ('among', 436), ('peruvians', 2), ('living', 128), ('abroad', 75), ('whose', 99), ('apparently', 76), ('starting', 47), ('impact', 59), ('tally', 14), ('candidate', 182), ('half', 217), ('vote', 506), ('april', 194), ('9', 191), ('30', 376), ('final', 242), ('results', 215), ('announced', 496), ('either', 61), ('take', 431), ('nationalist', 22), ('ollanta', 1), ('humala', 1), ('31', 103), ('chilean', 36), ('authorities', 1188), ('freed', 127), ('bail', 40), ('wife', 79), ('adult', 12), ('children', 300), ('dictator', 71), ('augusto', 12), ('pinochet', 32), ('detained', 329), ('tax', 147), ('evasion', 24), ('lucia', 7), ('hiriart', 4), ('investigation', 255), ('dollars', 158), ('kept', 43), ('bank', 479), ('accounts', 79), ('fifth', 74), ('child', 80), ('daughter', 46), ('charged', 184), ('whereabouts', 10), ('unknown', 57), ('located', 81), ('prohibited', 7), ('leaving', 114), ('indicted', 64), ('fraud', 135), ('allegedly', 118), ('hiding', 46), ('40', 233), ('smokers', 7), ('thought', 57), ('live', 88), ('china', 1026), ('alone', 29), ('faces', 114), ('human', 606), ('rights', 609), ('related', 130), ('rule', 169), ('mid', 95), ('1970s', 29), ('lawyers', 81), ('healthy', 20), ('enough', 130), ('stand', 71), ('court', 724), ('ordered', 221), ('fit', 13), ('do', 281), ('so', 377), ('rebel', 322), ('sources', 116), ('mexico', 209), ('female', 54), ('leader', 899), ('zapatista', 9), ('movement', 190), ('died', 595), ('subcomandante', 6), ('marcos', 8), ('comandante', 2), ('ramona', 2), ('saying', 785), ('lost', 143), ('fighter', 51), ('zapatistas', 2), ('piece', 23), ('announcement', 146), ('came', 392), ('stop', 299), ('chiapas', 4), ('six', 595), ('nationwide', 66), ('tour', 105), ('nature', 27), ('immediately', 154), ('clear', 212), ('rumored', 2), ('kidney', 15), ('once', 113), ('transplant', 5), ('mysterious', 4), ('tzotzil', 1), ('indian', 353), ('promoter', 3), ('women', 285), ('longtime', 25), ('appeared', 110), ('wearing', 33), ('black', 86), ('ski', 14), ('mask', 2), ('january', 391), ('emerged', 24), ('jungle', 10), ('hideout', 30), ('begin', 183), ('bid', 60), ('influence', 50), ('this', 1614), ('estimated', 127), ('12', 296), ('diagnosed', 20), ('form', 161), ('representatives', 125), ('washington', 555), ('based', 390), ('council', 473), ('american', 729), ('islamic', 419), ('relations', 240), ('appealed', 46), ('release', 306), ('kidnapped', 211), ('journalist', 119), ('jill', 17), ('carroll', 28), ('baghdad', 763), ('influential', 32), ('abductors', 16), ('unharmed', 37), ('documented', 5), ('record', 229), ('objective', 9), ('reporting', 56), ('respect', 40), ('iraqi', 1159), ('arab', 243), ('culture', 27), ('there', 823), ('word', 50), ('fate', 44), ('following', 476), ('threat', 168), ('kidnappers', 84), ('execute', 4), ('unless', 84), ('eight', 318), ('detainees', 172), ('custody', 123), ('meanwhile', 456), ('son', 87), ('senior', 232), ('defense', 495), ('ministry', 561), ('videotape', 44), ('al', 1230), ('arabiya', 9), ('threatened', 158), ('kill', 122), ('brigadier', 24), ('sabah', 8), ('abd', 3), ('karim', 5), ('forces', 1348), ('cooperating', 17), ('coalition', 496), ('muslim', 374), ('groups', 514), ('attending', 55), ('anti', 362), ('northern', 566), ('denounced', 39), ('declaration', 38), ('scholars', 8), ('clerics', 36), ('top', 537), ('seminary', 5), ('150', 72), ('darul', 1), ('uloom', 1), ('deoband', 1), ('uttar', 6), ('pradesh', 16), ('targeting', 77), ('innocent', 26), ('contradicts', 4), ('islam', 111), ('concept', 2), ('peace', 648), ('described', 102), ('religion', 25), ('mercy', 7), ('condemned', 115), ('kinds', 4), ('oppression', 3), ('violence', 759), ('pakistani', 490), ('launched', 196), ('hunt', 29), ('insurgents', 550), ('predicts', 10), ('die', 40), ('however', 274), ('ensure', 65), ('community', 169), ('harassed', 8), ('whenever', 8), ('link', 29), ('muslims', 168), ('studied', 6), ('madrassas', 5), ('religious', 155), ('schools', 83), ('spending', 130), ('lives', 114), ('bars', 13), ('having', 106), ('falsely', 1), ('acts', 29), ('terror', 151), ('gates', 47), ('norway', 76), ('pledged', 116), ('campaign', 225), ('vaccinate', 8), ('poorest', 41), ('donors', 59), ('hope', 100), ('750', 11), ('melinda', 12), ('foundation', 37), ('290', 3), ('spurs', 1), ('foundations', 4), ('governments', 127), ('invest', 16), ('alliance', 162), ('vaccines', 11), ('immunization', 4), ('hopes', 123), ('immunize', 2), ('2015', 2), ('estimates', 62), ('cost', 108), ('each', 236), ('diseases', 29), ('easily', 41), ('prevented', 39), ('basic', 44), ('spain', 180), ('begun', 112), ('24', 121), ('suspected', 539), ('qaida', 477), ('helping', 95), ('plan', 439), ('defendants', 51), ('madrid', 32), ('bulletproof', 1), ('glass', 11), ('predicted', 30), ('number', 475), ('soon', 139), ('greater', 84), ('aids', 114), ('tuberculosis', 12), ('malaria', 29), ('combined', 37), ('armed', 236), ('providing', 76), ('remodeled', 1), ('courtroom', 13), ('specially', 4), ('built', 68), ('trials', 30), ('multiple', 27), ('spanish', 133), ('cell', 55), ('imad', 5), ('eddin', 1), ('barakat', 2), ('yarkas', 1), ('organized', 53), ('suspects', 293), ('details', 173), ('finalized', 12), ('prosecutors', 131), ('asking', 47), ('sentenced', 96), ('60', 164), ('prison', 311), ('convicted', 110), ('european', 740), ('union', 671), ('observers', 52), ('preparing', 63), ('monitor', 53), ('palestinian', 1055), ('parliamentary', 270), ('west', 481), ('gaza', 559), ('strip', 253), ('despite', 254), ('kidnappings', 48), ('foreigners', 63), ('chief', 466), ('eu', 374), ('observer', 11), ('veronique', 1), ('de', 133), ('keyser', 2), ('making', 194), ('regular', 32), ('assessments', 2), ('taking', 199), ('necessary', 74), ('precautions', 10), ('commitment', 48), ('met', 336), ('adding', 30), ('bad', 55), ('sign', 99), ('send', 93), ('monitors', 53), ('workers', 410), ('ms', 179), ('spoke', 132), ('reporters', 329), ('jerusalem', 99), ('headed', 59), ('towns', 80), ('campaigning', 22), ('delay', 85), ('citing', 48), ('dire', 4), ('law', 286), ('order', 170), ('conditions', 135), ('refusal', 26), ('permit', 19), ('voting', 97), ('east', 377), ('patients', 50), ('may', 652), ('rise', 92), ('2030', 2), ('17', 193), ('dying', 14), ('delegation', 100), ('monitored', 16), ('liberia', 39), ('concerned', 94), ('act', 102), ('responsibly', 2), ('post', 258), ('process', 244), ('stays', 2), ('track', 47), ('jimmy', 7), ('carter', 24), ('benin', 21), ('nicephore', 2), ('soglo', 2), ('urged', 251), ('continue', 314), ('added', 142), ('extensive', 34), ('voter', 29), ('education', 111), ('runoff', 43), ('problem', 64), ('poll', 125), ('widespread', 82), ('understanding', 20), ('casting', 13), ('ballots', 58), ('cited', 41), ('ignorance', 2), ('choice', 24), ('joint', 173), ('institute', 33), ('includes', 121), ('europe', 275), ('america', 173), ('remarks', 87), ('gathered', 113), ('main', 266), ("shi'ite", 337), ('mosque', 118), ('kabul', 152), ('referred', 40), ('wants', 161), ('our', 45), ('destruction', 66), ('sheds', 2), ('refer', 26), ('similar', 152), ('offers', 20), ('rebuffed', 2), ('civil', 254), ('liberties', 23), ('obtained', 32), ('documents', 70), ('tried', 154), ('suppress', 6), ('reports', 738), ('abuse', 100), ('saw', 70), ('dramatic', 10), ('increase', 236), ('nato', 529), ('thousand', 73), ('coming', 115), ('months', 438), ('snows', 2), ('thaw', 7), ('mountain', 31), ('accessible', 2), ('french', 425), ('nine', 210), ('paris', 124), ('normandy', 3), ('crackdown', 100), ('planning', 121), ('france', 322), ('links', 87), ('algerian', 32), ('salafist', 6), ('combat', 110), ('gspc', 1), ('declared', 161), ('allegiance', 9), ('detainee', 23), ('escorted', 6), ('interrogation', 26), ('us', 210), ('guards', 100), ('camp', 186), ('ray', 13), ('guantanamo', 100), ('bay', 71), ('naval', 69), ('base', 239), ('pentagon', 60), ('cuba', 237), ('home', 421), ('tribunal', 125), ('determined', 42), ('combatants', 9), ('sent', 208), ('sudan', 375), ('another', 574), ('saudi', 210), ('arabia', 110), ('third', 319), ('jordan', 94), ('cleared', 32), ('types', 12), ('administrative', 26), ('review', 90), ('staff', 112), ('intelligence', 276), ('dia', 2), ('witnessed', 10), ('incidents', 82), ('assaulted', 8), ('deprived', 4), ('sleep', 4), ('humiliated', 1), ('eighth', 21), ('moroccan', 28), ('transferred', 48), ('yemen', 47), ('low', 153), ('income', 98), ('highly', 69), ('dependent', 40), ('declining', 42), ('oil', 1192), ('resources', 106), ('revenue', 63), ('petroleum', 74), ('roughly', 37), ('gdp', 182), ('70', 136), ('effects', 28), ('diversifying', 4), ('initiated', 12), ('2006', 210), ('designed', 68), ('bolster', 18), ('non', 176), ('sectors', 65), ('investment', 162), ('2009', 209), ('exported', 10), ('liquefied', 1), ('natural', 165), ('gas', 315), ('diversification', 7), ('effort', 227), ('established', 78), ('friends', 40), ('aims', 22), ('efforts', 420), ('towards', 58), ('august', 258), ('imf', 71), ('approved', 233), ('370', 5), ('these', 91), ('ambitious', 16), ('endeavors', 1), ('continues', 148), ('face', 227), ('difficult', 61), ('term', 269), ('challenges', 63), ('water', 232), ('population', 141), ('growth', 349), ('rate', 143), ('singapore', 49), ('founded', 31), ('trading', 114), ('colony', 33), ('1819', 2), ('joined', 116), ('malaysian', 20), ('federation', 52), ('1963', 9), ('separated', 14), ('became', 180), ('subsequently', 25), ('prosperous', 20), ('port', 143), ('busiest', 7), ('terms', 66), ('tonnage', 1), ('handled', 20), ('per', 174), ('capita', 34), ('equal', 21), ('included', 107), ('complaints', 36), ('personnel', 104), ('e', 81), ('mails', 16), ('special', 176), ('ruled', 159), ('thani', 3), ('family', 195), ('1800s', 1), ('qatar', 36), ('transformed', 10), ('itself', 62), ('poor', 179), ('protectorate', 14), ('noted', 45), ('mainly', 89), ('pearling', 1), ('revenues', 59), ('1980s', 53), ('1990s', 82), ('qatari', 2), ('crippled', 8), ('continuous', 5), ('siphoning', 4), ('amir', 13), ('1972', 12), ('current', 173), ('hamad', 5), ('bin', 101), ('khalifa', 3), ('overthrew', 18), ('him', 677), ('bloodless', 10), ('coup', 99), ('1995', 90), ('resolved', 36), ('longstanding', 6), ('border', 647), ('disputes', 37), ('bahrain', 25), ('2007', 186), ('enabled', 8), ('attain', 1), ('highest', 118), ('subsistence', 31), ('agriculture', 129), ('forestry', 10), ('remains', 217), ('backbone', 2), ('central', 483), ('african', 454), ('republic', 263), ('car', 408), ('outlying', 2), ('agricultural', 95), ('sector', 212), ('generates', 3), ('timber', 15), ('accounted', 12), ('16', 177), ('export', 106), ('earnings', 51), ('diamond', 16), ('industry', 169), ('important', 130), ('constraints', 4), ('development', 302), ('landlocked', 14), ('position', 71), ('transportation', 40), ('largely', 103), ('unskilled', 2), ('legacy', 5), ('misdirected', 1), ('macroeconomic', 15), ('policies', 123), ('factional', 16), ('fighting', 594), ('opponents', 70), ('drag', 6), ('revitalization', 1), ('aclu', 1), ('federal', 221), ('comply', 23), ('request', 112), ('freedom', 112), ('information', 312), ('distribution', 43), ('extraordinarily', 3), ('unequal', 4), ('grants', 17), ('only', 485), ('partially', 9), ('meet', 351), ('humanitarian', 118), ('needs', 92), ('peasant', 4), ('eagle', 31), ('captured', 191), ('trap', 8), ('much', 237), ('admiring', 1), ('bird', 530), ('set', 478), ('prove', 19), ('ungrateful', 1), ('deliverer', 1), ('seeing', 40), ('sitting', 14), ('wall', 62), ('safe', 67), ('flew', 34), ('talons', 6), ('snatched', 6), ('bundle', 2), ('head', 324), ('rose', 121), ('pursuit', 12), ('let', 56), ('fall', 89), ('up', 1108), ('man', 411), ('same', 235), ('find', 99), ('fallen', 38), ('pieces', 17), ('marveled', 1), ('service', 252), ('rendered', 2), ('ass', 34), ('fox', 96), ('entered', 103), ('partnership', 36), ('mutual', 12), ('protection', 74), ('went', 176), ('forest', 12), ('proceeded', 6), ('far', 179), ('lion', 55), ('imminent', 9), ('danger', 28), ('approached', 18), ('promised', 122), ('contrive', 3), ('capture', 47), ('harm', 23), ('then', 258), ('upon', 90), ('assuring', 5), ('deep', 51), ('pit', 1), ('arranged', 10), ('should', 384), ('georgian', 52), ('zurab', 3), ('zhvania', 5), ('supports', 41), ('ukraine', 212), ('upcoming', 80), ('ukrainian', 98), ('fair', 77), ('secured', 15), ('clutched', 1), ('attacked', 216), ('leisure', 3), ('never', 108), ('trust', 30), ('your', 68), ('mathematicians', 1), ('lose', 22), ('functions', 7), ('nostalgia', 1), ('grammar', 1), ('lesson', 4), ('you', 204), ('present', 76), ('past', 348), ('perfect', 7), ('my', 64), ('grandfather', 3), ('worked', 74), ('blacksmith', 1), ('shop', 14), ('boy', 63), ('used', 362), ('tell', 30), ('me', 41), ('how', 241), ('toughened', 1), ('himself', 142), ('could', 789), ('rigors', 1), ('blacksmithing', 1), ('outside', 320), ('5', 393), ('pound', 15), ('potato', 4), ('sack', 3), ('hand', 99), ('extend', 52), ('arms', 143), ('straight', 49), ('sides', 156), ('hold', 250), ('sacks', 4), ('finally', 33), ('got', 44), ('lift', 34), ('minutes', 59), ('eventually', 38), ('started', 87), ('putting', 34), ('potatoes', 1), ('advance', 42), ('copies', 9), ("'", 415), ('internal', 63), ('audit', 11), ('reportedly', 62), ('wasted', 2), ('overlooked', 1), ('overcharges', 1), ('contractors', 32), ('published', 155), ('audits', 1), ('criticize', 14), ('aide', 41), ('benon', 3), ('sevan', 8), ('office', 331), ('ran', 31), ('currently', 141), ('visiting', 77), ('comment', 112), ('voice', 56), ('portions', 15), ('times', 172), ('associated', 135), ('press', 229), ('reveal', 14), ('systematic', 5), ('corruption', 212), ('bribery', 6), ('named', 139), ('panel', 77), ('investigate', 56), ('allegations', 164), ('billions', 31), ('diverted', 8), ('saddam', 193), ('hussein', 136), ('regime', 89), ('corrupt', 15), ('1996', 65), ('help', 543), ('gulf', 162), ('volcker', 6), ('heads', 61), ('cut', 217), ('wrongdoing', 21), ('airstrikes', 35), ('sites', 66), ('artillery', 40), ('soldiers', 769), ('53', 37), ('wounded', 707), ('jaffna', 13), ('peninsula', 71), ('tamil', 84), ('tiger', 52), ('rebels', 698), ('provoked', 7), ('fire', 427), ('strikes', 113), ('lankan', 47), ('ship', 112), ('evacuate', 19), ('800', 50), ('civilians', 316), ('trapped', 42), ('area', 501), ('stranded', 23), ('expressed', 207), ('satisfaction', 3), ('visit', 439), ('began', 438), ('great', 93), ('interest', 121), ('georgia', 128), ('separate', 284), ('tens', 127), ('white', 319), ('pink', 4), ('bathed', 1), ('lighting', 7), ('attention', 55), ('fight', 169), ('breast', 13), ('barack', 98), ('obama', 244), ('networking', 6), ('site', 213), ('twitter', 13), ('executive', 83), ('mansion', 4), ('lit', 3), ('evening', 53), ('recognition', 25), ('awareness', 20), ('proclamation', 8), ('numerous', 45), ('aimed', 264), ('large', 290), ('ribbon', 1), ('hung', 5), ('society', 41), ('annually', 30), ('claims', 108), ('19', 120), ('worldwide', 110), ('someone', 25), ('dies', 6), ('traffic', 43), ('accident', 84), ('average', 66), ('every', 109), ('seconds', 42), ('level', 159), ('advisor', 34), ('condoleezza', 99), ('rice', 231), ('conclusion', 15), ('road', 131), ('safety', 99), ('priority', 24), ('2008', 253), ('plans', 376), ('issue', 174), ('amid', 105), ('calls', 252), ('tetiana', 2), ('koprowicz', 2), ('improve', 92), ('diplomat', 79), ('ismail', 37), ('haniyeh', 22), ('case', 251), ('bbc', 23), ('johnston', 8), ('consul', 2), ('richard', 38), ('makepeace', 1), ('hamas', 437), ('kidnapping', 65), ('boycott', 60), ('represent', 26), ('change', 166), ('policy', 201), ('focused', 38), ('resolution', 127), ('permanently', 11), ('time', 584), ('abduction', 23), ('quoted', 96), ('recognizes', 19), ('territorial', 35), ('integrity', 16), ('regards', 11), ('abkhazia', 26), ('russian', 556), ('enclave', 28), ('own', 180), ('affairs', 104), ('agreed', 316), ('missile', 172), ('range', 87), ('ballistic', 20), ('missiles', 106), ('short', 118), ('rockets', 92), ('robert', 94), ('counterpart', 67), ('ehud', 52), ('barak', 6), ('committee', 211), ('proposed', 142), ('spokesman', 732), ('geoff', 4), ('morrell', 1), ('able', 112), ('possibly', 30), ('iran', 1311), ('territories', 60), ('facing', 92), ('withdrawing', 37), ('territory', 194), ('2005', 178), ('venezuelan', 244), ('hugo', 154), ('chavez', 370), ('brakes', 1), ('socialist', 41), ('revolution', 50), ('voters', 125), ('rejected', 211), ('constitution', 278), ('weekly', 72), ('broadcast', 103), ('mistake', 26), ('try', 110), ('quicken', 1), ('pace', 27), ('turn', 58), ('venezuela', 368), ('haven', 17), ('evaluate', 1), ('referendum', 163), ('deciding', 9), ('proceed', 11), ('regional', 180), ('way', 237), ('consolidate', 7), ('party', 868), ('turned', 124), ('down', 542), ('package', 57), ('belarus', 45), ('criminal', 96), ('probes', 5), ('18', 195), ('over', 1304), ('alleged', 249), ('riots', 49), ('concludes', 6), ('vesna', 1), ('authoritarian', 10), ('15', 355), ('overall', 67), ('belarusian', 25), ('jailed', 60), ('wake', 37), ('protests', 288), ('re', 161), ('alexander', 43), ('lukashenko', 39), ('fourth', 122), ('consecutive', 25), ('capturing', 9), ('80', 147), ('polls', 112), ('closed', 126), ('fraudulent', 18), ('strongly', 62), ('nominee', 38), ('confirmation', 39), ('hearings', 28), ('heavily', 94), ('repairing', 6), ('alliances', 7), ('strained', 32), ('senate', 171), ('question', 48), ('hours', 219), ('nomination', 53), ('succeed', 31), ('colin', 24), ('powell', 43), ('spent', 81), ('testifying', 4), ('handling', 37), ('tough', 28), ('questions', 37), ('direction', 17), ('decision', 273), ('invade', 8), ('korean', 272), ('japanese', 219), ('protesters', 219), ('seoul', 46), ('stopping', 29), ('mock', 3), ('funeral', 69), ('junichiro', 26), ('koizumi', 43), ('steadfastly', 2), ('maintained', 29), ('believes', 63), ('declined', 97), ('give', 205), ('timetable', 28), ('goals', 32), ('spreading', 37), ('around', 307), ('globe', 11), ('building', 233), ('kashmir', 201), ('involving', 66), ('gunbattles', 11), ('erupted', 83), ('raided', 60), ('udhampur', 2), ('poonch', 3), ('districts', 36), ('clashes', 141), ('along', 306), ('incident', 272), ('youths', 21), ('crossfire', 5), ('battled', 17), ('kupwara', 4), ('district', 234), ('civilian', 190), ('residents', 207), ('manmohan', 39), ('singh', 79), ('kashmiri', 29), ('prominent', 66), ('separatists', 53), ('attend', 98), ('fast', 40), ('chain', 16), ('kfc', 5), ('famous', 25), ('fried', 4), ('chicken', 22), ('hundreds', 296), ('surrounded', 35), ('carried', 222), ('empty', 14), ('coffin', 13), ('picture', 24), ('park', 30), ('near', 912), ('embassy', 205), ('kentucky', 3), ('harlan', 1), ('david', 66), ('sanders', 4), ('better', 107), ('know', 51), ('patrons', 1), ('colonel', 44), ('restaurant', 21), ('brisk', 2), ('serves', 11), ('kabobs', 1), ('pizza', 1), ('alongside', 22), ('rahimgul', 1), ('sarawan', 1), ('inspired', 13), ('association', 98), ('ends', 27), ('brian', 15), ('narrates', 15), ('approve', 63), ('superpower', 2), ('benjamin', 22), ('netanyahu', 32), ('sales', 130), ('locally', 10), ('platforms', 4), ('newspaper', 337), ('increased', 195), ('research', 79), ('focusing', 24), ('mini', 5), ('satellites', 13), ('primary', 43), ('market', 249), ('quotes', 165), ('division', 29), ('capability', 11), ('carve', 1), ('total', 139), ('250', 45), ('companies', 223), ('possibility', 41), ('collaboration', 8), ('burned', 51), ('effigy', 3), ('ambassador', 175), ('toshiyuki', 1), ('takano', 1), ('front', 133), ('residence', 26), ('direct', 84), ('fell', 153), ('slightly', 53), ('commerce', 45), ('slipped', 9), ('0', 90), ('22', 117), ('contracted', 39), ('gives', 39), ('indication', 17), ('future', 197), ('inflows', 11), ('grew', 52), ('88', 23), ('64', 42), ('97', 12), ('although', 136), ('build', 152), ('investments', 37), ('slowing', 15), ('2003', 344), ('outbreak', 178), ('acute', 10), ('respiratory', 10), ('syndrome', 5), ('spring', 23), ('43', 25), ('qalat', 2), ('zabul', 37), ('patrol', 131), ('ambushed', 55), ('sniper', 9), ('machine', 22), ('guns', 25), ('weapons', 526), ('locations', 19), ('small', 255), ('propelled', 22), ('grenades', 41), ('flaming', 2), ('arrows', 1), ('failed', 214), ('nepal', 135), ('maoist', 76), ('ban', 204), ('kathmandu', 43), ('disrupted', 28), ('city', 1120), ('pleas', 4), ('mass', 145), ('demonstration', 40), ('demanding', 110), ('end', 466), ('increasingly', 55), ('bloody', 34), ('imposed', 112), ('killings', 86), ('escalated', 12), ('ahead', 255), ('deadline', 65), ('sher', 8), ('bahadur', 3), ('deuba', 3), ('maoists', 24), ('resume', 124), ('replace', 87), ('monarchy', 46), ('communist', 153), ('congressman', 30), ('tom', 27), ('conspiracy', 30), ('charge', 137), ('reinstated', 13), ('majority', 223), ('republican', 100), ('speaking', 188), ('indictment', 27), ('manufactured', 17), ('frivolous', 4), ('lawmaker', 48), ('longer', 63), ('comfortable', 4), ('sentiment', 11), ('runs', 58), ('controlled', 97), ('tokyo', 89), ('approval', 106), ('history', 87), ('books', 15), ('critics', 95), ('downplay', 2), ('japan', 371), ('wartime', 14), ('atrocities', 24), ('cnn', 37), ('christopher', 29), ('shays', 1), ('continual', 1), ('sometimes', 25), ('go', 184), ('beyond', 27), ('ethical', 8), ('stepped', 89), ('grand', 50), ('jury', 31), ('texas', 94), ('violating', 37), ('finance', 80), ('allegation', 7), ('centers', 61), ('misuse', 10), ('corporate', 11), ('donations', 25), ('rome', 43), ('discussed', 70), ('prices', 418), ('trade', 430), ('barriers', 15), ('reduced', 58), ('bans', 18), ('lifted', 43), ('commodities', 16), ('doubled', 14), ('corn', 6), ('wheat', 14), ('highs', 27), ('philippines', 45), ('haiti', 182), ('hard', 108), ('hit', 370), ('filipino', 4), ('haitian', 73), ('immigrants', 64), ('sending', 79), ('families', 110), ('deborah', 6), ('block', 59), ('story', 52), ('harder', 12), ('arabic', 28), ('network', 150), ('jazeera', 53), ('operate', 29), ('considering', 74), ('unmanned', 23), ('look', 40), ('allied', 35), ('renew', 22), ('visas', 9), ('employees', 83), ('conferences', 4), ('briefings', 5), ('tied', 25), ('move', 250), ('owns', 15), ('suspend', 50), ('obstacles', 13), ('closing', 43), ('doha', 10), ('ties', 181), ('municipal', 26), ('numbers', 44), ('threats', 84), ('separatist', 92), ('sporadic', 15), ('srinagar', 25), ('burnt', 1), ('tires', 6), ('pelted', 6), ('stones', 19), ('chose', 18), ('town', 523), ('councils', 17), ('stages', 16), ('29', 66), ('stage', 48), ('raul', 36), ('baduel', 2), ('caracas', 71), ('pilotless', 1), ('scores', 43), ('eastern', 403), ('bombing', 220), ('northwestern', 103), ('bombs', 127), ('crowded', 35), ('explosions', 71), ('almost', 148), ('daily', 105), ('blasts', 68), ('across', 319), ('officers', 272), ('sunni', 210), ('cleric', 85), ('clash', 104), ('backed', 184), ('helmand', 112), ('soldier', 251), ('fierce', 31), ('sangin', 6), ('dozens', 124), ('stormed', 47), ('checkpoint', 79), ('maintaining', 22), ('aging', 16), ('f', 26), ('jets', 47), ('positions', 66), ('dropping', 25), ('hotbed', 3), ('insurgent', 141), ('line', 121), ('islamist', 110), ('11th', 21), ('russia', 605), ('lower', 118), ('duma', 17), ('ratified', 19), ('treaties', 12), ('breakaway', 35), ('regions', 88), ('ossetia', 20), ('endorsements', 3), ('moscow', 216), ('keep', 129), ('lawmakers', 297), ('voted', 138), ('unanimously', 18), ('friendship', 9), ('formalize', 2), ('diplomatic', 130), ('recognized', 32), ('shortly', 86), ('swept', 45), ('reclaim', 6), ('invasion', 86), ('drew', 28), ('condemnations', 2), ('respond', 47), ('sanctions', 238), ('station', 208), ('sergei', 37), ('lavrov', 22), ('opposes', 33), ('deployment', 52), ('assume', 15), ('responsibility', 259), ('trouble', 26), ('blocking', 29), ('stem', 35), ('therapy', 5), ('successfully', 34), ('treated', 51), ('leukemia', 3), ('cancers', 1), ('bone', 3), ('marrow', 1), ('transplants', 2), ('study', 88), ('journal', 28), ('jama', 2), ('finds', 13), ('cells', 15), ('autoimmune', 1), ('alex', 4), ('villarreal', 1), ('forming', 35), ('rival', 117), ('labor', 177), ('gain', 59), ('pullout', 39), ('palestinians', 228), ('overnight', 58), ('egypt', 270), ('opened', 217), ('moving', 76), ('forbidden', 6), ('rafah', 22), ('men', 505), ('smugglers', 19), ('terrorists', 165), ('shot', 259), ('spotted', 17), ('hospital', 244), ('nuclear', 1104), ('stalled', 45), ('negotiators', 61), ('abu', 154), ('musab', 48), ('zarqawi', 72), ('holy', 89), ('claim', 116), ('web', 66), ('gunmen', 313), ('amer', 5), ('nayef', 1), ('officer', 159), ('dora', 2), ('gunned', 24), ('provincial', 114), ('governor', 143), ('bodyguards', 33), ('rode', 6), ('elsewhere', 131), ('armored', 24), ('struck', 129), ('roadside', 237), ('separately', 104), ('suicide', 420), ('bomber', 215), ('rammed', 18), ('forthcoming', 1), ('marks', 44), ('beginning', 83), ('phase', 25), ('responsible', 118), ('dialogue', 69), ("shi'ites", 48), ('arabs', 42), ('kurds', 53), ('difference', 6), ('success', 35), ('failure', 69), ('increasing', 81), ('ongoing', 73), ('violations', 56), ('pose', 20), ('key', 262), ('prepare', 40), ('positive', 85), ('determination', 10), ('quarterly', 8), ('beset', 4), ('formidable', 2), ('tehran', 340), ('kamal', 16), ('kharrazi', 11), ('always', 28), ('sought', 65), ('suspension', 41), ('uranium', 177), ('enrichment', 122), ('activities', 173), ('germany', 280), ('pressing', 33), ('pleaded', 58), ('hostages', 97), ('egyptian', 178), ('construction', 151), ('company', 420), ('bus', 120), ('driver', 80), ('busload', 1), ('wounding', 144), ('cairo', 96), ('firm', 87), ('mahmoud', 235), ('sweilam', 2), ('veteran', 16), ('surrendered', 30), ('deadly', 249), ('rampage', 10), ('driving', 48), ('suddenly', 15), ('stopped', 78), ('shooting', 92), ('automatic', 7), ('rifle', 12), ('investigating', 117), ('motive', 22), ('employers', 11), ('71', 13), ('jobs', 114), ('july', 285), ('indicating', 8), ('slow', 70), ('recover', 42), ('recession', 77), ('department', 377), ('shows', 114), ('stayed', 13), ('unchanged', 9), ('economists', 46), ('closely', 46), ('watch', 90), ('payrolls', 2), ('figure', 66), ('bulk', 15), ('hiring', 5), ('employment', 31), ('big', 38), ('indicator', 2), ('consumer', 88), ('unemployed', 7), ('worried', 28), ('job', 79), ('stability', 92), ('tend', 2), ('spend', 25), ('suspended', 116), ('good', 139), ('faith', 21), ('gesture', 17), ('decide', 50), ('whether', 221), ('due', 209), ('cuts', 68), ('census', 2), ('bureau', 49), ('44', 25), ('temporary', 43), ('hired', 11), ('couple', 35), ('conduct', 63), ('decade', 97), ('count', 30), ('invited', 35), ('join', 116), ('offering', 54), ('inexpensive', 4), ('caribbean', 56), ('offer', 124), ('elect', 67), ('rene', 21), ('preval', 42), ('inclusion', 7), ('petrocaribe', 2), ('generous', 5), ('payment', 25), ('options', 26), ('purchase', 30), ('donate', 12), ('diesel', 13), ('fuel', 249), ('use', 285), ('hospitals', 44), ('elected', 153), ('promises', 23), ('haitians', 10), ('inaugurated', 11), ('batons', 11), ('dispersed', 8), ('tibetan', 55), ('refugees', 114), ('monks', 16), ('chinese', 466), ('enriched', 29), ('loaded', 14), ('trucks', 41), ('vans', 1), ('detention', 132), ('demonstrations', 104), ('tibet', 61), ('lhasa', 13), ('400', 70), ('deeply', 26), ('arbitrary', 5), ('arrests', 75), ('detentions', 14), ('himalayas', 3), ('route', 40), ('tibetans', 16), ('fleeing', 23), ('21', 124), ('mostly', 156), ('policeman', 50), ('cabinet', 189), ('suhaila', 1), ('abed', 4), ('jaafar', 2), ('displacement', 3), ('migration', 7), ('escaped', 69), ('unhurt', 9), ('jack', 26), ('straw', 33), ('jalal', 46), ('talabani', 62), ('dominated', 73), ('atomic', 153), ('energy', 421), ('gholamreza', 3), ('aghazadeh', 4), ('europeans', 26), ('speed', 41), ('ibrahim', 50), ('jaafari', 27), ('choosing', 11), ('affair', 8), ('jordanian', 47), ('hostage', 72), ('studies', 20), ('tightly', 6), ('managing', 14), ('sugar', 40), ('helps', 13), ('diabetics', 2), ('complications', 4), ('type', 24), ('diabetes', 16), ('funded', 30), ('juvenile', 3), ('carol', 17), ('pearson', 16), ('forensic', 9), ('bosnia', 77), ('herzegovina', 40), ('exhuming', 2), ('grave', 43), ('contain', 53), ('bodies', 168), ('36', 50), ('balkan', 16), ('eyewitnesses', 3), ('bosnian', 107), ('serb', 98), ('victims', 274), ('garage', 2), ('village', 160), ('snagovo', 1), ('zvornik', 3), ('corpses', 8), ('buried', 45), ('already', 219), ('exhumed', 4), ('graves', 12), ('finding', 56), ('300', 111), ('skeletons', 2), ('today', 247), ('scientific', 22), ('achievements', 9), ('boys', 30), ('massacred', 2), ('srebrenica', 27), ('bandits', 7), ('taken', 249), ('southeast', 122), ('blocked', 52), ('vehicles', 97), ('abducting', 8), ('sistan', 3), ('baluchestan', 1), ('few', 150), ('available', 56), ('motorcycle', 24), ('riders', 6), ('parade', 25), ('rolling', 4), ('thunder', 3), ('memorial', 46), ('holiday', 99), ('honoring', 12), ('battle', 101), ('bikers', 1), ('vietnam', 93), ('veterans', 15), ('gathering', 51), ('lincoln', 4), ('musical', 15), ('tribute', 10), ('pop', 27), ('revere', 2), ('raiders', 4), ('singer', 48), ('nancy', 8), ('sinatra', 1), ('event', 103), ('specifically', 20), ('honors', 9), ('seeded', 48), ('lleyton', 4), ('hewitt', 6), ('australia', 139), ('dominik', 1), ('hrbaty', 2), ('slovakia', 26), ('advanced', 40), ('round', 162), ('hardcourt', 5), ('tennis', 65), ('championships', 20), ('adelaide', 2), ('coast', 300), ('louisiana', 30), ('braces', 1), ('onslaught', 2), ('hurricane', 262), ('katrina', 139), ('landfall', 17), ('dropped', 102), ('bouncing', 2), ('beat', 50), ('hernych', 2), ('czech', 69), ('04', 16), ('jun', 50), ('06', 136), ('feb', 56), ('apr', 47), ('easier', 24), ('topping', 3), ('rameez', 1), ('junaid', 2), ('mar', 55), ('07', 46), ('matches', 20), ('players', 45), ('james', 45), ('blake', 8), ('defeated', 62), ('alberto', 25), ('martin', 34), ('juan', 22), ('ignacio', 3), ('chela', 3), ('argentina', 73), ('upset', 25), ('losing', 19), ('ivo', 7), ('karlovic', 5), ('croatia', 64), ('03', 22), ('unseeded', 5), ('advancing', 14), ('mark', 82), ('philippoussis', 2), ('florian', 4), ('mayer', 8), ('andy', 12), ('murray', 7), ('andreas', 4), ('seppi', 2), ('italy', 133), ('frenchman', 6), ('florent', 2), ('serra', 3), ('jarkko', 4), ('nieminen', 5), ('finland', 41), ('danish', 56), ('player', 50), ('kenneth', 4), ('carlsen', 3), ('amnesty', 88), ('hiv', 72), ('devastating', 46), ('gender', 7), ('inequality', 8), ('contributing', 9), ('factors', 11), ('annie', 1), ('lennox', 1), ('highlighting', 10), ('charity', 31), ('tune', 3), ('sing', 6), ('trip', 183), ('learned', 17), ('affects', 11), ('especially', 61), ('pregnant', 7), ('mothers', 12), ('unborn', 3), ('does', 214), ('mandy', 4), ('clark', 11), ('authorizes', 8), ('coordinate', 20), ('disaster', 90), ('appropriate', 14), ('parishes', 1), ('drug', 246), ('raid', 139), ('athletes', 14), ('olympic', 158), ('games', 118), ('italian', 119), ('seized', 197), ('materials', 49), ('surprise', 26), ('sweep', 16), ('quarters', 22), ('austrian', 25), ('biathlon', 6), ('cross', 140), ('searched', 19), ('residences', 2), ('conducted', 76), ('unannounced', 8), ('competition', 41), ('tests', 129), ('skiers', 2), ('biathletes', 1), ('consistent', 9), ('doping', 20), ('laws', 85), ('treat', 16), ('offense', 8), ('probe', 133), ('equipment', 78), ('austria', 49), ('connected', 17), ('walter', 13), ('banned', 91), ('ioc', 18), ('turin', 31), ('olympics', 75), ('vancouver', 6), ('suspicion', 38), ('performing', 15), ('transfusions', 1), ('2002', 186), ('salt', 7), ('lake', 19), ('coach', 16), ('existence', 16), ('militias', 83), ('incompatible', 3), ('restoring', 20), ('sovereignty', 62), ('domination', 6), ('envoy', 92), ('terje', 6), ('roed', 11), ('larsen', 11), ('inability', 9), ('exert', 5), ('control', 356), ('rein', 6), ('stalling', 2), ('implementing', 18), ('1559', 3), ('disarming', 13), ('hezbollah', 137), ('32', 61), ('neighboring', 195), ('mississippi', 22), ('preparation', 14), ('storm', 230), ('evacuations', 5), ('lying', 22), ('delivered', 43), ('deployed', 78), ('camps', 54), ('hills', 5), ('loud', 5), ('leave', 145), ('surrender', 32), ('army', 516), ('contractor', 22), ('delhi', 86), ('17th', 34), ('century', 166), ('red', 102), ('fort', 19), ('ago', 346), ('muhammad', 47), ('arif', 2), ('handed', 68), ('sentence', 70), ('role', 188), ('2000', 117), ('sneaked', 1), ('complex', 37), ('palace', 24), ('mughal', 3), ('emperor', 15), ('shah', 24), ('jehan', 1), ('symbol', 12), ('independence', 286), ('speeches', 13), ('pronouncements', 1), ('formally', 87), ('extended', 65), ('informed', 33), ('congress', 238), ('poses', 10), ('continuing', 85), ('rigs', 5), ('evacuated', 34), ('atlantic', 48), ('season', 115), ('churned', 1), ('warm', 15), ('waters', 73), ('actions', 67), ('hostile', 37), ('interests', 47), ('existing', 30), ('renewed', 55), ('expire', 19), ('isolated', 22), ('assistant', 36), ('kurt', 6), ('campbell', 8), ('visited', 118), ('junta', 34), ('effectively', 17), ('exclude', 5), ('league', 80), ('accepting', 10), ('requests', 19), ('h1', 2), ('b', 27), ('specialty', 4), ('quota', 18), ('reached', 165), ('immigration', 63), ('services', 176), ('visa', 25), ('wait', 23), ('until', 357), ('allows', 45), ('hire', 7), ('skilled', 12), ('skills', 14), ('scientists', 97), ('engineers', 33), ('computer', 43), ('programmers', 1), ('granted', 58), ('normally', 13), ('185', 9), ('kilometer', 52), ('winds', 76), ('moved', 74), ('slowly', 33), ('northwest', 113), ('decides', 5), ('addition', 61), ('additional', 92), ('permits', 18), ('degree', 10), ('master', 11), ('doctorate', 3), ('college', 30), ('university', 68), ('taiwan', 191), ('chen', 43), ('shui', 19), ('bian', 21), ('strait', 13), ('willing', 52), ('guarantee', 11), ('appeal', 94), ('create', 100), ('code', 23), ('overtures', 3), ('speak', 40), ('taiwanese', 14), ('agrees', 10), ('inseparable', 3), ('seize', 20), ('makes', 60), ('moves', 43), ('diplomats', 122), ('allies', 95), ('push', 75), ('possible', 254), ('condition', 108), ('anonymity', 12), ('persuade', 13), ('compromise', 25), ('board', 123), ('governors', 15), ('vienna', 58), ('slammed', 14), ('florida', 82), ('accuses', 63), ('seeking', 166), ('denies', 116), ('obligations', 11), ('allow', 219), ('inspectors', 42), ('facilities', 128), ('bar', 16), ('visits', 52), ('refugee', 93), ('sparking', 22), ('shootout', 32), ('badly', 23), ('spokeswoman', 95), ('balata', 2), ('nablus', 23), ('pre', 56), ('dawn', 23), ('operation', 260), ('enforcing', 4), ('displays', 7), ('step', 112), ('imposing', 19), ('bloodshed', 13), ('finished', 53), ('local', 420), ('seen', 154), ('test', 141), ('clout', 2), ('unofficial', 9), ('ruling', 256), ('fatah', 151), ('abbas', 246), ('61', 18), ('104', 11), ('completed', 68), ('suppressing', 6), ('lead', 175), ('withdraw', 92), ('jericho', 16), ('marines', 77), ('operations', 275), ('iraqis', 127), ('kurdish', 231), ('sunnis', 24), ('sky', 9), ('ready', 111), ('depends', 31), ('rapidly', 31), ('infected', 108), ('virus', 353), ('spread', 141), ('provinces', 95), ('autonomous', 33), ('injected', 4), ('transmission', 17), ('situation', 185), ('exists', 7), ('malaysia', 48), ('warnings', 23), ('shigeru', 1), ('omi', 2), ('asian', 159), ('500', 160), ('records', 38), ('cambodia', 33), ('percentage', 23), ('enjoying', 8), ('christmas', 84), ('none', 28), ('appreciate', 1), ('folks', 1), ('victoria', 8), ('usually', 37), ('balmy', 1), ('unprecedented', 24), ('centimeters', 30), ('snow', 59), ('weather', 123), ('measurable', 2), ('snowfall', 5), ('1973', 18), ('enjoyed', 12), ('1917', 8), ('86', 9), ('snowman', 1), ('forecast', 20), ('sunny', 5), ('skies', 7), ('temperatures', 42), ('freezing', 24), ('kirkuk', 73), ('tuz', 4), ('khormato', 1), ('detonated', 74), ('samarra', 19), ('blew', 79), ('come', 195), ('pilgrims', 49), ('gather', 20), ('tight', 35), ('karbala', 25), ('arbaeen', 1), ('walked', 28), ('mourning', 24), ('imam', 17), ('centuries', 52), ('grandson', 6), ('prophet', 58), ('mohammad', 80), ('revered', 8), ('rain', 68), ('sandstorms', 2), ('battered', 14), ('hardest', 23), ('storms', 23), ('brought', 121), ('wind', 20), ('factory', 39), ('collapse', 57), ('alexandria', 6), ('collapses', 3), ('blamed', 177), ('follow', 57), ('rules', 64), ('relatively', 39), ('frequent', 46), ('reopened', 17), ('ports', 24), ('visibility', 4), ('accidents', 40), ('denver', 5), ('colorado', 11), ('limited', 86), ('shut', 81), ('travel', 161), ('snowstorms', 3), ('plains', 6), ('formal', 63), ('truce', 67), ('ending', 96), ('mountainous', 37), ('common', 97), ('highways', 13), ('postal', 10), ('delivery', 62), ('open', 181), ('runways', 2), ('delays', 22), ('airlines', 47), ('backlog', 1), ('travelers', 21), ('rushing', 7), ('sympathy', 4), ('solidarity', 31), ('poland', 103), ('krzysztof', 2), ('skubiszewski', 5), ('p', 28), ('j', 15), ('crowley', 5), ('paved', 6), ('eventual', 14), ('membership', 91), ('statesman', 3), ('visionary', 2), ('age', 73), ('83', 16), ('interrupted', 12), ('facto', 15), ('occupied', 71), ('communism', 8), ('1989', 60), ('1993', 46), ('geographic', 8), ('headquarters', 81), ('revealed', 25), ('extraordinary', 12), ('archaeological', 4), ('graveyards', 1), ('niger', 113), ('insight', 5), ('sahara', 21), ('green', 36), ('lush', 1), ('sisco', 17), ('ugandan', 63), ('joseph', 37), ('kony', 11), ('lieutenant', 43), ('chris', 15), ('magezi', 1), ('clashed', 49), ('commanded', 8), ('southwest', 42), ('juba', 8), ('fighters', 195), ('heading', 44), ('congo', 144), ('witnesses', 206), ('gunman', 24), ('pursue', 36), ('lord', 18), ('resistance', 66), ('warrants', 14), ('lra', 13), ('notorious', 20), ('brutality', 7), ('uganda', 62), ('uprising', 54), ('winning', 54), ('82', 16), ('activist', 33), ('triumfalnaya', 1), ('square', 63), ('right', 158), ('shouted', 8), ('slogans', 36), ('vladimir', 90), ('putin', 146), ('reversed', 11), ('dissident', 17), ('lyudmila', 3), ('alexeyeva', 1), ('recipients', 5), ('sakharov', 1), ('founding', 20), ('helsinki', 5), ('oldest', 14), ('organizations', 88), ('kurram', 7), ('authority', 150), ('attacking', 36), ('targets', 96), ('dismayed', 5), ('exercising', 4), ('assemble', 4), ('peacefully', 20), ('speech', 121), ('universal', 15), ('recognize', 56), ('defend', 48), ('shells', 17), ('impose', 44), ('strict', 24), ('swat', 39), ('valley', 66), ('allahabad', 1), ('eject', 1), ('loyal', 34), ('maulana', 5), ('fazlullah', 6), ('checkpoints', 20), ('closer', 42), ('truck', 85), ('gains', 32), ('islamists', 21), ('recaptured', 6), ('strategic', 47), ('peak', 15), ('fm', 11), ('radio', 192), ('angry', 37), ('demonstrated', 31), ('effect', 77), ('connecting', 3), ('jalalabad', 10), ('demanded', 95), ('bring', 148), ('skyrocketing', 3), ('setting', 43), ('aside', 24), ('buy', 78), ('kazakhstan', 46), ('pakistan', 897), ('afghans', 46), ('reliant', 3), ('imports', 73), ('recently', 222), ('slowed', 27), ('exports', 195), ('concerns', 196), ('herat', 20), ('believe', 130), ('abducted', 115), ('nepalese', 26), ('worker', 70), ('disappeared', 46), ('traveling', 99), ('adraskan', 1), ('ghraib', 46), ('prisoner', 49), ('scandal', 57), ('guilty', 104), ('dereliction', 6), ('specialist', 7), ('megan', 1), ('ambuhl', 1), ('plea', 24), ('summary', 1), ('martial', 15), ('carrying', 198), ('tourist', 51), ('cosmonauts', 3), ('docked', 8), ('demoted', 3), ('pay', 123), ('woman', 188), ('maryland', 15), ('plead', 6), ('stemming', 14), ('prevent', 142), ('faced', 41), ('photographs', 37), ('taunting', 2), ('humiliating', 4), ('naked', 7), ('condemnation', 12), ('burundi', 30), ('liberation', 77), ('bujumbura', 2), ('fnl', 2), ('robbing', 4), ('intervened', 10), ('accord', 82), ('broken', 41), ('connection', 114), ('ali', 156), ('haidari', 5), ('soyuzcapsule', 1), ('acting', 44), ('tip', 15), ('mosul', 108), ('guardsmen', 9), ('destabilize', 17), ('interim', 149), ('iyad', 26), ('allawi', 47), ('remanded', 2), ('suspect', 147), ('transport', 52), ('ismael', 2), ('abdurahman', 1), ('withholding', 5), ('helped', 113), ('patrolling', 15), ('56', 23), ('bombers', 90), ('scheduled', 306), ('extradition', 36), ('hearing', 61), ('hamdi', 7), ('issac', 7), ('osman', 15), ('fyodor', 1), ('yurchikhin', 1), ('oleg', 2), ('kotov', 1), ('software', 18), ('billionaire', 13), ('charles', 37), ('simonyi', 3), ('citizen', 46), ('ethiopian', 97), ('descent', 16), ('warlord', 7), ('abdul', 68), ('rashid', 23), ('dostum', 9), ('narrowly', 17), ('praying', 7), ('eid', 27), ('adha', 7), ('festival', 42), ('purportedly', 8), ('mullah', 39), ('omar', 65), ('radical', 55), ('lay', 35), ('exchange', 156), ('agencies', 117), ('enter', 76), ('defiant', 3), ('watchdog', 15), ('resolutions', 9), ('likes', 1), ('ahmadinejad', 140), ('overwhelmingly', 27), ('insists', 46), ('peaceful', 139), ('accuse', 62), ('paid', 88), ('privilege', 2), ('spaceflight', 1), ('comments', 176), ('pointed', 14), ('disarmed', 9), ('arsenal', 11), ('confirmed', 328), ('cooperation', 187), ('forward', 59), ('enrich', 19), ('generate', 25), ('electricity', 97), ('ghazni', 31), ('interpreter', 17), ('nationalities', 19), ('german', 203), ('mazar', 5), ('i', 201), ('sharif', 24), ('tajikistan', 16), ('stuffed', 3), ('explosives', 153), ('staged', 49), ('gourmet', 2), ('dinner', 21), ('eaten', 6), ('anniversary', 109), ('yuri', 11), ('gagarin', 1), ('1961', 7), ('khost', 34), ('ahmad', 40), ('khan', 77), ('midday', 8), ('prayers', 41), ('worshippers', 20), ('blame', 46), ('bilateral', 81), ('deepen', 4), ('opportunities', 24), ('16th', 32), ('relationship', 37), ('differences', 55), ('critical', 76), ('soviet', 122), ('crew', 91), ('mikhail', 35), ('tyurin', 1), ('astronauts', 40), ('miguel', 9), ('lopez', 29), ('alegria', 1), ('sunita', 1), ('williams', 29), ('friendly', 26), ('dozen', 51), ('baquba', 33), ('photos', 33), ('wanted', 156), ('showing', 62), ('hair', 16), ('cropped', 1), ('beard', 1), ('bulgaria', 27), ('nikolai', 5), ('svinarov', 1), ('probably', 42), ('bulgarian', 14), ('agent', 35), ('investigations', 20), ('toughen', 3), ('illegals', 1), ('chance', 50), ('limit', 41), ('debate', 56), ('controversial', 109), ('regarding', 24), ('implementation', 19), ('map', 30), ('middle', 214), ('provisions', 20), ('guest', 13), ('deport', 9), ('illegal', 166), ('fewer', 19), ('passes', 12), ('reconciled', 1), ('passed', 144), ('emphasized', 9), ('felony', 5), ('illegally', 65), ('sparked', 87), ('working', 223), ('raise', 89), ('rebuild', 43), ('inter', 20), ('train', 92), ('teachers', 39), ('adopt', 15), ('curriculum', 3), ('idb', 2), ('school', 133), ('enrolled', 2), ('classes', 12), ('luis', 46), ('moreno', 8), ('arrived', 164), ('improved', 54), ('ability', 36), ('read', 26), ('mail', 22), ('hear', 22), ('phone', 48), ('formed', 70), ('determine', 61), ('best', 83), ('done', 47), ('promoting', 35), ('values', 22), ('propagandists', 1), ('depicting', 12), ('hateful', 1), ('acknowledged', 43), ('decisions', 25), ('hindered', 8), ('diplomacy', 21), ('emerge', 11), ('proving', 4), ('merit', 3), ('los', 54), ('angeles', 52), ('forged', 10), ('nation', 411), ('ally', 53), ('cites', 16), ('khartoum', 55), ('provided', 104), ('shared', 25), ('data', 56), ('though', 65), ('list', 115), ('sponsors', 6), ('flown', 23), ('removed', 55), ('achieving', 7), ('vision', 12), ('palestine', 14), ('side', 79), ('osama', 65), ('laden', 102), ('decline', 65), ('3', 358), ('stay', 76), ('slowdown', 25), ('economies', 42), ('particularly', 61), ('weathering', 1), ('integrated', 5), ('benefited', 8), ('price', 172), ('increases', 30), ('diversify', 18), ('ease', 49), ('ups', 1), ('downs', 3), ('affect', 34), ('commodity', 15), ('markets', 93), ('hong', 105), ('kong', 99), ('charter', 36), ('carrier', 21), ('cr', 1), ('airways', 9), ('purchased', 19), ('boeing', 34), ('worth', 75), ('bought', 27), ('737', 8), ('airliners', 13), ('787s', 1), ('expand', 59), ('boosts', 4), ('manufacturer', 10), ('flag', 24), ('cathay', 1), ('pacific', 86), ('aircraft', 175), ('crack', 20), ('institutions', 55), ('status', 70), ('protesting', 50), ('broke', 147), ('stations', 87), ('curfew', 20), ('largest', 296), ('refineries', 28), ('pipeline', 73), ('worsen', 6), ('exploded', 173), ('sudanese', 148), ('readying', 3), ('rape', 39), ('murder', 101), ('darfur', 331), ('troubled', 68), ('justice', 193), ('mohamed', 56), ('yassin', 6), ('reuters', 77), ('agents', 55), ('abuses', 54), ('vowed', 73), ('crimes', 247), ('humanity', 44), ('punish', 22), ('consider', 83), ('proposal', 129), ('mustapha', 1), ('refuse', 8), ('measure', 121), ('manuscript', 3), ('composer', 2), ('ludwig', 1), ('van', 45), ('beethoven', 3), ('gross', 11), ('fuge', 1), ('sold', 59), ('auction', 17), ('sotheby', 3), ('auctioneers', 1), ('anonymous', 5), ('buyer', 5), ('library', 3), ('palmer', 3), ('theological', 1), ('philadelphia', 6), ('page', 18), ('document', 72), ('performed', 12), ('1826', 1), ('piano', 4), ('duet', 3), ('version', 21), ('quartet', 7), ('flat', 10), ('written', 32), ('brown', 46), ('ink', 2), ('annotations', 1), ('pencil', 2), ('crayon', 1), ('rediscovery', 1), ('complete', 63), ('reassessment', 1), ('music', 67), ('continued', 174), ('deaf', 1), ('wrote', 28), ('prior', 34), ('1827', 1), ('basque', 20), ('eta', 34), ('foiled', 13), ('plot', 73), ('resumes', 6), ('attackers', 73), ('1920', 3), ('brigades', 36), ('planned', 199), ('plague', 4), ('session', 86), ('testify', 9), ('torture', 80), ('140', 30), ('dujail', 19), ('1982', 26), ('john', 224), ('howard', 30), ('restricted', 18), ('classified', 21), ('material', 58), ('forcing', 51), ('repeatedly', 86), ('vital', 23), ('granting', 20), ('initially', 38), ('resisted', 10), ('reluctance', 3), ('share', 136), ('gara', 2), ('june', 254), ('restrictions', 70), ('deliver', 37), ('commitments', 16), ('cartoon', 14), ('paper', 45), ('prosecutor', 85), ('saeed', 3), ('mortazavi', 1), ('cartoonist', 4), ('mana', 1), ('neyestani', 1), ('editors', 4), ('poked', 1), ('fun', 5), ('ethnic', 197), ('azeris', 4), ('tabriz', 1), ('azerbaijan', 31), ('portrayed', 2), ('azeri', 6), ('cockroach', 1), ('rioting', 18), ('tear', 19), ('disperse', 21), ('language', 42), ('turkish', 227), ('target', 84), ('la', 18), ('peineta', 1), ('stadium', 30), ('centerpiece', 2), ('host', 76), ('2012', 30), ('jakarta', 51), ('comprehensive', 29), ('sustainable', 10), ('solution', 31), ('1976', 20), ('covers', 9), ('participation', 34), ('arrangements', 9), ('gained', 47), ('momentum', 8), ('devastated', 57), ('attacker', 35), ('protecting', 31), ('tensions', 115), ('yet', 146), ('turkmen', 7), ('competing', 21), ('rich', 79), ('maintains', 17), ('foothold', 1), ('jose', 76), ('rodriguez', 44), ('zapatero', 21), ('offered', 107), ('renounces', 6), ('yugoslavia', 25), ('brief', 44), ('croatian', 38), ('sanader', 3), ('attended', 55), ('postponed', 59), ('carla', 6), ('del', 27), ('ponte', 10), ('zagreb', 9), ('ante', 7), ('gotovina', 17), ('fully', 64), ('ministers', 197), ('warn', 26), ('compliance', 12), ('hague', 75), ('presence', 91), ('maintain', 64), ('boundary', 7), ('mission', 250), ('peacekeepers', 121), ('1960s', 17), ('1978', 12), ('confirm', 45), ('invaded', 14), ('search', 92), ('corp', 21), ('shareholders', 13), ('acquisition', 15), ('royal', 45), ('trustco', 1), ('ltd', 3), ('toronto', 5), ('212', 3), ('mi', 4), ('llion', 1), ('thrift', 4), ('holding', 148), ('expects', 56), ('obtain', 16), ('regulatory', 12), ('transaction', 8), ('kingdom', 65), ('historically', 8), ('played', 64), ('literature', 9), ('science', 29), ('zenith', 2), ('19th', 45), ('empire', 45), ('stretched', 5), ('surface', 35), ('20th', 35), ('uk', 61), ('seriously', 53), ('depleted', 2), ('wars', 56), ('irish', 29), ('dismantling', 13), ('rebuilding', 31), ('modern', 27), ('commonwealth', 21), ('pursues', 3), ('approach', 27), ('active', 45), ('scottish', 11), ('wales', 8), ('ireland', 30), ('1999', 80), ('cancelled', 5), ('tampa', 1), ('roger', 14), ('daltrey', 2), ('ill', 29), ('latter', 11), ('wrangling', 3), ('devolution', 1), ('explored', 7), ('initial', 59), ('colonizing', 1), ('costa', 41), ('rica', 31), ('proved', 13), ('unsuccessful', 13), ('combination', 13), ('mosquito', 8), ('infested', 3), ('swamps', 1), ('brutal', 21), ('heat', 20), ('natives', 3), ('pirate', 9), ('raids', 95), ('1563', 2), ('settlement', 90), ('cartago', 1), ('cooler', 3), ('fertile', 4), ('highlands', 4), ('remained', 55), ('1821', 6), ('jointly', 13), ('disintegrated', 1), ('1838', 3), ('proclaimed', 12), ('periods', 7), ('marred', 23), ('1949', 22), ('dissolved', 23), ('expanded', 36), ('technology', 110), ('industries', 45), ('standard', 28), ('63', 21), ('offstage', 1), ('song', 22), ('guitarist', 6), ('pete', 3), ('townshend', 2), ('crowd', 68), ('suffering', 64), ('bronchitis', 1), ('barely', 2), ('land', 181), ('ownership', 18), ('fishing', 88), ('trawling', 1), ('occur', 9), ('refuge', 24), ('mining', 67), ('alumina', 4), ('gold', 80), ('accounting', 14), ('85', 37), ('vulnerable', 28), ('mineral', 13), ('volatility', 2), ('ronald', 14), ('venetiaan', 1), ('inherited', 2), ('inflation', 75), ('fiscal', 69), ('deficit', 82), ('quickly', 66), ('implemented', 22), ('austerity', 9), ('raised', 95), ('taxes', 58), ('attempted', 41), ('tamed', 1), ('owing', 2), ('sizeable', 6), ('suriname', 10), ('projects', 94), ('bauxite', 6), ('netherlands', 77), ('belgium', 33), ('waned', 1), ('earned', 28), ('picked', 29), ('boosting', 33), ('budget', 114), ('devalued', 3), ('currency', 70), ('reduce', 97), ('cheered', 7), ('rescheduled', 8), ('prospects', 27), ('medium', 14), ('depend', 18), ('introduction', 6), ('structural', 18), ('liberalize', 5), ('carib', 3), ('indians', 14), ('inhabited', 11), ('grenada', 8), ('columbus', 16), ('1498', 1), ('uncolonized', 1), ('settled', 35), ('estates', 4), ('imported', 38), ('slaves', 17), ('1762', 1), ('vigorously', 3), ('production', 223), ('cacao', 1), ('surpassed', 6), ('crop', 19), ('nutmeg', 2), ('1967', 27), ('autonomy', 65), ('attained', 11), ('1974', 21), ('smallest', 7), ('hemisphere', 21), ('marxist', 16), ('1983', 15), ('ringleaders', 1), ('cuban', 152), ('reinstituted', 1), ('touring', 7), ('endless', 1), ('wire', 8), ('album', 20), ('ivan', 11), ('causing', 63), ('philosopher', 2), ('shore', 19), ('shipwreck', 1), ('drowned', 15), ('inveighed', 1), ('injustice', 4), ('providence', 2), ('sake', 7), ('perchance', 1), ('sailing', 11), ('persons', 16), ('perish', 2), ('indulging', 1), ('reflections', 2), ('whole', 23), ('ants', 6), ('nest', 4), ('standing', 41), ('climbed', 26), ('stung', 6), ('trampled', 4), ('foot', 28), ('mercury', 5), ('presented', 54), ('striking', 10), ('wand', 1), ('indeed', 6), ('yourself', 5), ('judge', 184), ('dealings', 5), ('hast', 1), ('thyself', 1), ('manner', 11), ('apartment', 32), ('tulkarem', 15), ('rami', 1), ('tayyah', 1), ('recruitment', 9), ('establishment', 20), ('shootings', 20), ('ahmed', 76), ('qureia', 24), ('hampering', 13), ('restart', 15), ('yasser', 21), ('arafat', 45), ('aggression', 15), ('sends', 11), ('message', 92), ('want', 168), ('things', 23), ('quiet', 18), ('band', 27), ('performs', 3), ('criticism', 108), ('joschka', 5), ('fischer', 8), ('churches', 27), ('simultaneous', 13), ('armenian', 12), ('chaldean', 2), ('planting', 15), ('casualties', 134), ('minority', 72), ('church', 110), ('extreme', 16), ('caution', 7), ('root', 21), ('concern', 152), ('result', 86), ('committed', 75), ('combating', 5), ('strike', 221), ('worsened', 9), ('alike', 6), ('committing', 21), ('serious', 108), ('uruzgan', 37), ('kandahar', 155), ('talking', 13), ('paintings', 4), ('contemporary', 5), ('art', 29), ('names', 33), ('pablo', 2), ('picasso', 1), ("o'keeffe", 1), ('vincent', 8), ('gogh', 7), ('often', 112), ('mind', 13), ('we', 63), ('body', 155), ('artwork', 4), ('artists', 10), ('primimoda', 1), ('gallery', 3), ('ndimyake', 1), ('mwakalyelye', 1), ('tells', 24), ('biggest', 69), ('maker', 24), ('chips', 2), ('investing', 9), ('intel', 13), ('chairman', 113), ('bangalore', 7), ('employs', 16), ('generally', 32), ('respected', 9), ('going', 61), ('stimulate', 7), ('innovation', 6), ('oriented', 14), ('overseas', 38), ('operating', 73), ('invested', 12), ('700', 57), ('barrett', 3), ('grow', 38), ('davis', 20), ('cup', 120), ('tournament', 85), ('hardcourts', 1), ('carson', 1), ('tie', 12), ('start', 124), ('title', 36), ('squad', 25), ('clay', 4), ('seville', 2), ('crown', 13), ('previous', 109), ('match', 104), ('winner', 73), ('romania', 27), ('criticizes', 8), ('ceasefire', 64), ('policemen', 137), ('sopore', 1), ('hurled', 14), ('indiscriminately', 6), ('mansoorain', 2), ('portion', 26), ('merger', 32), ('technologies', 10), ('crash', 93), ('moon', 56), ('smart', 7), ('lunar', 14), ('542', 1), ('utc', 11), ('volcanic', 8), ('plain', 4), ('excellence', 2), ('orbited', 1), ('manager', 15), ('gerhard', 27), ('schwehm', 1), ('justify', 9), ('excessive', 14), ('jammu', 13), ('solar', 21), ('electric', 19), ('propulsion', 2), ('interplanetary', 1), ('missions', 27), ('miniaturized', 1), ('instruments', 13), ('examine', 16), ('craft', 5), ('orbiting', 15), ('somalia', 270), ('orphanage', 3), ('mogadishu', 96), ('abdikadir', 1), ('yusuf', 16), ('kariye', 2), ('unidentified', 73), ('assailants', 30), ('lafoole', 1), ('endangering', 3), ('rely', 17), ('warned', 232), ('catastrophe', 13), ('describes', 17), ('recovering', 18), ('iranians', 24), ('receive', 65), ('senator', 124), ('joe', 15), ('lieberman', 14), ('intends', 21), ('introduced', 35), ('senators', 31), ('mccain', 48), ('lindsey', 2), ('graham', 5), ('authorize', 10), ('funds', 95), ('tools', 5), ('evade', 1), ('censorship', 10), ('online', 17), ('persian', 30), ('programming', 11), ('cover', 36), ('funding', 69), ('sponsored', 40), ('farda', 6), ('boost', 100), ('broadcaster', 14), ('wave', 56), ('satellite', 47), ('capacity', 54), ('cambodian', 18), ('clearing', 27), ('mines', 39), ('khmer', 10), ('rouge', 13), ('howes', 2), ('bristol', 1), ('england', 56), ('huon', 1), ('huot', 2), ('removing', 15), ('angor', 1), ('wat', 2), ('temple', 14), ('showed', 111), ('executed', 36), ('52', 39), ('puth', 1), ('lim', 1), ('notes', 25), ('minorities', 16), ('personal', 40), ('freedoms', 17), ('dedicated', 18), ('jews', 42), ('nazis', 9), ('ii', 113), ('dignitaries', 11), ('survivors', 72), ('nazi', 23), ('murdered', 19), ('berlin', 31), ('speaker', 55), ('wolfgang', 6), ('thierse', 1), ('memory', 8), ('holocaust', 26), ('alive', 33), ('hectare', 3), ('architect', 7), ('peter', 48), ('eisenman', 2), ('consists', 16), ('711', 1), ('unadorned', 1), ('slabs', 1), ('underground', 39), ('evokes', 2), ('rigid', 3), ('discipline', 11), ('arguments', 9), ('size', 35), ('design', 12), ('honor', 38), ('jewish', 138), ('norwegian', 35), ('interference', 19), ('210', 3), ('tomas', 6), ('archer', 2), ('continuously', 6), ('repeated', 55), ('similarly', 1), ('situations', 13), ('bangladesh', 72), ('extrajudicial', 2), ('politically', 35), ('motivated', 31), ('r', 5), ('c', 45), ('provides', 47), ('internally', 6), ('departure', 14), ('suspicious', 22), ('resist', 7), ('pressure', 145), ('peacekeeping', 124), ('volatile', 35), ('receiving', 54), ('jacques', 39), ('bernard', 18), ('farmhouse', 2), ('ransacked', 5), ('supported', 45), ('manipulating', 8), ('claiming', 32), ('outright', 10), ('internationally', 28), ('brokered', 26), ('divide', 14), ('blank', 6), ('proportionately', 2), ('boat', 64), ('37', 39), ('guerrillas', 45), ('encounters', 2), ('prevents', 5), ('mideast', 14), ('male', 23), ('swim', 6), ('ashore', 16), ('capsized', 14), ('surma', 1), ('river', 107), ('northeastern', 82), ('colliding', 3), ('sunamganj', 1), ('240', 8), ('northeast', 51), ('dhaka', 14), ('rivers', 21), ('lax', 2), ('regulations', 38), ('cayman', 10), ('tropical', 71), ('depression', 17), ('shape', 10), ('strengthen', 70), ('wilma', 19), ('21st', 10), ('tying', 3), ('1933', 3), ('daybreak', 2), ('centered', 36), ('325', 6), ('sustained', 41), ('55', 49), ('itv', 2), ('abide', 7), ('recognizing', 9), ('denouncing', 11), ('likely', 141), ('caymans', 1), ('jamaica', 15), ('forecasts', 5), ('reeling', 2), ('mine', 100), ('sailors', 14), ('batticaloa', 9), ('grenade', 48), ('parking', 8), ('compound', 64), ('damaging', 24), ('monitoring', 42), ('cease', 98), ('unarmed', 12), ('scandinavian', 3), ('reprimanded', 6), ('69', 16), ('concluded', 30), ('454', 5), ('esad', 1), ('bajramovic', 1), ('croat', 15), ('kevljani', 2), ('prijedor', 4), ('inmates', 39), ('omarska', 1), ('keraterm', 1), ('recovered', 55), ('himalayan', 26), ('220', 14), ('winter', 67), ('sneak', 3), ('joining', 30), ('manouchehr', 18), ('mottaki', 24), ('idea', 27), ('ambitions', 32), ('revolutionary', 65), ('yahya', 5), ('rahim', 10), ('safavi', 2), ('cbs', 13), ('dealing', 36), ('intervention', 17), ('option', 24), ('greetings', 10), ('celebrate', 36), ('occasion', 13), ('thanks', 18), ('blessings', 4), ('remember', 14), ('abraham', 4), ('loving', 5), ('god', 20), ('considered', 85), ('wrested', 1), ('legislature', 33), ('sacrifice', 13), ('commemorates', 6), ('willingness', 15), ('obedience', 1), ('according', 69), ('scripture', 1), ('allah', 2), ('exchanging', 6), ('gifts', 11), ('engaging', 10), ('worship', 5), ('hopeful', 23), ('talents', 1), ('generosity', 1), ('compassion', 7), ('cyprus', 46), ('treaty', 99), ('dimitris', 2), ('christofias', 2), ('mediterranean', 23), ('ratify', 14), ('49', 23), ('nicosia', 4), ('favor', 57), ('streamlining', 3), ('bureaucracy', 6), ('enact', 7), ('advocates', 21), ('unclear', 71), ('salvaged', 1), ('defeat', 60), ('designate', 14), ('lands', 20), ('ravaged', 19), ('concentrate', 5), ('creating', 34), ('withstand', 6), ('harsh', 28), ('commissioner', 43), ('antonio', 24), ('guterres', 5), ('remark', 15), ('zone', 75), ('reviewing', 14), ('materialize', 3), ('cold', 39), ('hunger', 44), ('muzaffarabad', 13), ('repay', 12), ('generously', 1), ('hosting', 13), ('toured', 10), ('miillion', 1), ('exhibition', 17), ('imperial', 11), ('museum', 40), ('marking', 48), ('centenary', 2), ('writer', 11), ('ian', 9), ('fleming', 3), ('secret', 113), ('bond', 8), ('burge', 2), ('exhibit', 6), ('titled', 5), ('eyes', 11), ('fallujah', 51), ('contains', 14), ('linked', 164), ('sattler', 2), ('mandelson', 6), ('textile', 30), ('shipments', 22), ('hardship', 3), ('embedded', 3), ('searching', 49), ('property', 31), ('ammunition', 28), ('letters', 20), ('mural', 1), ('pledging', 14), ('wired', 2), ('assault', 57), ('jerry', 6), ("o'hara", 2), ('deh', 1), ('rawood', 1), ('light', 66), ('gun', 37), ('convoy', 145), ('upsurge', 21), ('followed', 102), ('beijing', 319), ('revising', 1), ('limiting', 2), ('rescued', 41), ('engineer', 16), ('chad', 108), ('pilots', 10), ('gunpoint', 6), ('captive', 7), ('160', 24), ('1984', 27), ('sikh', 7), ('sikhs', 6), ('incite', 5), ('indira', 3), ('gandhi', 12), ('compensation', 30), ('politician', 40), ('quotas', 22), ('filled', 21), ('items', 33), ('clothing', 23), ('customs', 48), ('expel', 5), ('popular', 118), ('marwan', 7), ('barghouti', 12), ('withdraws', 5), ('race', 77), ('challenger', 19), ('faruq', 1), ('qaddumi', 1), ('goes', 28), ('45', 58), ('serving', 49), ('filed', 84), ('papers', 14), ('9th', 7), ('powers', 80), ('revive', 25), ('negotiate', 39), ('brushing', 2), ('olmert', 85), ('statements', 41), ('walid', 7), ('moualem', 1), ('suppliers', 10), ('bashar', 34), ('assad', 45), ('impartial', 4), ('arbiter', 3), ('mediate', 18), ('consequences', 21), ('allowing', 72), ('goods', 96), ('retailers', 13), ('doubts', 13), ('play', 86), ('lacks', 18), ('entire', 53), ('golan', 9), ('heights', 11), ('unit', 94), ('coordinated', 34), ('azamiyah', 2), ('amiriyah', 2), ('agitation', 3), ('delaying', 19), ('higher', 118), ('shortages', 44), ('communications', 43), ('jamming', 3), ('broadcasts', 24), ('telecommunication', 4), ('interfering', 17), ('signals', 7), ('blaming', 21), ('indicated', 39), ('source', 76), ('soil', 49), ('itu', 1), ('provider', 4), ('eutelsat', 2), ('disputed', 94), ('means', 56), ('disruptions', 6), ('geneva', 45), ('polio', 36), ('nigeria', 183), ('burkina', 16), ('faso', 16), ('ivory', 81), ('producers', 20), ('harming', 8), ('cases', 231), ('170', 21), ('eradicate', 5), ('hampered', 20), ('vaccine', 38), ('contaminated', 16), ('infertility', 2), ('nervous', 11), ('paralysis', 7), ('add', 15), ('portable', 3), ('devices', 31), ('touch', 13), ('screen', 14), ('macrumors', 1), ('com', 8), ('website', 44), ('watches', 14), ('developments', 50), ('apple', 7), ('patent', 2), ('phones', 16), ('computers', 24), ('beneath', 20), ('display', 17), ('screens', 5), ('saving', 12), ('competitor', 2), ('windows', 18), ('keyboard', 1), ('mouse', 8), ('counterparts', 22), ('regained', 12), ('diwaniyah', 4), ('militiamen', 23), ('pair', 14), ('liberian', 22), ('ellen', 15), ('johnson', 29), ('sirleaf', 20), ('congolese', 47), ('kabila', 20), ('mrs', 27), ('reconstruction', 77), ('debt', 151), ('supportive', 3), ('emerging', 25), ('ruined', 4), ('diyala', 21), ('mohammed', 115), ('ramadan', 37), ('patriotic', 5), ('kurdistan', 40), ('nouri', 43), ('maliki', 65), ('23', 97), ('shaab', 2), ('michel', 10), ('barnier', 5), ('implement', 37), ('discussing', 35), ('stabilizing', 9), ('resigned', 84), ('confidence', 80), ('motion', 28), ('troop', 34), ('withdrawals', 9), ('withdrawn', 32), ('batch', 10), ('parallel', 5), ('handing', 13), ('allowed', 138), ('completes', 3), ('faction', 44), ('ramallah', 35), ('overdue', 2), ('salaries', 15), ('wing', 57), ('televised', 36), ('ended', 192), ('moqtada', 19), ('sadr', 42), ('interior', 149), ('responded', 53), ('ordering', 16), ('redeploy', 2), ('confrontation', 17), ('askar', 14), ('akayev', 18), ('kyrgyzstan', 47), ('accept', 70), ('resignation', 81), ('technically', 5), ('deposed', 31), ('letter', 92), ('75', 47), ('deputies', 10), ('videotaped', 8), ('traveled', 52), ('unstable', 5), ('osh', 5), ('boucher', 9), ('islamabad', 113), ('meetings', 83), ('khurshid', 2), ('kasuri', 12), ('pervez', 82), ('musharraf', 170), ('hardliners', 2), ('adopted', 56), ('brussels', 43), ('embargo', 43), ('import', 24), ('gems', 6), ('metals', 7), ('relatives', 51), ('subject', 32), ('assets', 59), ('freeze', 32), ('meaningful', 3), ('sierra', 18), ('leone', 18), ('unable', 32), ('exact', 16), ('schoolchildren', 3), ('freetown', 1), ('syphon', 1), ('maritime', 24), ('uncommon', 3), ('boats', 33), ('overloaded', 6), ('standards', 51), ('frequently', 40), ('lacking', 8), ('ignored', 20), ('treating', 19), ('viktor', 93), ('yushchenko', 135), ('poisoned', 16), ('tcdd', 2), ('harmful', 14), ('dioxin', 4), ('contaminant', 1), ('orange', 13), ('substance', 10), ('normal', 35), ('yanukovych', 57), ('midst', 11), ('heated', 7), ('interviewed', 11), ('flawed', 26), ('supreme', 163), ('overturned', 15), ('dumped', 20), ('tradition', 27), ('vatican', 87), ('stamp', 18), ('pope', 210), ('vacant', 7), ('see', 100), ('image', 28), ('crossed', 46), ('keys', 14), ('traditional', 50), ('stamps', 11), ('papal', 8), ('symbols', 5), ('valid', 8), ('interregnum', 1), ('conclave', 1), ('cardinals', 5), ('capable', 29), ('detonating', 8), ('radioactive', 5), ('dirty', 11), ('annual', 139), ('proliferation', 43), ('cia', 101), ('stated', 6), ('desire', 24), ('using', 148), ('chemical', 79), ('biological', 7), ('improvised', 11), ('obtainable', 1), ('toxins', 1), ('radiological', 1), ('substances', 7), ('convinced', 9), ('pursuing', 28), ('clandestine', 9), ('factions', 63), ('hebron', 13), ('smaller', 46), ('ninth', 21), ('settle', 16), ('larger', 57), ('divided', 75), ('drove', 54), ('268', 2), ('infection', 28), ('dr', 32), ('lee', 30), ('consultant', 3), ('partly', 14), ('facility', 122), ('paktika', 21), ('sexual', 32), ('needles', 1), ('twelve', 8), ('demining', 1), ('paktia', 7), ('deminers', 1), ('navy', 71), ('iranativu', 1), ('regrouped', 2), ('mount', 26), ('skater', 1), ('michelle', 10), ('kwan', 6), ('pulled', 49), ('dashing', 1), ('superstar', 3), ('eluded', 2), ('prestigious', 7), ('career', 41), ('medal', 22), ('withdrew', 56), ('hip', 7), ('muscle', 7), ('injury', 43), ('recurring', 3), ('groin', 4), ('strain', 203), ('herself', 19), ('ever', 73), ('native', 39), ('bye', 4), ('onto', 21), ('titles', 9), ('silver', 15), ('bronze', 13), ('medals', 15), ('awarded', 25), ('events', 65), ('anticipated', 8), ('alpine', 5), ('skiing', 5), ('downhill', 15), ('whistle', 1), ('blower', 1), ('mordechai', 3), ('vanunu', 7), ('giving', 83), ('unauthorized', 8), ('divulging', 2), ('barred', 36), ('contacts', 18), ('resort', 68), ('hotel', 62), ('ghazala', 1), ('gardens', 6), ('sharm', 16), ('el', 89), ('sheik', 7), ('targeted', 110), ('bazaar', 2), ('naama', 1), ('outdoor', 10), ('cafe', 9), ('hotels', 27), ('packed', 35), ('tourists', 61), ('busy', 32), ('summer', 51), ('vacation', 12), ('34', 54), ('exaggerate', 1), ('mastermind', 14), ('surfaced', 13), ('audiotape', 8), ('internet', 111), ('minute', 45), ('aim', 22), ('ascendant', 1), ('seats', 149), ('tape', 47), ('ayatollah', 41), ('sistani', 9), ('approving', 11), ('crush', 16), ('stronghold', 60), ('innocents', 2), ('fought', 64), ('authenticity', 12), ('completely', 30), ('little', 96), ('ceremonies', 34), ('marked', 50), ('moments', 7), ('silence', 22), ('reading', 16), ('bells', 7), ('tolled', 3), ('bagpipes', 2), ('moment', 27), ('hijacked', 36), ('raged', 8), ('colombo', 26), ('lawn', 2), ('vice', 187), ('biden', 18), ('qaeda', 6), ('crashed', 60), ('wreathlaying', 1), ('shanksville', 2), ('pennsylvania', 10), ('93', 15), ('hijackers', 9), ('presumably', 1), ('plane', 111), ('hitting', 26), ('intended', 59), ('rally', 109), ('king', 188), ('gyanendra', 35), ('pokhara', 2), ('coincided', 7), ('parties', 184), ('deserted', 6), ('businesses', 75), ('accompanied', 18), ('tamils', 5), ('registering', 5), ('nominations', 5), ('legitimize', 2), ('absolute', 21), ('sell', 53), ('submarines', 5), ('kommersant', 4), ('starts', 21), ('contract', 59), ('older', 13), ('636', 1), ('677', 1), ('amur', 6), ('supplied', 15), ('prompted', 53), ('expressions', 3), ('deals', 53), ('kalashnikov', 3), ('rifles', 17), ('weaponry', 9), ('critic', 24), ('complain', 11), ('discrimination', 24), ('sinhalese', 4), ('dick', 36), ('cheney', 70), ('stabilize', 23), ('abdullah', 83), ('strategy', 55), ('brazil', 148), ('shoot', 17), ('smuggling', 56), ('drugs', 64), ('traffickers', 24), ('colombia', 223), ('bogota', 17), ('reaffirming', 1), ('expansion', 46), ('brazilian', 54), ('steps', 60), ('error', 13), ('peru', 70), ('missionary', 4), ('dismantled', 11), ('inside', 95), ('commanders', 41), ('hitch', 3), ('paperwork', 3), ('transfer', 44), ('controls', 48), ('relaxed', 4), ('procedures', 19), ('qalqiliya', 4), ('bethlehem', 17), ('extremists', 61), ('sabotage', 18), ('halt', 68), ('designates', 1), ('albania', 15), ('macedonia', 34), ('eligible', 31), ('kunduz', 6), ('rural', 34), ('nimroz', 4), ('defectors', 12), ('repatriated', 9), ('informants', 5), ('executions', 11), ('example', 15), ('thinking', 6), ('discourage', 7), ('specifies', 2), ('returns', 27), ('koreans', 32), ('precision', 2), ('airstrike', 34), ('ripped', 37), ('elder', 13), ('naqib', 4), ('specify', 15), ('europeanunion', 1), ('agenda', 42), ('manuel', 29), ('barroso', 14), ('bloc', 62), ('satisfied', 9), ('rejecting', 29), ('agreements', 73), ('estonia', 16), ('latvia', 33), ('urge', 23), ('seek', 94), ('chechnya', 31), ('mortars', 27), ('settlements', 41), ('abdel', 28), ('razek', 1), ('majaidie', 1), ('shelling', 14), ('response', 145), ('gunfire', 38), ('jail', 66), ('collaborators', 2), ('masked', 15), ('jailhouse', 2), ('ayman', 28), ('zawahiri', 35), ('lithuania', 23), ('congratulate', 5), ('chancellor', 69), ('schroeder', 50), ('optimism', 8), ('lithuanian', 6), ('adamkus', 4), ('congratulated', 15), ('conversation', 13), ('partners', 32), ('modernization', 8), ('questioned', 63), ('objectivity', 3), ('characterized', 16), ('vastly', 4), ('opponent', 21), ('forecasters', 61), ('ernesto', 9), ('thinks', 15), ('urging', 91), ('posed', 18), ('debby', 2), ('weakened', 21), ('miami', 26), ('cape', 23), ('verde', 8), ('addis', 16), ('ababa', 15), ('explain', 16), ('unity', 63), ('meles', 9), ('zenawi', 10), ('conspiring', 7), ('overthrow', 42), ('suggested', 44), ('129', 5), ('journalists', 159), ('treason', 17), ('commit', 16), ('genocide', 89), ('disciplinary', 8), ('extremely', 30), ('troubling', 3), ('shielded', 1), ('prosecution', 36), ('undermined', 7), ('proceedings', 33), ('stephanides', 2), ('cypriot', 31), ('nationals', 60), ('siphoned', 2), ('away', 133), ('devised', 2), ('impoverished', 29), ('complying', 4), ('pullback', 4), ('millimeters', 3), ('tank', 25), ('stealing', 14), ('happy', 18), ('disarmament', 28), ('huge', 79), ('swaths', 4), ('firmly', 4), ('uzbekistan', 39), ('kyrgyz', 19), ('andijan', 11), ('villages', 70), ('teshiktosh', 1), ('karasu', 1), ('uzbek', 33), ('karimov', 13), ('radicals', 7), ('restraint', 11), ('roman', 54), ('catholic', 73), ('chapel', 1), ('pontiff', 51), ('religions', 5), ('promotion', 15), ('forgiveness', 5), ('catholics', 17), ('evil', 11), ('armies', 6), ('love', 17), ('turkey', 359), ('settling', 2), ('objections', 19), ('luxembourg', 23), ('retain', 16), ('agree', 74), ('negotiating', 19), ('framework', 15), ('officially', 64), ('midnight', 19), ('indirect', 13), ('associate', 15), ('hosni', 42), ('mubarak', 80), ('supporters', 194), ('embarks', 1), ('oath', 15), ('libyan', 29), ('moammar', 11), ('gadhafi', 21), ('nationally', 9), ('77', 21), ('nascent', 2), ('legislative', 57), ('criticisms', 4), ('rife', 3), ('irregularities', 28), ('challengers', 4), ('guarantees', 13), ('fans', 20), ('soccer', 31), ('football', 85), ('travels', 14), ('qualifying', 9), ('hiroyuki', 4), ('hosoda', 4), ('precondition', 3), ('safely', 11), ('spectators', 5), ('protected', 13), ('scenes', 5), ('mob', 11), ('game', 57), ('cameras', 8), ('throwing', 18), ('cans', 2), ('field', 63), ('path', 26), ('victorious', 6), ('rare', 37), ('occurrence', 4), ('flying', 50), ('drones', 13), ('looking', 78), ('programs', 96), ('detect', 11), ('weaknesses', 7), ('defenses', 11), ('editions', 3), ('launching', 40), ('restricting', 11), ('reactor', 41), ('grade', 31), ('dated', 10), ('circumstances', 18), ('samuel', 14), ('jang', 2), ('jae', 1), ('saddened', 4), ('passing', 46), ('condolence', 3), ('repressive', 10), ('regimes', 7), ('extent', 10), ('practice', 39), ('philippine', 46), ('exercises', 29), ('carmen', 1), ('mindanao', 5), ('chanted', 19), ('jolo', 7), ('sayyaf', 15), ('animal', 34), ('dolphins', 9), ('appalling', 2), ('solomon', 9), ('prohibits', 2), ('training', 110), ('wfp', 24), ('feed', 21), ('devastation', 13), ('hurricanes', 25), ('gustav', 10), ('ike', 4), ('rations', 3), ('beans', 12), ('vegetable', 3), ('canned', 2), ('fish', 43), ('supply', 95), ('storage', 13), ('warehouses', 2), ('liquid', 10), ('stoves', 1), ('cooking', 5), ('sweden', 62), ('nobel', 53), ('announcing', 10), ('winners', 13), ('oslo', 10), ('prizes', 3), ('medicine', 26), ('physics', 1), ('chemistry', 3), ('animals', 26), ('cages', 1), ('overcrowded', 12), ('shallow', 2), ('polluted', 6), ('pens', 2), ('gavutu', 1), ('economics', 7), ('instituted', 9), ('1968', 10), ('swedish', 36), ('philanthropist', 2), ('alfred', 3), ('check', 19), ('banquet', 3), ('1896', 2), ('chooses', 4), ('laureate', 20), ('literary', 3), ('choose', 29), ('1901', 2), ('barrage', 7), ('mortar', 42), ('rounds', 35), ('landed', 38), ('fortified', 11), ('houses', 57), ('offices', 88), ('embassies', 32), ('suffer', 22), ('scratches', 1), ('sunburn', 1), ('appear', 56), ('undernourished', 1), ('temporarily', 59), ('38', 46), ('postpone', 16), ('offshore', 45), ('fields', 32), ('outgoing', 33), ('luiz', 19), ('inacio', 20), ('lula', 20), ('da', 31), ('silva', 32), ('signature', 13), ('owned', 107), ('petrobras', 7), ('sole', 13), ('operator', 5), ('unexplored', 2), ('ventures', 8), ('potentially', 22), ('reserves', 55), ('southeastern', 97), ('meters', 69), ('below', 60), ('floor', 14), ('barrels', 81), ('provision', 12), ('opinion', 66), ('americans', 202), ('wrong', 29), ('rehabilitate', 2), ('wild', 39), ('abc', 29), ('indicates', 37), ('democrats', 107), ('point', 98), ('advantage', 27), ('republicans', 38), ('equipped', 9), ('handle', 8), ('hypothetical', 3), ('presumed', 5), ('51', 23), ('nears', 3), ('primaries', 5), ('hillary', 25), ('cite', 5), ('healthcare', 5), ('adults', 16), ('margin', 23), ('plus', 16), ('minus', 6), ('points', 81), ('castro', 135), ('welcomed', 42), ('ailing', 15), ('brother', 85), ('fidel', 60), ('tomb', 12), ('icon', 4), ('simon', 16), ('bolivar', 14), ('variety', 22), ('transported', 10), ('partner', 48), ('latin', 76), ('pact', 48), ('mixed', 28), ('reaction', 20), ('elbaradei', 33), ('praised', 72), ('undermine', 25), ('restricts', 3), ('conducting', 50), ('1998', 77), ('analyst', 7), ('garang', 30), ('federalism', 16), ('lecturer', 2), ('gai', 2), ('yoh', 3), ('unisa', 1), ('pretoria', 6), ('credits', 5), ('advocacy', 13), ('shutdown', 6), ('somali', 151), ('materialized', 3), ('spla', 6), ('democratize', 1), ('franklin', 4), ('delano', 1), ('roosevelt', 4), ('disability', 2), ('award', 55), ('integrate', 2), ('disabled', 6), ('polish', 64), ('lech', 12), ('kaczynski', 18), ('disabilities', 2), ('guaranteed', 13), ('convention', 19), ('legs', 3), ('paralyzed', 4), ('1945', 15), ('alarmed', 5), ('closure', 33), ('shabelle', 4), ('baidoa', 19), ('zemedkun', 1), ('tekle', 1), ('denial', 6), ('ogaden', 5), ('ethiopia', 115), ('wardheer', 1), ('purported', 22), ('hardware', 6), ('somalis', 19), ('bordering', 41), ('kuwaiti', 17), ('threatening', 64), ('demands', 106), ('rai', 2), ('previously', 112), ('certified', 7), ('confirming', 8), ('dominant', 20), ('128', 8), ('275', 16), ('briefly', 54), ('younis', 17), ('roof', 22), ('firing', 52), ('discontent', 6), ('cash', 60), ('strapped', 11), ('renounce', 20), ('certain', 58), ("n't", 66), ('produced', 46), ('quantities', 10), ('virgin', 8), ('possessions', 6), ('petition', 20), ('timex', 3), ('inc', 18), ('changes', 90), ('generalized', 1), ('preferences', 5), ('requested', 47), ('covered', 26), ('58', 26), ('tariff', 6), ('classifications', 1), ('decided', 89), ('categories', 1), ('potential', 78), ('producer', 63), ('seller', 4), ('priced', 10), ('battery', 10), ('operated', 36), ('thailand', 123), ('beneficiaries', 2), ('totaled', 5), ('1988', 29), ('representative', 57), ('malay', 5), ('10th', 18), ('mauritius', 7), ('portuguese', 13), ('dutch', 103), ('prince', 74), ('maurits', 1), ('nassau', 1), ('assumed', 34), ('1715', 1), ('overseeing', 16), ('establishing', 21), ('plantation', 6), ('cane', 3), ('1810', 1), ('napoleonic', 3), ('strategically', 3), ('playing', 40), ('submarine', 7), ('collection', 9), ('stable', 55), ('attracted', 26), ('considerable', 14), ('incomes', 10), ('amiin', 2), ('premises', 4), ('adawe', 1), ('saed', 1), ('apparel', 9), ('creole', 9), ('morocco', 60), ('benefits', 48), ('costs', 76), ('proximity', 8), ('manufacturing', 62), ('remittances', 31), ('exporter', 27), ('phosphate', 12), ('pursued', 11), ('vi', 3), ('performance', 34), ('steady', 19), ('industrial', 78), ('fta', 5), ('illiteracy', 2), ('rates', 94), ('alleviating', 1), ('underdevelopment', 1), ('expanding', 27), ('replacing', 11), ('urban', 22), ('slums', 7), ('subsidized', 6), ('housing', 83), ('deficits', 17), ('widened', 4), ('reducing', 39), ('adapting', 1), ('sluggish', 5), ('improving', 45), ('young', 104), ('moroccans', 9), ('disparity', 2), ('wealth', 36), ('confronting', 5), ('phosphates', 4), ('products', 87), ('centrally', 3), ('explanation', 11), ('averaged', 6), ('curb', 28), ('crime', 80), ('gray', 5), ('attracting', 17), ('catalyst', 4), ('dec', 4), ('albanians', 16), ('residing', 1), ('greece', 41), ('offset', 13), ('towering', 1), ('primarily', 33), ('farming', 24), ('prevalence', 5), ('inefficient', 6), ('plots', 15), ('reliance', 14), ('hydropower', 9), ('antiquated', 1), ('inadequate', 27), ('contribute', 28), ('environment', 58), ('fdi', 3), ('lowest', 24), ('embarked', 6), ('climate', 61), ('completion', 11), ('thermal', 3), ('vlore', 1), ('generation', 13), ('lines', 58), ('montenegro', 25), ('kosovo', 103), ('relieve', 5), ('rail', 14), ('barrier', 20), ('spared', 4), ('plagued', 28), ('deposits', 19), ('exploiting', 11), ('except', 20), ('location', 36), ('adequate', 18), ('connections', 4), ('hinder', 5), ('original', 25), ('compact', 13), ('1986', 18), ('amended', 9), ('federated', 7), ('micronesia', 3), ('fsm', 3), ('2023', 3), ('establishes', 5), ('contributions', 24), ('payouts', 3), ('perpetuity', 1), ('outlook', 7), ('appears', 58), ('fragile', 13), ('reduction', 39), ('discovery', 41), ('exploitation', 9), ('contributed', 36), ('fluctuating', 2), ('swings', 2), ('components', 15), ('dominate', 15), ('livelihood', 11), ('equatorial', 7), ('guinea', 31), ('cocoa', 24), ('neglect', 4), ('successive', 9), ('diminished', 4), ('intention', 25), ('reinvest', 1), ('mismanagement', 11), ('transparency', 17), ('candidacy', 17), ('extractive', 6), ('undeveloped', 2), ('zinc', 6), ('diamonds', 15), ('columbite', 1), ('tantalite', 1), ('peaked', 4), ('boss', 8), ('gone', 36), ('canada', 104), ('taunted', 2), ('montreal', 5), ('parting', 1), ('tears', 3), ('solely', 5), ('attractions', 3), ('pray', 16), ('forgive', 3), ('neck', 8), ('touching', 5), ('rite', 1), ('reservists', 3), ('abusing', 21), ('character', 11), ('george', 81), ('w', 19), ('please', 12), ('drive', 47), ('headlights', 2), ('kerry', 13), ('night', 125), ('topologist', 1), ('coffee', 20), ('doughnut', 1), ('lot', 16), ('unjust', 2), ('remind', 2), ('condemn', 8), ('profession', 5), ('apples', 2), ('very', 97), ('lonely', 2), ('imaginary', 3), ('courts', 37), ('graner', 2), ('sergeant', 14), ('javal', 1), ('sabrina', 2), ('harman', 1), ('hood', 6), ('instead', 76), ('orbits', 2), ('trips', 18), ('quote', 28), ('roskosmos', 1), ('ton', 17), ('capsule', 2), ('launch', 113), ('2018', 2), ('siberia', 9), ('module', 4), ('engine', 15), ('phased', 8), ('replacement', 14), ('soyuz', 4), ('scrutiny', 11), ('rough', 10), ('landings', 2), ('cancellation', 10), ('timidria', 1), ('ates', 1), ('mali', 38), ('intimidated', 7), ('slavery', 11), ('bondage', 1), ('enslaved', 2), ('saharan', 16), ('routes', 21), ('reason', 53), ('venue', 8), ('generations', 9), ('africans', 20), ('embattled', 13), ('laurent', 19), ('gbagbo', 28), ('alassane', 7), ('ouattara', 15), ('refusing', 14), ('yield', 13), ('presidency', 86), ('organizing', 20), ('dispatched', 13), ('thabo', 12), ('mbeki', 16), ('meant', 49), ('restore', 63), ('split', 46), ('motorbike', 3), ('guard', 74), ('preempt', 2), ('leftist', 66), ('marching', 5), ('istanbul', 27), ('taksim', 2), ('limits', 34), ('flowers', 9), ('fear', 79), ('observances', 10), ('1977', 10), ('thirty', 9), ('narrowed', 7), ('consideration', 17), ('adel', 9), ('mahdi', 12), ('contention', 3), ('leaves', 42), ('dawa', 3), ('runner', 12), ('belong', 14), ('48', 26), ('challenging', 15), ('shipping', 23), ('magnate', 5), ('kahraman', 1), ('sadikoglu', 1), ('ransom', 60), ('adequately', 5), ('enforced', 3), ('racism', 12), ('intolerance', 6), ('gaps', 4), ('addressing', 21), ('strasbourg', 13), ('adversity', 1), ('essential', 20), ('46', 32), ('brings', 30), ('continent', 56), ('armenia', 15), ('aerial', 7), ('tramway', 3), ('longest', 14), ('serzh', 1), ('sarkisian', 1), ('mountains', 24), ('engineering', 13), ('feat', 3), ('spans', 2), ('vorotan', 1), ('gorge', 5), ('linking', 31), ('highway', 41), ('tatev', 1), ('monastery', 3), ('monasteries', 2), ('attraction', 3), ('develop', 123), ('borders', 122), ('ricardo', 15), ('alarcon', 6), ('gholam', 4), ('haddad', 4), ('resumed', 60), ('thanked', 25), ('indiana', 10), ('dan', 14), ('burton', 2), ('coordination', 22), ('intervene', 13), ('mexican', 106), ('colombian', 111), ('endanger', 4), ('break', 64), ('deadlock', 13), ('insisted', 30), ('alternative', 29), ('austrians', 2), ('object', 13), ('privileged', 5), ('unacceptable', 26), ('goal', 67), ('proposals', 50), ('soften', 1), ('neighbor', 24), ('delayed', 56), ('cooperate', 55), ('commander', 181), ('slaughtering', 3), ('qasab', 3), ('andres', 23), ('valencia', 6), ('eln', 16), ('francisco', 19), ('galan', 7), ('locals', 10), ('sons', 18), ('successful', 45), ('worries', 17), ('buildup', 9), ('practices', 21), ('tone', 7), ('casts', 2), ('sino', 4), ('hu', 80), ('jintao', 43), ('arrive', 31), ('manipulates', 1), ('unfairly', 10), ('cheap', 6), ('changed', 39), ('gripping', 3), ('bringing', 57), ('disarm', 42), ('authorized', 25), ('idriss', 13), ('deby', 23), ("n'djamena", 5), ('exceptional', 4), ('oust', 22), ('decree', 19), ('censor', 4), ('curtail', 11), ('remove', 38), ('command', 57), ('girija', 2), ('prasad', 5), ('koirala', 3), ('represents', 23), ('feelings', 7), ('curtailing', 3), ('reinstate', 7), ('paramilitary', 36), ('grown', 29), ('rallies', 26), ('curbing', 7), ('representing', 24), ('contact', 98), ('colleague', 8), ('saadoun', 2), ('janabi', 1), ('represented', 17), ('deteriorating', 20), ('impossible', 12), ('lawyer', 66), ('murders', 21), ('143', 3), ('adjourned', 15), ('alert', 37), ('tel', 21), ('aviv', 20), ('barricades', 6), ('entry', 34), ('jams', 4), ('importance', 26), ('opium', 33), ('cultivation', 12), ('patrick', 11), ('fequiere', 1), ('distribute', 7), ('identification', 11), ('cards', 11), ('polling', 47), ('places', 35), ('preparations', 20), ('balloting', 25), ('jean', 59), ('betrand', 1), ('aristide', 59), ('calm', 31), ('shipment', 11), ('shoes', 12), ('traders', 22), ('skirted', 2), ('blockade', 34), ('tunnel', 27), ('suffocating', 2), ('israelis', 71), ('ivorian', 9), ('happened', 69), ('siegouekou', 1), ('smashed', 12), ('doors', 9), ('knives', 5), ('throats', 3), ('precious', 6), ('ingredient', 9), ('chocolate', 10), ('drilling', 17), ('pipelines', 15), ('rita', 23), ('barrel', 107), ('falling', 51), ('unlike', 9), ('spike', 7), ('eased', 14), ('analysts', 132), ('diminishing', 3), ('cutting', 46), ('excess', 7), ('refining', 18), ('veered', 5), ('runway', 11), ('flames', 13), ('aboard', 35), ('conflicting', 19), ('fatalities', 23), ('scene', 74), ('originated', 10), ('stopover', 2), ('amman', 18), ('aviation', 27), ('alternatives', 6), ('takeoff', 2), ('115', 11), ('mykola', 1), ('azarov', 2), ('threaten', 22), ('suck', 1), ('neither', 44), ('possess', 7), ('waits', 2), ('deploy', 22), ('hybrid', 13), ('speeded', 1), ('tougher', 13), ('heroin', 21), ('battling', 52), ('directly', 41), ('nighttime', 3), ('karshi', 3), ('khanabad', 3), ('airfield', 4), ('aftermath', 22), ('criticizing', 24), ('fearing', 6), ('bury', 2), ('mudslides', 33), ('typhoons', 4), ('assessing', 8), ('powerful', 77), ('nanmadol', 2), ('packing', 6), ('gloria', 14), ('arroyo', 21), ('heave', 1), ('rescue', 103), ('hungry', 9), ('shelter', 42), ('homeless', 46), ('bekaa', 7), ('remaining', 72), ('en', 9), ('jumblatt', 5), ('cameroon', 17), ('issa', 3), ('tchiroma', 2), ('respective', 6), ('examinations', 2), ('bakassi', 2), ('splinter', 4), ('marine', 56), ('commando', 7), ('ukrainians', 14), ('vessels', 26), ('circulation', 5), ('brain', 27), ('advancement', 2), ('findings', 28), ('flavinols', 2), ('oxidant', 1), ('flow', 32), ('researchers', 40), ('eating', 28), ('bitter', 16), ('taste', 3), ('massacre', 35), ('testing', 37), ('calorie', 3), ('foods', 5), ('a9', 1), ('motorway', 2), ('gleneagles', 4), ('scotland', 20), ('hooded', 5), ('rocks', 18), ('objects', 12), ('stirling', 1), ('railway', 13), ('edge', 5), ('g', 33), ('canceled', 58), ('outbreaks', 52), ('surrounding', 40), ('kouchner', 6), ('turmoil', 22), ('afp', 33), ('pivotal', 1), ('strengthening', 27), ('exposure', 13), ('hospitalized', 35), ('hypothermia', 1), ('implicates', 4), ('hassan', 62), ('majid', 9), ('execution', 35), ('basra', 45), ('rangoon', 45), ('real', 72), ('supplier', 11), ('gambari', 5), ('spate', 6), ('escape', 49), ('inmate', 3), ('lance', 3), ('edward', 8), ('caraballo', 3), ('running', 120), ('torturing', 6), ('lieutenants', 7), ('irna', 18), ('hosseini', 6), ('lessen', 6), ('pain', 15), ('swiss', 46), ('intermediary', 2), ('supporting', 70), ('date', 96), ('expressing', 19), ('apparent', 39), ('abandons', 2), ('participates', 6), ('reject', 31), ('acknowledge', 11), ('exist', 20), ('stress', 8), ('makeshift', 8), ('shelters', 15), ('offenses', 21), ('roaming', 4), ('tent', 10), ('rapes', 8), ('topic', 3), ('input', 1), ('immediate', 112), ('serve', 58), ('volunteers', 22), ('cable', 21), ('notified', 11), ('postings', 1), ('dates', 11), ('harry', 23), ('thomas', 31), ('dismissal', 13), ('extra', 27), ('precedents', 2), ('directed', 29), ('assignments', 4), ('1969', 8), ('aligned', 13), ('nam', 7), ('sidelines', 25), ('havana', 50), ('m', 33), ('fugitive', 26), ('coal', 45), ('warming', 38), ('marthinus', 1), ('schalkwyk', 2), ('mandatory', 7), ('efficiency', 11), ('carbon', 21), ('dioxide', 9), ('emissions', 34), ('greenhouse', 18), ('gases', 7), ('captures', 1), ('stores', 23), ('2025', 2), ('deif', 2), ('humiliation', 2), ('hands', 41), ('removal', 12), ('nothing', 65), ('shaken', 10), ('iftikhar', 5), ('chaudhry', 15), ('abused', 20), ('interfere', 10), ('judiciary', 18), ('swore', 1), ('rana', 1), ('bhagwandas', 1), ('h5n1', 215), ('flu', 579), ('domestic', 108), ('poultry', 121), ('waterfowl', 3), ('bombmaker', 4), ('video', 126), ('profile', 24), ('dark', 10), ('shadow', 19), ('lab', 18), ('verified', 17), ('farm', 100), ('lyons', 1), ('birds', 191), ('slaughtered', 19), ('illness', 37), ('fears', 39), ('persistent', 13), ('knee', 11), ('champion', 66), ('marat', 3), ('safin', 6), ('hopman', 4), ('perth', 6), ('struggled', 16), ('tendonitis', 1), ('masters', 8), ('shanghai', 22), ('rather', 47), ('replaced', 39), ('teimuraz', 2), ('gabashvili', 2), ('svetlana', 1), ('kuznetsova', 1), ('serbia', 58), ('perceive', 1), ('occupying', 11), ('pull', 42), ('defuse', 15), ('convince', 10), ('impulse', 1), ('normalizing', 3), ('sochi', 5), ('hijacker', 4), ('passenger', 44), ('chadian', 21), ('surrendering', 4), ('103', 10), ('fasher', 6), ('pistol', 6), ('asylum', 42), ('extremist', 40), ('noordin', 6), ('subur', 2), ('sugiarto', 2), ('java', 26), ('inner', 9), ('circle', 5), ('accomplices', 4), ('jemaah', 10), ('islamiah', 1), ('arm', 17), ('bali', 34), ('nightclub', 9), ('202', 12), ('medics', 9), ('avenge', 4), ('jihad', 68), ('netanya', 1), ('shaul', 12), ('mofaz', 15), ('shin', 2), ('bet', 5), ('caught', 60), ('maher', 7), ('uda', 3), ('branch', 20), ('detain', 9), ('commented', 29), ('itar', 13), ('tass', 13), ('intoxicated', 2), ('authentic', 3), ('governmental', 23), ('responding', 25), ('nutrition', 8), ('drought', 39), ('famine', 19), ('ethnically', 8), ('yugoslav', 31), ('slobodan', 13), ('milosevic', 42), ('subpoena', 4), ('believers', 5), ('proudly', 1), ('signs', 51), ('encourage', 41), ('infringe', 2), ('separation', 12), ('requesting', 5), ('testimony', 29), ('responses', 4), ('judges', 42), ('instructed', 7), ('writing', 21), ('witness', 29), ('madeleine', 4), ('albright', 1), ('rudolf', 2), ('scharping', 1), ('appointed', 61), ('counsel', 10), ('failing', 59), ('counts', 27), ('conflicts', 32), ('pardoned', 11), ('765', 1), ('pardon', 9), ('boards', 5), ('pardons', 11), ('eve', 53), ('celebration', 18), ('celebrated', 29), ('rest', 60), ('apostolic', 2), ('eucharist', 2), ('specific', 33), ('follows', 63), ('julian', 5), ('calendar', 12), ('gregorian', 1), ('afar', 16), ('examining', 9), ('applications', 8), ('assadullah', 2), ('azhari', 3), ('laboratory', 42), ('detected', 35), ('samples', 44), ('chickens', 61), ('kapisa', 3), ('logar', 8), ('nangarhar', 15), ('suspicions', 7), ('laghman', 5), ('parwan', 2), ('fao', 11), ('sharp', 39), ('controversy', 18), ('conspicuous', 1), ('headscarves', 3), ('skullcaps', 1), ('crucifixes', 2), ('donald', 54), ('rumsfeld', 77), ('mismanaging', 1), ('carolina', 27), ('supporter', 14), ('remembered', 8), ('worst', 89), ('secretaries', 3), ('farewell', 4), ('devotion', 1), ('finest', 1), ('hasty', 1), ('senses', 3), ('too', 100), ('reverence', 2), ('properly', 20), ('pulling', 16), ('reiterated', 11), ('themselves', 60), ('taped', 7), ('failures', 12), ('levels', 76), ('dangers', 9), ('orleans', 95), ('disproportionately', 1), ('blacks', 5), ('quick', 20), ('strokes', 5), ('dramatically', 20), ('journals', 1), ('lancetand', 1), ('lancet', 1), ('neurology', 1), ('counteracting', 1), ('oxford', 2), ('researcher', 2), ('rothwell', 1), ('vast', 29), ('symptoms', 22), ('care', 104), ('professionals', 16), ('aggressive', 25), ('tissue', 5), ('causes', 38), ('facial', 2), ('numbness', 1), ('slurred', 1), ('partial', 20), ('sudden', 7), ('headaches', 3), ('treatments', 6), ('thinning', 2), ('cholesterol', 4), ('medications', 6), ('crude', 147), ('inventories', 19), ('reflecting', 3), ('decreased', 17), ('35', 73), ('cents', 57), ('68', 14), ('tenths', 15), ('publishing', 17), ('cartoons', 46), ('bayji', 4), ('rubble', 27), ('observed', 23), ('guided', 4), ('munitions', 8), ('emile', 16), ('lahoud', 25), ('slain', 20), ('express', 20), ('condolences', 21), ('mourners', 20), ('drawings', 4), ('project', 100), ('traces', 6), ('05', 13), ('recorded', 34), ('easing', 20), ('weakening', 10), ('tangible', 3), ('attractive', 7), ('investors', 70), ('speculators', 3), ('interpreted', 6), ('ben', 20), ('bernanke', 16), ('pointing', 3), ('reductions', 5), ('weaken', 19), ('exporting', 33), ('opec', 60), ('cartel', 25), ('pump', 8), ('gerard', 12), ('latortue', 14), ('bertrand', 29), ('disagrees', 3), ('publication', 19), ('blasphemous', 9), ('objection', 4), ('exile', 57), ('followers', 22), ('foes', 4), ('ignore', 9), ('prohibiting', 4), ('disturbing', 2), ('trend', 13), ('exceptions', 2), ('prohibitions', 1), ('perceptions', 3), ('tool', 7), ('instrument', 4), ('33', 40), ('alarm', 5), ('circumvent', 2), ('wording', 2), ('inconvenient', 2), ('meteorologists', 5), ('strengthened', 22), ('category', 19), ('missed', 25), ('opportunity', 46), ('120', 44), ('bahamas', 13), ('recruited', 7), ('khaled', 18), ('meshaal', 7), ('viewed', 12), ('assassinated', 20), ('unusually', 7), ('affecting', 9), ('baltic', 14), ('nordic', 9), ('shaukat', 18), ('aziz', 54), ('buses', 22), ('negotiator', 45), ('produce', 75), ('purposes', 40), ('rohani', 2), ('length', 11), ('vigilant', 4), ('fails', 21), ('uphold', 4), ('imposition', 4), ('shrapnel', 5), ('mcdonald', 10), ('st', 35), ('petersburg', 12), ('injuring', 35), ('shattered', 10), ('ceiling', 3), ('environmental', 65), ('disprove', 1), ('secretly', 48), ('investigators', 75), ('table', 14), ('nevsky', 2), ('prospekt', 2), ('tracked', 4), ('drone', 35), ('airspace', 21), ('ten', 25), ('meddling', 3), ('salons', 1), ('beauty', 9), ('parlors', 1), ('cater', 2), ('enforce', 14), ('stricter', 3), ('interpretation', 2), ('reza', 22), ('asefi', 16), ('installation', 8), ('cafes', 7), ('shops', 37), ('unsuitable', 1), ('fundamentalist', 4), ('brand', 10), ('hairdresser', 1), ('impacted', 6), ('ghoul', 2), ('violate', 29), ('makeup', 6), ('nulcear', 1), ('alleges', 13), ('parchin', 10), ('photographer', 12), ('gabriele', 5), ('torsello', 10), ('libya', 38), ('advised', 15), ('kind', 25), ('broadcasters', 6), ('indecent', 3), ('broadcasting', 26), ('supervise', 3), ('content', 13), ('films', 21), ('platform', 19), ('conservative', 72), ('principles', 12), ('performances', 6), ('sharply', 73), ('1979', 28), ('snyder', 3), ('rini', 5), ('appointment', 20), ('honiara', 3), ('downer', 10), ('survival', 6), ('businessmen', 19), ('110', 17), ('retrieved', 5), ('recorder', 4), ('wreckage', 21), ('airliner', 15), ('box', 11), ('blizzard', 5), ('survived', 53), ('asserts', 3), ('addicts', 1), ('rehabilitation', 13), ('lined', 6), ('clients', 12), ('tijuana', 4), ('identify', 42), ('gangs', 35), ('engaged', 33), ('cartels', 14), ('felipe', 21), ('calderon', 20), ('105', 14), ('tons', 62), ('marijuana', 7), ('bust', 2), ('holmes', 2), ('horn', 16), ('outskirts', 24), ('squalid', 1), ('munich', 8), ('brutalized', 1), ('amount', 46), ('shirin', 3), ('ebadi', 5), ('summons', 2), ('blatant', 4), ('voices', 6), ('complaint', 16), ('cast', 50), ('doubt', 21), ('noting', 22), ('handles', 5), ('matters', 14), ('bases', 50), ('restructure', 6), ('installations', 15), ('realignment', 1), ('jersey', 17), ('virginia', 20), ('commissioners', 1), ('deliberations', 1), ('mcpherson', 1), ('closures', 6), ('recommended', 25), ('maine', 5), ('hawaii', 9), ('zawahri', 4), ('trained', 33), ('save', 37), ('certify', 2), ('submit', 17), ('husband', 42), ('instantly', 3), ('transporting', 20), ('planted', 29), ('mistook', 6), ('toy', 8), ('zaman', 2), ('shaped', 10), ('dir', 5), ('placed', 69), ('accidentally', 18), ('deliberately', 11), ('taxi', 11), ('hover', 1), ('degrees', 18), ('celsius', 13), ('hurriyet', 1), ('unlicensed', 3), ('cds', 2), ('laptops', 2), ('pech', 1), ('kunar', 35), ('nationality', 17), ('whom', 47), ('younus', 1), ('khalis', 7), ('thwarted', 6), ('giuseppe', 1), ('pisanu', 3), ('cagliari', 1), ('sardinia', 2), ('milan', 11), ('subway', 41), ('basilica', 11), ('bologna', 2), ('expelled', 19), ('petronio', 1), ('tycoon', 14), ('khodorkovsky', 40), ('conviction', 21), ('features', 16), ('fresco', 1), ('insulting', 11), ('italians', 6), ('strictly', 7), ('regulate', 8), ('suggestions', 11), ('submission', 3), ('amendments', 21), ('presently', 3), ('branches', 8), ('various', 52), ('oversight', 11), ('reflection', 6), ('kremlin', 38), ('misanthropic', 1), ('ideologies', 2), ('crucial', 28), ('afford', 13), ('pretrial', 2), ('businessman', 22), ('complicity', 8), ('selling', 46), ('ingredients', 6), ('frans', 1), ('anraat', 3), ('rotterdam', 1), ('richest', 9), ('retaliation', 27), ('backing', 43), ('62', 17), ('defendant', 20), ('chemicals', 17), ('halabja', 6), ('girl', 75), ('underway', 26), ('motions', 2), ('fatality', 10), ('73', 31), ('171', 5), ('59', 24), ('coinciding', 3), ('drawdown', 2), ('innocence', 5), ('bureaucrats', 1), ('opposed', 59), ('renaming', 1), ('advice', 9), ('arresting', 17), ('adnan', 7), ('dulaimi', 7), ('shocked', 8), ('sectarianism', 1), ('marginalized', 2), ('giant', 69), ('yukos', 56), ('zeng', 5), ('qinghong', 2), ('technological', 6), ('exploration', 28), ('shortfall', 6), ('trinidad', 2), ('tobago', 2), ('balad', 21), ('wrapped', 13), ('blankets', 7), ('arriving', 36), ('tikrit', 28), ('reconcile', 6), ('discrepancy', 1), ('suspending', 18), ('shortage', 27), ('roadway', 1), ('festivities', 11), ('bicycle', 13), ('inquiry', 32), ('benazir', 12), ('bhutto', 23), ('ki', 26), ('creation', 39), ('fact', 21), ('widower', 2), ('asif', 20), ('zardari', 31), ('medalist', 11), ('reasons', 40), ('au', 98), ('evi', 1), ('sachenbacher', 1), ('naturally', 3), ('endurance', 1), ('epo', 1), ('kikkan', 1), ('randall', 1), ('leif', 1), ('zimmermann', 2), ('suspensions', 4), ('punishments', 4), ('retroactive', 3), ('races', 6), ('worse', 26), ('superiors', 4), ('assert', 5), ('refinery', 28), ('repairs', 10), ('optimistic', 17), ('view', 30), ('scattered', 9), ('h', 16), ('grubbs', 2), ('schrock', 2), ('yves', 2), ('chauvin', 2), ('academy', 19), ('sciences', 5), ('stockholm', 10), ('trio', 7), ('environmentally', 7), ('plastics', 1), ('1971', 10), ('metathesis', 1), ('molecules', 2), ('rearranged', 1), ('developed', 71), ('efficient', 18), ('catalysts', 1), ('reproduce', 2), ('scientist', 22), ('centrifuges', 13), ('qadeer', 8), ('hindering', 4), ('impassable', 2), ('irresponsible', 11), ('father', 76), ('virtual', 9), ('secrets', 15), ('ecowas', 5), ('togo', 35), ('togolese', 13), ('faure', 10), ('gnassingbe', 32), ('installed', 31), ('reacting', 4), ('eyadema', 11), ('naming', 6), ('branded', 2), ('seizure', 22), ('violation', 34), ('english', 45), ('beckham', 9), ('premier', 12), ('tottenham', 2), ('hotspur', 1), ('stint', 2), ('club', 30), ('rationing', 3), ('hoped', 26), ('galaxy', 6), ('mls', 3), ('teammates', 2), ('reluctant', 5), ('offseason', 1), ('tore', 17), ('achilles', 2), ('tendon', 1), ('ac', 3), ('hotspurs', 1), ('redknapp', 1), ('unconditional', 4), ('tin', 12), ('76th', 3), ('birthday', 20), ('without', 281), ('write', 14), ('proper', 17), ('chronic', 11), ('ailments', 6), ('propaganda', 21), ('bombed', 27), ('tanker', 24), ('attached', 20), ('khyber', 18), ('regularly', 21), ('pass', 62), ('inspector', 19), ('earmarked', 5), ('stuart', 8), ('bowen', 2), ('documentation', 5), ('incompetence', 3), ('haste', 4), ('account', 64), ('indications', 8), ('militia', 90), ('taxpayer', 3), ('designated', 24), ('difficulties', 18), ('kiev', 39), ('vow', 7), ('repeat', 14), ('presidents', 56), ('aleksander', 2), ('kwasniewski', 3), ('valdas', 3), ('alpha', 13), ('dominican', 20), ('barahona', 1), ('maximum', 24), ('22nd', 4), ('breaking', 21), ('greek', 70), ('alphabet', 3), ('turks', 16), ('caicos', 2), ('consumption', 17), ('switching', 1), ('proponents', 3), ('cleaning', 11), ('clean', 35), ('stiff', 12), ('mistakenly', 13), ('miners', 55), ('henan', 5), ('eilat', 2), ('cocked', 1), ('weapon', 42), ('realized', 8), ('chest', 12), ('withheld', 7), ('guardian', 14), ('armorgroup', 2), ('employee', 23), ('withhold', 4), ('magna', 8), ('mcalpine', 8), ('frank', 19), ('stronach', 5), ('stepping', 19), ('automotive', 7), ('xinhua', 126), ('outburst', 2), ('dengfeng', 1), ('overhead', 7), ('satisfactory', 4), ('profit', 35), ('achieved', 34), ('stephen', 18), ('akerfeldt', 1), ('load', 12), ('enters', 2), ('downturn', 30), ('declines', 12), ('dividend', 8), ('shares', 57), ('wallowing', 1), ('125', 10), ('canadian', 84), ('stock', 85), ('yesterday', 18), ('625', 3), ('controlling', 13), ('shareholder', 8), ('unsuccessfully', 7), ('seat', 72), ('throughout', 83), ('personally', 13), ('restructuring', 23), ('assisted', 10), ('manfred', 3), ('gingl', 1), ('108', 2), ('consulting', 9), ('caribs', 1), ('colonization', 3), ('saint', 35), ('1719', 2), ('18th', 24), ('ceded', 16), ('1783', 4), ('1960', 26), ('1962', 19), ('grenadines', 5), ('indies', 9), ('slovene', 3), ('austro', 9), ('hungarian', 24), ('dissolution', 9), ('1918', 6), ('slovenes', 4), ('serbs', 24), ('croats', 14), ('multinational', 15), ('1929', 7), ('slovenia', 19), ('distanced', 4), ('dissatisfied', 6), ('exercise', 37), ('succeeded', 24), ('1991', 86), ('historical', 8), ('transformation', 7), ('acceded', 3), ('eurozone', 2), ('15th', 19), ('crnojevic', 1), ('dynasty', 9), ('serbian', 60), ('principality', 9), ('zeta', 2), ('subsequent', 28), ('ottoman', 16), ('theocracy', 1), ('bishop', 9), ('princes', 1), ('1852', 1), ('secular', 27), ('absorbed', 4), ('constituent', 7), ('1992', 37), ('looser', 1), ('invoked', 2), ('severing', 3), ('exceeded', 9), ('threshold', 2), ('declare', 21), ('basutoland', 1), ('renamed', 5), ('lesotho', 9), ('1966', 8), ('basuto', 1), ('hegang', 1), ('heilongjiang', 6), ('moshoeshoe', 1), ('exiled', 22), ('1990', 61), ('letsie', 1), ('iii', 7), ('restored', 38), ('mutiny', 2), ('contentious', 10), ('botswana', 12), ('aegis', 1), ('relative', 22), ('hotly', 6), ('contested', 16), ('aggrieved', 2), ('applied', 12), ('proportional', 2), ('mainstays', 4), ('enjoys', 11), ('compared', 54), ('curacao', 5), ('excellent', 10), ('harbor', 14), ('accommodate', 5), ('tankers', 14), ('leases', 2), ('single', 59), ('refined', 6), ('deadliest', 52), ('cave', 8), ('ins', 4), ('attempting', 27), ('soils', 2), ('hamper', 6), ('budgetary', 8), ('complicate', 4), ('pension', 18), ('systems', 47), ('quarrel', 3), ('arisen', 1), ('horse', 15), ('stag', 9), ('hunter', 21), ('revenge', 11), ('conquer', 5), ('iron', 15), ('jaws', 1), ('guide', 6), ('reins', 2), ('saddle', 1), ('saddled', 2), ('bridled', 1), ('overcame', 6), ('mouth', 16), ('friend', 24), ('bit', 18), ('spur', 11), ('prefer', 4), ('theirs', 1), ('violated', 22), ('vietnamese', 22), ('raising', 50), ('foil', 2), ('pomegranate', 1), ('tree', 28), ('beautiful', 6), ('height', 9), ('bramble', 4), ('hedge', 4), ('boastful', 1), ('dear', 2), ('vain', 4), ('disputings', 1), ('flourishing', 2), ('traveller', 3), ('splendid', 3), ('orders', 48), ('fill', 15), ('inquired', 7), ('replied', 35), ('boxing', 2), ('gloves', 1), ('tongues', 1), ('pugilists', 1), ('statistician', 1), ('personality', 4), ('accountant', 2), ('ellsworth', 3), ('dakota', 5), ('generals', 28), ('commanding', 8), ('heard', 43), ('frost', 1), ('noon', 5), ('scrambling', 5), ('curfews', 13), ('musicians', 11), ('o', 9), ('whispered', 1), ('gauge', 5), ('index', 49), ('indicators', 7), ('predict', 18), ('prompting', 23), ('kfm', 1), ('andrew', 17), ('mwenda', 3), ('junk', 4), ('sedition', 1), ('yoweri', 13), ('museveni', 22), ('rory', 1), ('irishman', 1), ('assignment', 2), ('vanished', 6), ('airports', 23), ('iskandariyah', 6), ('counting', 21), ('auditing', 4), ('ecuadorean', 11), ('migrants', 36), ('sank', 9), ('hoping', 31), ('airplane', 10), ('ecuador', 76), ('participating', 20), ('doomed', 2), ('sail', 5), ('manta', 1), ('ivanov', 29), ('evolves', 1), ('broadly', 3), ('participate', 43), ('reverse', 23), ('sterilization', 3), ('surgery', 55), ('12th', 13), ('opt', 1), ('students', 88), ('quell', 16), ('grieving', 7), ('parents', 31), ('govern', 7), ('strategies', 9), ('divisions', 13), ('globalization', 10), ('resolving', 27), ('stockhlom', 1), ('harold', 1), ('pinter', 1), ('era', 31), ('mocked', 1), ('centimeter', 3), ('shahr', 1), ('kord', 1), ('incentives', 43), ('javier', 16), ('solana', 25), ('mitchell', 17), ('holds', 45), ('launches', 12), ('saeb', 11), ('erekat', 11), ('shuttle', 48), ('forth', 5), ('firefight', 19), ('gunfight', 13), ('raz', 1), ('implicated', 19), ('hunting', 28), ('loyalists', 5), ('annulled', 4), ('venezuelans', 7), ('neighbors', 48), ('mistakes', 5), ('corrected', 4), ('amend', 11), ('overseen', 3), ('promotes', 3), ('landmark', 22), ('turnout', 11), ('erben', 2), ('drop', 61), ('intermittent', 3), ('sixto', 3), ('theft', 11), ('kanyabayonga', 2), ('units', 30), ('reinforcements', 7), ('kinshasa', 15), ('rwanda', 61), ('rwandan', 48), ('hutu', 33), ('1994', 62), ('zoellick', 23), ('ninh', 3), ('binh', 1), ('tested', 65), ('intergovernmental', 5), ('learning', 11), ('wen', 17), ('jiabao', 12), ('li', 18), ('zhaoxing', 3), ('chengdu', 3), ('rio', 19), ('janeiro', 15), ('clashing', 3), ('daylight', 5), ('exchanged', 12), ('lobbing', 3), ('downtown', 17), ('providencia', 10), ('shantytown', 3), ('fragments', 2), ('barracks', 7), ('mobilized', 5), ('slum', 11), ('dwellers', 2), ('complained', 32), ('kills', 14), ('apologized', 18), ('nana', 1), ('effah', 1), ('apenteng', 1), ('drafting', 18), ('resolve', 87), ('precede', 1), ('urgency', 2), ('chirac', 49), ('renovation', 2), ('blackouts', 3), ('cubans', 25), ('plants', 39), ('ones', 23), ('generators', 3), ('electrical', 19), ('hottest', 2), ('conditioning', 1), ('surges', 4), ('appliances', 2), ('rot', 1), ('admitted', 53), ('radios', 11), ('resold', 1), ('stray', 3), ('bullets', 12), ('siad', 13), ('barre', 16), ('fence', 23), ('kissufin', 1), ('crossing', 89), ('spotting', 1), ('holed', 6), ('tanks', 28), ('karni', 6), ('terminal', 5), ('bulldozers', 7), ('farmlands', 1), ('yunis', 2), ('incursions', 6), ('bolivian', 25), ('evo', 22), ('morales', 55), ('welcomes', 8), ('forgives', 2), ('humiliations', 2), ('inauguration', 24), ('welcome', 24), ('coca', 17), ('eradication', 9), ('campaigned', 8), ('uses', 20), ('cocaine', 26), ('sure', 30), ('bolivia', 62), ('plotting', 46), ('institution', 12), ('ridiculous', 6), ('regret', 11), ('apart', 22), ('mulford', 4), ('sincere', 7), ('regrets', 9), ('context', 1), ('shyam', 4), ('saran', 5), ('summoned', 14), ('inappropriate', 10), ('conductive', 1), ('inspection', 15), ('searches', 13), ('factories', 21), ('moderate', 53), ('densely', 11), ('populated', 18), ('confined', 7), ('uncovered', 32), ('laboratories', 8), ('spark', 17), ('cycle', 7), ('hub', 13), ('defending', 23), ('74', 12), ('welfare', 18), ('alwi', 1), ('shihab', 3), ('measured', 10), ('magnitude', 50), ('obstructing', 5), ('deliveries', 19), ('deny', 32), ('petersen', 7), ('kilinochchi', 3), ('reviving', 6), ('assess', 19), ('progressive', 17), ('225', 10), ('unification', 24), ('386', 2), ('vied', 1), ('176', 1), ('allocated', 8), ('proportion', 5), ('receives', 6), ('hindu', 19), ('kush', 1), ('hijacking', 10), ('somalians', 2), ('miltzow', 2), ('unloaded', 2), ('afternoon', 38), ('merka', 1), ('boarded', 9), ('maize', 4), ('freighter', 3), ('torgelow', 2), ('semlow', 4), ('sailed', 5), ('kenya', 121), ('donated', 17), ('felt', 12), ('peshawar', 24), ('chitral', 3), ('inspect', 13), ('turnabout', 1), ('brothers', 18), ('ahbash', 3), ('refuses', 12), ('sponsoring', 3), ('draft', 78), ('veto', 28), ('oppose', 55), ('saad', 13), ('vaccination', 12), ('damages', 21), ('tigray', 1), ('amhara', 1), ('oromia', 1), ('kicked', 13), ('immunizations', 5), ('judicial', 28), ('experience', 30), ('alito', 25), ('appeals', 37), ('qualities', 2), ('mastery', 4), ('disappointed', 11), ('retiring', 10), ('sandra', 11), ("o'connor", 12), ('nominated', 31), ('harriet', 4), ('miers', 8), ('lacked', 9), ('humayun', 1), ('hamidzada', 2), ('colleagues', 22), ('persona', 1), ('grata', 1), ('tribes', 12), ('misunderstanding', 2), ('aleem', 2), ('siddique', 2), ('clarify', 3), ('wedding', 9), ('bilge', 1), ('ankara', 40), ('mardin', 1), ('allotment', 1), ('besir', 1), ('atalay', 1), ('ntv', 2), ('clan', 12), ('feud', 7), ('democratization', 4), ('farmaner', 1), ('forget', 2), ('suppression', 7), ('legislators', 22), ('extending', 32), ('roh', 15), ('moo', 11), ('hyun', 11), ('endorsed', 31), ('contingent', 21), ('assigned', 8), ('arbil', 3), ('secondhand', 4), ('smoke', 19), ('sections', 9), ('nonsmokers', 2), ('restaurants', 15), ('surgeon', 5), ('really', 10), ('tobacco', 17), ('infant', 8), ('lung', 7), ('infections', 19), ('asthma', 3), ('prevention', 16), ('430', 5), ('portugal', 32), ('weekend', 27), ('lisbon', 3), ('ticket', 10), ('charities', 8), ('lineup', 5), ('wide', 53), ('incoming', 16), ('implies', 2), ('nominees', 18), ('objected', 9), ('am', 24), ('rugova', 4), ('motorcade', 13), ('window', 15), ('blown', 18), ('schedule', 30), ('proves', 5), ('elements', 16), ('hundred', 34), ('crawford', 10), ('ranch', 28), ('elevated', 3), ('shift', 15), ('hatched', 1), ('capitals', 8), ('candle', 1), ('theater', 14), ('beni', 3), ('suef', 2), ('triggering', 24), ('stampede', 10), ('exit', 16), ('burning', 32), ('storey', 1), ('blaze', 15), ('350', 17), ('farah', 14), ('encountered', 16), ('contrast', 4), ('60th', 19), ('protested', 34), ('calmly', 1), ('baden', 2), ('angela', 31), ('merkel', 59), ('hall', 37), ('cordon', 3), ('detaining', 12), ('cindy', 4), ('sheehan', 6), ('rationale', 2), ('trash', 8), ('bins', 1), ('absence', 13), ('generating', 9), ('shwe', 21), ('maung', 7), ('aye', 4), ('hosted', 18), ('routine', 18), ('suffers', 15), ('hypertension', 2), ('rumors', 6), ('gravely', 3), ('squared', 2), ('motors', 24), ('loss', 78), ('gm', 14), ('posted', 66), ('quarter', 89), ('722', 2), ('buyouts', 1), ('hourly', 1), ('automaker', 11), ('struggling', 51), ('cars', 67), ('dana', 8), ('perino', 7), ('competitive', 11), ('daniele', 4), ('mastrogiacomo', 10), ('repubblica', 4), ('ettore', 1), ('francesco', 1), ('sequi', 1), ('covering', 21), ('rajouri', 2), ('miles', 5), ('responsiblity', 1), ('avian', 58), ('influenza', 20), ('understands', 8), ('sentiments', 4), ('rivals', 32), ('explained', 8), ('purpose', 16), ('mediation', 10), ('battles', 21), ('capabilities', 17), ('historic', 34), ('sydney', 21), ('marketplace', 5), ('forum', 31), ('ore', 7), ('negotiated', 14), ('zealand', 54), ('mired', 9), ('elderly', 15), ('bullet', 11), ('riddled', 6), ('note', 20), ('else', 18), ('remnants', 16), ('reversing', 4), ('57', 29), ('claude', 3), ('juncker', 2), ('staunch', 3), ('denmark', 45), ('worrisome', 1), ('resurgence', 3), ('gears', 1), ('juncture', 1), ('prepares', 19), ('ouster', 23), ('benefit', 24), ('tainted', 9), ('criminals', 31), ('dubious', 1), ('origin', 15), ('pushed', 64), ('militarized', 3), ('crossings', 15), ('directions', 3), ('khalikov', 1), ('approaching', 15), ('needing', 1), ('diarrhea', 10), ('judgments', 2), ('chair', 14), ('ministerial', 10), ('kuwait', 51), ('kingpin', 5), ('orlandez', 3), ('gamboa', 3), ('smuggled', 16), ('boasted', 2), ('lords', 3), ('covertly', 4), ('extradited', 21), ('laundering', 21), ('barranquilla', 1), ('shipped', 11), ('confederation', 11), ('entities', 11), ('inflated', 6), ('losses', 64), ('hurt', 97), ('ultimately', 11), ('counterproductive', 5), ('habits', 6), ('distorting', 3), ('structure', 25), ('salary', 10), ('95', 31), ('employed', 17), ('laid', 23), ('leadership', 79), ('harms', 3), ('plo', 2), ('excuse', 9), ('obstruct', 1), ('reciprocated', 1), ('bp', 20), ('dudley', 3), ('signaling', 4), ('tnk', 4), ('hayward', 2), ('discussions', 43), ('sale', 54), ('spill', 23), ('compelled', 5), ('skeptical', 2), ('replaces', 9), ('monterrey', 3), ('enrique', 4), ('barrios', 1), ('gate', 13), ('reynaldo', 1), ('ramos', 4), ('mayor', 69), ('fernando', 7), ('larrazabal', 1), ('nuevo', 10), ('leon', 2), ('collusion', 1), ('seventh', 38), ('nigerian', 84), ('abuja', 17), ('indefinite', 5), ('postponement', 9), ('nureddin', 1), ('mezni', 2), ('logistical', 19), ('escalating', 20), ('infighting', 14), ('jendayi', 2), ('frazer', 2), ('khalid', 14), ('kidwai', 1), ('alertness', 1), ('conceivable', 1), ('scenario', 5), ('timessays', 1), ('suggests', 13), ('khawaza', 2), ('kehla', 1), ('staving', 1), ('matter', 56), ('abandoned', 29), ('lodged', 3), ('dam', 25), ('memorandum', 8), ('bunji', 1), ('hydroelectric', 8), ('227', 4), ('hailed', 20), ('123', 10), ('dogharoun', 1), ('khatami', 39), ('desires', 2), ('studying', 15), ('salahaddin', 1), ('zafaraniyah', 1), ('reutersnews', 1), ('swapping', 1), ('clothes', 15), ('individuals', 30), ('visitors', 32), ('swapped', 1), ('questioning', 38), ('expires', 26), ('indefinitely', 10), ('warring', 11), ('organize', 12), ('driven', 53), ('nasa', 55), ('phoenix', 14), ('mars', 30), ('ideal', 5), ('planet', 27), ('polar', 15), ('subterranean', 1), ('ice', 49), ('dig', 9), ('martian', 7), ('layer', 2), ('landing', 24), ('glitch', 2), ('ranging', 19), ('negative', 15), ('headline', 1), ('vh1', 1), ('feature', 7), ('composite', 9), ('tumbled', 2), ('nikkei', 11), ('sensex', 1), ('mumbai', 31), ('lingering', 5), ('hang', 11), ('seng', 9), ('indexes', 11), ('frankfurt', 9), ('plunge', 5), ('revitalize', 5), ('rebates', 3), ('reserve', 47), ('meets', 28), ('stave', 2), ('deploying', 10), ('moshe', 6), ('yaalon', 3), ('breakthrough', 11), ('mamadou', 8), ('tandja', 15), ('seyni', 2), ('oumarou', 4), ('returning', 58), ('posts', 26), ('toppled', 21), ('hama', 1), ('amadou', 4), ('keeping', 28), ('aichatou', 1), ('mindaoudou', 1), ('albade', 1), ('abouba', 1), ('mahamane', 1), ('lamine', 1), ('zeine', 1), ('spiritual', 25), ('dalai', 36), ('lama', 41), ('buddhist', 34), ('admired', 1), ('teachings', 6), ('leonid', 15), ('kuchma', 20), ('yanukovich', 2), ('backer', 5), ('farce', 3), ('unforseeable', 1), ('inadmissible', 2), ('tim', 9), ('nardiello', 4), ('skeleton', 6), ('arbitrator', 1), ('sexually', 19), ('bobsled', 1), ('effective', 49), ('rejoin', 4), ('altenberg', 1), ('sliders', 2), ('zach', 1), ('lund', 2), ('publicly', 33), ('whistleblower', 1), ('revealing', 1), ('technician', 6), ('contacting', 5), ('warheads', 12), ('neutron', 1), ('hydrogen', 2), ('convert', 13), ('cameraman', 12), ('pointless', 1), ('stories', 10), ('victim', 54), ('outlet', 3), ('abductions', 16), ('implicitly', 1), ('critically', 13), ('beersheba', 1), ('larijani', 21), ('rush', 11), ('settlers', 54), ('mashaal', 10), ('unrealistic', 2), ('assassinations', 7), ('inform', 12), ('resuming', 18), ('self', 57), ('underestimated', 1), ('richards', 10), ('eye', 17), ('ball', 12), ('vacuum', 8), ('nawzad', 1), ('landmine', 15), ('confiscated', 21), ('hide', 14), ('gunbattle', 29), ('myanmar', 17), ('tachileik', 2), ('mekong', 5), ('drivers', 19), ('tents', 16), ('blocks', 13), ('caffeine', 1), ('methamphetamine', 5), ('tablets', 1), ('restive', 45), ('instill', 4), ('beheadings', 7), ('deliberate', 6), ('756', 2), ('hurting', 11), ('fixed', 17), ('retirees', 3), ('golden', 8), ('grapple', 1), ('retirement', 38), ('mil', 19), ('arcega', 19), ('holiest', 9), ('najaf', 16), ('carnage', 2), ('risen', 49), ('66', 12), ('clearly', 6), ('ignite', 2), ('degraded', 2), ('wetlands', 7), ('pandemic', 36), ('nairobi', 41), ('habitats', 6), ('ponds', 1), ('paddy', 4), ('isolation', 23), ('fixes', 1), ('suit', 18), ('slap', 3), ('dahoun', 1), ('gignor', 1), ('cheering', 7), ('forcefully', 3), ('evict', 5), ('demobilized', 6), ('suburb', 20), ('tabarre', 1), ('whatever', 8), ('ex', 30), ('rebellion', 23), ('identified', 118), ('39', 25), ('spaniard', 9), ('moutaz', 1), ('almallah', 3), ('dabas', 3), ('warrant', 24), ('slough', 1), ('bow', 4), ('magistrate', 3), ('mohannad', 1), ('passport', 11), ('revitalizing', 2), ('jumpstart', 2), ('assure', 4), ('alleging', 17), ('farfetched', 1), ('stops', 17), ('michael', 67), ('montedison', 3), ('v', 20), ('tender', 4), ('outstanding', 21), ('erbamont', 2), ('pharmaceuticals', 8), ('incorporated', 8), ('advertised', 1), ('72', 21), ('pursuant', 3), ('volta', 1), ('coups', 12), ('multiparty', 13), ('blaise', 2), ('compaore', 2), ('1987', 17), ('securely', 1), ('durable', 5), ('density', 3), ('unrest', 60), ('cote', 11), ("d'ivoire", 9), ('ghana', 33), ('seasonal', 8), ('burkinabe', 1), ('wealthiest', 7), ('republics', 16), ('output', 56), ('waves', 34), ('fortunes', 5), ('rebound', 8), ('credit', 56), ('tame', 1), ('kuna', 1), ('nevertheless', 14), ('stubbornly', 2), ('uneven', 5), ('retains', 8), ('privatization', 23), ('stabilization', 12), ('lag', 1), ('accession', 11), ('accelerate', 6), ('anemic', 4), ('annexed', 19), ('thirds', 38), ('mauritania', 30), ('guerrilla', 27), ('polisario', 11), ('contesting', 5), ('algeria', 24), ('genoese', 1), ('fortress', 1), ('monaco', 7), ('1215', 1), ('grimaldi', 1), ('1297', 1), ('1331', 1), ('1419', 1), ('spurred', 15), ('railroad', 4), ('linkup', 1), ('casino', 7), ('mild', 9), ('scenery', 1), ('gambling', 7), ('recreation', 2), ('crab', 3), ('forsaking', 1), ('seashore', 5), ('meadow', 2), ('feeding', 7), ('ate', 9), ('deserve', 7), ('adapted', 1), ('contentment', 1), ('element', 6), ('happiness', 2), ('groom', 2), ('currycombing', 1), ('rubbing', 1), ('stole', 12), ('oats', 1), ('alas', 2), ('wish', 9), ('walking', 10), ('here', 24), ('scoundrel', 2), ('cried', 7), ('answered', 7), ('makers', 10), ('mustard', 3), ('pressed', 10), ('specifics', 4), ('might', 87), ('product', 17), ('rochester', 1), ('ny', 1), ('thing', 12), ('yellow', 10), ('pitching', 2), ('unfortunately', 6), ('mother', 46), ('prayed', 11), ('fervently', 1), ('prayer', 22), ('excessively', 2), ('styling', 1), ('gel', 1), ('dragged', 6), ('independently', 14), ('thwart', 7), ('chidambaram', 3), ('alarmist', 1), ('preparedness', 2), ('westerners', 16), ('destination', 16), ('festivals', 2), ('advisories', 1), ('holidays', 11), ('commemoration', 6), ('colonists', 3), ('kitts', 8), ('montserrat', 2), ('1632', 1), ('flee', 29), ('fulfilled', 5), ('promise', 24), ('froce', 1), ('zimbabwe', 96), ('mugabe', 43), ('chinamasa', 4), ('chairmanship', 9), ('chiweshe', 3), ('zanu', 6), ('pf', 6), ('draw', 39), ('mdc', 10), ('redistricting', 1), ('constituencies', 5), ('possession', 21), ('reflects', 9), ('inclusive', 3), ('consultation', 3), ('incorporating', 1), ('substantial', 35), ('frenzy', 1), ('lawmaking', 1), ('25th', 4), ('1980', 18), ('complied', 6), ('qualifiers', 2), ('surprising', 2), ('reigning', 6), ('champions', 8), ('blowing', 10), ('horns', 7), ('singing', 5), ('praises', 5), ('menas', 1), ('pharaohs', 3), ('stunning', 2), ('faithful', 13), ('converted', 7), ('landholdings', 1), ('fifa', 29), ('ranks', 19), ('154th', 1), ('niamey', 2), ('stade', 2), ('général', 1), ('kountché', 1), ('kick', 8), ('blistering', 1), ('sun', 26), ('striker', 5), ('ouwa', 1), ('moussa', 15), ('maazou', 3), ('scored', 56), ('getting', 47), ('defender', 3), ('abel', 3), ('shafy', 1), ('goalkeeper', 1), ('essam', 2), ('hadary', 1), ('bordeaux', 1), ('net', 38), ('equalizer', 1), ('rarely', 8), ('midfield', 1), ('fathallah', 1), ('offside', 1), ('solid', 19), ('drops', 11), ('bottom', 6), ('01', 12), ('inauspicious', 1), ('continental', 10), ('johannesburg', 17), ('eruption', 9), ('soufriere', 1), ('volcano', 16), ('hosts', 14), ('pushes', 3), ('qualify', 5), ('gabon', 17), ('hometown', 13), ('intensified', 24), ('inconclusive', 4), ('governing', 34), ('sylvester', 1), ('stallone', 2), ('fines', 15), ('importing', 7), ('hormone', 3), ('movie', 36), ('room', 23), ('possessing', 8), ('enhancing', 7), ('endured', 11), ('occurring', 6), ('penalty', 32), ('fine', 25), ('unlikely', 17), ('collided', 9), ('tractor', 7), ('maharashtra', 9), ('bombay', 9), ('nagpur', 2), ('tracks', 8), ('trains', 20), ('collision', 10), ('punjab', 10), ('laloo', 1), ('yadav', 3), ('pages', 8), ('oral', 2), ('histories', 2), ('transmissions', 3), ('robust', 12), ('firefighters', 18), ('twin', 15), ('towers', 5), ('sued', 9), ('privacy', 7), ('jeopardize', 5), ('zacarias', 3), ('moussaoui', 4), ('hazardous', 8), ('waste', 19), ('shores', 1), ('containers', 10), ('illnesses', 6), ('radiation', 2), ('sickness', 1), ('ulcers', 2), ('abdominal', 5), ('hemorrhages', 1), ('unusual', 10), ('skin', 7), ('dumping', 7), ('toxic', 23), ('accelerated', 4), ('dislodged', 1), ('davos', 4), ('switzerland', 49), ('taro', 8), ('aso', 15), ('lend', 5), ('rebounded', 16), ('announce', 33), ('stormy', 4), ('jabella', 1), ('grapes', 3), ('citrus', 7), ('fruits', 7), ('hazelnuts', 1), ('manganese', 3), ('copper', 17), ('alcoholic', 2), ('nonalcoholic', 1), ('beverages', 3), ('machinery', 13), ('lengthy', 12), ('anything', 13), ('consulate', 33), ('jeddah', 17), ('merciful', 1), ('improvement', 14), ('banking', 54), ('availability', 4), ('external', 42), ('risks', 19), ('spokesperson', 6), ('convoys', 13), ('operational', 16), ('wrapping', 8), ('looks', 25), ('feeds', 2), ('connecticut', 9), ('disgruntled', 3), ('beer', 6), ('spree', 5), ('hartford', 2), ('distributors', 5), ('warehouse', 9), ('welcoming', 3), ('equip', 2), ('extension', 28), ('component', 3), ('repatriating', 2), ('havens', 11), ('restrict', 15), ('overcome', 21), ('interruptions', 3), ('renovating', 2), ('relying', 5), ('jaap', 14), ('hoop', 17), ('scheffer', 19), ('sense', 17), ('clamp', 4), ('digging', 8), ('holes', 2), ('solo', 2), ('meter', 48), ('safeguard', 9), ('islamiyah', 9), ('teenager', 25), ('seventeen', 4), ('tufail', 1), ('matoo', 1), ('baku', 9), ("t'bilisi", 2), ('ceyhan', 3), ('erzerum', 1), ('kars', 1), ('akhalkalaki', 2), ('capitalize', 2), ('mattoo', 1), ('teargas', 6), ('shell', 43), ('bag', 13), ('47', 23), ('entirety', 2), ('christians', 53), ('celebrating', 17), ('apprehension', 1), ('collect', 9), ('simplified', 1), ('enforcement', 29), ('cracked', 5), ('petty', 4), ('anxious', 5), ('feels', 8), ('invincible', 1), ('volunteer', 7), ('neediest', 1), ('fellow', 29), ('queen', 13), ('elizabeth', 7), ('pride', 9), ('gratitude', 2), ('highlighted', 8), ('diversity', 4), ('tolerance', 11), ('ordinary', 9), ('orthodox', 30), ('patriarch', 8), ('alexy', 2), ('deeds', 3), ('pool', 13), ('joy', 7), ('cathedral', 7), ('siberian', 4), ('yakutsk', 2), ('eroded', 5), ('surplus', 18), ('borrowing', 9), ('benedict', 71), ('feast', 4), ('epiphany', 2), ('kings', 4), ('wise', 5), ('jesus', 25), ('isi', 1), ('rafael', 18), ('nadal', 5), ('slam', 9), ('melbourne', 21), ('pinning', 1), ('regulation', 3), ('attract', 16), ('domestically', 7), ('joins', 8), ('andre', 9), ('agassi', 14), ('russians', 10), ('maria', 11), ('sharapova', 8), ('fitness', 3), ('seed', 31), ('federer', 14), ('ankle', 5), ('method', 7), ('infiltration', 4), ('nicholas', 13), ('burns', 19), ('infiltrating', 3), ('igniting', 1), ('discarding', 1), ('madagascar', 10), ('liberalization', 5), ('prepared', 47), ('concessions', 12), ('expense', 12), ('compromises', 1), ('subsidies', 39), ('iacovou', 2), ('ambassadors', 15), ('text', 11), ('gul', 18), ('abandon', 36), ('imposes', 4), ('tries', 4), ('normalize', 4), ('wounds', 23), ('mainstay', 8), ('employing', 6), ('sadrist', 2), ('vocal', 8), ('transferring', 10), ('responsibilities', 10), ('basketball', 17), ('yao', 10), ('ming', 3), ('sore', 1), ('toe', 3), ('houston', 19), ('nba', 10), ('boomed', 2), ('266', 2), ('miss', 7), ('getter', 1), ('averaging', 6), ('rebounds', 3), ('shots', 26), ('114', 9), ('expulsion', 11), ('requirements', 19), ('agoa', 2), ('termination', 5), ('apartments', 7), ('pakistanis', 32), ('belgian', 16), ('financing', 16), ('blow', 38), ('bangkok', 19), ('dissolve', 9), ('crippling', 8), ('abhisit', 3), ('vejjajiva', 1), ('thaksin', 30), ('predecessor', 18), ('somchai', 1), ('wongsawat', 1), ('dispersing', 3), ('shirted', 1), ('wracked', 5), ('deforestation', 3), ('erosion', 4), ('aggravated', 4), ('firewood', 2), ('weah', 23), ('sainworla', 1), ('affiliate', 4), ('veritas', 1), ('monrovia', 5), ('talked', 8), ('butty', 1), ('hubble', 13), ('telescope', 10), ('fix', 11), ('camera', 7), ('photo', 11), ('galaxies', 8), ('ring', 28), ('beaming', 1), ('repair', 20), ('ravalomanana', 7), ('aggressively', 8), ('images', 40), ('revolutionized', 1), ('universe', 4), ('aqsa', 41), ('martyrs', 35), ('persuaded', 2), ('30th', 12), ('hakim', 11), ('dealt', 8), ('blows', 7), ('infidels', 3), ('endorses', 3), ('authenticated', 4), ('richardson', 5), ('endorse', 5), ('portland', 3), ('oregon', 7), ('hispanic', 5), ('hispanics', 4), ('tended', 1), ('delegates', 42), ('selected', 24), ('caucuses', 4), ('wary', 5), ('entering', 35), ('uncertain', 13), ('revelers', 4), ('pack', 4), ('celebrates', 10), ('carnival', 10), ('lent', 5), ('repentance', 1), ('parades', 10), ('featuring', 8), ('sensual', 1), ('dance', 13), ('samba', 4), ('culminates', 1), ('sambadrome', 3), ('brazilians', 6), ('outlandish', 2), ('costumes', 4), ('masks', 5), ('drinking', 29), ('celebrations', 38), ('squeeze', 3), ('indulgence', 1), ('fasting', 8), ('hanging', 14), ('beit', 12), ('considers', 35), ('1853', 1), ('collaborating', 3), ('row', 14), ('excerpts', 6), ('aired', 36), ('filmed', 5), ('style', 27), ('signaled', 6), ('anytime', 2), ('faltering', 6), ('positioned', 6), ('fed', 27), ('steadily', 17), ('served', 90), ('penal', 2), ('1864', 1), ('balance', 27), ('hikes', 13), ('slash', 7), ('siege', 15), ('beslan', 13), ('ingushetia', 5), ('seizing', 11), ('ordeal', 1), ('chaotic', 7), ('330', 10), ('teleconference', 1), ('noumea', 1), ('caledonia', 5), ('bagram', 14), ('spoken', 7), ('showdown', 4), ('tactic', 5), ('filibuster', 2), ('frist', 6), ('priscilla', 2), ('owen', 3), ('filibusters', 4), ('changing', 12), ('drastically', 5), ('commits', 3), ('2014', 10), ('2019', 2), ('accordance', 12), ('boycotting', 8), ('asad', 5), ('hashimi', 3), ('arranging', 6), ('jetliners', 4), ('airbus', 17), ('surprised', 12), ('regain', 11), ('ills', 6), ('mankind', 2), ('prevailed', 2), ('1055', 1), ('1002', 1), ('somewhat', 11), ('fleets', 5), ('cope', 17), ('khursheed', 6), ('hatred', 12), ('wafted', 1), ('heaven', 2), ('righteous', 2), ('vengeance', 3), ('persecutors', 1), ('bikindi', 3), ('youth', 26), ('sports', 41), ('tanzania', 29), ('composed', 3), ('encouraged', 31), ('hutus', 7), ('tutsis', 16), ('consulted', 2), ('juvenal', 2), ('habyarimana', 2), ('lyrics', 3), ('privately', 19), ('tutsi', 9), ('stationing', 1), ('tariq', 7), ('youssef', 9), ('baathist', 3), ('sympathizers', 7), ('entreated', 5), ('jupiter', 9), ('unceasing', 1), ('warfare', 12), ('indissoluble', 1), ('proof', 18), ('soured', 3), ('defusing', 3), ('attorney', 66), ('spies', 13), ('vicente', 32), ('rangel', 16), ('attaché', 2), ('correa', 19), ('mentioned', 21), ('filmmaker', 11), ('documentary', 10), ('outrage', 17), ('decreed', 2), ('henceforth', 2), ('habitations', 1), ('edelist', 1), ('incorrect', 6), ('archival', 1), ('footage', 19), ('illustrate', 2), ('copy', 5), ('film', 63), ('transcript', 1), ('eliezer', 2), ('ueberroth', 2), ('baseball', 24), ('permission', 34), ('treasury', 46), ('inaugural', 5), ('classic', 10), ('hence', 3), ('arises', 2), ('abound', 1), ('singly', 2), ('discern', 1), ('puerto', 13), ('rico', 6), ('panama', 40), ('transactions', 10), ('zaraqawi', 1), ('yasin', 2), ('malik', 8), ('adviser', 18), ('sanjaya', 1), ('baru', 1), ('tv', 39), ('channel', 36), ('geo', 4), ('convened', 8), ('invitation', 15), ('warlords', 25), ('paving', 6), ('locked', 16), ('feel', 8), ('unsafe', 5), ('unions', 34), ('sirnak', 4), ('averted', 3), ('stoppages', 1), ('attendants', 2), ('alitalia', 1), ('walkout', 6), ('telecommunications', 32), ('slalom', 12), ('bormio', 1), ('orchid', 1), ('growers', 4), ('grab', 9), ('bigger', 9), ('unique', 14), ('varieties', 2), ('wagner', 2), ('farc', 64), ('alvaro', 33), ('uribe', 46), ('valle', 2), ('cauca', 1), ('swap', 10), ('rightist', 16), ('paramilitaries', 18), ('rewrite', 4), ('cedatos', 1), ('gallup', 4), ('78', 22), ('inefficiency', 1), ('centralize', 1), ('stripping', 2), ('unpopular', 9), ('redefine', 2), ('shelled', 5), ('reaching', 34), ('unveiled', 29), ('epidemic', 16), ('anticipates', 3), ('gatherings', 7), ('stockpiles', 6), ('viral', 6), ('tamiflu', 8), ('beachfront', 4), ('pkk', 65), ('minibus', 16), ('jenin', 13), ('marti', 3), ('viewers', 11), ('granma', 10), ('article', 28), ('wpmf', 1), ('dishes', 4), ('nepali', 7), ('ilam', 2), ('680', 1), ('persuading', 7), ('insult', 7), ('outbursts', 1), ('revolt', 15), ('pushing', 18), ('intense', 33), ('loi', 1), ('sam', 14), ('rashakai', 1), ('tang', 2), ('khata', 1), ('bajaur', 10), ('rehman', 5), ('offensives', 8), ('reserved', 6), ('militancy', 8), ('discouraging', 5), ('undertaking', 2), ('beating', 34), ('assaulting', 7), ('uniformed', 5), ('punching', 4), ('drunkenness', 2), ('pictures', 35), ('manhandling', 1), ('credentials', 11), ('handcuffs', 4), ('beaten', 19), ('deserting', 1), ('looting', 9), ('arrives', 11), ('respects', 13), ('universities', 12), ('offend', 3), ('ekmeleddin', 4), ('ihsanoglu', 4), ('finnish', 7), ('kaliningrad', 2), ('interfax', 19), ('denying', 31), ('matti', 1), ('vanhanen', 1), ('reward', 22), ('paraded', 1), ('harcourt', 10), ('emancipation', 11), ('delta', 62), ('mend', 7), ('refuted', 2), ('hoshyar', 9), ('zebari', 14), ('maysan', 1), ('margaret', 17), ('beckett', 6), ('muthana', 1), ('mean', 21), ('redeployed', 1), ('covert', 9), ('reid', 22), ('lewis', 8), ('libby', 16), ('probing', 12), ('leak', 6), ('karl', 7), ('rove', 4), ('economist', 16), ('konan', 3), ('banny', 11), ('mediators', 21), ('dakar', 9), ('senegal', 42), ('abijan', 1), ('andaman', 6), ('archipelago', 15), ('teenagers', 13), ('wandering', 1), ('nicobari', 1), ('tribespeople', 2), ('hill', 34), ('flooded', 29), ('emaciated', 1), ('lived', 41), ('coconuts', 6), ('esmatullah', 1), ('alizai', 1), ('mian', 3), ('neshin', 1), ('tactical', 3), ('recapture', 4), ('chora', 1), ('casualty', 13), ('deutsche', 2), ('welle', 2), ('baghlan', 6), ('explosive', 35), ('musayyib', 2), ('spiraling', 4), ('topics', 16), ('absolutely', 4), ('unproven', 1), ('alonso', 10), ('complexes', 1), ('desalinization', 1), ('toulouse', 1), ('pedro', 6), ('esquisabel', 1), ('urtuzaga', 1), ('mushir', 1), ('masri', 16), ('steinmeier', 10), ('atrocious', 2), ('senseless', 1), ('successor', 31), ('honduran', 9), ('fatally', 9), ('tegucigalpa', 3), ('timothy', 7), ('markey', 3), ('leg', 28), ('pronounced', 2), ('fatal', 23), ('robbery', 10), ('dea', 1), ('scott', 33), ('mcclellan', 25), ('idol', 8), ('hopefuls', 5), ('implicating', 4), ('mourned', 2), ('legislator', 11), ('publisher', 7), ('gibran', 1), ('tueni', 5), ('coincide', 13), ('axe', 8), ('alaina', 1), ('sang', 8), ('tepid', 1), ('rendition', 2), ('dixie', 1), ('chicks', 1), ('nice', 5), ('nick', 6), ('charisma', 1), ('cowell', 6), ('wto', 26), ('bids', 9), ('goody', 1), ('payable', 1), ('kearny', 2), ('accessories', 3), ('cosmetic', 3), ('92', 11), ('takeover', 17), ('1830', 5), ('prospered', 6), ('technologically', 3), ('flemings', 1), ('walloons', 1), ('turkmenistan', 12), ('intensive', 11), ('irrigated', 2), ('oases', 1), ('tabaldo', 1), ('leslie', 6), ('nina', 2), ('simone', 2), ('feeling', 11), ('cotton', 15), ('consumed', 3), ('employ', 8), ('workforce', 12), ('tribally', 1), ('cautious', 6), ('sustain', 15), ('endemic', 6), ('educational', 8), ('ashgabat', 1), ('statistics', 15), ('margins', 2), ('antonella', 3), ('barba', 2), ('racy', 1), ('sensation', 1), ('particular', 21), ('berdimuhamedow', 2), ('unified', 15), ('dual', 11), ('redenomination', 1), ('manat', 1), ('gasoline', 66), ('caspian', 6), ('bureaucratic', 5), ('impede', 4), ('hungary', 24), ('d', 31), ('1000', 9), ('bulwark', 1), ('polyglot', 2), ('1956', 7), ('warsaw', 19), ('janos', 1), ('kadar', 1), ('liberalizing', 3), ('introducing', 4), ('goulash', 1), ('confinement', 8), ('rotating', 14), ('frog', 2), ('marsh', 1), ('beasts', 9), ('physician', 10), ('heal', 4), ('pretend', 1), ('prescribe', 4), ('lame', 2), ('gait', 1), ('wrinkled', 2), ('swallow', 8), ('reared', 3), ('snake', 2), ('chink', 1), ('eat', 18), ('injunction', 8), ('pitcher', 8), ('filberts', 2), ('grasped', 2), ('unwilling', 3), ('bitterly', 4), ('lamented', 4), ('disappointment', 6), ('bystander', 6), ('quantity', 6), ('readily', 2), ('unspecified', 12), ('federally', 3), ('administered', 18), ('fatas', 1), ('livelihoods', 6), ('governed', 6), ('pashtun', 3), ('elders', 22), ('ravine', 5), ('malakand', 2), ('poorly', 15), ('disregard', 3), ('dmitri', 16), ('medvedev', 31), ('ratification', 12), ('prague', 7), ('submitted', 29), ('synchronize', 1), ('arsenals', 5), ('milestone', 8), ('nadhem', 1), ('skirmish', 4), ('cricket', 32), ('337', 5), ('stumps', 5), ('nld', 13), ('landslide', 24), ('matthew', 5), ('hayden', 11), ('28th', 2), ('124', 3), ('sourav', 3), ('ganguly', 6), ('surpassing', 3), ('countrymen', 3), ('bradman', 1), ('ricky', 1), ('ponting', 1), ('bowlers', 6), ('damper', 2), ('anil', 5), ('kumble', 6), ('84', 19), ('zaheer', 1), ('ejected', 4), ('grounds', 25), ('tips', 6), ('interviews', 19), ('entice', 2), ('prisons', 46), ('nabih', 5), ('berri', 5), ('odds', 13), ('amr', 8), ('simple', 15), ('outlining', 8), ('swift', 9), ('hanged', 7), ('juma', 3), ('himat', 2), ('describing', 10), ('mutilated', 5), ('trees', 22), ('sayed', 6), ('agha', 7), ('saqeb', 1), ('ahmadi', 7), ('section', 31), ('cordons', 1), ('rock', 42), ('segment', 3), ('fencing', 6), ('barbed', 1), ('tunceli', 6), ('outlawed', 24), ('roadblock', 6), ('unilateral', 17), ('ignoring', 8), ('complaining', 6), ('pains', 5), ('lagging', 4), ('050', 1), ('calories', 1), ('requirement', 4), ('cheerful', 2), ('experiencing', 11), ('discomfort', 3), ('exhaustion', 4), ('spends', 4), ('ghanaian', 4), ('accra', 6), ('entirely', 13), ('argue', 16), ('gradual', 8), ('consolidation', 5), ('conceived', 4), ('kwame', 2), ('nkrumah', 2), ('fresh', 41), ('pacifism', 1), ('rating', 21), ('slashed', 10), ('ratings', 11), ('bonds', 12), ('speculative', 1), ('athens', 15), ('downgraded', 7), ('sovereign', 22), ('notches', 1), ('debts', 8), ('lenders', 9), ('downgrades', 1), ('stocks', 24), ('quan', 1), ('favorable', 11), ('investigative', 12), ('communists', 6), ('caller', 1), ('coverage', 24), ('occupy', 4), ('contained', 26), ('lynndie', 5), ('arraignment', 1), ('georgy', 1), ('gongadze', 2), ('maltreatment', 2), ('maltreat', 1), ('mistrial', 2), ('presiding', 9), ('mistreating', 4), ('tunisia', 10), ('bias', 5), ('dominique', 17), ('villepin', 19), ('reactors', 23), ('escalate', 5), ('decapitated', 4), ('dennis', 6), ('hastert', 1), ('inspiring', 3), ('contest', 13), ('captain', 31), ('bowman', 2), ('shifting', 8), ('entrenched', 5), ('pockets', 7), ('centraql', 1), ('bodyguard', 17), ('conversations', 10), ('bahraini', 2), ('likelihood', 4), ('emirate', 3), ('mani', 1), ('shankar', 1), ('aiyar', 2), ('amanullah', 4), ('jadoon', 1), ('pressured', 11), ('57th', 1), ('588', 1), ('differs', 4), ('releases', 9), ('khin', 17), ('nyunt', 11), ('accusations', 53), ('dissidents', 31), ('threatens', 22), ('defenders', 3), ('kravchenko', 1), ('drc', 31), ('intimidation', 8), ('afraid', 8), ('legitimate', 16), ('coastline', 10), ('sulawesi', 4), ('generated', 15), ('tomini', 1), ('gorontalo', 1), ('unfounded', 7), ('crushing', 7), ('barreled', 1), ('pangandaran', 2), ('668', 1), ('volunteered', 3), ('skip', 3), ('lady', 17), ('laura', 8), ('reunite', 8), ('skipped', 2), ('meal', 5), ('rainfall', 11), ('rainy', 5), ('depletion', 5), ('livestock', 25), ('herds', 2), ('kenyans', 17), ('nominate', 7), ('closest', 9), ('karen', 21), ('hughes', 8), ('reputation', 9), ('requires', 35), ('advisors', 13), ('tutwiler', 1), ('greeted', 13), ('exploited', 3), ('rangers', 1), ('villagers', 55), ('5000', 2), ('wildfires', 6), ('scorched', 2), ('canary', 11), ('fires', 32), ('tenerife', 4), ('gran', 6), ('canaria', 3), ('stabilized', 5), ('moderated', 3), ('inspected', 5), ('forests', 5), ('incinerated', 1), ('blazes', 7), ('coastal', 45), ('resorts', 11), ('caregivers', 1), ('environmentalists', 5), ('arsonists', 3), ('wildfire', 4), ('confessed', 15), ('vaclav', 3), ('havel', 7), ('autocracy', 4), ('authors', 3), ('mary', 9), ('robinson', 2), ('retired', 48), ('archbishop', 20), ('desmond', 7), ('tutu', 7), ('soros', 3), ('mlada', 1), ('fronta', 1), ('dnes', 1), ('subsided', 4), ('1997', 52), ('chart', 4), ('speculation', 34), ('nasal', 2), ('tube', 7), ('intake', 1), ('throat', 8), ('armchair', 1), ('works', 43), ('aides', 28), ('overlooking', 3), ('bless', 2), ('cheers', 3), ('applause', 4), ('microphone', 4), ('discharged', 8), ('tracheotomy', 1), ('bethelehem', 1), ('manger', 7), ('nativity', 5), ('infiltrate', 3), ('mardan', 1), ('registry', 5), ('boris', 13), ('tadic', 13), ('considerations', 1), ('albanian', 20), ('backs', 8), ('supervised', 4), ('hinted', 2), ('supervision', 8), ('shrine', 33), ('cancel', 18), ('timely', 2), ('yasukuni', 4), ('audience', 20), ('atlanta', 19), ('referring', 21), ('register', 20), ('parlimentary', 1), ('appoint', 20), ('canceling', 2), ('liners', 4), ('flare', 7), ('elaborate', 24), ('why', 47), ('democrat', 23), ('duluiyah', 1), ('triangle', 6), ('extinguished', 1), ('saboteurs', 2), ('guardsman', 1), ('gerry', 3), ('kate', 4), ('mccann', 4), ('blessed', 2), ('photograph', 12), ('siblings', 7), ('devout', 2), ('emotions', 2), ('publicize', 2), ('disappearance', 9), ('outcry', 6), ('celebrities', 4), ('duties', 33), ('hrw', 6), ('condemns', 15), ('lists', 14), ('absurd', 3), ('contends', 9), ('revised', 17), ('bench', 3), ('declaring', 10), ('sawers', 1), ('ditch', 2), ('javad', 3), ('vaeedi', 2), ('consensus', 16), ('unexpectedly', 5), ('strongest', 14), ('jobless', 9), ('weak', 29), ('787', 2), ('stimulus', 25), ('cultural', 22), ('secessionist', 9), ('haqqani', 3), ('facilitator', 2), ('paktiya', 1), ('honorary', 3), ('lien', 1), ('chan', 8), ('mainland', 43), ('guiding', 2), ('greenspan', 21), ('retire', 8), ('regarded', 4), ('speculate', 5), ('bullhorn', 1), ('occupants', 4), ('ak', 7), ('academic', 8), ('glenn', 2), ('hubbard', 1), ('feldstein', 1), ('danilo', 6), ('anderson', 20), ('charred', 5), ('positively', 3), ('prosecuting', 4), ('ibero', 4), ('119', 10), ('jump', 15), ('seem', 7), ('rises', 6), ('assessed', 5), ('2020', 12), ('sufficient', 16), ('egyptians', 16), ('resulting', 22), ('regulators', 21), ('fined', 13), ('357', 1), ('antitrust', 2), ('neelie', 1), ('kroes', 1), ('double', 60), ('633', 2), ('technical', 30), ('smoothly', 4), ('unjustified', 5), ('icy', 12), ('shutting', 7), ('snarling', 1), ('domodedovo', 2), ('sheremetyevo', 1), ('snapped', 4), ('slicked', 1), ('encased', 1), ('ria', 2), ('novosti', 3), ('taxis', 1), ('charging', 14), ('sex', 35), ('42', 28), ('guess', 2), ('physical', 24), ('appearance', 34), ('karachi', 51), ('condom', 3), ('stolen', 18), ('espionage', 12), ('goodwill', 13), ('identities', 14), ('bears', 15), ('ken', 4), ('salazar', 3), ('applying', 8), ('endangered', 13), ('species', 24), ('originate', 1), ('habitat', 6), ('application', 9), ('farther', 9), ('arctic', 15), ('mechanism', 7), ('millimeter', 2), ('bear', 15), ('touchstone', 1), ('melting', 9), ('atmosphere', 23), ('warms', 1), ('balochistan', 2), ('raziq', 1), ('bugti', 6), ('quetta', 24), ('wiped', 13), ('profits', 31), ('unfair', 17), ('graft', 9), ('homemade', 16), ('entrance', 18), ('faulty', 4), ('outdated', 6), ('146', 2), ('perceived', 10), ('focuses', 8), ('bribes', 15), ('ignores', 2), ('payments', 45), ('angola', 36), ('alasay', 1), ('patrols', 20), ('janica', 3), ('kostelic', 11), ('spindleruv', 1), ('mlyn', 1), ('kathrin', 1), ('zettel', 1), ('08', 8), ('marlies', 1), ('schild', 1), ('circuit', 9), ('steel', 18), ('mill', 7), ('kryvorizhstal', 2), ('consortium', 9), ('yulia', 12), ('tymoshenko', 31), ('privatizations', 5), ('reviewed', 7), ('fairly', 11), ('zvarych', 1), ('quit', 43), ('canal', 24), ('schemes', 4), ('wa', 9), ('shan', 22), ('mae', 1), ('spilling', 3), ('manufacture', 10), ('frontier', 23), ('javed', 5), ('cheema', 4), ('jirga', 4), ('aborted', 1), ('abduct', 1), ('tribesmen', 21), ('passage', 22), ('freeing', 10), ('sanctuaries', 3), ('swine', 25), ('woefully', 2), ('everyone', 21), ('susceptible', 1), ('h1n1', 8), ('wealthy', 19), ('biased', 12), ('affluence', 1), ('medicines', 8), ('gets', 10), ('providers', 2), ('inoculated', 1), ('atheist', 1), ('confirms', 11), ('429', 2), ('absentee', 3), ('provisional', 20), ('registered', 32), ('precinct', 4), ('gubernatorial', 3), ('christine', 3), ('gregoire', 1), ('barreling', 1), ('mayhem', 1), ('ruin', 3), ('stretches', 3), ('minnesota', 9), ('explicitly', 3), ('predicting', 6), ('locales', 2), ('discourages', 1), ('outages', 6), ('airline', 30), ('servicing', 10), ('reagan', 7), ('bloomberg', 19), ('indoors', 2), ('sidewalks', 1), ('guidance', 8), ('trades', 2), ('otherwise', 7), ('productivity', 13), ('hike', 19), ('minimum', 14), ('wage', 22), ('pensions', 4), ('steep', 13), ('utility', 6), ('users', 20), ('kilowatt', 1), ('heaviest', 8), ('conservation', 12), ('rasul', 1), ('aadham', 1), ('khurmatu', 3), ('laborers', 15), ('180', 15), ('ramadi', 42), ('anbar', 50), ('max', 5), ('baucus', 1), ('montana', 1), ('exemption', 1), ('basis', 37), ('rebuked', 1), ('harassment', 10), ('bastion', 3), ('encouraging', 16), ('infringement', 1), ('arizona', 25), ('concealing', 2), ('sanctioned', 4), ('cracks', 4), ('conscripted', 2), ('residency', 4), ('disclose', 10), ('slaughter', 15), ('bypass', 4), ('arteries', 3), ('recovers', 4), ('collective', 4), ('chaired', 8), ('pranab', 4), ('mukherjee', 6), ('tripled', 3), ('morris', 9), ('greatly', 12), ('deteriorated', 10), ('severely', 22), ('flowing', 14), ('starving', 1), ('nahr', 9), ('bared', 10), ('tripoli', 13), ('surveyed', 19), ('disapprove', 7), ('flags', 17), ('bombarded', 4), ('firefights', 3), ('sweet', 1), ('disruption', 7), ('minsk', 16), ('soaring', 28), ('skepticism', 4), ('hailing', 8), ('announcements', 3), ('sheikh', 47), ('shallah', 2), ('brotherhood', 42), ('intensifying', 4), ('rejection', 9), ('barring', 4), ('politics', 40), ('independents', 6), ('bargaining', 4), ('chip', 4), ('avi', 1), ('dichter', 1), ('mhawesh', 1), ('qadi', 1), ('gilad', 2), ('shalit', 3), ('commandos', 13), ('dressed', 19), ('randomly', 2), ('naseem', 1), ('haji', 1), ('akhtar', 10), ('salerno', 2), ('retaliated', 11), ('pairs', 4), ('freeskate', 1), ('highlights', 6), ('duel', 2), ('maxim', 2), ('marinin', 3), ('tatiana', 6), ('totmianina', 3), ('zhang', 10), ('hao', 1), ('thieves', 8), ('sarah', 7), ('grandmother', 5), ('grabs', 4), ('combines', 7), ('liv', 1), ('grete', 1), ('poiree', 3), ('pipe', 4), ('snowboarding', 2), ('kelly', 2), ('skating', 10), ('arson', 8), ('suburbs', 13), ('rioters', 16), ('racial', 9), ('treats', 5), ('kogelo', 1), ('hid', 12), ('electrocuted', 5), ('plata', 7), ('americas', 12), ('opens', 9), ('democratically', 14), ('honduras', 22), ('delegations', 6), ('encompass', 2), ('nestor', 8), ('kirchner', 12), ('pirates', 84), ('destroyer', 5), ('uss', 7), ('winston', 1), ('churchill', 1), ('piracy', 22), ('kitchen', 6), ('door', 16), ('maneuvering', 1), ('sixth', 39), ('compete', 30), ('sean', 24), ('maroney', 1), ('usa', 11), ('featured', 6), ('mohamad', 7), ('miracle', 3), ('resulted', 55), ('azahari', 8), ('husin', 7), ('tapes', 1), ('rented', 3), ("l'equipe", 3), ('676', 2), ('valentino', 1), ('rossi', 2), ('387', 2), ('formula', 7), ('distance', 15), ('kenenisa', 1), ('bekele', 1), ('compiling', 2), ('81', 19), ('wimbledon', 12), ('965', 1), ('bridge', 26), ('450', 12), ('rumor', 1), ('shoved', 2), ('tigris', 1), ('unverifiable', 4), ('wildly', 1), ('clad', 5), ('eleven', 9), ('lashkar', 23), ('jhangvi', 5), ('multan', 5), ('yemeni', 21), ('abyan', 5), ('secessionists', 1), ('placing', 14), ('asset', 8), ('zimbabwean', 10), ('throw', 9), ('lavish', 6), ('poisoning', 10), ('111', 5), ('concentrations', 1), ('zamfara', 1), ('epidemiologists', 1), ('pediatricians', 2), ('concentration', 6), ('kidneys', 1), ('reproductive', 1), ('herald', 22), ('85th', 2), ('chinhoyi', 1), ('harare', 10), ('tigers', 13), ('mullaittivu', 2), ('sprayed', 4), ('disinfectant', 1), ('poles', 5), ('erected', 3), ('correspondent', 24), ('1500', 3), ('sheltered', 3), ('rangin', 3), ('dadfar', 4), ('spanta', 5), ('masahiko', 1), ('komuri', 3), ('komura', 1), ('morgan', 5), ('tsvangirai', 3), ('sheltering', 5), ('yousuf', 19), ('raza', 16), ('gilani', 18), ('mehmood', 3), ('qureshi', 4), ('syed', 10), ('geelani', 1), ('hurriyat', 9), ('penitentiary', 6), ('upheaval', 2), ('quashed', 1), ('saga', 1), ('chaos', 29), ('massively', 1), ('airing', 6), ('duncan', 2), ('chairs', 11), ('publicist', 8), ('unvarnished', 1), ('truth', 14), ('denounces', 2), ('snuff', 1), ('integra', 3), ('mailing', 1), ('entitles', 1), ('nov', 9), ('exercised', 3), ('hammer', 3), ('operates', 13), ('hallwood', 2), ('cleveland', 16), ('merchant', 6), ('integration', 27), ('mere', 4), ('eliminated', 17), ('advantages', 3), ('downsized', 1), ('lagged', 3), ('overstated', 1), ('lowered', 8), ('sound', 30), ('fuad', 7), ('masoum', 2), ('prudent', 7), ('pegged', 4), ('euro', 54), ('modest', 10), ('timor', 12), ('leste', 3), ('westward', 5), ('supplemented', 1), ('piped', 2), ('convenes', 9), ('repository', 2), ('preserve', 12), ('resettled', 6), ('idps', 2), ('markedly', 3), ('procurement', 4), ('underlying', 5), ('duchy', 3), ('1809', 1), ('invasions', 5), ('albeit', 1), ('finns', 1), ('remarkable', 4), ('diversified', 8), ('initiation', 1), ('equality', 19), ('challenged', 20), ('fluctuations', 3), ('clipperton', 1), ('tuna', 5), ('raven', 3), ('swan', 13), ('desired', 3), ('plumage', 2), ('supposing', 3), ('color', 7), ('arose', 5), ('washing', 3), ('swam', 5), ('altars', 1), ('lakes', 6), ('pools', 2), ('cleansing', 4), ('feathers', 8), ('perished', 4), ('habit', 2), ('alter', 5), ('nettle', 2), ('hurts', 4), ('touched', 9), ('gently', 1), ('grasp', 1), ('boldly', 2), ('soft', 11), ('silk', 3), ('dust', 6), ('philosophy', 2), ('objectives', 9), ('mathematics', 1), ('kids', 11), ('financier', 3), ('bible', 3), ('pharaoh', 1), ('nile', 4), ('helium', 1), ('stationary', 3), ('pencils', 1), ('hiking', 2), ('trailing', 3), ('elevators', 1), ('escalators', 1), ('switches', 1), ('diapers', 1), ('keel', 1), ('balloon', 5), ('batteries', 5), ('recharge', 1), ('draining', 2), ('fifty', 7), ('ninety', 2), ('ethiopians', 12), ('malnutrition', 5), ('eliminate', 18), ('sanitation', 14), ('malnourished', 1), ('aerospace', 2), ('norad', 3), ('maneuvers', 10), ('elmendorf', 1), ('alaska', 8), ('khabarovsk', 7), ('drik', 1), ('divert', 5), ('extorting', 2), ('ransoms', 2), ('trainers', 2), ('peterson', 3), ('squads', 9), ('circulated', 6), ('rallied', 27), ('shouting', 11), ('denounce', 8), ('watched', 22), ('outcome', 14), ('gassing', 1), ('glyn', 1), ('davies', 2), ('frame', 4), ('drafted', 9), ('parliamentarian', 5), ('alaeddin', 1), ('boroujerdi', 4), ('kilograms', 19), ('substantially', 18), ('debating', 5), ('binding', 12), ('benchmarks', 6), ('securing', 10), ('desk', 4), ('override', 2), ('udi', 1), ('adam', 17), ('votel', 1), ('henry', 5), ('paulson', 6), ('lending', 10), ('reemergence', 1), ('distress', 5), ('creditors', 7), ('loans', 37), ('forgiven', 4), ('derailment', 2), ('mangled', 2), ('preston', 3), ('griffal', 2), ('joye', 2), ('luge', 4), ('doubles', 16), ('berth', 1), ('niccum', 3), ('quinn', 2), ('placid', 1), ('medalists', 2), ('grimmette', 1), ('martinin', 1), ('singles', 16), ('jonathan', 13), ('myles', 2), ('compatriot', 7), ('mazdzer', 1), ('161', 2), ('benshoofin', 1), ('samantha', 3), ('retrosi', 1), ('erin', 2), ('hamlin', 1), ('courtney', 2), ('zablocki', 1), ('lantos', 3), ('presidium', 1), ('yang', 2), ('hyong', 1), ('sop', 1), ('paek', 1), ('veligonda', 1), ('andhra', 8), ('resumption', 19), ('participated', 15), ('boycotted', 32), ('shattering', 4), ('lull', 9), ('beheaded', 11), ('derailed', 9), ('swollen', 4), ('shrank', 4), ('faster', 15), ('consumers', 33), ('pessimistic', 5), ('clues', 10), ('drives', 15), ('midwest', 8), ('flood', 33), ('inayatullah', 1), ('bhat', 2), ('acted', 21), ('stroll', 2), ('predominantly', 19), ('tal', 15), ('baath', 9), ('barham', 3), ('salih', 4), ('marshy', 1), ('brightly', 1), ('colored', 2), ('sodden', 1), ('valuable', 7), ('marlins', 2), ('josh', 4), ('avoided', 5), ('arbitration', 11), ('pitchers', 1), ('stints', 1), ('sep', 1), ('postseason', 1), ('championship', 17), ('02', 23), ('yankees', 4), ('sirens', 3), ('wailed', 1), ('remembrance', 6), ('motorists', 5), ('commemorations', 7), ('yad', 1), ('vashem', 1), ('auschwitz', 9), ('rescuers', 40), ('ropes', 4), ('wade', 6), ('carriages', 1), ('shofar', 2), ('ram', 6), ('sounded', 4), ('trek', 3), ('birkenau', 2), ('roma', 1), ('gypsies', 1), ('takes', 65), ('extermination', 5), ('promising', 19), ('malawai', 1), ('cassim', 2), ('chilumpha', 8), ('assassin', 3), ('malawi', 33), ('bingu', 6), ('mutharika', 18), ('mates', 3), ('feuding', 4), ('lessons', 4), ('luc', 1), ('chatel', 1), ('objecting', 1), ('google', 33), ('maps', 7), ('mislead', 3), ('impression', 4), ('update', 7), ('listing', 3), ('views', 27), ('530', 2), ('foreigner', 6), ('icrc', 6), ('spirits', 4), ('gauthier', 1), ('lefevre', 3), ('germans', 17), ('sister', 19), ('sibling', 1), ('geneina', 4), ('staffer', 3), ('communities', 71), ('captors', 10), ('hostility', 5), ('bashir', 26), ('mathieu', 4), ('kerekou', 9), ('olusegun', 14), ('obasanjo', 27), ('babies', 4), ('mouths', 1), ('sterility', 2), ('crimea', 7), ('unmarried', 1), ('palin', 1), ('teen', 11), ('spotlight', 2), ('padden', 2), ('teens', 3), ('conveyed', 6), ('management', 53), ('lapses', 2), ('kojo', 3), ('correct', 11), ('flaws', 5), ('cotecna', 1), ('lucrative', 7), ('contracts', 21), ('siyam', 1), ('upbeat', 3), ('assessment', 15), ('steve', 13), ('centanni', 3), ('olaf', 3), ('wiig', 3), ('solovtsov', 1), ('intermediate', 1), ('uncalled', 1), ('jaroslaw', 4), ('mirek', 1), ('topolanek', 1), ('syrians', 5), ('caption', 3), ('apology', 15), ('mix', 6), ('redskins', 1), ('taylor', 25), ('gunshot', 6), ('wound', 8), ('doubted', 1), ('cholera', 16), ('177', 2), ('sickened', 4), ('bissau', 6), ('instigate', 3), ('assassinate', 12), ('notched', 1), ('delray', 3), ('beach', 19), ('ramon', 6), ('delgado', 2), ('paraguay', 21), ('cruised', 1), ('xavier', 3), ('malisse', 4), ('justin', 5), ('gimelstob', 1), ('oliver', 2), ('marach', 1), ('guillermo', 4), ('todd', 1), ('widom', 1), ('decrease', 8), ('plaguing', 4), ('ministries', 10), ('chile', 60), ('tariffs', 16), ('panamanian', 11), ('intestinal', 15), ('raad', 2), ('juhyi', 1), ('cousin', 10), ('sultan', 8), ('hashim', 2), ('purports', 1), ('ansar', 11), ('sunna', 8), ('embraces', 1), ('dining', 8), ('dehydration', 7), ('darren', 2), ('boisvert', 1), ('distributing', 14), ('winterized', 1), ('plastic', 16), ('sheets', 4), ('essentially', 1), ('revived', 8), ('justices', 16), ('reconsider', 10), ('lawsuit', 23), ('tortured', 15), ('freely', 6), ('practicing', 4), ('imprisonment', 13), ('restoration', 11), ('humanely', 3), ('eritrean', 17), ('jemua', 3), ('ruphael', 1), ('amen', 1), ('benishangul', 1), ('gumuz', 1), ('latrines', 1), ('contaminate', 1), ('eritrea', 39), ('arnold', 8), ('schwarzenegger', 13), ('capping', 2), ('course', 29), ('treasure', 4), ('bold', 4), ('pollution', 23), ('chicago', 13), ('tribune', 1), ('print', 4), ('electronic', 28), ('protections', 4), ('random', 10), ('profiling', 5), ('dictatorship', 15), ('laith', 2), ('kuba', 1), ('rats', 1), ('badr', 4), ('brigade', 15), ('rockslide', 2), ('limestone', 1), ('cliff', 6), ('manshiyet', 2), ('nasr', 2), ('debris', 25), ('rockslides', 2), ('farmers', 49), ('cristina', 4), ('fernandez', 11), ('rebate', 4), ('soy', 3), ('sunflower', 1), ('seeds', 8), ('grains', 2), ('subsidize', 1), ('grain', 14), ('roadblocks', 7), ('constructed', 12), ('revise', 5), ('redistribute', 5), ('william', 36), ('brownfield', 9), ('trafficking', 52), ('accusation', 14), ('sana', 4), ('sidnaya', 2), ('extremism', 20), ('stems', 5), ('student', 41), ('rhine', 1), ('westphalia', 1), ('scanned', 2), ('profiled', 1), ('observatory', 6), ('magazine', 49), ('unauthenticated', 1), ('interrogated', 8), ('accompanying', 5), ('behead', 3), ('minas', 5), ('yousifi', 4), ('spear', 2), ('kilogram', 6), ('qaim', 7), ('karabila', 2), ('pharmaceutical', 11), ('merck', 10), ('experimental', 2), ('viruses', 8), ('cervical', 6), ('bavarian', 1), ('guenther', 1), ('beckstein', 1), ('gardasil', 2), ('papillovirus', 1), ('lesions', 1), ('cancerous', 2), ('transmitted', 15), ('hpvs', 2), ('immune', 3), ('glaxosmithkline', 3), ('eric', 5), ('kiraithe', 2), ('andrej', 1), ('hermlin', 1), ('gerd', 1), ('uwe', 1), ('fleur', 1), ('dissel', 1), ('gush', 1), ('katif', 1), ('hanif', 2), ('atmar', 3), ('hai', 2), ('muthmahien', 1), ('puppets', 2), ('183', 1), ('watchlist', 1), ('milliyet', 2), ('book', 34), ('updated', 6), ('fundamentalism', 6), ('separatism', 3), ('buys', 6), ('marburg', 19), ('244', 1), ('luanda', 10), ('stricken', 17), ('uige', 13), ('contagious', 6), ('incurable', 4), ('ebola', 16), ('bodily', 7), ('fluids', 9), ('hygienic', 3), ('restraints', 4), ('affiliated', 14), ('conceded', 4), ('confident', 15), ('expelling', 6), ('enemies', 13), ('willingly', 2), ('aggressors', 1), ('accusing', 53), ('mughani', 3), ('aiming', 7), ('minimize', 5), ('abdulatif', 1), ('sener', 1), ('crane', 4), ('guinean', 1), ('lansana', 3), ('conte', 5), ('humans', 65), ('everglades', 2), ('stretch', 12), ('wildlife', 17), ('glades', 1), ('shrink', 6), ('wading', 1), ('1930s', 8), ("'ll", 9), ('plenty', 3), ('alligators', 1), ('lane', 1), ('awesome', 1), ('sight', 10), ('anywhere', 10), ('kibo', 7), ('installing', 5), ('toilet', 8), ('fujimori', 33), ('ancestry', 3), ('petitioned', 7), ('extradite', 15), ('embezzlement', 9), ('sanctioning', 1), ('chronicles', 1), ('feminist', 1), ('1965', 7), ('sculptures', 3), ('behnam', 2), ('nateghi', 2), ('jim', 19), ('bertel', 9), ('communication', 20), ('clementina', 6), ('cantoni', 10), ('file', 20), ('widows', 4), ('tearful', 2), ('frode', 1), ('andresen', 3), ('sprint', 4), ('ruhpolding', 1), ('raphael', 2), ('rösch', 1), ('penalties', 6), ('greis', 1), ('standings', 9), ('298', 2), ('laps', 2), ('misses', 1), ('thai', 50), ('nahdlatul', 1), ('ulama', 1), ('hasyim', 1), ('muzadi', 3), ('shinawatra', 12), ('bhumibol', 3), ('adulyadej', 3), ('650', 10), ('der', 4), ('spiegel', 3), ('landmines', 5), ('formation', 24), ('abakar', 1), ('itno', 2), ('adre', 3), ('janjaweed', 15), ('mulino', 2), ('whoever', 5), ('something', 20), ('nephew', 10), ('liberty', 9), ('canyon', 4), ('ecosystem', 4), ('dirk', 1), ('kempthorne', 2), ('lever', 1), ('releasing', 17), ('glen', 1), ('regulates', 2), ('sediment', 3), ('beaches', 7), ('downstream', 4), ('tallest', 3), ('skyscraper', 1), ('experiments', 12), ('darien', 1), ('superintendent', 1), ('motives', 1), ('suggesting', 13), ('timed', 3), ('bulldozer', 1), ('discovering', 4), ('fog', 5), ('disagreements', 12), ('halutz', 8), ('occasional', 6), ('stance', 16), ('102', 7), ('166', 5), ('popularity', 15), ('rightwing', 2), ('congressional', 57), ('philippe', 4), ('douste', 5), ('blazy', 5), ('ingrid', 4), ('betancourt', 11), ('gabriel', 2), ('unthinkable', 2), ('usmani', 1), ('turban', 8), ('shabab', 23), ('daynunay', 1), ('publicity', 4), ('stunt', 2), ('overrun', 7), ('acquire', 5), ('konstantin', 4), ('kosachyov', 2), ('telegraph', 9), ('betweens', 1), ('teheran', 1), ('delivering', 14), ('falls', 8), ('bargain', 9), ('bisengimina', 3), ('pled', 1), ('gikoro', 1), ('arlete', 1), ('ramaroson', 1), ('confess', 3), ('quarantine', 9), ('aware', 20), ('organisation', 1), ('luzon', 4), ('logging', 5), ('assist', 24), ('dubai', 28), ('doncasters', 1), ('broader', 12), ('angered', 30), ('lima', 8), ('authorizing', 16), ('faxed', 2), ('santiago', 17), ('monteiro', 1), ('tasked', 7), ('ensuring', 3), ('contempt', 3), ('thein', 8), ('shein', 2), ('sentences', 37), ('permitted', 7), ('nearing', 11), ('enshrine', 1), ('bankruptcy', 14), ('jurisdiction', 14), ('yuganskneftgaz', 1), ('anyway', 3), ('suing', 3), ('firms', 34), ('gazprom', 43), ('rosneft', 12), ('weightlifting', 4), ('competitions', 2), ('owes', 8), ('rogers', 5), ('175', 3), ('148', 11), ('153', 2), ('placement', 3), ('perpetual', 6), ('preferred', 13), ('retractable', 1), ('holders', 5), ('convertible', 4), ('redeem', 1), ('conversion', 21), ('coupon', 1), ('liechtenstein', 16), ('industrialized', 34), ('enterprise', 8), ('easy', 8), ('incorporation', 2), ('induced', 6), ('nominal', 4), ('plutonium', 12), ('sport', 18), ('disrepute', 1), ('franc', 3), ('efta', 4), ('harmonize', 2), ('oecd', 12), ('grey', 4), ('model', 14), ('uruguay', 30), ('educated', 5), ('2000s', 3), ('readmitted', 2), ('brake', 1), ('vigorous', 4), ('decelerated', 1), ('managed', 31), ('expenditure', 1), ('float', 2), ('equals', 7), ('pounds', 4), ('rapid', 27), ('significantly', 26), ('utilities', 7), ('contributes', 9), ('secession', 19), ('depreciate', 2), ('considerably', 3), ('hoard', 1), ('restrain', 5), ('uncertainty', 10), ('iwf', 1), ('sanction', 2), ('coaches', 5), ('1291', 1), ('defensive', 6), ('cantons', 1), ('succeeding', 6), ('localities', 2), ('1499', 1), ('1848', 2), ('modified', 13), ('1874', 2), ('centralized', 4), ('neutrality', 9), ('honored', 10), ('crow', 14), ('jealous', 2), ('omen', 2), ('perching', 1), ('cawed', 1), ('loudly', 2), ('wondered', 2), ('foreboded', 1), ('companion', 9), ('journey', 12), ('caw', 2), ('cry', 1), ('tanner', 2), ('unpleasant', 1), ('smell', 2), ('tan', 3), ('yard', 11), ('accustomed', 3), ('inconvenience', 2), ('farmer', 25), ('implacable', 1), ('tow', 4), ('tail', 12), ('centre', 2), ('insured', 4), ('dissemble', 2), ('pond', 2), ('frogs', 7), ('pelt', 1), ('pleasure', 5), ('shantytowns', 2), ('softball', 4), ('inning', 1), ('math', 1), ('complicated', 5), ("'m", 9), ('customer', 6), ('clerk', 5), ('leaned', 2), ('priest', 19), ('blackboard', 3), ('dry', 21), ('chalk', 3), ('doctor', 27), ('cure', 4), ('looked', 12), ('improves', 4), ('pathogenic', 5), ('jaji', 1), ('kaduna', 5), ('disinfected', 4), ('ratifying', 1), ('armenians', 11), ('hanan', 1), ('raufi', 1), ('armor', 10), ('piercing', 1), ('applies', 4), ('anders', 5), ('fogh', 4), ('rasmussen', 5), ('sewage', 8), ('dmitry', 7), ('ophelia', 8), ('northward', 3), ('battering', 4), ('massachusetts', 17), ('nova', 4), ('scotia', 2), ('occupation', 34), ('bystanders', 11), ('sari', 1), ('pul', 5), ('robbed', 7), ('nicotine', 7), ('cigarettes', 10), ('inhale', 1), ('yielded', 5), ('smoker', 1), ('varied', 2), ('116', 2), ('brands', 5), ('addictive', 1), ('grows', 4), ('incursion', 19), ('recep', 31), ('tayyip', 31), ('erdogan', 47), ('patience', 5), ('mounting', 25), ('classify', 8), ('khushab', 3), ('kim', 78), ('sook', 2), ('cautiously', 3), ('chung', 12), ('dong', 7), ('concerning', 7), ('nobutaka', 4), ('machimura', 6), ('nimeiri', 4), ('lslamic', 1), ('79', 14), ('omdurman', 2), ('1985', 16), ('chapters', 2), ('sharia', 8), ('alienated', 2), ('barges', 2), ('gunship', 4), ('warri', 3), ('ijaw', 3), ('airstrip', 4), ('carolyn', 9), ('presutti', 6), ('accomplished', 7), ('resettlement', 6), ('hmong', 5), ('score', 12), ('handful', 11), ('midwestern', 11), ('wisconsin', 2), ('tham', 1), ('krabok', 1), ('enhanced', 6), ('screenings', 3), ('joyce', 3), ('mujuru', 3), ('msika', 1), ('filling', 5), ('vacancy', 3), ('muzenda', 1), ('chosen', 26), ('emmerson', 1), ('mnangawa', 1), ('ariane', 3), ('quentier', 1), ('derailing', 2), ('educating', 2), ('transatlantic', 2), ('trends', 7), ('marshall', 7), ('polled', 6), ('bryan', 4), ('whitman', 5), ('cyrus', 1), ('kar', 2), ('laywers', 1), ('prayerful', 1), ('attendance', 6), ('adrian', 3), ('fenty', 1), ('gift', 6), ('yunnan', 7), ('shook', 14), ('yanjin', 3), ('county', 24), ('zhaotong', 1), ('seismological', 2), ('hillsides', 2), ('guizhou', 2), ('plateau', 5), ('uri', 7), ('bu', 1), ('scrap', 10), ('repealing', 2), ('impasse', 10), ('pick', 22), ('regressing', 2), ('staffers', 16), ('compounds', 8), ('sub', 24), ('finals', 19), ('daniel', 23), ('bennett', 6), ('khairul', 1), ('amri', 1), ('agu', 1), ('casmir', 1), ('substitute', 2), ('mahyadi', 1), ('panggabean', 1), ('deflected', 2), ('shaky', 7), ('shaktoi', 2), ('friction', 4), ('sees', 14), ('audio', 16), ('recording', 19), ('hakimullah', 2), ('mehsud', 6), ('journalism', 9), ('yahoo', 7), ('relating', 9), ('osako', 1), ('subpoenas', 1), ('australians', 12), ('smuggle', 9), ('schapelle', 2), ('corby', 2), ('fitzgerald', 4), ('operative', 16), ('identity', 27), ('toughest', 2), ('rossendorf', 1), ('dresden', 4), ('reunification', 19), ('observe', 17), ('loading', 5), ('echoing', 3), ('yorker', 4), ('psychological', 5), ('momir', 1), ('savic', 2), ('visegrad', 2), ('dayton', 16), ('oilrig', 1), ('valerie', 3), ('plame', 4), ('flipped', 4), ('switch', 7), ('drenched', 4), ('recreated', 2), ('getulio', 1), ('vargas', 2), ('1953', 8), ('ironically', 1), ('rig', 12), ('unresolved', 10), ('kitgum', 1), ('mediator', 13), ('betty', 3), ('bigombe', 1), ('displacing', 5), ('knowingly', 3), ('lander', 5), ('garden', 15), ('drinkable', 1), ('owners', 20), ('marlon', 3), ('defillo', 1), ('shelves', 3), ('garmser', 4), ('importer', 2), ('readiness', 9), ('bracing', 9), ('tightening', 3), ('kamchatka', 2), ('remorse', 2), ('hanoi', 18), ('resident', 5), ('vaccinations', 9), ('nonbinding', 1), ('meaning', 11), ('opinions', 7), ('unfit', 2), ('soe', 3), ('tangerang', 4), ('83rd', 1), ('becoming', 43), ('190', 7), ('mutate', 17), ('transmissible', 4), ('zhari', 4), ('panjwayi', 5), ('credible', 13), ('expands', 4), ('wanting', 3), ('hashish', 1), ('fueling', 12), ('genital', 1), ('mutilation', 2), ('cruel', 10), ('unicef', 14), ('girls', 41), ('subjected', 8), ('circumcision', 2), ('genitalia', 1), ('hemorrhaging', 1), ('processing', 30), ('totally', 7), ('chechen', 33), ('chechens', 3), ('jails', 11), ('abusers', 2), ('surayud', 6), ('chulanont', 3), ('consultations', 14), ('unite', 8), ('fueled', 21), ('executives', 21), ('awaiting', 18), ('sighting', 6), ('crescent', 6), ('abstaining', 3), ('sunset', 3), ('depending', 7), ('scorching', 3), ('warmest', 4), ('koran', 16), ('invitations', 1), ('iftars', 1), ('meals', 6), ('conclude', 9), ('fitr', 12), ('nyala', 2), ('arming', 5), ('olli', 4), ('heinonen', 4), ('dubbed', 13), ('newspapers', 41), ('naturalized', 2), ('legally', 12), ('outpost', 14), ('reputed', 5), ('cache', 19), ('containing', 12), ('morphine', 1), ('enacted', 18), ('ineffectiveness', 3), ('marseille', 2), ('kibar', 1), ('housed', 12), ('filing', 10), ('ages', 3), ('delinquency', 1), ('baume', 1), ('immigrant', 16), ('rioted', 5), ('bayelsa', 5), ('bilfinger', 3), ('berger', 5), ('subsidiary', 13), ('extracted', 6), ('warplanes', 34), ('mau', 4), ('1950s', 5), ('colonial', 15), ('argues', 5), ('1952', 4), ('1959', 12), ('drill', 13), ('teikoku', 1), ('explore', 8), ('exclusive', 13), ('demarcation', 6), ('analyzing', 2), ('authorization', 8), ('undersea', 4), ('desecration', 6), ('ceased', 7), ('disclosed', 12), ('uproar', 2), ('newsweek', 7), ('interrogators', 21), ('flushed', 3), ('rattle', 4), ('retracted', 4), ('interceptor', 6), ('alexei', 5), ('kuznetsov', 2), ('characteristics', 1), ('fabricating', 2), ('massacring', 2), ('argument', 11), ('plundering', 1), ('resource', 15), ('reparations', 1), ('camilla', 5), ('onlookers', 4), ('glimpse', 5), ('duchess', 3), ('cornwall', 3), ('married', 24), ('dedicate', 1), ('tasnim', 3), ('aslam', 5), ('scrapped', 6), ('princess', 2), ('diana', 1), ('sarajevo', 11), ('dragomir', 2), ('relation', 4), ('corps', 27), ('radovan', 12), ('karadzic', 18), ('ratko', 11), ('mladic', 14), ('triple', 15), ('182', 1), ('amarah', 3), ('gedi', 19), ('airstrips', 2), ('yusef', 2), ('abdullahi', 13), ('parliamentarians', 6), ('relocate', 12), ('relocated', 3), ('manchester', 2), ('refinement', 1), ('originally', 37), ('initiate', 5), ('imprisoned', 32), ('royalist', 6), ('supposed', 15), ('turki', 5), ('fuheid', 1), ('muteiry', 2), ('fawaz', 2), ('nashmi', 1), ('timing', 11), ('khobar', 1), ('nineteen', 2), ('mara', 2), ('salvatrucha', 2), ('racketeering', 1), ('indictments', 9), ('suburban', 1), ('traditionally', 18), ('salvador', 37), ('await', 6), ('fists', 1), ('salute', 1), ('rachel', 1), ('chandler', 2), ('seychelles', 15), ('signal', 10), ('yacht', 2), ('lynn', 3), ('seas', 9), ('hijackings', 9), ('armada', 1), ('warships', 10), ('blindfolded', 8), ('ihab', 3), ('sherif', 4), ('mashruh', 1), ('krishna', 3), ('mahara', 1), ('dialysis', 1), ('coma', 13), ('anat', 1), ('dolev', 1), ('accumulated', 4), ('accumulation', 2), ('ningxia', 2), ('zhongwei', 1), ('sitaula', 1), ('prachanda', 7), ('130', 29), ('reappearing', 1), ('gotten', 5), ('graphic', 5), ('hassem', 1), ('knew', 11), ('exchanges', 9), ('barzan', 2), ('yelled', 3), ('ramsey', 1), ('clampdown', 5), ('kid', 8), ('wo', 4), ('headfirst', 1), ('snowbank', 1), ('bob', 18), ('ritchie', 3), ('sue', 6), ('false', 34), ('roughed', 1), ('michigan', 8), ('inviting', 4), ('insufficient', 10), ('existed', 8), ('headlines', 4), ('marrying', 1), ('divorcing', 2), ('actress', 21), ('pamela', 2), ('span', 5), ('provoking', 4), ('garissa', 1), ('disrupt', 34), ('bananas', 7), ('yes', 9), ('oranges', 1), ('exempts', 2), ('commodies', 1), ('197', 2), ('inconsistencies', 2), ('discrepancies', 1), ('dili', 1), ('martinho', 1), ('gusmao', 1), ('recount', 4), ('horta', 1), ('lu', 7), ('olo', 1), ('brawl', 5), ('blindness', 2), ('deregulation', 1), ('uncontrolled', 1), ('sticks', 6), ('musa', 13), ('sudi', 1), ('yalahow', 1), ('presumptive', 3), ('edgware', 1), ('hafs', 3), ('congratulating', 1), ('expert', 18), ('clarke', 11), ('babar', 3), ('presenting', 5), ('labeled', 8), ('combatant', 3), ('saqiz', 2), ('concides', 1), ('sped', 5), ('notifying', 1), ('tracking', 9), ('chiefs', 19), ('radioed', 2), ('confrontations', 5), ('protocol', 19), ('greenpeace', 4), ('displayed', 9), ('whales', 19), ('famed', 8), ('brandenburg', 1), ('whale', 6), ('moratorium', 12), ('mammals', 2), ('fisherman', 15), ('nets', 8), ('collisions', 1), ('biologist', 3), ('stefanie', 1), ('werner', 1), ('drown', 2), ('whaling', 15), ('anchorage', 1), ('teenage', 12), ('jackson', 29), ('molested', 2), ('bedroom', 1), ('arjun', 1), ('narsingh', 2), ('recalled', 20), ('reformists', 3), ('280', 4), ('disqualify', 2), ('loyalty', 4), ('accuser', 3), ('testified', 6), ('patient', 14), ('conservatives', 11), ('disqualifications', 1), ('defended', 44), ('monthly', 18), ('compelling', 1), ('license', 22), ('concession', 3), ('lara', 5), ('tolerate', 12), ('outlets', 13), ('rctv', 12), ('overly', 2), ('metal', 16), ('exposition', 2), ('katowice', 4), ('climb', 5), ('silesia', 1), ('homing', 2), ('pigeon', 3), ('entertainer', 6), ('drink', 14), ('wine', 4), ('jet', 36), ('liquor', 6), ('hanoun', 7), ('nearest', 4), ('mustafa', 12), ('productive', 7), ('carat', 4), ('gemstone', 1), ('auctioned', 1), ('blue', 7), ('bested', 1), ('hancock', 1), ('fetched', 2), ('moussaieff', 1), ('jewelers', 2), ('jeweler', 3), ('collects', 7), ('gemstones', 1), ('vivid', 1), ('boron', 1), ('stone', 16), ('crystal', 1), ('tareq', 3), ('hashemi', 8), ('benchmark', 8), ('dna', 14), ('revoke', 1), ('identifications', 1), ('sophisticated', 8), ('cyclone', 22), ('moriarty', 2), ('sidr', 4), ('bangladeshi', 22), ('plentiful', 3), ('anticipating', 1), ('bermuda', 10), ('horbach', 1), ('luxury', 20), ('reinsurance', 3), ('derives', 4), ('arable', 2), ('ubangi', 1), ('shari', 1), ('tumultuous', 1), ('misrule', 1), ('lasted', 18), ('ange', 1), ('felix', 4), ('patasse', 1), ('bozize', 2), ('tacit', 1), ('affirmed', 5), ('countryside', 11), ('lawlessness', 7), ('persist', 2), ('gilbert', 5), ('1892', 1), ('1915', 1), ('1941', 6), ('makin', 1), ('tarawa', 1), ('amphibious', 3), ('victories', 5), ('garrisons', 1), ('1943', 1), ('kiribati', 7), ('relinquished', 5), ('sparsely', 2), ('capitalist', 3), ('reversal', 5), ('reflected', 13), ('oversupply', 1), ('actually', 20), ('jalil', 2), ('jilani', 1), ('contagion', 1), ('indebted', 11), ('privatize', 4), ('competitiveness', 5), ('estate', 20), ('oversaw', 9), ('savings', 10), ('pressuring', 8), ('serpent', 12), ('asleep', 10), ('nook', 1), ('greedily', 2), ('turning', 29), ('mortal', 2), ('agony', 2), ('exclaimed', 7), ('unhappy', 4), ('windfall', 2), ('sacrifices', 5), ('intruded', 1), ('domain', 3), ('pasture', 4), ('desiring', 2), ('stranger', 1), ('punishing', 4), ('consented', 6), ('obtaining', 7), ('madagonia', 3), ('antipathy', 1), ('novakatka', 2), ('novakatkan', 2), ('apologise', 1), ('novakatkans', 2), ('ensued', 3), ('madagonians', 1), ('chagrined', 1), ('thereafter', 4), ('innings', 14), ('halted', 23), ('printed', 13), ('garnered', 3), ('rigged', 25), ('molestation', 8), ('jurors', 7), ('santa', 15), ('barbara', 4), ('fergana', 1), ('leaks', 5), ('malicious', 3), ('disgusting', 4), ('leaked', 7), ('nonexistent', 1), ('card', 18), ('uncontained', 1), ('disappointing', 9), ('charki', 2), ('overpowered', 3), ('heidar', 2), ('moslehi', 2), ('mahabad', 3), ('petra', 3), ('akbar', 17), ('rafsanjani', 14), ('expediency', 2), ('arch', 3), ('accepts', 6), ('observing', 14), ('cooling', 5), ('plunging', 5), ('mahinda', 5), ('rajapakse', 5), ('briefed', 6), ('burden', 22), ('christiane', 1), ('berthiaume', 1), ('litani', 3), ('404', 2), ('approaches', 8), ('navi', 1), ('pillay', 1), ('intimidate', 5), ('taint', 1), ('secede', 4), ('amputation', 1), ('prevail', 3), ('thanksgiving', 21), ('depart', 9), ('credited', 6), ('azimi', 5), ('belonged', 11), ('strains', 7), ('isaf', 16), ('inciting', 11), ('izzadeen', 3), ('heckling', 1), ('anjem', 1), ('choudary', 1), ('ghurabaa', 1), ('electrician', 2), ('aged', 6), ('bibles', 2), ('slit', 2), ('zirve', 1), ('malatya', 2), ('jumped', 21), ('printing', 7), ('wrestling', 1), ('trabzon', 1), ('blabague', 1), ('marboulaye', 1), ('demonstrating', 7), ('disruptive', 3), ('infiltrated', 7), ('demonstrator', 2), ('tram', 1), ('waged', 13), ('intensity', 2), ('seeks', 22), ('diluting', 1), ('appeasing', 2), ('taunt', 2), ('affront', 2), ('behavior', 20), ('punched', 2), ('shoulders', 2), ('stomach', 9), ('cremation', 2), ('uncertainties', 2), ('inhibit', 1), ('constructive', 9), ('stakeholder', 2), ('raises', 10), ('contracting', 9), ('ducks', 20), ('checking', 3), ('crater', 5), ('roving', 1), ('panorama', 1), ('rover', 6), ('formations', 2), ('layers', 3), ('exposed', 20), ('mystery', 2), ('reconnaissance', 12), ('wheeled', 2), ('descend', 1), ('pregnancy', 5), ('adolescent', 1), ('leta', 5), ('fincher', 5), ('yu', 4), ('woo', 5), ('ik', 1), ('obudu', 1), ('90th', 3), ('leveled', 3), ('passports', 9), ('hidden', 14), ('lagos', 26), ('stoppage', 8), ('adams', 4), ('oshiomole', 1), ('costly', 6), ('arabian', 12), ('riyadh', 17), ('fagih', 3), ('organizer', 5), ('learn', 16), ('manage', 10), ('healthier', 1), ('stabbing', 4), ('rahman', 13), ('aref', 8), ('overthrown', 4), ('91', 8), ('1958', 5), ('prop', 3), ('cardiovascular', 1), ('overweight', 2), ('obese', 2), ('smith', 29), ('deterrent', 3), ('yong', 4), ('isolate', 5), ('stifle', 3), ('destroy', 36), ('aggressor', 1), ('breaks', 15), ('jong', 27), ('il', 27), ('pending', 18), ('beef', 22), ('auto', 14), ('insurance', 47), ('estimating', 1), ('adjusters', 1), ('clearer', 2), ('becomes', 11), ('burn', 12), ('looters', 5), ('ravage', 1), ('herbert', 4), ('walker', 3), ('fundraising', 6), ('sarkozy', 44), ('moody', 3), ('underestimating', 1), ('mortgage', 13), ('defaults', 3), ('spy', 28), ('specified', 4), ('sensitivities', 3), ('dhafra', 1), ('emirates', 20), ('2s', 1), ('380th', 1), ('expeditionary', 1), ('enduring', 5), ('altitude', 6), ('unnamed', 28), ('oman', 18), ('haditha', 11), ('mizhir', 1), ('yousi', 1), ('bongo', 5), ('meantime', 15), ('staging', 13), ('install', 14), ('mukhtaran', 1), ('mai', 3), ('raped', 10), ('punishment', 13), ('marriage', 22), ('oppressed', 4), ('strides', 4), ('terminals', 3), ('bonny', 2), ('contractual', 1), ('lifts', 3), ('flagged', 9), ('biscaglia', 1), ('bangladeshis', 5), ('overboard', 2), ('overtook', 1), ('indoor', 8), ('ashia', 1), ('hansen', 8), ('contender', 8), ('birmingham', 2), ('breathing', 6), ('circulatory', 2), ('joaquin', 4), ('navarro', 5), ('valls', 4), ('scriptures', 1), ('cardinal', 12), ('camillo', 1), ('ruini', 1), ('bishops', 4), ('ryan', 8), ('crocker', 6), ('cardio', 1), ('fever', 23), ('urinary', 1), ('tract', 3), ('gravity', 4), ('underwent', 29), ('serviceman', 3), ('soh', 1), ('letting', 5), ('antonov', 1), ('pronk', 6), ('antonovs', 2), ('insist', 8), ('sok', 1), ('chol', 1), ('naypyidaw', 2), ('severed', 12), ('chun', 8), ('doo', 1), ('hwan', 2), ("ya'akov", 1), ('alperon', 2), ('careers', 2), ('physicians', 7), ('knocking', 6), ('lamp', 1), ('wayward', 1), ('macy', 3), ('1924', 4), ('balloons', 2), ('resemble', 2), ('characters', 3), ('cat', 11), ('hat', 2), ('knocked', 12), ('lamppost', 2), ('endorsing', 3), ('nicolas', 27), ('endorsement', 7), ('segolene', 4), ('centrist', 9), ('bayrou', 2), ('fulfill', 6), ('almanza', 1), ('patron', 2), ('carlos', 35), ('logarda', 1), ('leyva', 2), ('putumayo', 3), ('dror', 1), ('extortion', 3), ('compensate', 10), ('evacuation', 21), ('hardline', 13), ('nationalists', 14), ('encounter', 4), ('soku', 1), ('briton', 9), ('females', 1), ('prosecuted', 7), ('unreported', 5), ('bodman', 5), ('interviewers', 1), ('loaned', 4), ('refiners', 5), ('caverns', 2), ('surged', 23), ('heating', 13), ('converting', 6), ('yoram', 1), ('haham', 1), ('mobsters', 1), ('zahir', 5), ('scheme', 6), ('hapoalim', 2), ('customers', 15), ('mozambique', 16), ('vibrant', 1), ('impressed', 6), ('disasters', 28), ('susan', 4), ('schwab', 2), ('roemer', 1), ('bipartisan', 7), ('singled', 9), ('crises', 7), ('lender', 2), ('overhaul', 4), ('184', 3), ('finishing', 5), ('nicaragua', 40), ('kazem', 1), ('vaziri', 1), ('hamaneh', 1), ('investor', 16), ('artist', 16), ('lars', 2), ('vilks', 7), ('telling', 16), ('baghdadi', 5), ('momammad', 1), ('amy', 1), ('katz', 1), ('dog', 23), ('barbaric', 6), ('shocking', 5), ('8th', 6), ('14th', 11), ('narcotics', 10), ('devoted', 5), ('poppies', 4), ('reopen', 19), ('bountiful', 2), ('harvest', 10), ('pleased', 6), ('kidnap', 20), ('modifications', 3), ('conform', 5), ('fabian', 1), ('osuji', 2), ('paying', 28), ('adolphus', 1), ('wabara', 1), ('yediot', 6), ('ahronot', 3), ('slated', 10), ('fahd', 5), ('comprising', 2), ('boosted', 25), ('41', 37), ('mercantile', 8), ('answer', 18), ('unwelcome', 4), ('dismay', 3), ('273', 1), ('welsh', 1), ('murdering', 12), ('comrades', 4), ('bragg', 2), ('hasan', 5), ('101st', 5), ('airborne', 9), ('ambushing', 3), ('slept', 5), ('hlinethaya', 1), ('constant', 5), ('ridicule', 4), ('snap', 7), ('sentencing', 6), ('madonna', 11), ('orphans', 6), ('blantyre', 3), ('roses', 1), ('translated', 3), ('orphan', 1), ('lilongwe', 3), ('liz', 1), ('rosenberg', 1), ('plight', 5), ('farms', 42), ('bolivarian', 2), ('412', 1), ('athanase', 1), ('seromba', 1), ('lenient', 3), ('orchestrate', 2), ('parish', 3), ('demolish', 4), ('moderates', 3), ('h5', 7), ('jalgaon', 4), ('nandurbar', 1), ('navapur', 1), ('culled', 20), ('heihe', 1), ('blagoveshchensk', 1), ('65th', 3), ('liberated', 2), ('exterminate', 2), ('undesirable', 1), ('taipei', 23), ('declares', 8), ('opposing', 16), ('annexation', 3), ('fail', 23), ('guidelines', 17), ('renegade', 10), ('kfar', 3), ('darom', 2), ('committees', 11), ('consular', 12), ('pardoning', 1), ('elite', 8), ('seals', 4), ('sailor', 3), ('evaded', 2), ('scouring', 1), ('villaraigosa', 3), ('xvi', 17), ('studio', 11), ('angelus', 1), ('hearts', 4), ('loves', 1), ('blessing', 5), ('le', 9), ('figaro', 3), ('reasonable', 6), ('understand', 10), ('kevin', 20), ('costner', 6), ('breached', 5), ('fledgling', 5), ('actor', 20), ('mahee', 5), ('breach', 9), ('songwriter', 8), ('llc', 1), ('concerts', 6), ('marketing', 5), ('reneged', 5), ('qualifies', 1), ('takatoshi', 1), ('kato', 2), ('unsustainable', 3), ('therefore', 4), ('sustaining', 2), ('toufik', 1), ('hanouichi', 1), ('mohcine', 1), ('bouarfa', 1), ('jew', 1), ('acquitted', 14), ('meknes', 1), ('fez', 1), ('speaks', 6), ('trilateral', 1), ('gadahn', 1), ('fbi', 26), ('urgent', 12), ('demolition', 5), ('popularly', 6), ('ann', 5), ('tibaijuka', 1), ('evicted', 4), ('remainder', 8), ('semi', 27), ('zimbabweans', 1), ('charting', 1), ('scenarios', 4), ('qiyue', 3), ('mentality', 1), ('possibilities', 2), ('daioyu', 1), ('senkaku', 1), ('japanto', 1), ('advises', 4), ('ap', 11), ('kaka', 3), ('44th', 2), ('scoreless', 1), ('stuttgart', 4), ('abalo', 1), ('53rd', 1), ('soo', 2), ('ahn', 1), ('jung', 3), ('sputtered', 1), ('canadians', 15), ('wonderful', 2), ('professionalism', 2), ("'ve", 3), ('norman', 2), ('kember', 1), ('loney', 1), ('harmeet', 1), ('sooden', 1), ('swords', 2), ('righteousness', 2), ('sao', 15), ('tome', 5), ('damiao', 1), ('vaz', 4), ('almeida', 4), ('fradique', 1), ('menezes', 12), ('awarding', 1), ('doubtful', 1), ('credibility', 13), ('servants', 12), ('stockpile', 6), ('rebellious', 2), ('painful', 6), ('31st', 7), ('administrator', 16), ('ntawukulilyayo', 3), ('gisagara', 1), ('arusha', 2), ('prosecute', 13), ('braved', 1), ('consulates', 7), ('torrijos', 4), ('lage', 7), ('splitting', 4), ('shield', 18), ('rogue', 5), ('complemented', 1), ('mobile', 41), ('bernardo', 3), ('alvarez', 5), ('posada', 18), ('carriles', 19), ('cubana', 1), ('shannon', 8), ('demagogue', 2), ('walbrecher', 1), ('jr', 8), ('1st', 3), ('citadel', 3), ('principal', 8), ('fidelity', 2), ('succeeds', 5), ('l', 5), ('kane', 2), ('tunisians', 2), ('versus', 4), ('terminated', 2), ('sept', 3), ('hobbled', 3), ('instability', 32), ('overdependence', 3), ('ineligible', 1), ('amounts', 19), ('modernizing', 2), ('emphasis', 2), ('improvements', 14), ('impediment', 3), ('blueprint', 3), ('partnerships', 6), ('receipts', 8), ('aluminum', 5), ('competes', 2), ('feedstock', 1), ('petrochemical', 6), ('struggles', 6), ('sponsorship', 3), ('expatriate', 5), ('slower', 7), ('subsidy', 3), ('bailout', 8), ('marino', 14), ('relies', 15), ('ceramics', 1), ('fabrics', 1), ('furniture', 2), ('paints', 2), ('tiles', 2), ('comparable', 5), ('repatriate', 4), ('untaxed', 1), ('outflows', 2), ('harmonizing', 1), ('influenced', 8), ('fundamental', 7), ('necessities', 3), ('occupier', 1), ('exploit', 1), ('exhausted', 10), ('deeper', 7), ('secondary', 8), ('mined', 3), ('anticipation', 6), ('nauru', 5), ('cushion', 2), ('frozen', 18), ('wages', 9), ('overstaffed', 1), ('departments', 6), ('arkansas', 4), ('afloat', 1), ('varying', 2), ('colonies', 8), ('merged', 7), ('gambia', 7), ('senegambia', 1), ('envisaged', 1), ('casamance', 3), ('mfdc', 1), ('democracies', 10), ('abdoulaye', 2), ('reelected', 9), ('autocratic', 5), ('undeclared', 3), ('snared', 1), ('hare', 19), ('homewards', 1), ('horseback', 4), ('begged', 4), ('pretense', 3), ('purchasing', 6), ('horseman', 2), ('sorely', 3), ('physicist', 4), ('mathematician', 3), ('faculty', 2), ('catches', 6), ('bucket', 4), ('leap', 1), ('sink', 2), ('puts', 17), ('sit', 9), ('melissa', 2), ('relevant', 3), ('thus', 14), ('solved', 4), ('picking', 9), ('retreat', 10), ('ashcroft', 3), ('ridge', 6), ('counterterrorism', 7), ('cofer', 1), ('schoomaker', 2), ('ultimate', 6), ('triumph', 2), ('cleland', 2), ('insisting', 8), ('isfahan', 9), ('installs', 1), ('restarting', 3), ('intentions', 18), ('appointments', 9), ('unnecessary', 7), ('steer', 2), ('leumi', 2), ('discounted', 5), ('builder', 1), ('raping', 6), ('modeled', 4), ('stockpiling', 2), ('enticed', 2), ('tossed', 3), ('peacekeeper', 10), ('bribing', 1), ('slovenian', 2), ('janez', 1), ('jansa', 1), ('roused', 1), ('notably', 8), ('obeid', 2), ('zambia', 18), ('verify', 10), ('sutanto', 2), ('batu', 2), ('rocked', 13), ('booby', 1), ('retrieving', 1), ('masterminding', 2), ('69th', 2), ('tech', 24), ('hewlett', 1), ('packard', 1), ('carly', 1), ('fiorina', 2), ('helm', 3), ('directors', 13), ('hp', 2), ('profitable', 6), ('printer', 1), ('merge', 12), ('compaq', 1), ('wayman', 1), ('ceo', 3), ('resisting', 2), ('syarhei', 1), ('antonchyk', 1), ('vintsuk', 2), ('vyachorka', 2), ('unsanctioned', 1), ('milinkevich', 8), ('quashing', 2), ('genuine', 3), ('planche', 3), ('illegitimate', 5), ('principle', 14), ('wana', 3), ('insincere', 1), ('preconditions', 6), ('embarrassment', 3), ('admiration', 3), ('occasions', 12), ('keen', 2), ('harmony', 4), ('traditions', 6), ('harboring', 8), ('preceded', 2), ('guangdong', 19), ('migrant', 10), ('shanwei', 1), ('sichuan', 27), ('mireya', 2), ('moscoso', 2), ('coping', 3), ('guatemala', 33), ('belize', 8), ('farid', 6), ('soleiman', 1), ('upheld', 16), ('instance', 5), ('competitors', 9), ('servers', 2), ('angel', 6), ('mejia', 2), ('tolima', 1), ('typical', 5), ('victor', 13), ('antioquia', 1), ('billingslea', 4), ('commissioned', 5), ('financially', 6), ('feasible', 3), ('reaffirmed', 18), ('natwar', 8), ('silent', 7), ('simba', 1), ('banadir', 1), ('inflammatory', 3), ('landscape', 1), ('via', 16), ('zulima', 6), ('palacio', 6), ('shatt', 1), ('waterway', 2), ('yuganskneftegas', 5), ('bulba', 1), ('baikal', 2), ('payback', 1), ('specialists', 6), ('twins', 2), ('sulaymaniya', 3), ('quarantined', 8), ('obstacle', 8), ('creates', 4), ('slate', 8), ('maale', 5), ('adumim', 6), ('brad', 9), ('delp', 5), ('roadmap', 4), ('ultranationalist', 4), ('sacred', 8), ('sanctuary', 11), ('khogyani', 1), ('boston', 9), ('fiancee', 2), ('hampshire', 3), ('afterward', 9), ('espino', 1), ('rounded', 13), ('regrettable', 3), ('thapa', 1), ('protective', 5), ('toxicology', 3), ('examiner', 1), ('sealing', 3), ('bathroom', 7), ('charcoal', 4), ('grills', 1), ('castelgandolfo', 1), ('twenty', 11), ('monoxide', 2), ('semifinals', 13), ('confederations', 4), ('nuremberg', 1), ('adriano', 2), ('ronaldinho', 2), ('frankenstadion', 1), ('lukas', 1), ('podolski', 1), ('23rd', 6), ('ballack', 1), ('48th', 1), ('semifinal', 15), ('loser', 1), ('leipzig', 1), ('venture', 17), ('ukrgazenergo', 1), ('oversee', 15), ('naftogaz', 2), ('rosukrenergo', 1), ('monopoly', 15), ('sullivan', 2), ('cubic', 16), ('anabel', 5), ('medina', 11), ('garrigues', 8), ('canberra', 7), ('ekaterina', 2), ('bychkova', 1), ('shahar', 1), ('peer', 2), ('bounced', 3), ('aiko', 2), ('nakamura', 2), ('catalonia', 3), ('cassation', 2), ('julia', 4), ('scruff', 1), ('cho', 5), ('yoon', 2), ('jeong', 2), ('czink', 1), ('classical', 3), ('pianist', 2), ('berkofsky', 1), ('firebrand', 1), ('virtuosity', 1), ('irina', 2), ('robertson', 4), ('berkovsky', 1), ('fame', 14), ('charitable', 8), ('scot', 1), ('riddlesberger', 1), ('contents', 9), ('solicit', 1), ('captives', 10), ('leverage', 2), ('anatolia', 7), ('colonels', 1), ('belonging', 29), ('topple', 14), ('rooted', 9), ('launchers', 12), ('eighty', 3), ('solidify', 1), ('nationalistic', 1), ('tendencies', 1), ('populations', 14), ('afl', 1), ('cio', 1), ('unionists', 1), ('calmed', 2), ('encourages', 7), ('priests', 17), ('embrace', 5), ('digital', 7), ('forms', 17), ('distances', 5), ('clergy', 5), ('notable', 2), ('vocation', 1), ('languages', 3), ('youtube', 6), ('facebook', 14), ('pope2you', 1), ('cricketers', 2), ('fixing', 5), ('salman', 8), ('butt', 5), ('tabloid', 3), ('intentionally', 2), ('bowl', 6), ('balls', 6), ('icc', 3), ('resistant', 11), ('pascal', 4), ('ringwald', 1), ('correctly', 5), ('derived', 3), ('artemisia', 1), ('ineffective', 3), ('artemisian', 1), ('medication', 12), ('mefloquine', 1), ('borne', 6), ('firat', 1), ('hakurk', 1), ('strongholds', 17), ('warmongering', 1), ('waheed', 5), ('arshad', 5), ('grass', 9), ('oklahoma', 11), ('plymouth', 1), ('imitation', 2), ('ideology', 7), ('aleppo', 2), ('sofyan', 2), ('djalil', 1), ('edited', 2), ('ambiguous', 2), ('grabbed', 3), ('anna', 5), ('politkovskaya', 5), ('fireworks', 7), ('careless', 1), ('discarded', 1), ('novaya', 1), ('gazeta', 1), ('elevator', 3), ('trincomalee', 6), ('lakshman', 4), ('kadirgamar', 4), ('rick', 2), ('perry', 8), ('ramirez', 20), ('tunnels', 20), ('fred', 5), ('eckhard', 3), ('misunderstood', 2), ('mechanical', 5), ('martina', 7), ('hingis', 15), ('professional', 21), ('volvo', 1), ('pattaya', 2), ('homelessness', 2), ('crowns', 2), ('allocating', 1), ('stocking', 3), ('amendment', 29), ('unrelated', 7), ('paya', 1), ('lebar', 1), ('refuel', 1), ('occurs', 7), ('grozny', 5), ('caucasus', 12), ('starye', 1), ('atagi', 2), ('novye', 1), ('disinformation', 1), ('discredit', 5), ('aslan', 4), ('maskhadov', 10), ('consistently', 4), ('favored', 15), ('timeline', 3), ('adamantly', 2), ('timelines', 1), ('desecrated', 7), ('faizabad', 2), ('badakhshan', 3), ('unconfirmed', 4), ('avalanche', 8), ('kohistan', 2), ('exploring', 3), ('romanian', 21), ('bucharest', 6), ('marie', 14), ('jeanne', 2), ('ion', 3), ('sorin', 2), ('miscoci', 2), ('eduard', 3), ('ovidiu', 2), ('ohanesian', 2), ('translator', 11), ('monaf', 1), ('traian', 6), ('basescu', 9), ('collecting', 10), ('launcher', 8), ('dragan', 7), ('crnogorac', 2), ('banja', 2), ('luka', 2), ('atrocity', 3), ('purnomo', 1), ('yusgiantoro', 1), ('tapped', 3), ('rudd', 5), ('770', 1), ('minustah', 2), ('marc', 6), ('plum', 1), ('257', 3), ('nasir', 1), ('dhakla', 1), ('shaikh', 4), ('undergoing', 13), ('mansoor', 2), ('facilitating', 4), ('guam', 5), ('ayodhya', 2), ('mammoth', 3), ('verdicts', 3), ('convictions', 6), ('undersecretary', 19), ('juster', 1), ('biotechnology', 8), ('nano', 4), ('micro', 1), ('miniature', 1), ('atoms', 2), ('christina', 1), ('rocca', 1), ('jannati', 6), ('sermon', 4), ('instigating', 3), ('anatolian', 2), ('schelling', 3), ('aumann', 3), ('theory', 6), ('mathematically', 2), ('mundane', 1), ('choices', 6), ('runoffs', 2), ('federico', 4), ('lombardi', 4), ('poitou', 1), ('charentes', 1), ('salehi', 5), ('respublika', 1), ('disparaging', 1), ('kazakhs', 1), ('editor', 34), ('galina', 2), ('dyrdina', 1), ('dogged', 2), ('lawsuits', 17), ('firebombing', 2), ('incumbent', 15), ('nursultan', 5), ('nazarbayev', 9), ('spin', 18), ('boldak', 14), ('riding', 15), ('samir', 4), ('sumaidaie', 3), ('rabbi', 4), ('desecrating', 1), ('sabbath', 3), ('yosef', 2), ('shalom', 8), ('eliashiv', 1), ('violates', 9), ('refraining', 1), ('electronics', 12), ('ultra', 10), ('judaism', 4), ('noble', 3), ('uniforms', 14), ('aiding', 13), ('miranshah', 5), ('liter', 11), ('hearted', 4), ('poppy', 13), ('expensive', 14), ('lightly', 5), ('spokesmen', 8), ('kyaw', 3), ('hsann', 2), ('subsidizing', 2), ('varies', 3), ('muhammed', 3), ('sunrise', 3), ('sundown', 4), ('iftaar', 1), ('kabal', 1), ('everyday', 3), ('greedy', 2), ('hainan', 5), ('campus', 3), ('danzhou', 1), ('ripe', 1), ('reed', 4), ('plc', 3), ('oct', 4), ('89', 10), ('141', 5), ('pence', 9), ('94', 12), ('149', 3), ('packaging', 2), ('118', 1), ('discontinued', 2), ('pretax', 2), ('133', 2), ('expectations', 13), ('135', 11), ('388', 1), ('disposal', 6), ('ppp', 6), ('household', 10), ('demographic', 3), ('delphi', 4), ('reorganize', 2), ('fertility', 2), ('necessitate', 1), ('exceed', 10), ('municipalities', 2), ('transfers', 11), ('amounting', 1), ('chronically', 2), ('advances', 5), ('deepest', 2), ('projection', 1), ('upswing', 6), ('attributable', 3), ('rebounding', 4), ('bundesbank', 1), ('parent', 6), ('likewise', 3), ('annum', 1), ('2016', 3), ('viking', 3), ('tapered', 1), ('adoption', 11), ('christianity', 11), ('olav', 1), ('tryggvason', 1), ('994', 1), ('1397', 1), ('1814', 4), ('norwegians', 3), ('cession', 1), ('nationalism', 3), ('1905', 4), ('neutral', 9), ('outset', 1), ('nonetheless', 5), ('1940', 6), ('miller', 17), ('adjacent', 8), ('referenda', 4), ('preserving', 9), ('exiles', 12), ('rpf', 4), ('upheavals', 2), ('exacerbated', 8), ('culminating', 2), ('orchestrated', 6), ('rwandans', 1), ('approximately', 23), ('retribution', 2), ('zaire', 2), ('bent', 4), ('retaking', 1), ('rout', 2), ('kigali', 4), ('andorra', 7), ('comparative', 1), ('sheep', 12), ('consist', 3), ('perfumes', 2), ('monkeys', 3), ('mimics', 1), ('apt', 2), ('pupils', 1), ('arrayed', 1), ('danced', 3), ('courtiers', 1), ('spectacle', 3), ('till', 2), ('courtier', 1), ('mischief', 1), ('pocket', 5), ('nuts', 3), ('forgot', 2), ('dancing', 6), ('actors', 7), ('tearing', 5), ('robes', 2), ('amidst', 1), ('laughter', 3), ('huntsman', 2), ('dogs', 9), ('basket', 2), ('wished', 5), ('owner', 22), ('longing', 1), ('abstain', 2), ('enjoy', 18), ('thief', 5), ('plunder', 1), ('honest', 13), ('merely', 6), ('wiled', 1), ('dragging', 2), ('inaction', 2), ('edwards', 4), ('frontrunner', 4), ('lashed', 11), ('raffaele', 5), ('checked', 10), ('fluid', 2), ('scar', 1), ('cavity', 1), ('tension', 22), ('flared', 8), ('claudia', 2), ('annyaso', 1), ('complication', 2), ('populous', 11), ('ted', 2), ('onulak', 1), ('passionate', 1), ('blues', 12), ('jazz', 7), ('greats', 2), ('charlie', 1), ('parker', 2), ('hooker', 2), ('influences', 1), ('eyesight', 2), ('inspiration', 4), ('unleashed', 3), ('monsoon', 22), ('chittagong', 4), ('hillside', 1), ('mud', 11), ('thunderstorms', 1), ('lightning', 9), ('surgeons', 2), ('drain', 4), ('quadruple', 4), ('lasts', 2), ('taji', 3), ('qada', 1), ('flashpoint', 2), ('golf', 2), ('clijsters', 8), ('vera', 2), ('douchevina', 3), ('eastbourne', 1), ('tournaments', 4), ('wells', 10), ('junior', 15), ('amelie', 2), ('mauresmo', 3), ('strapping', 1), ('shortness', 1), ('breath', 4), ('impunity', 5), ('nowak', 6), ('tennessee', 6), ('highlight', 11), ('accomplishments', 1), ('smoky', 1), ('recommit', 1), ('stewardship', 2), ('cleaner', 5), ('ozone', 1), ('engines', 9), ('acres', 1), ('chide', 1), ('sidestep', 1), ('migrating', 8), ('flamingo', 3), ('milder', 3), ('h5n2', 5), ('variant', 4), ('admiral', 20), ('hector', 1), ('persecution', 12), ('carmona', 5), ('vault', 6), ('robberies', 1), ('belo', 1), ('horizonte', 1), ('dealership', 2), ('fraction', 7), ('daring', 2), ('fortaleza', 1), ('phony', 2), ('landscaping', 1), ('thick', 6), ('virulent', 3), ('readings', 6), ('ituri', 9), ('stationed', 19), ('sein', 6), ('ward', 8), ('strengthens', 3), ('grip', 8), ('bunker', 6), ('dump', 14), ('flock', 14), ('liaoning', 8), ('reformers', 4), ('societies', 6), ('ambition', 3), ('944', 1), ('bamboo', 1), ('pipes', 3), ('unlawful', 7), ('kyu', 1), ('hyung', 2), ('araujo', 2), ('interfered', 1), ('maltreating', 2), ('13th', 15), ('rampaging', 2), ('aflame', 1), ('204', 1), ('permitting', 1), ('amiens', 1), ('savigny', 1), ('sur', 3), ('orge', 1), ('lyon', 8), ('firebomb', 1), ('younger', 18), ('erupt', 3), ('turns', 8), ('appearances', 9), ('seclusion', 2), ('zamoanga', 1), ('opposite', 3), ('hauling', 3), ('compressed', 1), ('liquified', 1), ('g8', 18), ('completing', 11), ('obligation', 4), ('bernie', 4), ('mac', 3), ('comedy', 9), ('comic', 5), ('mccullogh', 1), ('letterman', 1), ('drama', 3), ('grinning', 2), ('leash', 3), ('ibn', 1), ('disagree', 4), ('64th', 1), ('pearl', 10), ('battleship', 1), ('sunk', 2), ('guests', 8), ('fleet', 23), ('waver', 1), ('argued', 23), ('compliant', 2), ('ringleader', 5), ('karrada', 3), ('mess', 1), ('greed', 3), ('renewable', 10), ('hazem', 3), ('shaalan', 3), ('appealing', 19), ('diverse', 11), ('antiviral', 1), ('respirator', 2), ('broad', 30), ('fourteen', 5), ('inhumane', 2), ('afterwards', 12), ('killers', 4), ('bayaman', 2), ('erkinbayev', 6), ('kara', 2), ('belongs', 8), ('rift', 6), ('bounty', 11), ('hunters', 15), ('rodrigo', 9), ('granda', 6), ('froze', 6), ('colombians', 3), ('fossils', 1), ('dinosaurs', 3), ('fossilized', 1), ('bones', 3), ('titanosaurs', 4), ('queensland', 2), ('brisbane', 5), ('nicknamed', 2), ('cooper', 2), ('ranchers', 2), ('eromanga', 1), ('discoveries', 7), ('weighs', 1), ('prehistoric', 1), ('roam', 1), ('necks', 2), ('tails', 3), ('sauropods', 1), ('sajida', 1), ('rishawi', 2), ('belt', 13), ('detonate', 10), ('absentia', 10), ('jordanians', 4), ('bolton', 22), ('appearing', 11), ('fielding', 3), ('bluntly', 2), ('assertion', 8), ('possessed', 2), ('dodd', 4), ('dreadfully', 1), ('mozambican', 2), ('departed', 4), ('receding', 4), ('rajasthan', 3), ('barmer', 1), ('rubber', 12), ('euphrates', 10), ('anchorwoman', 1), ('carries', 12), ('unearthed', 6), ('anjar', 2), ('uniform', 13), ('guerrero', 3), ('amritsar', 3), ('lahore', 22), ('wagah', 2), ('problematic', 3), ('chilpancingo', 1), ('instructions', 4), ('ira', 12), ('kurzban', 2), ('ploy', 3), ('desperately', 3), ('depleting', 2), ('submerged', 8), ('airlifted', 4), ('pleading', 4), ('bags', 6), ('overwhelmed', 5), ('sick', 23), ('desperate', 10), ('sos', 1), ('envoys', 15), ('rid', 9), ('podium', 3), ('dissatisified', 1), ('contend', 4), ('roddick', 17), ('berdych', 2), ('ferrer', 3), ('spots', 10), ('atp', 3), ('novak', 2), ('djokovic', 2), ('swede', 4), ('robin', 4), ('soderling', 1), ('finale', 1), ('finalist', 1), ('gael', 1), ('monfils', 1), ('verdasco', 2), ('nikolay', 2), ('davydenko', 2), ('argentine', 25), ('potro', 1), ('edition', 15), ('photography', 1), ('pale', 3), ('branislav', 2), ('jovicevic', 1), ('gaining', 18), ('assisting', 10), ('disrupting', 19), ('warplane', 2), ('cartosat', 2), ('hamsat', 2), ('sriharokota', 2), ('indigenous', 28), ('pslav', 2), ('blasted', 5), ('spaceport', 1), ('bengal', 18), ('heavier', 1), ('precise', 1), ('frequencies', 4), ('5400', 1), ('homicides', 1), ('physically', 7), ('heightened', 14), ('87', 14), ('dealers', 6), ('escalation', 8), ('badri', 1), ('servicemen', 9), ('askari', 2), ('priorities', 11), ('silencers', 1), ('izmir', 7), ('neftaly', 1), ('platero', 2), ('synagogues', 2), ('deceptive', 1), ('tactics', 13), ('advertise', 2), ('tar', 1), ('manufacturers', 6), ('labeling', 1), ('aspect', 1), ('advertising', 8), ('altria', 1), ('philip', 6), ('195', 3), ('louis', 13), ('tsunamis', 4), ('droughts', 5), ('weary', 2), ('comoros', 5), ('barry', 8), ('verbal', 5), ('altercation', 2), ('funneled', 1), ('slight', 14), ('courthouse', 5), ('wali', 13), ('counterterrorist', 1), ('mansur', 2), ('heather', 6), ('mills', 6), ('vows', 3), ('mccartney', 5), ('stars', 13), ('contestant', 1), ('artificial', 4), ('limb', 1), ('sleeve', 1), ('prosthesis', 1), ('slipping', 4), ('fee', 10), ('viva', 1), ('rated', 4), ('candles', 5), ('performers', 6), ('curtains', 1), ('panicking', 2), ('underfoot', 1), ('mainstream', 10), ('kennedy', 35), ('roll', 10), ('akwa', 1), ('ibom', 1), ('indonesians', 5), ('afren', 1), ('steal', 8), ('fairer', 2), ('3600', 1), ('gradually', 19), ('postwar', 3), ('publish', 10), ('examination', 6), ('deepening', 2), ('miran', 5), ('mukhtar', 1), ('resorted', 2), ('stood', 14), ('wiping', 4), ('adversely', 3), ('swaziland', 11), ('kadhimiya', 3), ('ambush', 45), ('mehmet', 9), ('yilmaz', 1), ('resit', 1), ('isik', 1), ('hawija', 1), ('turkmens', 2), ('knowledge', 16), ('confidential', 10), ('discussion', 16), ('pumping', 7), ('aquifer', 3), ('scarcity', 1), ('moral', 10), ('drawing', 12), ('condolezza', 1), ('depress', 2), ('steepest', 2), ('partisan', 4), ('cbo', 1), ('threefold', 1), ('ryazanov', 2), ('pays', 4), ('230', 4), ('periodic', 5), ('airlift', 4), ('presents', 13), ('accurate', 8), ('nabil', 4), ('jolted', 4), ('negar', 1), ('kerman', 1), ('torbat', 1), ('heydariyeh', 1), ('seismic', 3), ('fault', 7), ('ancient', 22), ('bam', 4), ('lindsay', 11), ('lohan', 9), ('utah', 6), ('cirque', 5), ('lodge', 8), ('alcohol', 12), ('sundance', 2), ('rehab', 1), ('wonderland', 1), ('chrysler', 9), ('570', 1), ('statehood', 7), ('monica', 2), ('ca', 5), ('dui', 1), ('clinic', 14), ('coretta', 3), ('baja', 5), ('diego', 8), ('surgeries', 2), ('rays', 2), ('unconventional', 1), ('levy', 8), ('mwanawasa', 14), ('undergone', 5), ('ovarian', 3), ('baseless', 8), ('starvation', 9), ('pyinmana', 2), ('zambian', 9), ('rupiah', 5), ('banda', 9), ('bunkers', 3), ('rugged', 12), ('defensible', 1), ('fallback', 1), ('belgrade', 24), ('soren', 2), ('jessen', 3), ('vuk', 2), ('draskovic', 2), ('vojislav', 5), ('kostunica', 3), ('administering', 4), ('nawaz', 12), ('excluded', 4), ('detail', 7), ('khair', 1), ('shuja', 1), ('gereshk', 2), ('malian', 1), ('mauritanian', 8), ('sid', 2), ('ould', 12), ('hamma', 3), ('maghreb', 6), ('nouakchott', 4), ('nouadhibou', 1), ('dsm', 3), ('235', 1), ('guilders', 9), ('113', 6), ('144', 4), ('outlay', 2), ('barthelemy', 3), ('villas', 1), ('inhibits', 1), ('attracts', 3), ('hadj', 1), ('ondimba', 1), ('structures', 7), ('abundant', 3), ('nonpermanent', 6), ('prix', 3), ('stonemason', 1), ('marinus', 1), ('301', 1), ('1975', 18), ('emigration', 5), ('dependence', 20), ('prolonged', 11), ('frelimo', 3), ('marxism', 1), ('renamo', 1), ('delicate', 3), ('joaquim', 1), ('chissano', 1), ('armando', 3), ('emilio', 1), ('guebuza', 2), ('silverstone', 1), ('questionable', 3), ('disqualification', 2), ('defaulted', 4), ('dollarization', 1), ('terminate', 2), ('discouraged', 2), ('ecuadorian', 5), ('remittance', 3), ('flows', 9), ('lethal', 18), ('domenech', 3), ('uphill', 1), ('ceremonial', 8), ('startup', 1), ('saltillo', 1), ('respecting', 3), ('navigation', 4), ('tire', 5), ('maintenance', 16), ('cameroonian', 1), ('kilted', 1), ('protester', 6), ('staple', 5), ('playlists', 1), ('scandals', 18), ('awori', 2), ('mwiraria', 1), ('prevalent', 3), ('manifesto', 3), ('giuliana', 2), ('sgrena', 4), ('susilo', 8), ('bambang', 9), ('yudhoyono', 12), ('blockaded', 2), ('conserve', 2), ('necessarily', 2), ('unveiling', 1), ('bellamy', 1), ('desperation', 3), ('laments', 2), ('initiatives', 16), ('engulfed', 4), ('baixinglou', 1), ('chaoyang', 1), ('diners', 1), ('waiters', 1), ('improper', 5), ('stove', 2), ('flexible', 3), ('nath', 4), ('backtrack', 1), ('poorer', 5), ('mosques', 14), ('onitsha', 2), ('anambra', 2), ('scuffle', 2), ('hausas', 1), ('ibos', 1), ('sparks', 2), ('reprisals', 3), ('asadabad', 5), ('overshadowed', 2), ('truckers', 4), ('dc', 3), ('repercussions', 2), ('anibal', 1), ('cavaco', 3), ('cap', 3), ('repression', 16), ('correo', 1), ('caroni', 1), ('persecuting', 2), ('styled', 1), ('openness', 6), ('protectionism', 3), ('balanced', 5), ('hamza', 7), ('muhajer', 3), ('landmarks', 3), ('neighborhoods', 11), ('lendu', 5), ('deploring', 1), ('socialists', 3), ('ride', 4), ('calmer', 2), ('jela', 1), ('franceschi', 1), ('transforming', 4), ('balkans', 10), ('succumb', 2), ('hygiene', 3), ('hampton', 1), ('grouping', 8), ('informal', 16), ('stalemate', 13), ('alexi', 1), ('barinov', 5), ('nenets', 1), ('lukoil', 4), ('hussain', 9), ('shahristani', 2), ('perhaps', 9), ('timeframe', 2), ('cautioned', 12), ('premature', 3), ('recruit', 8), ('extends', 9), ('attorneys', 13), ('whites', 2), ('selection', 13), ('molesting', 2), ('neverland', 4), ('acquittal', 1), ('mannar', 2), ('67', 16), ('ljubicic', 6), ('moya', 8), ('chennai', 3), ('squandered', 2), ('tiebreaker', 2), ('kristof', 1), ('vliegen', 2), ('seymour', 2), ('hersh', 5), ('scare', 7), ('rallying', 3), ('memo', 10), ('individual', 21), ('drowning', 2), ('electrocution', 2), ('collapsing', 3), ('downed', 8), ('downpour', 1), ('drainage', 3), ('sprinters', 2), ('konstantinos', 1), ('kenteris', 3), ('thanou', 3), ('lausanne', 4), ('render', 2), ('provisionally', 2), ('athletics', 5), ('iaaf', 1), ('accorded', 4), ('citizenship', 35), ('pentastar', 1), ('dodge', 1), ('jeep', 4), ('governance', 14), ('multimillion', 2), ('systemic', 3), ('arap', 3), ('moi', 5), ('taha', 6), ('amiri', 1), ('shiite', 1), ('clogged', 4), ('retract', 1), ('elias', 4), ('napoleon', 2), ('gomez', 3), ('mena', 4), ('safwat', 1), ('gallbladder', 3), ('grooming', 2), ('gamal', 7), ('succession', 17), ('hamstring', 1), ('olsson', 4), ('dn', 2), ('athletic', 1), ('marian', 1), ('oprea', 1), ('dmitrij', 1), ('valukevic', 1), ('chandrika', 6), ('kumaratunga', 9), ('flocked', 1), ('televisions', 1), ('regard', 9), ('ethnicity', 2), ('staggering', 1), ('deadlocked', 10), ('overture', 1), ('difficulty', 10), ('stall', 5), ('wreck', 4), ('likud', 30), ('scuttle', 1), ('shinui', 3), ('defied', 10), ('knesset', 5), ('karami', 9), ('derail', 17), ('brazzaville', 4), ('grounded', 10), ('unimaginable', 3), ('dimension', 1), ('pedophiles', 2), ('priesthood', 1), ('halls', 2), ('powered', 7), ('accountability', 6), ('hierarchy', 1), ('swiftly', 1), ('errant', 3), ('fastest', 14), ('kyoto', 17), ('sells', 8), ('fisheries', 5), ('busan', 3), ('assurances', 12), ('koreas', 23), ('lucio', 5), ('gutierrez', 13), ('examined', 10), ('infiltrators', 2), ('950', 2), ('cement', 5), ('pilings', 1), ('sandy', 3), ('floating', 6), ('swimming', 3), ('pulls', 6), ('ninewa', 1), ('2900', 1), ('deployments', 4), ('straining', 2), ('truckloads', 2), ('jeered', 1), ('folk', 4), ('joan', 1), ('baez', 1), ('casey', 4), ('vigils', 1), ('pave', 6), ('incumbents', 1), ('suleiman', 7), ('forging', 6), ('motorist', 3), ('damiri', 1), ('tayyeb', 1), ('posing', 9), ('greenback', 3), ('upward', 8), ('ayoub', 1), ('qawasmi', 3), ('sweeps', 4), ('fewest', 1), ('gordon', 16), ('outlined', 9), ('accountable', 9), ('shopping', 24), ('fashion', 13), ('retail', 21), ('weakest', 2), ('lure', 3), ('shoppers', 4), ('erez', 4), ('infiltrations', 3), ('cfco', 1), ('pointe', 1), ('noire', 1), ('aab', 1), ('ghum', 1), ('baluchistan', 46), ('baluchis', 2), ('waving', 9), ('fnj', 1), ('subdue', 4), ('worsens', 1), ('mendez', 2), ('pits', 6), ('jacob', 6), ('zuma', 20), ('verdict', 19), ('soweto', 2), ('apartheid', 19), ('consensual', 4), ('drawn', 23), ('incidence', 3), ('sweeping', 9), ('423', 2), ('defines', 4), ('constitutes', 2), ('outlines', 5), ('invite', 4), ('uae', 6), ('dhabi', 1), ('attiya', 2), ('trusts', 1), ('liable', 3), ('painkiller', 1), ('vioxx', 6), ('diploma', 1), ('debates', 4), ('migrated', 2), ('haggling', 1), ('immigrate', 1), ('tentatively', 3), ('builds', 2), ('ford', 21), ('unveils', 1), ('carmakers', 1), ('toyota', 10), ('sinai', 16), ('badran', 1), ('wheel', 1), ('explorer', 3), ('suv', 1), ('lutfullah', 2), ('mashal', 2), ('silvio', 7), ('berlusconi', 16), ('fatwa', 4), ('zoo', 10), ('panda', 10), ('crushed', 9), ('newborn', 2), ('cub', 8), ('yinghua', 2), ('zookeepers', 1), ('cubs', 2), ('incubator', 1), ('jingguo', 1), ('nurse', 1), ('rolled', 6), ('pandas', 8), ('captivity', 16), ('gomoa', 1), ('buduburam', 1), ('resettle', 5), ('rabiah', 1), ('authenticate', 2), ('cousins', 1), ('taba', 4), ('core', 13), ('catalina', 1), ('1928', 4), ('lie', 10), ('perpetuate', 1), ('beatings', 6), ('shocks', 7), ('ingestion', 1), ('urine', 4), ('forcibly', 8), ('algerians', 2), ('abdelaziz', 7), ('bouteflika', 5), ('enable', 4), ('khalaf', 6), ('facilitation', 2), ('levey', 3), ('cornerstone', 3), ('excludes', 1), ('fallout', 3), ('undercut', 4), ('bedouin', 4), ('daytime', 2), ('umm', 3), ('haiman', 1), ('fugitives', 7), ('evacuating', 6), ('netzarim', 1), ('morag', 1), ('stir', 4), ('ateret', 1), ('unamid', 1), ('frightened', 4), ('neglecting', 2), ('jakob', 4), ('kellenberger', 3), ('listens', 1), ('jurists', 1), ('dadis', 2), ('camara', 5), ('vowing', 8), ('arbitrarily', 1), ('fayssal', 1), ('mekdad', 1), ('erecting', 2), ('rauf', 7), ('shields', 8), ('knock', 2), ('throwers', 3), ('thrown', 12), ('veracity', 1), ('tikriti', 1), ('perjury', 3), ('disc', 1), ('contradictory', 3), ('celebratory', 2), ('xinjiang', 12), ('turpan', 2), ('distributed', 10), ('690', 1), ('catastrophic', 8), ('551', 1), ('fema', 12), ('hadley', 8), ('moustapha', 7), ('balkh', 1), ('atta', 4), ('teamed', 4), ('mihtarlam', 1), ('openings', 1), ('offshoot', 2), ('mistaken', 7), ('translation', 4), ('stringers', 1), ('notice', 17), ('occasionally', 7), ('elco', 2), ('rockford', 1), ('fasteners', 1), ('155', 4), ('pressures', 6), ('outweighs', 1), ('denominated', 3), ('creditor', 1), ('onset', 3), ('dwindled', 1), ('dried', 3), ('appreciation', 5), ('dilma', 1), ('rousseff', 1), ('1829', 2), ('protracted', 2), ('abolished', 6), ('1981', 15), ('ec', 3), ('prospect', 5), ('default', 3), ('emu', 3), ('voluntarily', 11), ('fishermen', 18), ('tokelau', 4), ('confine', 1), ('recurrent', 6), ('copra', 5), ('postage', 7), ('souvenir', 1), ('coins', 5), ('handicrafts', 7), ('remitted', 1), ('khurasan', 1), ('medieval', 5), ('merv', 1), ('1865', 5), ('1885', 3), ('ussr', 12), ('hydrocarbon', 2), ('boon', 1), ('underdeveloped', 4), ('extraction', 7), ('plaintiff', 1), ('actively', 7), ('saparmurat', 2), ('nyyazow', 2), ('gurbanguly', 1), ('cook', 10), ('fruit', 6), ('pearls', 2), ('emigrants', 5), ('bloated', 3), ('accumulating', 1), ('encouragement', 4), ('rekindled', 2), ('heathens', 1), ('peking', 1), ('tongue', 2), ('translate', 1), ('editorial', 7), ('pang', 1), ('devils', 1), ('dwellings', 4), ('mongolian', 3), ('barbarity', 1), ('incensed', 1), ('reader', 5), ('wager', 1), ('dug', 3), ('sown', 3), ('thistles', 2), ('janitor', 1), ('organist', 1), ('pews', 1), ('kari', 2), ('barber', 3), ('conakry', 1), ('squeezed', 1), ("o'keefe", 1), ('reveals', 2), ('incredibly', 1), ('celestial', 1), ('astronomical', 1), ('grounding', 5), ('columbia', 10), ('overrule', 1), ('dumarsais', 2), ('simeus', 3), ('arlington', 4), ('cemetery', 8), ('mulgueta', 1), ('debalk', 1), ('newcastle', 1), ('fowl', 6), ('harmless', 3), ('pigeons', 5), ('watching', 10), ('migratory', 12), ('aden', 21), ('drownings', 1), ('137', 4), ('134', 2), ('wreath', 6), ('unknowns', 1), ('escaping', 4), ('homelands', 4), ('ruthless', 4), ('doves', 1), ('narathiwat', 9), ('origami', 1), ('folded', 1), ('symbolizing', 2), ('thais', 2), ('andean', 12), ('occassion', 1), ('picnics', 1), ('cemeteries', 1), ('pacts', 2), ('disadvantage', 2), ('cheaper', 12), ('looms', 2), ('banning', 12), ('xian', 1), ('han', 1), ('archaeologists', 9), ('wuhan', 1), ('peugeot', 3), ('citroen', 2), ('dongfeng', 2), ('presided', 6), ('yakaghund', 1), ('mohmand', 10), ('flattened', 5), ('wheelchairs', 1), ('lawless', 8), ('extricate', 1), ('bilingual', 1), ('ashti', 1), ('adjourn', 3), ('recess', 8), ('stab', 5), ('protestant', 9), ('missionaries', 8), ('ahmet', 5), ('necdet', 4), ('sezer', 4), ('justification', 5), ('anhui', 3), ('dangtu', 1), ('produces', 19), ('uniting', 2), ('perpetrators', 10), ('promptly', 6), ('cowardly', 3), ('curling', 3), ('swedes', 4), ('identical', 1), ('landslides', 16), ('farmland', 5), ('strips', 2), ('photojournalist', 5), ('stampa', 1), ('arturo', 3), ('parisi', 1), ('pelosi', 9), ('trajectory', 1), ('setbacks', 3), ('crumpton', 2), ('miliant', 1), ('324', 2), ('iskandariya', 1), ('recruits', 15), ('graduated', 1), ('courses', 8), ('sulaymaniyeh', 1), ('emerli', 1), ('maref', 1), ('consuming', 4), ('mirpur', 1), ('sacramento', 1), ('scurrying', 1), ('cool', 7), ('grids', 3), ('conditioners', 1), ('mahmood', 1), ('holbrooke', 3), ('reviews', 5), ('paired', 2), ('developmentaly', 1), ('ganji', 6), ('massoud', 8), ('moghaddasi', 1), ('articles', 16), ('negroponte', 19), ('640', 1), ('projections', 4), ('stockpiled', 1), ('relocating', 2), ('relocation', 3), ('donor', 36), ('michaelle', 1), ('youngest', 10), ('adrienne', 1), ('clarkson', 8), ('immigrated', 2), ('quebec', 3), ('dictatorial', 2), ('dominion', 3), ('1867', 4), ('beliefs', 5), ('turnover', 1), ('respondents', 11), ('referendums', 3), ('rejections', 2), ('unanimous', 6), ('commonly', 5), ('awacs', 1), ('acquiring', 5), ('latvian', 5), ('riga', 2), ('flies', 4), ('margraten', 1), ('kathleen', 4), ('blanco', 6), ('cameron', 7), ('erased', 1), ('wrap', 3), ('vermilion', 1), ('tidal', 6), ('nagin', 13), ('algiers', 10), ('kohat', 1), ('tirah', 2), ('raymond', 5), ('azar', 2), ('marathon', 6), ('mizuki', 1), ('noguchi', 4), ('thigh', 5), ('tomiaki', 1), ('fukuda', 6), ('marathoner', 1), ('holder', 6), ('paula', 6), ('radcliffe', 1), ('fracture', 2), ('liaison', 3), ('lancaster', 1), ('surveys', 9), ('tzachi', 1), ('hanegbi', 1), ('tragic', 3), ('parcel', 3), ('explode', 7), ('defused', 4), ('packages', 9), ('anarchist', 1), ('stranding', 3), ('kaesong', 1), ('bride', 2), ('sting', 2), ('switched', 2), ('routinely', 13), ('drills', 9), ('vitaly', 2), ('churkin', 2), ('identifying', 5), ('roberto', 7), ('tarongoy', 3), ('roy', 7), ('hallums', 5), ('tattoo', 2), ('dating', 9), ('drum', 1), ('bugle', 1), ('pageant', 1), ('twilight', 1), ('jeff', 3), ('feuer', 1), ('storied', 2), ('bordered', 2), ('entrapment', 1), ('gdansk', 3), ('shipyard', 5), ('streamline', 4), ('hefty', 2), ('sustainability', 5), ('walesa', 2), ('27th', 6), ('speedy', 2), ('affluent', 4), ('mansour', 3), ('undercover', 11), ('fake', 13), ('khamenei', 23), ('nida', 2), ('tribe', 8), ('rampant', 6), ('fairness', 4), ('destabilized', 3), ('adventure', 3), ('plaza', 1), ('encircled', 1), ('revava', 1), ('hilltop', 3), ('expecting', 3), ('brent', 9), ('demarcating', 1), ('tarasyuk', 5), ('stagnant', 3), ('abyei', 1), ('kashmirs', 1), ('ravi', 6), ('khanna', 6), ('upgraded', 7), ('saffir', 1), ('simpson', 2), ('sometime', 7), ('sits', 9), ('quitting', 4), ('monarch', 12), ('moldova', 13), ('disney', 8), ('premiere', 4), ('doubling', 5), ('viewership', 1), ('musicalphenomenon', 1), ('zac', 1), ('efron', 1), ('ashley', 2), ('tisdale', 1), ('spawning', 1), ('patriot', 11), ('defeatism', 1), ('justified', 11), ('facts', 5), ('kenichiro', 3), ('sasae', 3), ('80s', 3), ('stalinist', 2), ('convincing', 4), ('kharazzi', 2), ('nasser', 12), ('defiance', 6), ('mockery', 1), ('kocharian', 2), ('characterizing', 2), ('chased', 12), ('agreeing', 4), ('sacrificed', 3), ('detecting', 3), ('santo', 6), ('domingo', 4), ('145', 5), ('higüey', 1), ('faxas', 1), ('216', 2), ('quand', 1), ('nguyen', 5), ('quoc', 1), ('thanh', 2), ('hoa', 2), ('248', 3), ('resurfaced', 4), ('shamil', 7), ('basayev', 15), ('nalchik', 2), ('kabardino', 1), ('balkaria', 1), ('exploiters', 1), ('laos', 16), ('reliable', 2), ('exponential', 1), ('pornography', 4), ('tehrik', 1), ('maulvi', 2), ('appropriately', 4), ('hadithah', 1), ('blitz', 1), ('natonski', 1), ('accords', 32), ('adamantios', 1), ('vassilakis', 1), ('recommitted', 1), ('decentralized', 2), ('compensated', 6), ('menatep', 4), ('incurred', 3), ('plummeted', 3), ('skeptics', 1), ('kajaki', 3), ('illicit', 5), ('harvests', 3), ('overshot', 4), ('nbc', 6), ('bremer', 5), ('hatta', 1), ('radjasa', 1), ('correspondents', 3), ('microsystems', 1), ('dominance', 8), ('228', 3), ('beitar', 1), ('illit', 1), ('efrat', 1), ('resilience', 2), ('courage', 10), ('shoulder', 12), ('eduardo', 8), ('marcelo', 1), ('antezana', 1), ('gonzalo', 2), ('disposing', 1), ('dimming', 2), ('nonessential', 2), ('lights', 10), ('cheated', 1), ('riches', 2), ('pumped', 4), ('widow', 11), ('user', 1), ('antarctic', 24), ('pyramids', 2), ('smithsonian', 5), ('castle', 1), ('fist', 3), ('cube', 2), ('bachelet', 16), ('candlelight', 2), ('saved', 9), ('sleet', 1), ('bout', 1), ('decimate', 1), ('wholesale', 5), ('dhusamareb', 1), ('marergur', 1), ('ahlu', 3), ('waljama', 1), ('strewn', 1), ('hizbul', 4), ('promoted', 12), ('jeny', 1), ('figueredo', 4), ('frias', 1), ('mccormack', 18), ('attachés', 1), ('tribesman', 3), ('maarib', 2), ('sabotaged', 4), ('operatives', 9), ('proceeds', 9), ('evangelicals', 1), ('apprehend', 1), ('aqili', 2), ('presentation', 4), ('actual', 12), ('referral', 14), ('intend', 8), ('chamber', 14), ('mainz', 1), ('oshkosh', 3), ('wis', 1), ('352', 3), ('chassis', 3), ('softer', 4), ('motor', 10), ('phasing', 2), ('deere', 1), ('midsized', 2), ('inhabitants', 11), ('sultanate', 5), ('muscat', 2), ('1970', 8), ('qaboos', 2), ('restrictive', 7), ('hockey', 4), ('uprisings', 5), ('omanis', 1), ('marches', 11), ('reshuffled', 2), ('acquired', 12), ('1946', 4), ('reestablished', 4), ('hafiz', 1), ("ba'th", 1), ('alawite', 1), ('sect', 7), ('jarome', 1), ('iginla', 1), ('dany', 1), ('heatley', 1), ('shane', 4), ('doan', 1), ('ostensible', 2), ('hizballah', 3), ('antigovernment', 2), ("da'ra", 1), ('repeal', 11), ('legalization', 1), ('quelling', 1), ('tjarnqvist', 1), ('henrik', 1), ('sedin', 1), ('remarkably', 3), ('trafficked', 4), ('hemispheres', 1), ('dredging', 2), ('aragonite', 1), ('sands', 1), ('warden', 5), ('locks', 2), ('mechanic', 1), ('imprudent', 1), ('imprudence', 1), ('wonder', 2), ('thoughtful', 1), ('vicissitudes', 1), ('fortune', 4), ('nap', 1), ('ox', 8), ('cosily', 1), ('rage', 5), ('awakened', 3), ('slumber', 1), ('barked', 1), ('bite', 3), ('muttering', 1), ('ah', 4), ('grudge', 2), ('distant', 10), ('astronomers', 7), ('quite', 13), ('elementary', 5), ('betsy', 1), ('ross', 3), ('qingdao', 4), ('taught', 10), ('techniques', 10), ('gallop', 1), ('sirte', 3), ('shandong', 5), ('jinan', 1), ('trillion', 18), ('pillar', 1), ('liberal', 19), ('metin', 2), ('kaplan', 2), ('caliph', 1), ('cologne', 3), ('mausoleum', 3), ('kemal', 4), ('ataturk', 2), ('caliphate', 1), ('lobbies', 1), ('alireza', 1), ('jamshidi', 1), ('soheil', 1), ('farshad', 1), ('ghorbanpour', 3), ('lies', 12), ('scout', 1), ('transmit', 5), ('masood', 3), ('bastani', 1), ('cyber', 7), ('guarded', 10), ('basilan', 2), ('disguised', 8), ('ghalawiya', 1), ('sleeper', 1), ('isselmou', 1), ('violators', 6), ('liberate', 1), ('cancellations', 4), ("o'hare", 1), ('precipitation', 2), ('visible', 4), ('exception', 5), ('fared', 4), ('reinforce', 3), ('quito', 10), ('amazon', 5), ('sucumbios', 3), ('petroecuador', 4), ('zionist', 2), ('lago', 1), ('agrio', 1), ('lucky', 2), ('turkeys', 7), ('alternate', 10), ('disneyland', 6), ('marshals', 2), ('roasted', 2), ('valiant', 1), ('true', 18), ('nicole', 2), ('orinoco', 3), ('basin', 4), ('recommendation', 15), ('mitofsky', 2), ('obrador', 16), ('prd', 1), ('pan', 9), ('madrazo', 5), ('institutional', 4), ('pri', 4), ('goodluck', 3), ('umaru', 2), ("yar'adua", 7), ('ailment', 4), ('notify', 3), ('notification', 3), ('electing', 4), ('98', 10), ('edged', 2), ('598', 1), ('gores', 1), ('conclusions', 4), ('airbase', 7), ('downing', 6), ('medellin', 2), ('merida', 3), ('780', 3), ('673', 1), ('unpunished', 3), ('assassinating', 2), ('melchior', 1), ('ndadaye', 1), ('kalenga', 1), ('ramadhani', 1), ('masterminds', 4), ('collected', 15), ('analyzed', 1), ('precursor', 3), ('punk', 2), ('anthony', 9), ('lovato', 4), ('defunct', 5), ('mest', 2), ('telephoning', 1), ('wayne', 5), ('matt', 2), ('albums', 6), ('maverick', 1), ('label', 2), ('disbanding', 2), ('needy', 5), ('blumenthal', 2), ('citgo', 4), ('discount', 6), ('embarrass', 1), ('nabaie', 1), ('shepherd', 13), ('unused', 5), ('soar', 5), ('inspects', 1), ('169', 4), ('hafun', 3), ('desolation', 1), ('swimmers', 2), ('currents', 1), ('yuriy', 5), ('yekhanurov', 14), ('plachkov', 6), ('interviewer', 5), ('dianne', 1), ('sawyer', 1), ('shorter', 5), ('barcelona', 10), ('956', 2), ('sand', 3), ('dune', 1), ('granada', 3), ('rider', 3), ('wear', 8), ('sainct', 1), ('swans', 12), ('danube', 3), ('veterinary', 18), ('thessaloniki', 1), ('tenth', 3), ('publishes', 4), ('duck', 6), ('markos', 2), ('kyprianou', 1), ('kongsak', 2), ('wanthana', 1), ('interested', 11), ('pattani', 10), ('yala', 10), ('gibraltar', 9), ('wu', 6), ('bangguo', 2), ('buying', 21), ('noriega', 4), ('populist', 3), ('banners', 11), ('mebki', 2), ('bouake', 2), ('revision', 6), ('ivorians', 2), ('contestants', 2), ('messages', 31), ('eliminating', 13), ('jared', 1), ('cotter', 1), ('jason', 5), ('sloan', 1), ('vie', 1), ('jumper', 1), ('roar', 3), ('ljoekelsoey', 2), ('mitterndorf', 1), ('faultless', 1), ('jumps', 2), ('207', 1), ('788', 2), ('widhoelzl', 2), ('762', 1), ('morgenstern', 1), ('752', 1), ('planica', 1), ('overpayments', 1), ('gaming', 10), ('fees', 17), ('unlocked', 1), ('footlocker', 1), ('gambled', 1), ('neutralized', 4), ('respectively', 5), ('parked', 15), ('lt', 7), ('gen', 8), ('barno', 5), ('kagame', 14), ('evaluating', 3), ('gunboats', 2), ('baylesa', 1), ('boyfriend', 3), ('joel', 4), ('madden', 2), ('charlotte', 2), ('ruz', 7), ('predominately', 6), ('halfway', 2), ('contrary', 6), ('starbucks', 6), ('pricey', 1), ('4th', 1), ('seattle', 8), ('drinkers', 2), ('avoiding', 1), ('hamburgers', 2), ('briskly', 1), ('hey', 2), ('ballad', 1), ('pharrell', 1), ('downloads', 1), ('download', 2), ('themed', 1), ('hamburg', 2), ('yazidi', 2), ('sinjar', 2), ('dakhil', 1), ('qasim', 2), ('reference', 15), ('yazidis', 1), ('saeedi', 2), ('gentry', 1), ('disorders', 2), ('1772', 1), ('1795', 3), ('prussia', 2), ('partitioned', 3), ('279', 1), ('levies', 2), ('unlawfully', 3), ('kivu', 11), ('nioka', 2), ('hillah', 5), ('beheading', 5), ('spied', 2), ('comparatively', 1), ('tolerant', 3), ('850', 8), ('burundian', 1), ('amisom', 2), ('logistics', 14), ('onyango', 1), ('omollo', 1), ('ochami', 1), ('entitled', 6), ('bahonar', 2), ('vahidi', 2), ('marzieh', 1), ('vahid', 2), ('dastjerdi', 1), ('shock', 7), ('transform', 5), ('dilapidated', 2), ('underclass', 1), ('caretaker', 12), ('indulge', 1), ('sajjad', 2), ('seeduzzaman', 1), ('siddiqui', 3), ('elahi', 1), ('bakhsh', 1), ('soomro', 1), ('fakhar', 1), ('personalities', 4), ('ubaydi', 3), ('curtain', 6), ('caches', 4), ('sharki', 2), ('shadid', 2), ('eldest', 5), ('yonhap', 14), ('dignitary', 1), ('undated', 1), ('krzanich', 1), ('ho', 4), ('chi', 1), ('minh', 1), ('hayat', 5), ('thoroughly', 2), ('depots', 2), ('quality', 12), ('pneumonia', 7), ('evaluates', 1), ('culmination', 2), ('belatedly', 2), ('80th', 4), ('presenter', 1), ('gala', 2), ('nicaraguan', 10), ('ortega', 12), ('culminate', 3), ('danes', 2), ('equitable', 4), ('solutions', 5), ('raw', 15), ('ohn', 1), ('bo', 1), ('zin', 1), ('khun', 1), ('sai', 1), ('937', 2), ('wrongfully', 2), ('disbanded', 11), ('purged', 2), ('nib', 1), ('yucatan', 8), ('cancun', 12), ('emptied', 3), ('bused', 1), ('rafts', 2), ('communiqué', 1), ('banjul', 2), ('undermining', 10), ('privatizing', 2), ('simplify', 2), ('innovative', 5), ('boom', 19), ('autopsy', 2), ('halemi', 1), ('pathology', 1), ('autopsies', 1), ('fukusho', 1), ('shinobu', 1), ('hasegawa', 1), ('chaman', 3), ('frustration', 6), ('disillusioned', 1), ('torch', 34), ('flame', 12), ('everest', 9), ('relay', 28), ('ron', 5), ('zonen', 1), ('survivor', 5), ('rodney', 1), ('melville', 1), ('extort', 3), ('cyclical', 2), ('nights', 4), ('djibouti', 25), ('ganey', 1), ('firimbi', 1), ('thune', 2), ('daschle', 3), ('employer', 2), ('111th', 1), ('ed', 2), ('rendell', 1), ('survive', 7), ('daxing', 1), ('xingning', 2), ('roles', 10), ('mayors', 6), ('meizhou', 1), ('apologize', 8), ('loved', 11), ('drunk', 5), ('harmonized', 2), ('mutahida', 2), ('majlis', 4), ('amal', 3), ('qazi', 6), ('betterment', 2), ('masses', 6), ('enriching', 16), ('breaches', 6), ('npt', 3), ('arguing', 12), ('petroleos', 4), ('perez', 11), ('retaining', 2), ('portfolio', 4), ('consolidated', 2), ('forever', 5), ('domineering', 1), ('minded', 5), ('impending', 4), ('ratio', 7), ('hugh', 4), ('tub', 2), ('baked', 2), ('whittaker', 1), ('weddings', 2), ('notting', 1), ('swung', 3), ('insurer', 3), ('306', 1), ('415', 1), ('underperforming', 1), ('basotho', 1), ('sacu', 8), ('dependency', 9), ('royalties', 8), ('mineworkers', 1), ('milling', 2), ('canning', 1), ('leather', 2), ('jute', 2), ('herding', 1), ('drawback', 1), ('362', 1), ('precipitously', 1), ('contributor', 4), ('bhutan', 10), ('sinchulu', 1), ('ceding', 1), ('1907', 2), ('whereby', 1), ('bhutanese', 3), ('criteria', 5), ('krone', 1), ('1947', 14), ('indo', 3), ('formalized', 2), ('defined', 3), ('unhcr', 2), ('jigme', 2), ('singye', 1), ('wangchuck', 2), ('introduce', 5), ('abdicated', 2), ('throne', 16), ('khesar', 1), ('namgyel', 1), ('renegotiated', 2), ('thimphu', 1), ('loosening', 1), ('socialism', 11), ('alleviate', 4), ('inefficiencies', 3), ('preferential', 2), ('vegetables', 7), ('pigs', 9), ('licensing', 6), ('jay', 5), ('venturing', 1), ('peacocks', 4), ('walk', 12), ('moulting', 1), ('1902', 3), ('administer', 3), ('strutted', 1), ('cheat', 1), ('striding', 1), ('pecked', 1), ('plucked', 1), ('borrowed', 2), ('plumes', 1), ('jays', 1), ('behaviour', 1), ('equally', 6), ('annoyed', 4), ('seagull', 1), ('bolted', 3), ('gullet', 1), ('kite', 7), ('richly', 2), ('spendthrift', 1), ('pawned', 1), ('cloak', 1), ('sour', 2), ('inch', 5), ('nose', 12), ('admit', 9), ('solemnly', 1), ('bougainville', 1), ('teeth', 5), ('claws', 4), ('cleanup', 6), ('skimming', 2), ('vents', 2), ('separating', 11), ('cleaned', 5), ('liters', 6), ('oily', 1), ('skimmers', 1), ('halting', 6), ('hookup', 1), ('containment', 2), ('1890s', 1), ('lisa', 3), ('pensacola', 1), ('leased', 1), ('gushing', 1), ('322', 1), ('auditors', 4), ('intensify', 9), ('dues', 1), ('guesthouse', 1), ('vanuatu', 8), ('examples', 3), ('tegua', 1), ('inland', 3), ('accelerating', 7), ('waterborne', 4), ('manifestation', 1), ('executing', 5), ('executes', 1), ('minors', 2), ('juveniles', 3), ('gallows', 2), ('stamped', 1), ('headscarf', 3), ('crying', 5), ('newscaster', 1), ('malfeasance', 1), ('sir', 4), ('allan', 1), ('kemakeza', 1), ('reestablishing', 1), ('unreasonable', 4), ('tiananmen', 10), ('spearheaded', 4), ('ramsi', 1), ('pet', 7), ('cats', 4), ('asians', 4), ('spacewalk', 13), ('fossum', 1), ('garan', 1), ('nitrogen', 3), ('panels', 7), ('analysis', 9), ('olive', 8), ('ridiculed', 3), ('fig', 3), ('seasons', 4), ('yasuo', 3), ('astronaut', 9), ('akihiko', 1), ('hoshide', 2), ('robotic', 5), ('plaintiffs', 2), ('shower', 1), ('foliage', 1), ('despoiling', 1), ('salva', 5), ('kiir', 6), ('mayardit', 2), ('denuded', 1), ('injure', 4), ('radicalism', 3), ('deceive', 1), ('wider', 5), ('democratizing', 1), ('bossaso', 1), ('vaunting', 1), ('purity', 2), ('fearlessness', 1), ('pained', 1), ('subscribers', 2), ('infectious', 6), ('manila', 22), ('silvestre', 1), ('afable', 1), ('moro', 4), ('milf', 3), ('kuala', 8), ('lumpur', 8), ('renounced', 7), ('pure', 3), ('enterprising', 1), ('fearless', 1), ('modernizes', 1), ('arts', 8), ('disappearing', 2), ('schearf', 1), ('airs', 3), ('reasoned', 1), ('folly', 2), ('slumping', 4), ('expenses', 7), ('swicord', 1), ('expression', 15), ('supplement', 6), ('signatories', 1), ('mao', 5), ('rui', 1), ('zhu', 1), ('houze', 1), ('pu', 1), ('endeavoured', 1), ('discover', 5), ('prosperity', 11), ('191', 6), ('199', 2), ('keeps', 10), ('lundestad', 1), ('168', 1), ('spaceship', 3), ('aliens', 5), ('cattle', 22), ('roswell', 1), ('selections', 2), ('u2', 4), ('bono', 2), ('geldof', 3), ('surviving', 8), ('anh', 1), ('ha', 2), ('tay', 1), ('duong', 1), ('vinh', 2), ('1948', 12), ('gore', 13), ('167', 5), ('kalam', 4), ('grim', 3), ('nicobar', 6), ('nadu', 2), ('pondicherry', 1), ('kerala', 5), ('refers', 3), ('clears', 4), ('stakes', 5), ('rails', 1), ('mehrabpur', 1), ('sindh', 6), ('welded', 1), ('contraction', 14), ('darkness', 1), ('meterologists', 1), ('tammy', 3), ('canaveral', 6), ('stan', 10), ('dissipating', 2), ('hollywood', 12), ('wizard', 3), ('oz', 2), ('mgm', 2), ('distinctive', 4), ('roaring', 1), ('restructured', 3), ('movies', 8), ('spyglass', 1), ('entertainment', 10), ('outdo', 1), ('triumphs', 1), ('carl', 4), ('icahn', 1), ('tickets', 11), ('dvds', 2), ('rosales', 3), ('addresses', 9), ('plavia', 1), ('pennetta', 3), ('streak', 4), ('lucie', 5), ('safarova', 6), ('dinara', 5), ('safina', 6), ('gregory', 4), ('patterson', 2), ('firearm', 2), ('recruiting', 23), ('conspirator', 2), ('levar', 1), ("jam'iyyat", 1), ('ul', 7), ('saheeh', 1), ('hammad', 2), ('samana', 1), ('psychiatric', 4), ('latina', 1), ('scapegoating', 1), ('zulia', 4), ('hilda', 2), ('solis', 3), ('criminalizes', 1), ('alienating', 1), ('compassionate', 3), ('flocking', 1), ('charm', 6), ('floral', 3), ('facelift', 1), ('makeover', 2), ('warner', 4), ('modernity', 1), ('cubanization', 1), ('bloodiest', 9), ('dhahran', 2), ('urges', 8), ('vigilance', 3), ('frequented', 2), ('amhed', 1), ('mounted', 10), ('gustavo', 2), ('dominguez', 4), ('osbek', 1), ('castillo', 1), ('diamondbacks', 1), ('feeder', 2), ('alabama', 7), ('francisely', 1), ('bueno', 1), ('pitches', 2), ('braves', 1), ('ilyas', 1), ('shurpayev', 2), ('reestablish', 2), ('repressed', 1), ('hernan', 1), ('arboleda', 2), ('khetaguri', 1), ('ruptured', 3), ('inguri', 1), ('tbilisi', 14), ('malfunctioned', 2), ('strangled', 2), ('raced', 4), ('wta', 6), ('jaw', 1), ('airplanes', 11), ('dagestan', 7), ('extensively', 1), ('ridden', 5), ('signings', 1), ('nickel', 7), ('untapped', 2), ('repayment', 3), ('economically', 5), ('dismiss', 18), ('astana', 3), ('unconstitutional', 8), ('serhiy', 3), ('holovaty', 3), ('betrayal', 1), ('exceeding', 6), ('pretty', 4), ('definite', 1), ('suitable', 3), ('datta', 3), ('khel', 4), ('shana', 1), ('garhi', 1), ('natanz', 6), ('observation', 2), ('ransacking', 1), ('crowds', 23), ('airlifting', 4), ('familiar', 8), ('piled', 2), ('bula', 1), ('hawo', 1), ('bertie', 3), ('ahern', 3), ('belfast', 3), ('protestants', 2), ('photographic', 1), ('overturning', 3), ('vandalized', 2), ('baran', 1), ('formality', 3), ('solemn', 3), ('illusion', 1), ('helmet', 1), ('hoisting', 1), ('confront', 13), ('sergio', 2), ('viera', 2), ('mello', 2), ('aftab', 1), ('sherpao', 1), ('yasir', 3), ('adil', 3), ('deported', 13), ('arrival', 25), ('lodi', 1), ('wirayuda', 2), ('albar', 2), ('solve', 13), ('diplomatically', 2), ('background', 8), ('accidental', 10), ('metropolitan', 3), ('disturbances', 2), ('zazai', 1), ('manhattan', 8), ('morgenthau', 3), ('jennifer', 9), ('marco', 4), ('muniz', 1), ('unaware', 2), ('errors', 8), ('maywand', 1), ('glorifies', 3), ('households', 10), ('tolls', 2), ('mishandling', 3), ('hosada', 1), ('misunderstandings', 2), ('mobbed', 1), ('guangzhou', 10), ('supermarket', 2), ('shenzhen', 3), ('textbooks', 3), ('eviction', 6), ('butts', 1), ('canes', 1), ('openly', 10), ('tabare', 2), ('vazquez', 5), ('uruguayan', 3), ('montevideo', 5), ('jorge', 8), ('oncologist', 1), ('meddles', 1), ('interferes', 1), ('meddle', 2), ('suppresses', 1), ('heydari', 2), ('inevitable', 2), ('shaping', 2), ('nevada', 5), ('checks', 13), ('balances', 2), ('fathers', 1), ('retaliate', 7), ('suggest', 12), ('voicing', 2), ('tours', 4), ('vested', 2), ('factual', 2), ('electronically', 2), ('email', 2), ('transcripts', 6), ('acceptance', 3), ('kashmiris', 3), ('uighurs', 5), ('turkic', 2), ('uighur', 5), ('guise', 3), ('judith', 1), ('latham', 1), ('explores', 2), ('dateline', 1), ('minerals', 11), ('griffin', 3), ('isro', 1), ('madhavan', 1), ('nair', 1), ('tighter', 6), ('applicants', 4), ('chandrayaan', 2), ('array', 1), ('sensors', 2), ('resting', 7), ('salvation', 1), ('sayidat', 1), ('nejat', 1), ('netted', 3), ('bruce', 4), ('golding', 4), ('borrowers', 6), ('structuring', 2), ('iscuande', 2), ('chartered', 8), ('mcguffin', 1), ('maan', 6), ('metric', 14), ('ocampo', 2), ('harun', 1), ('kushayb', 1), ('uzair', 1), ('paracha', 3), ('slip', 3), ('plotted', 3), ('duped', 2), ('nathan', 4), ('solicited', 1), ('reassure', 2), ('mashhadani', 3), ('sulaimaniya', 2), ('irbil', 3), ('foe', 2), ('disagreed', 3), ('aspects', 3), ('seekers', 12), ('dublin', 3), ('frustrated', 6), ('ecolog', 1), ('summon', 1), ('mustaqbal', 1), ('fruitful', 5), ('sessions', 7), ('liuguantun', 1), ('tangshan', 1), ('hebei', 7), ('helland', 1), ('quarterfinals', 11), ('flushing', 3), ('meadows', 1), ('stanilas', 1), ('warwrinka', 1), ('ernest', 3), ('gulbis', 1), ('jul', 10), ('justine', 4), ('henin', 8), ('serena', 3), ('database', 8), ('quadrupled', 2), ('spellings', 1), ('aliases', 2), ('compilation', 1), ('banco', 1), ('championed', 1), ('conditional', 2), ('zabi', 1), ('taifi', 2), ('commuters', 4), ('automobile', 8), ('carmaker', 5), ("gm's", 1), ('conventional', 8), ('combine', 3), ('automakers', 7), ('slump', 9), ('54', 20), ('nanhai', 1), ('baotou', 2), ('mongolia', 15), ('miner', 4), ('yachts', 3), ('bombardier', 1), ('crj', 3), ('commuter', 9), ('robot', 5), ('backpack', 3), ('bakr', 2), ('client', 16), ('intercepting', 2), ('wiretapping', 4), ('wiretaps', 4), ('das', 4), ('wiretapped', 1), ('intercepted', 18), ('semana', 1), ('wrongful', 2), ('pilar', 1), ('hurtado', 2), ('imprisoning', 3), ('assured', 21), ('thugs', 1), ('clubs', 7), ('seizures', 8), ('shengyou', 1), ('roth', 2), ('feigning', 1), ('mandated', 6), ('murderous', 2), ('builders', 2), ('aquatic', 3), ('oda', 1), ('976', 2), ('hok', 1), ('buro', 1), ('happold', 1), ('aquatics', 1), ('gateway', 4), ('476', 1), ('balfour', 1), ('beatty', 1), ('reconfigured', 1), ('chattisgarh', 1), ('peasants', 4), ('landless', 8), ('roots', 4), ('heritage', 10), ('developers', 2), ('malls', 2), ('rocco', 1), ('buttiglione', 1), ('description', 3), ('homosexuality', 4), ('sin', 1), ('primerica', 4), ('valued', 9), ('472', 1), ('delisted', 1), ('duluth', 1), ('ga', 1), ('subsidiaries', 2), ('marketed', 3), ('liabilities', 2), ('fiji', 9), ('endowed', 4), ('fijians', 2), ('harmed', 5), ('author', 10), ('ruler', 16), ('smarter', 2), ('realize', 2), ('adept', 1), ('arrivals', 9), ('dipped', 3), ('landholders', 1), ('jubilee', 1), ('unmasking', 1), ('relied', 4), ('secretive', 4), ('mcc', 2), ('opted', 4), ('hipc', 9), ('benefiting', 3), ('multilateral', 14), ('civic', 3), ('macro', 1), ('violently', 2), ('unrwa', 1), ('regulated', 2), ('flourishes', 2), ('astrology', 1), ('outsiders', 5), ('underestimate', 1), ('handicapped', 1), ('km', 7), ('stream', 10), ('gum', 2), ('astute', 1), ('flesh', 2), ('meat', 24), ('fiercely', 7), ('esteem', 1), ('mortals', 1), ('disguise', 4), ('sculptor', 3), ('statues', 2), ('juno', 3), ('sum', 4), ('certainly', 3), ('statue', 4), ('messenger', 1), ('gods', 2), ('fling', 1), ('journeying', 1), ('tall', 7), ('waited', 8), ('nearer', 2), ('loosen', 1), ('faggot', 1), ('companions', 6), ('wood', 15), ('anticipations', 1), ('outrun', 2), ('realities', 2), ('hot', 13), ('strand', 1), ('pursuer', 1), ('recollecting', 1), ('tumultous', 1), ('hollow', 3), ('heartless', 1), ('rang', 6), ('skipper', 1), ("'t", 1), ('ai', 3), ('convergent', 1), ('sat', 8), ('murmured', 1), ('sadly', 2), ('soul', 8), ('marooned', 1), ('shareman', 1), ('ample', 2), ('hauls', 1), ('pudong', 1), ('screened', 3), ('temperature', 5), ('mistreated', 7), ('deportees', 1), ('deportation', 13), ('qatada', 1), ('retrieve', 2), ('projectiles', 3), ('lerner', 1), ('sufa', 1), ('nahal', 1), ('alzheimer', 3), ('illinois', 16), ('antihistamine', 1), ('spray', 2), ('lifestyle', 2), ('heredity', 1), ('determining', 8), ('batter', 1), ('vero', 1), ('southward', 1), ('ticketing', 1), ('rong', 1), ('diving', 5), ('sellers', 3), ('utilized', 1), ('oversold', 1), ('skidded', 3), ('165', 6), ('divides', 5), ('lobbed', 2), ('blackhawk', 1), ('causalities', 2), ('registration', 15), ('etienne', 1), ('tshisekedi', 1), ('militarily', 2), ('mingled', 2), ('pemex', 7), ('veracruz', 8), ('weakness', 1), ('fertilizer', 14), ('fireball', 2), ('coahuila', 1), ('charai', 1), ('persists', 1), ('bills', 16), ('item', 5), ('wasteful', 2), ('tacked', 1), ('additions', 1), ('earmarks', 1), ('xdr', 4), ('tb', 9), ('gauteng', 1), ('surprises', 1), ('clarification', 4), ('reacted', 10), ('angrily', 4), ('quo', 2), ('manama', 1), ('attitude', 3), ('dialog', 1), ('namibian', 8), ('namibians', 2), ('grimes', 2), ('frederic', 1), ('piry', 1), ('telegram', 3), ('angelo', 2), ('sodano', 2), ('spinal', 4), ('mad', 10), ('cow', 15), ('shinzo', 5), ('abe', 9), ('reimposed', 4), ('veal', 3), ('vladivostok', 2), ('navies', 2), ('kwazulu', 1), ('natal', 2), ('select', 11), ('hajim', 1), ('hassani', 2), ('mento', 1), ('tshabalala', 4), ('msimang', 1), ('uncensored', 3), ('blacked', 1), ('underscoring', 1), ('stoned', 2), ('ghassan', 1), ('daglas', 1), ('torched', 9), ('blazing', 1), ('vary', 4), ('settler', 10), ('retaliating', 1), ('caravan', 1), ('belaroussi', 2), ('wakil', 2), ('muttawakil', 2), ('rank', 7), ('hardcore', 1), ('admitting', 3), ('stanislaw', 2), ('wielgus', 5), ('conscious', 1), ('hayabullah', 1), ('rafiqi', 1), ('collaborated', 3), ('qabail', 1), ('izarra', 2), ('telesur', 5), ('mouthpiece', 3), ('rhetoric', 4), ('scared', 7), ('solders', 1), ('vinci', 3), ('theaters', 7), ('attach', 5), ('disclaimer', 3), ('fiction', 4), ('520', 2), ('repsol', 1), ('britney', 9), ('spears', 8), ('federline', 8), ('lapd', 2), ('norma', 1), ('probed', 2), ('nonspecific', 1), ('uncorroborated', 1), ('eimiller', 2), ('jayden', 2), ('bode', 5), ('countryman', 7), ('daron', 2), ('rahlves', 5), ('hermann', 1), ('maier', 3), ('walchhofer', 6), ('fritz', 3), ('strobl', 2), ('apollo', 1), ('anton', 5), ('ohno', 1), ('skates', 1), ('pechstein', 1), ('anni', 1), ('friesinger', 1), ('stressing', 2), ('armin', 1), ('zoeggeler', 1), ('forensics', 3), ('daud', 2), ('cooperative', 2), ('harmonious', 3), ('resolves', 1), ('strive', 2), ('forgo', 2), ('propose', 9), ('forbidding', 3), ('qala', 11), ('overran', 3), ('appointing', 5), ('super', 13), ('sciri', 1), ('sway', 4), ('echoes', 1), ('supplying', 14), ('norinco', 1), ('zibo', 1), ('chemet', 1), ('aero', 2), ('hongdu', 1), ('ounion', 1), ('limmt', 2), ('metallurgy', 1), ('walt', 1), ('miramax', 2), ('660', 1), ('filmyard', 3), ('holdings', 8), ('nonrefundable', 1), ('deposit', 3), ('tutor', 1), ('pulp', 3), ('shakespeare', 2), ('iger', 1), ('pixar', 1), ('marvel', 1), ('bidders', 2), ('harvey', 1), ('weinstein', 2), ('bloodthirsty', 1), ('beast', 4), ('stanizai', 2), ('hated', 1), ('monster', 1), ('mccellan', 1), ('provocative', 6), ('ronnie', 2), ('ultimatum', 5), ('andry', 2), ('rajoelina', 4), ('najibullah', 2), ('mujahedin', 6), ('mwangura', 2), ('mombasa', 3), ('seafarers', 2), ('container', 5), ('740', 1), ('kismayo', 2), ('receving', 1), ('inconceivable', 2), ('advocated', 4), ('ecuadoreans', 1), ('proven', 9), ('outraged', 6), ('fradkov', 2), ('pills', 3), ('tachilek', 1), ('760', 2), ('proposing', 2), ('textiles', 9), ('byrd', 2), ('sebastien', 2), ('loeb', 7), ('stretching', 4), ('noel', 1), ('choong', 2), ('imb', 1), ('hijack', 6), ('alerted', 7), ('warship', 6), ('melted', 4), ('subaru', 4), ('petter', 3), ('solberg', 3), ('auc', 3), ('plagues', 3), ('demobilization', 4), ('hurriyah', 2), ('ambushes', 8), ('marcus', 2), ('gronholm', 1), ('thirteen', 6), ('lahiya', 3), ('immunizing', 1), ('duaik', 1), ('zahar', 4), ('mitsubishi', 1), ('gigi', 1), ('galli', 1), ('turbo', 1), ('charger', 1), ('malfunction', 2), ('valves', 1), ('guajira', 2), ('connects', 2), ('maracaibo', 1), ('pdvsa', 8), ('haaretz', 6), ('gazan', 1), ('inquest', 2), ('constituted', 1), ('admission', 7), ('guilt', 1), ('stripped', 6), ('bickering', 1), ('monoply', 1), ('plays', 13), ('xp', 1), ('routing', 2), ('mikheil', 5), ('saakashvili', 30), ('reformist', 9), ('lado', 1), ('gurgenidze', 3), ('grigol', 1), ('mgalobishvili', 1), ('markko', 1), ('technocrat', 1), ('banker', 4), ('newhouse', 1), ('barricade', 3), ('bernama', 2), ('asean', 20), ('jabaliya', 3), ('gearing', 4), ('patricia', 2), ('swing', 7), ('advising', 6), ('sezibera', 1), ('massing', 2), ('atenco', 2), ('qassim', 1), ('nuristan', 11), ('tamin', 2), ('nuristani', 2), ('sleeping', 4), ('branco', 1), ('scathing', 1), ('charsadda', 4), ('giliani', 1), ('heinous', 5), ('commerical', 1), ('veneman', 3), ('traumatized', 1), ('untreated', 1), ('adwa', 1), ('underscores', 2), ('wlodzimierz', 1), ('cimoszewicz', 3), ('odzimierz', 1), ('untouched', 2), ('tarnished', 2), ('searchers', 2), ('leftists', 5), ('leopoldo', 1), ('bravo', 5), ('taiana', 1), ('buenos', 8), ('aires', 8), ('parliaments', 2), ('dabaa', 2), ('kam', 4), ('dhiren', 1), ('barot', 2), ('qaisar', 1), ('shaffi', 1), ('nadeem', 1), ('tarmohammed', 1), ('esa', 1), ('hindi', 7), ('citicorp', 1), ('prudential', 6), ('newark', 2), ('subcommittee', 7), ('trucking', 3), ('littered', 3), ('unexploded', 4), ('vigil', 3), ('julie', 2), ('myers', 9), ('oaxaca', 7), ('painted', 4), ('graffiti', 1), ('ulises', 2), ('ruiz', 3), ('resigns', 2), ('elephant', 7), ('elephants', 11), ('culling', 7), ('thin', 5), ('turner', 1), ('durand', 1), ('strikers', 1), ('noses', 1), ('stomachs', 1), ('contacted', 13), ('lauder', 1), ('schneider', 1), ('anxiety', 2), ('instances', 9), ('semitism', 2), ('semitic', 3), ('interfaith', 2), ('inforadio', 1), ('daylam', 2), ('blasting', 5), ('bushehr', 13), ('camilo', 2), ('reyes', 7), ('premeditated', 3), ('strayed', 6), ('oswaldo', 1), ('jarrin', 1), ('razali', 2), ('nyan', 3), ('intelogic', 5), ('trace', 4), ('unaffiliated', 1), ('asher', 2), ('edelman', 4), ('ackerman', 4), ('datapoint', 1), ('maximize', 2), ('marty', 3), ('harvesting', 4), ('finfish', 1), ('krill', 3), ('licenses', 9), ('specialized', 2), ('cruise', 9), ('manpower', 4), ('instabilities', 1), ('purely', 4), ('administrations', 3), ('guiana', 4), ('guadeloupe', 3), ('martinique', 1), ('mayotte', 1), ('reunion', 3), ('overpopulated', 1), ('inefficiently', 1), ('resilient', 6), ('garment', 7), ('totaling', 6), ('fy09', 1), ('fy10', 1), ('fourths', 3), ('pulses', 1), ('sugarcane', 4), ('scope', 9), ('mw', 1), ('hampers', 2), ('susceptibility', 2), ('plank', 2), ('brook', 2), ('beware', 3), ('lest', 2), ('grasping', 1), ('stating', 5), ('idf', 1), ('teach', 11), ('mossad', 3), ('dynamics', 2), ('strelets', 1), ('anatoliy', 1), ('hrytsenko', 2), ('theoretically', 1), ('catering', 2), ('debated', 4), ('signatures', 6), ('symbolically', 2), ('ch', 2), ('chinook', 9), ('tamara', 3), ('lawrence', 7), ('tishrin', 1), ('torrential', 11), ('sincerity', 1), ('254', 4), ('zhouqu', 1), ('gansu', 3), ('nasrallah', 9), ('worsening', 8), ('watchers', 1), ('climbing', 4), ('emotional', 4), ('jammed', 1), ('think', 26), ('disgraced', 10), ('lobbyist', 4), ('abramoff', 11), ('knowing', 4), ('ethics', 9), ('resurgent', 11), ('wrongly', 8), ('harper', 10), ('reprinting', 4), ('depiction', 4), ('haider', 7), ('muttahida', 6), ('quami', 3), ('mqm', 11), ('reprinted', 4), ('foment', 2), ('tashkent', 9), ('revolutions', 2), ('dow', 14), ('jones', 22), ('urdu', 5), ('awami', 8), ('pashtuns', 4), ('termed', 9), ('gymnasium', 1), ('teammate', 4), ('yi', 6), ('jianlian', 1), ('fouled', 1), ('rican', 10), ('narvaez', 1), ('spilled', 7), ('insults', 3), ('locker', 1), ('shielding', 2), ('deplored', 4), ('marchers', 7), ('wore', 1), ('t', 7), ('shirts', 8), ('waved', 8), ("dvd's", 1), ('denis', 6), ('sassou', 5), ('nguesso', 4), ('palma', 3), ('sola', 1), ('chilitepic', 1), ('270', 6), ('baby', 14), ('medan', 1), ('cluster', 8), ('147', 7), ('bekasi', 2), ('dispatch', 6), ('okinawa', 2), ('galle', 4), ('flash', 17), ('lankans', 4), ('tahseen', 1), ('abhorrent', 2), ('poul', 1), ('nielsen', 1), ('caring', 2), ('undecided', 7), ('farabaugh', 1), ('tong', 5), ('reebok', 1), ('vines', 3), ('don', 5), ('alston', 5), ('nord', 1), ('eclair', 1), ('gerais', 2), ('casket', 2), ('gobernador', 1), ('valadares', 1), ('movements', 14), ('lori', 2), ('berenson', 7), ('alejandro', 5), ('toledo', 5), ('tupac', 2), ('amaru', 2), ('airmen', 3), ('emergencies', 3), ('keesler', 2), ('biloxi', 1), ('rotate', 3), ('expletive', 1), ('laughed', 4), ('bashkortostan', 1), ('oskar', 1), ('kaibyshev', 3), ('patented', 2), ('alekseyeva', 1), ('grateful', 5), ('outrageous', 2), ('framed', 2), ('bannu', 4), ('rewriting', 1), ('andrade', 1), ('diaz', 7), ('gereida', 1), ('dishonest', 2), ('lauderdale', 3), ('formalizing', 1), ('reservations', 3), ('cursed', 4), ('odd', 2), ('unlimited', 2), ('totalitarian', 1), ('resembles', 3), ('pinchuk', 1), ('mei', 6), ('guilin', 1), ('wolong', 1), ('andrei', 5), ('nesterenko', 2), ('nestrenko', 1), ('proceeding', 2), ('ashura', 11), ('ritual', 7), ('farsi', 3), ('mir', 15), ('hossein', 14), ('mousavi', 15), ('mehdi', 9), ('karroubi', 4), ('mourino', 2), ('tellez', 2), ('recordings', 4), ('boxes', 6), ('avenue', 3), ('paseo', 1), ('reforma', 1), ('vasconcelos', 1), ('ghulam', 4), ('nadi', 1), ('tahab', 1), ('hizb', 2), ('mujahedeen', 3), ('snarled', 1), ('inception', 1), ('choking', 4), ('congestion', 1), ('briefing', 12), ('steven', 4), ('whitcomb', 2), ('underneath', 3), ('servicemembers', 2), ('hunan', 8), ('conjunction', 1), ('simulated', 1), ('tarin', 1), ('kot', 6), ('neumann', 3), ('phoned', 3), ('speeding', 5), ('purim', 1), ('galloway', 1), ('luther', 8), ('rejects', 14), ('reverend', 7), ('barter', 1), ('disrepair', 1), ('portrays', 3), ('galleries', 2), ('showcasing', 3), ('showcase', 3), ('mort', 3), ('reelection', 4), ('denpasar', 1), ('myuran', 2), ('sukumaran', 2), ('czugaj', 1), ('stephens', 1), ('jalawla', 2), ('renae', 1), ('earliest', 3), ('burial', 9), ('crypt', 3), ('lambasting', 1), ('adoring', 1), ('harshly', 3), ('divisiveness', 1), ('transparent', 10), ('embraced', 2), ('antalya', 2), ('emily', 2), ('henochowicz', 2), ('canister', 1), ('flotilla', 9), ('canisters', 4), ('sparingly', 1), ('bartering', 2), ('catching', 4), ('besides', 6), ('conspirators', 3), ('236', 1), ('quezon', 2), ('emptying', 2), ('domenici', 1), ('reap', 1), ('inspections', 15), ('empowered', 2), ('pulwama', 3), ('katsav', 8), ('vetoed', 1), ('secularists', 5), ('telerate', 6), ('est', 1), ('576', 1), ('tendered', 5), ('barron', 1), ('alluvial', 2), ('namibia', 16), ('gem', 4), ('backyard', 4), ('cereal', 3), ('hides', 2), ('distributions', 1), ('gini', 1), ('coefficient', 1), ('rand', 4), ('allotments', 1), ('1806', 2), ('germanic', 1), ('1815', 4), ('1866', 1), ('shortcomings', 3), ('colonized', 4), ('macau', 18), ('sar', 3), ('practiced', 1), ('evolution', 6), ('1951', 4), ('supranational', 1), ('phenomenon', 3), ('annals', 1), ('dynastic', 3), ('norm', 2), ('cede', 3), ('overarching', 1), ('entity', 6), ('orientation', 3), ('exodus', 2), ('yemenis', 1), ('subdued', 4), ('kooyong', 3), ('delimitation', 1), ('huthi', 1), ('zaydi', 1), ('tentative', 3), ('revitalized', 1), ('socioeconomic', 2), ("sana'a", 1), ('hardened', 2), ('unifying', 2), ('strangle', 2), ('sprain', 1), ('racquetball', 1), ('loosed', 1), ('coil', 1), ('irritated', 1), ('prey', 9), ('poison', 11), ('rustic', 1), ('ignorant', 1), ('aloft', 5), ('goose', 15), ('thereupon', 2), ('induce', 1), ('mused', 1), ('bother', 2), ('noticed', 6), ('ilyushin', 1), ('rosoboronexport', 1), ('izvestia', 3), ('sukhoi', 2), ('ranked', 23), ('nightline', 1), ('balboa', 1), ('detailing', 2), ('carriers', 9), ('embarking', 1), ('232nd', 1), ('reminded', 5), ('risking', 1), ('proud', 6), ('roche', 14), ('juste', 1), ('moradi', 1), ('narrated', 5), ('prolong', 3), ('geoffrey', 2), ('allotted', 2), ('inked', 2), ('avoidance', 1), ('taxation', 7), ('yoshimasa', 1), ('hayashi', 1), ('johndroe', 4), ('praising', 6), ('pacifist', 2), ('hangzhou', 2), ('zhejiang', 7), ('xi', 4), ('jinping', 1), ('goldman', 8), ('sachs', 6), ('yuan', 10), ('undervalued', 1), ('ninevah', 3), ('wipe', 3), ('reinforcement', 2), ('2nd', 1), ('battalion', 4), ('502nd', 1), ('infantry', 6), ('scholarships', 1), ('specter', 1), ('contradicted', 1), ('tolerated', 4), ('nsanje', 1), ('depot', 7), ('expired', 14), ('gah', 7), ('pepfar', 1), ('maroua', 1), ('laborer', 2), ('lobbying', 8), ('modify', 2), ('mutation', 3), ('rania', 1), ('joyous', 1), ('somber', 2), ('ruins', 10), ('eni', 1), ('wintry', 1), ('dictates', 1), ('roza', 6), ('otunbayeva', 7), ('bishkek', 13), ('tenure', 5), ('kurmanbek', 9), ('bakiyev', 17), ('uzbeks', 6), ('intercontinental', 6), ('topol', 8), ('ivanovo', 1), ('teikovo', 1), ('payload', 2), ('countering', 1), ('interceptors', 3), ('radar', 13), ('macarthur', 1), ('bidding', 10), ('parcels', 1), ('fragmented', 2), ('undemocratic', 2), ('fatma', 2), ('zahraa', 1), ('etman', 1), ('camped', 4), ('incentive', 2), ('compel', 1), ('choreographer', 4), ('kidd', 3), ('exuberant', 1), ('broadway', 2), ('guys', 1), ('dolls', 2), ('1954', 5), ('brides', 1), ('choreography', 2), ('chanthalangsy', 1), ('sawang', 1), ('vientiane', 3), ('112', 5), ('hafez', 2), ('cracking', 7), ('frigid', 1), ('dikweneh', 1), ('ablaze', 3), ('ambulances', 1), ('parisian', 2), ('connect', 7), ('paddick', 1), ('russell', 1), ('kerik', 9), ('abruptly', 7), ('nanny', 2), ('madaen', 1), ('marjah', 2), ('thefts', 2), ('complicating', 3), ('intermediaries', 1), ('kuwaitis', 1), ('mutairi', 1), ('representation', 15), ('nobody', 4), ('traced', 4), ('degrading', 4), ('bloemfontein', 1), ('720', 3), ('lieu', 1), ('soup', 5), ('conjured', 1), ('bratislava', 5), ('slovak', 4), ('gasparovic', 1), ('czechoslovakia', 7), ('shed', 2), ('slashing', 9), ('wholesalers', 1), ('swindler', 2), ('madoff', 11), ('162', 6), ('legendary', 6), ('koufax', 1), ('mets', 2), ('wilpon', 1), ('citigroup', 7), ('pyramid', 4), ('causality', 1), ('ghad', 7), ('nour', 13), ('chanting', 15), ('aboul', 5), ('gheit', 7), ('grandchild', 2), ('baladiyat', 1), ('medically', 2), ('shlomo', 1), ('mor', 1), ('hadassah', 5), ('anesthesia', 1), ('dosage', 1), ('sedated', 1), ('unconsciousness', 1), ('hemorrhage', 5), ('function', 5), ('chances', 7), ('481', 2), ('elimination', 3), ('painting', 4), ('farouk', 4), ('vase', 1), ('sutham', 1), ('saengprathum', 1), ('kelantan', 1), ('weighing', 4), ('polytechnic', 1), ('adb', 3), ('backcountry', 1), ('hindus', 4), ('babri', 1), ('birthplace', 4), ('rama', 1), ('shiv', 1), ('sena', 1), ('safer', 6), ('historian', 5), ('irving', 8), ('hitler', 6), ('784', 1), ('atrophy', 4), ('heishan', 1), ('seyoum', 1), ('mesfin', 1), ('guangxi', 2), ('naeem', 2), ('noor', 2), ('awan', 1), ('tanzanian', 3), ('cayenne', 1), ('brace', 2), ('damrey', 5), ('khanun', 1), ('talim', 1), ('dheere', 3), ('disfigured', 1), ('wins', 15), ('guarding', 8), ('mats', 1), ('talal', 1), ('professor', 15), ('sattar', 1), ('qassem', 2), ('suha', 1), ('kidwa', 6), ('asks', 6), ('dordain', 1), ('updates', 5), ('payloads', 2), ('exomars', 2), ('capped', 4), ('260', 5), ('slick', 13), ('shoigu', 1), ('poured', 9), ('benzene', 11), ('poisons', 3), ('songhua', 9), ('flowed', 2), ('harbin', 10), ('meteorological', 9), ('foul', 1), ('diluted', 3), ('interruption', 1), ('outed', 1), ('wilson', 15), ('sad', 1), ('revelation', 1), ('underscored', 3), ('defiled', 1), ('commended', 4), ('diligence', 1), ('advisory', 10), ('adopting', 2), ('resolutely', 3), ('consultative', 2), ('scrapping', 2), ('choco', 1), ('exploratory', 3), ('euros', 5), ('wines', 1), ('00e', 1), ('dreamliner', 3), ('globovision', 2), ('zuloaga', 4), ('nippon', 3), ('airasia', 1), ('hamdania', 3), ('pendleton', 2), ('assaults', 12), ('trigger', 7), ('gomhouria', 1), ('trumped', 2), ('ralia', 1), ('thrived', 1), ('mhz', 2), ('frequency', 5), ('1030', 1), ('khz', 5), ('cranks', 1), ('helpful', 6), ('thayer', 1), ('kadhim', 1), ('abid', 2), ('suraiwi', 2), ('chained', 2), ('defacate', 1), ('allege', 14), ('finely', 1), ('orbiter', 3), ('armchairs', 1), ('punitive', 1), ('orbit', 8), ('theorize', 1), ('harassing', 3), ('petro', 3), ('verbytsky', 1), ('crimean', 5), ('succumbed', 3), ('embankment', 2), ('sandbag', 1), ('reinforced', 5), ('levee', 7), ('winfield', 1), ('peyton', 4), ('inundate', 1), ('embankments', 1), ('ruining', 1), ('soybeans', 1), ('skyrocketed', 1), ('royalists', 1), ('sahafi', 1), ('onboard', 4), ('stadiums', 9), ('abundance', 3), ('mentions', 2), ('nfl', 6), ('oakland', 3), ('involve', 10), ('equus', 4), ('liquidation', 1), ('preference', 3), ('paso', 5), ('boots', 2), ('accrue', 2), ('dividends', 1), ('redeemed', 1), ('1652', 1), ('spice', 1), ('boers', 3), ('trekked', 1), ('1886', 2), ('subjugation', 1), ('encroachments', 1), ('boer', 1), ('1899', 2), ('afrikaners', 1), ('1910', 6), ('anc', 10), ('nelson', 9), ('mandela', 15), ('boycotts', 2), ('ushered', 12), ('imbalances', 5), ('decent', 5), ('kgalema', 1), ('motlanthe', 1), ('santos', 8), ('locomotives', 3), ('promarket', 1), ('underemployment', 5), ('narcotrafficking', 1), ('exporters', 8), ('oceans', 8), ('delimited', 1), ('waterways', 4), ('thinned', 2), ('dukedom', 2), ('constitutionally', 3), ('1603', 2), ('tokugawa', 1), ('shogunate', 1), ('flowering', 1), ('kanagawa', 1), ('1854', 2), ('intensively', 3), ('modernize', 2), ('industrialize', 1), ('formosa', 1), ('sakhalin', 2), ('1931', 1), ('manchuria', 1), ('1937', 6), ('honshu', 1), ('saibou', 1), ('standstill', 3), ('col', 6), ('bare', 4), ('madhuri', 1), ('gupta', 2), ('duration', 1), ('minimal', 4), ('agrarian', 4), ('sahel', 1), ('tuareg', 5), ('nigerien', 1), ('growling', 1), ('snapping', 1), ('oxen', 4), ('hay', 9), ('selfish', 3), ('wrathful', 1), ('tyrannical', 1), ('gentle', 1), ('reign', 3), ('wolf', 23), ('lamb', 4), ('panther', 1), ('amity', 1), ('oh', 4), ('longed', 2), ('shall', 6), ('swooped', 3), ('devouring', 2), ('coils', 1), ('enabling', 4), ('spat', 1), ('exertions', 2), ('slake', 1), ('thirst', 4), ('draught', 1), ('deserves', 3), ('juror', 1), ('certificate', 4), ('afflicted', 3), ('softening', 4), ('gentleman', 2), ('excused', 2), ('housecat', 1), ('enlist', 2), ('furred', 1), ('aswan', 2), ('setback', 9), ('abul', 2), ('appreciates', 2), ('pretext', 4), ('unimaginably', 1), ('armistice', 6), ('denunciations', 2), ('lurking', 1), ('yitzhak', 1), ('rabin', 2), ('leah', 1), ('paint', 6), ('theodore', 2), ('herzl', 1), ('defaced', 1), ('neo', 2), ('hail', 5), ('beilin', 1), ('gurion', 1), ('graveyard', 1), ('vandalism', 4), ('rooting', 7), ('sadah', 1), ('newlands', 2), ('shivnarine', 1), ('chanderpaul', 2), ('samuels', 3), ('crease', 3), ('297', 2), ('214', 1), ('makhaya', 1), ('ntini', 2), ('dale', 4), ('steyn', 3), ('wickets', 14), ('durban', 5), ('sung', 8), ('www', 2), ('gov', 2), ('cn', 1), ('bucca', 1), ('biographies', 1), ('buyers', 7), ('reassured', 4), ('aig', 7), ('mv', 9), ('towed', 3), ('miscommunication', 1), ('offloaded', 1), ('tighten', 14), ('crewmembers', 3), ('cetacean', 1), ('acid', 6), ('boarding', 6), ('antarctica', 12), ('forbid', 4), ('gonzales', 22), ('cabeza', 1), ('vaca', 1), ('prompt', 6), ('photographed', 6), ('publications', 7), ('livingstone', 2), ('shoko', 1), ('lusaka', 2), ('cooked', 7), ('improperly', 5), ('unconditionally', 3), ('mediated', 7), ('muallem', 1), ('sheiria', 1), ('retake', 3), ('effigies', 2), ('qualified', 11), ('experiences', 3), ('baluch', 9), ('warmer', 5), ('humidity', 2), ('transmitting', 2), ('interrupt', 3), ('jailing', 3), ('riad', 1), ('seif', 2), ('faulting', 2), ('energetic', 2), ('tommy', 8), ('franks', 3), ('menem', 6), ('thales', 2), ('spectrum', 5), ('dovonou', 1), ('cotonou', 2), ('adjarra', 1), ('porto', 1), ('novo', 2), ('7th', 2), ('precautionary', 2), ('infecting', 4), ('wiesenthal', 7), ('scheussel', 1), ('tributes', 2), ('tireless', 3), ('immunity', 8), ('adolf', 3), ('eichmann', 2), ('bombardment', 5), ('pelting', 1), ('eggs', 17), ('incapacitating', 1), ('azhar', 6), ('haifa', 5), ('poors', 1), ('shiller', 2), ('subprime', 2), ('homeowners', 13), ('shrinking', 5), ('detroit', 9), ('solving', 2), ('paused', 1), ('usaid', 4), ('oxfam', 10), ('grenoble', 2), ('streetcar', 1), ('monde', 5), ('robber', 2), ('longwang', 4), ('swirling', 2), ('pounding', 5), ('valenzuela', 3), ('departs', 1), ('tecnica', 1), ('loja', 1), ('universidad', 1), ('andes', 1), ('cartagena', 4), ('kleinkirchheim', 2), ('franz', 3), ('klammer', 2), ('068472222', 1), ('nike', 1), ('michaela', 2), ('dorfmeister', 3), ('downhills', 1), ('finishes', 2), ('882', 1), ('anja', 2), ('paerson', 4), ('differ', 4), ('592', 1), ('khristenko', 2), ('versions', 3), ('panetta', 2), ('obeidi', 3), ('catch', 16), ('bribe', 3), ('installment', 4), ('evacuees', 9), ('presses', 1), ('lembe', 2), ('bukavu', 2), ('kenyon', 2), ('jensen', 1), ('methods', 13), ('phuket', 1), ('downplaying', 3), ('tornadoes', 2), ('tornado', 3), ('yazoo', 1), ('haley', 3), ('barbour', 3), ('counties', 3), ('incomplete', 1), ('reburied', 2), ('anup', 1), ('raj', 1), ('sharma', 4), ('requiring', 8), ('flush', 9), ('abdulkadir', 5), ('ngos', 6), ('jabril', 1), ('abdulle', 1), ('dar', 6), ('es', 5), ('salaam', 5), ('malindi', 3), ('mauritian', 1), ('rodrigues', 2), ('scares', 2), ('grouper', 1), ('malachite', 2), ('determines', 2), ('eels', 1), ('chaka', 1), ('fattah', 1), ('fills', 1), ('rhode', 2), ('vermont', 3), ('gunfights', 1), ('copacabana', 1), ('ipanema', 1), ('legalize', 1), ('tai', 2), ('shen', 1), ('kuo', 3), ('gregg', 1), ('bergersen', 3), ('jawid', 1), ('qiang', 2), ('wei', 6), ('unexpected', 7), ('reshuffle', 8), ('tichaona', 1), ('jokonya', 5), ('moyo', 7), ('traitors', 1), ('katzenellenbogen', 2), ('withered', 1), ('dongzhou', 3), ('escorting', 4), ('reckless', 4), ('helpe', 1), ('monument', 14), ('savannah', 3), ('erect', 2), ('chasseurs', 1), ('volontaires', 1), ('domingue', 1), ('regiment', 5), ('1779', 1), ('tremendous', 5), ('debut', 7), ('georgetown', 3), ('beta', 10), ('churns', 3), ('sofia', 4), ('turb', 1), ('ulent', 1), ('osce', 5), ('passy', 1), ('surpass', 2), ('2035', 1), ('albert', 4), ('keidel', 2), ('regardless', 5), ('carnegie', 2), ('endowment', 2), ('negligence', 8), ('tampering', 6), ('sahrawi', 1), ('coordinating', 7), ('casablanca', 5), ('bart', 1), ('stupak', 1), ('gauging', 2), ('pricing', 6), ('camila', 2), ('guerra', 2), ('grammyawards', 1), ('las', 7), ('vegas', 3), ('comprised', 4), ('mario', 6), ('domm', 1), ('samo', 1), ('parra', 1), ('mientes', 1), ('dejarte', 1), ('amar', 1), ('grammys', 4), ('guerraas', 1), ('bachata', 1), ('fukuoko', 1), ('univision', 1), ('hilary', 7), ('duff', 3), ('judgmental', 1), ('incessant', 2), ('starlet', 1), ('realizes', 3), ('dignity', 4), ('girlfriend', 9), ('richie', 1), ('gypsy', 2), ('deter', 11), ('logs', 2), ('mindful', 3), ('councilor', 1), ('jiaxuan', 1), ('orderly', 4), ('lehman', 1), ('ubs', 1), ('issuing', 5), ('stearns', 1), ('renowed', 1), ('farka', 1), ('toure', 9), ('guitar', 4), ('genre', 1), ('sounds', 3), ('praise', 11), ('legend', 8), ('ry', 2), ('cooder', 2), ('timbuktu', 1), ('grammy', 7), ('beloved', 2), ('belet', 1), ('weyn', 1), ('clans', 5), ('anarchy', 3), ('brick', 2), ('rooms', 7), ('walls', 14), ('tasks', 3), ('dextre', 3), ('destiny', 2), ('endeavour', 4), ('compartment', 1), ('latifiya', 1), ('hafidh', 1), ('closes', 3), ('salvadoran', 4), ('deferring', 1), ('disband', 2), ('amani', 1), ('wreaking', 1), ('havoc', 3), ('lanes', 2), ('laissez', 1), ('faire', 1), ('archaic', 1), ('intellectual', 4), ('entrepot', 1), ('rebuilt', 4), ('ballooning', 1), ('rafiq', 4), ('reining', 3), ('expenditures', 8), ('enterprises', 11), ('receipt', 7), ('conditioned', 1), ('mayen', 1), ('exploitable', 4), ('bbl', 2), ('manigat', 3), ('jonas', 2), ('savimbi', 3), ('accrued', 1), ('arrears', 2), ('peg', 4), ('angolan', 5), ('kwanza', 1), ('depreciated', 1), ('possesses', 3), ('fishery', 1), ('imbalance', 8), ('revival', 3), ('rutile', 1), ('protectorates', 1), ('1942', 3), ('baker', 6), ('malaya', 1), ('1957', 4), ('sarawak', 1), ('borneo', 2), ('mahathir', 9), ('najib', 9), ('razak', 3), ('wanderings', 2), ('armourer', 1), ('glided', 2), ('pricked', 2), ('dart', 1), ('fangs', 1), ('wrath', 4), ('useless', 2), ('insensible', 1), ('salesmen', 1), ('dina', 1), ('cody', 1), ('slumps', 1), ('troubles', 7), ('bamako', 3), ('hammered', 4), ('min', 2), ('oceania', 1), ('ashr', 2), ('jem', 3), ('khalil', 3), ('incidences', 1), ('forcible', 1), ('funerals', 6), ('interpol', 12), ('notices', 3), ('mabhouh', 1), ('circulate', 1), ('deyda', 1), ('hydara', 2), ('indirectly', 5), ('berezovsky', 1), ('akhmed', 1), ('zakayev', 1), ('greenest', 1), ('soothe', 1), ('zelaya', 12), ('tsang', 5), ('h9n2', 1), ('subtypes', 1), ('hoax', 6), ('martinez', 2), ('wardak', 8), ('warren', 3), ('buffett', 3), ('micheletti', 4), ('intent', 5), ('mansehra', 1), ('balakot', 2), ('reclusive', 4), ('frees', 2), ('sort', 6), ('emerges', 1), ('jade', 2), ('lots', 1), ('nargis', 6), ('rubies', 1), ('auctions', 1), ('earner', 4), ('jewelry', 6), ('paulo', 10), ('nishin', 1), ('seemed', 7), ('poised', 6), ('ma', 10), ('ying', 2), ('jeou', 2), ('hsieh', 3), ('jeopardy', 2), ('impeachment', 12), ('legality', 6), ('andras', 3), ('batiz', 3), ('ruegen', 5), ('012', 2), ('maharastra', 2), ('guirassy', 2), ('asphyxiated', 1), ('salvatore', 1), ('sagues', 1), ('senegalese', 9), ('prosecutions', 1), ('thorough', 6), ('rattled', 3), ('kandill', 1), ('karliova', 2), ('bingol', 3), ('atop', 9), ('tectonic', 2), ('faultline', 1), ('mercenaries', 2), ('chenembiri', 1), ('bhunu', 1), ('ranged', 1), ('teodoro', 2), ('obiang', 1), ('nguema', 1), ('unspoiled', 1), ('maciej', 1), ('nowicki', 1), ('baltica', 2), ('pillars', 2), ('rospuda', 1), ('pristine', 1), ('peat', 2), ('bog', 1), ('eagles', 3), ('wolves', 2), ('lynx', 1), ('augustow', 1), ('abductees', 5), ('nadia', 3), ('fayoum', 1), ('michalak', 1), ('thuan', 1), ('clouded', 1), ('harass', 1), ('venues', 3), ('theo', 4), ('bouyeri', 4), ('hofstad', 1), ('nansan', 1), ('kokang', 3), ('brader', 1), ('levin', 3), ('sates', 2), ('soothing', 1), ('normalization', 4), ('teng', 1), ('hui', 2), ('sighted', 4), ('medecins', 4), ('sans', 3), ('frontieres', 3), ('perpetrating', 1), ('cohesion', 2), ('labado', 3), ('bihar', 4), ('erkki', 1), ('tuomioja', 1), ('influx', 3), ('insulza', 3), ('derbez', 4), ('eighteen', 4), ('oas', 9), ('recessed', 3), ('stored', 9), ('haisori', 1), ('destabilization', 1), ('rugigana', 1), ('ngabo', 3), ('faustin', 1), ('kayumba', 1), ('nyamwasa', 4), ('ottawa', 5), ('forbes', 7), ('benn', 4), ('develops', 1), ('izzat', 1), ('douri', 1), ('hasina', 3), ('inhuman', 3), ('dock', 4), ('ration', 1), ('cosmonaut', 1), ('salizhan', 2), ('sharipov', 2), ('leroy', 2), ('chiao', 2), ('professors', 3), ('scorpions', 4), ('males', 6), ('branko', 2), ('grujic', 1), ('octopus', 3), ('decadence', 1), ('decay', 2), ('psychic', 2), ('aspire', 1), ('perfection', 1), ('oberhausen', 1), ('legged', 1), ('creature', 3), ('mussels', 1), ('archaeologist', 6), ('susanne', 5), ('osthoff', 6), ('peacemaker', 1), ('reconstruct', 4), ('parks', 4), ('ideas', 9), ('reconstructing', 1), ('prone', 9), ('counternarcotics', 3), ('shaanxi', 6), ('wayaobao', 1), ('zichang', 1), ('expeditions', 3), ('howells', 1), ('277', 1), ('automatically', 8), ('kantathi', 1), ('supamongkhon', 1), ('kimchi', 2), ('spicy', 1), ('garlicky', 1), ('cabbage', 2), ('dish', 2), ('epitomizes', 1), ('zero', 11), ('achin', 2), ('alzouma', 1), ('yada', 1), ('adamou', 1), ('cuvette', 1), ('hemorrhagic', 6), ('bleeding', 7), ('heath', 1), ('anura', 1), ('bandaranaike', 1), ('sarath', 2), ('amunugama', 1), ('portfolios', 2), ('mediocre', 1), ('peril', 1), ('essay', 2), ('isaiah', 1), ('planner', 4), ('toppling', 3), ('unpublished', 1), ('memoir', 4), ('authored', 1), ('294', 1), ('surpasses', 1), ('2927', 1), ('firecrackers', 3), ('rear', 2), ('downward', 11), ('polarize', 1), ('symbolic', 4), ('renault', 6), ('interlagos', 1), ('060092593', 1), ('clocked', 2), ('mclaren', 2), ('mercedes', 2), ('wurz', 2), ('050474537', 1), ('kimi', 1), ('raikkonen', 2), ('193', 4), ('trails', 2), ('realistically', 1), ('finish', 21), ('ferrari', 6), ('schumacher', 1), ('falcon', 2), ('quails', 1), ('intrusion', 6), ('heels', 7), ('drifted', 2), ('prolific', 1), ('hispaniola', 4), ('bore', 4), ('frayed', 2), ('shunned', 2), ('summits', 4), ('jovic', 3), ('functional', 1), ('joao', 1), ('vieira', 3), ('billboard', 1), ('vocals', 1), ('larry', 4), ('lamm', 1), ('trumpet', 2), ('loughnane', 1), ('daya', 2), ('sandagiri', 1), ('nino', 2), ('malam', 1), ('bacai', 1), ('sanha', 2), ('bandung', 2), ('toddler', 1), ('698', 2), ('qinghai', 9), ('yushu', 1), ('guangrong', 1), ('thoughts', 5), ('kamau', 1), ('pistols', 3), ('luggage', 3), ('artur', 1), ('trafficker', 3), ('salinas', 2), ('edgar', 2), ('marina', 1), ('otalora', 1), ('finances', 9), ('norte', 2), ('contrasted', 2), ('condoleeza', 1), ('ludicrous', 1), ('campo', 2), ('raiding', 2), ('barricaded', 1), ('shangla', 1), ('sarfraz', 1), ('naeemi', 1), ('dera', 12), ('dd', 4), ('unicorp', 2), ('kingsbridge', 1), ('cara', 2), ("dunkin'", 4), ('donuts', 1), ('pill', 8), ('delaware', 6), ('dunkin', 1), ('468', 1), ('randolph', 1), ('relax', 3), ('wishing', 11), ('defection', 2), ('virtually', 11), ('fiber', 3), ('casinos', 1), ('cepa', 1), ('pataca', 1), ('palm', 4), ('profited', 2), ('petronas', 2), ('riskier', 1), ('decreasing', 4), ('revisions', 1), ('malays', 2), ('polynesian', 5), ('1889', 1), ('1925', 2), ('586', 1), ('euphausia', 1), ('superba', 1), ('027', 1), ('patagonian', 3), ('toothfish', 3), ('dissostichus', 1), ('eleginoides', 1), ('bass', 1), ('910', 1), ('591', 1), ('396', 1), ('ccamlr', 1), ('unregulated', 1), ('376', 2), ('213', 3), ('552', 2), ('799', 1), ('operators', 8), ('iaato', 1), ('overflights', 3), ('guarantor', 2), ('sideline', 1), ('uniosil', 1), ('furthering', 1), ('stamping', 2), ('1936', 4), ('franco', 4), ('dynamic', 5), ('fatherland', 1), ('wintertime', 1), ('curled', 1), ('tee', 1), ('kites', 3), ('olden', 1), ('neigh', 2), ('enchanted', 1), ('imitate', 1), ('writers', 5), ('brilliant', 2), ('indolent', 2), ('dull', 1), ('industrious', 1), ('seventy', 4), ('poetry', 1), ('honoured', 1), ('compiler', 1), ('sixteen', 4), ('volumes', 1), ('tabulated', 1), ('hog', 2), ('cocks', 2), ('skulked', 2), ('crowed', 2), ('lustily', 1), ('hawk', 10), ('behold', 1), ('goeth', 1), ('boasting', 2), ('vanquished', 3), ('cock', 3), ('calamitously', 1), ('prowl', 1), ('dwell', 1), ('whichever', 1), ('quarrelling', 1), ('corner', 4), ('138', 3), ('pep', 1), ('marjayoun', 2), ('tzipi', 4), ('livni', 10), ('redirect', 1), ('groomed', 1), ('spam', 5), ('sim', 1), ('unicom', 1), ('telecom', 3), ('somewhere', 9), ('gallon', 4), ('declarations', 2), ('628', 1), ('westerly', 1), ('kewell', 3), ('animated', 4), ('referee', 4), ('aussies', 3), ('markus', 2), ('siegler', 1), ('liverpool', 6), ('inconsistent', 3), ('merk', 3), ('insulted', 2), ('fouls', 1), ('stuff', 3), ('nrc', 1), ('handelsblad', 1), ('henk', 1), ('morsink', 2), ('thank', 5), ('forested', 1), ('hyderabad', 5), ('zedong', 3), ('akihito', 5), ('empress', 3), ('michiko', 2), ('lays', 1), ('saipan', 2), ('1944', 5), ('mudslide', 8), ('fading', 2), ('slide', 8), ('reservoir', 5), ('shanxi', 6), ('torrent', 2), ('plowed', 3), ('bassist', 2), ('orlando', 1), ('cachaito', 1), ('buena', 1), ('vista', 2), ('prostate', 3), ('glory', 5), ('acclaim', 2), ('singers', 4), ('compay', 1), ('segundo', 1), ('ruben', 2), ('gonzalez', 2), ('bright', 3), ('dai', 3), ('chopan', 3), ('manhunt', 6), ('nurja', 1), ('exaggerated', 3), ('memin', 2), ('pinguin', 2), ('depicts', 3), ('lips', 4), ('jesse', 3), ('racist', 3), ('contribution', 12), ('purchases', 8), ('sa', 4), ('sooner', 6), ('armitage', 7), ('exxonmobil', 8), ('conocophillips', 5), ('nationalize', 12), ('unwanted', 4), ('reality', 9), ('euthanized', 1), ('pets', 1), ('immensely', 2), ('expertise', 4), ('clinics', 5), ('dwyer', 6), ('ruth', 3), ('turk', 5), ('cares', 1), ('grief', 5), ('offended', 2), ('knows', 8), ('demeanor', 2), ('hindawi', 1), ('duluiya', 1), ('conservationists', 2), ('machinea', 1), ('projected', 10), ('guji', 2), ('borena', 2), ('shakiso', 2), ('arero', 2), ('yabello', 2), ('jaatanni', 1), ('taadhii', 1), ('sided', 5), ('virunga', 2), ('scooter', 3), ('segway', 2), ('upright', 1), ('gyroscopes', 1), ('tricky', 1), ('scooters', 1), ('eavesdropping', 5), ('warrantless', 1), ('boundaries', 7), ('minster', 8), ('lowers', 2), ('mascots', 1), ('jing', 4), ('poaching', 3), ('bunia', 3), ('floribert', 1), ('ndjabu', 2), ('integrationist', 1), ('precedence', 1), ('guatemalan', 4), ('rigoberta', 1), ('menchu', 1), ('rulings', 5), ('miroslav', 4), ('bralo', 3), ('jokers', 1), ('forcers', 1), ('nastase', 4), ('contradicting', 1), ('dwain', 2), ('lifetime', 7), ('cheats', 1), ('dhia', 1), ('najim', 3), ('freelance', 2), ('mironov', 3), ('rodina', 2), ('pensioners', 4), ('maneuver', 4), ('assimilating', 1), ('visually', 1), ('impaired', 2), ('blind', 6), ('ancic', 5), ('ordina', 1), ('den', 1), ('bosch', 4), ('taping', 1), ('llodra', 2), ('klara', 1), ('koukalova', 2), ('countrywoman', 2), ('macedonian', 10), ('ljube', 1), ('boskovski', 4), ('ljubotno', 1), ('skopje', 1), ('johan', 2), ('tarulovski', 2), ('foodstuffs', 2), ('malcolm', 2), ('reception', 2), ('radisson', 1), ('confession', 8), ('tung', 17), ('chee', 4), ('hwa', 4), ('cppcc', 3), ('useful', 3), ('retaliatory', 3), ('deploys', 2), ('categorically', 3), ('militarization', 1), ('telecast', 1), ('gulbuddin', 3), ('hekmatyar', 5), ('islami', 4), ('weaponization', 1), ('achievement', 7), ('conferring', 2), ('singnaghi', 1), ('striving', 2), ('aspirations', 6), ('tugboats', 1), ('mavi', 1), ('marmaraout', 1), ('commandeered', 3), ('ashdod', 2), ('emmanuel', 5), ('akitani', 5), ('neuilly', 1), ('gilchrist', 2), ('olympio', 2), ('andiwal', 2), ('marja', 1), ('jalani', 1), ('apologizes', 2), ('levinson', 2), ('kish', 1), ('locating', 2), ('duffle', 1), ('218', 4), ('243', 2), ('ashwell', 1), ('131', 3), ('overs', 9), ('bowler', 9), ('dwayne', 1), ('jerome', 1), ('centurion', 2), ('germ', 1), ('anthrax', 2), ('rihab', 1), ('huda', 1), ('saleh', 12), ('amash', 1), ('marwa', 1), ('schultz', 3), ('demonstrates', 3), ('conventions', 4), ('brookings', 1), ('impacts', 2), ('camaraderie', 1), ('outdoors', 1), ('monaliza', 1), ('noormohammadi', 1), ('endangers', 3), ('porous', 1), ('husaybah', 5), ('320', 5), ('thunderous', 1), ('arish', 3), ('dynamite', 2), ('ashkelon', 4), ('sderot', 2), ('uthmani', 1), ('funnel', 1), ('southerners', 2), ('opera', 8), ('luciano', 1), ('pavarotti', 3), ('modena', 1), ('polyclinic', 1), ('pancreatic', 1), ('aficionados', 1), ('tenor', 1), ('celebrity', 6), ('cutoff', 2), ('beattie', 4), ('boiled', 2), ('reassuring', 2), ('wang', 5), ('minghe', 1), ('upstream', 3), ('mohamud', 5), ('salad', 1), ('nur', 4), ('adaado', 3), ('posting', 5), ('sixty', 5), ('crooner', 1), ('talent', 2), ('shrugged', 1), ('suggestion', 8), ('suichuan', 1), ('jiangxi', 3), ('mala', 1), ('shorish', 1), ('akre', 1), ('bijeel', 1), ('shaikan', 1), ('rovi', 1), ('sarta', 1), ('dihok', 1), ('measuring', 5), ('aegean', 4), ('quakes', 2), ('chimneys', 1), ('embarrased', 1), ('halftime', 1), ('performer', 1), ('jacksonville', 1), ('janet', 6), ('timberlake', 4), ('mccarthy', 1), ('facets', 1), ('costume', 3), ('sporting', 6), ('contenders', 1), ('baya', 1), ('beiji', 2), ('paulos', 2), ('faraj', 2), ('rahho', 1), ('nineveh', 2), ('blackmailed', 2), ('archeologist', 1), ('energize', 1), ('verifiably', 1), ('catherine', 7), ('baber', 2), ('mike', 16), ('mcdaniel', 2), ('floodwaters', 13), ('spills', 6), ('ecosystems', 2), ('pontchartrain', 1), ('megumi', 1), ('yokota', 2), ('faking', 1), ('mocks', 1), ('convene', 3), ('alfonso', 2), ('duarte', 3), ('340', 2), ('logos', 2), ('223', 3), ('ripping', 4), ('mobilize', 7), ('hamesh', 1), ('koreb', 1), ('trawler', 1), ('detonators', 2), ('hmawbi', 1), ('township', 4), ('joyful', 5), ('gracious', 1), ('faiths', 7), ('bijbehera', 1), ('amor', 1), ('almagro', 1), ('newmont', 3), ('buyat', 1), ('arsenic', 2), ('ghazi', 5), ('aridi', 1), ('bugojno', 1), ('diver', 2), ('hamadi', 4), ('parole', 5), ('focal', 3), ('twa', 1), ('stethem', 1), ('lovers', 1), ('410', 1), ('guinness', 1), ('yerevan', 1), ('candy', 3), ('587', 1), ('elah', 1), ('dufour', 1), ('novi', 1), ('alessandria', 1), ('piemonte', 1), ('savin', 3), ('cent', 3), ('stamford', 1), ('conn', 2), ('magnified', 1), ('nonrecurring', 1), ('valuation', 1), ('adjustments', 2), ('segments', 4), ('principally', 4), ('geodynamic', 1), ('kos', 1), ('astypaleia', 1), ('excels', 1), ('sufficiency', 1), ('contractions', 1), ('stimulated', 2), ('surpluses', 3), ('adjustment', 4), ('cambodians', 6), ('khmers', 1), ('descendants', 7), ('angkor', 1), ('cham', 1), ('ushering', 2), ('1863', 6), ('indochina', 2), ('1887', 1), ('phnom', 5), ('penh', 5), ('hardships', 2), ('pol', 3), ('pot', 1), ('semblance', 2), ('normalcy', 1), ('contending', 1), ('norodom', 2), ('sihanouk', 1), ('sihamoni', 1), ('aboriginal', 2), ('1770', 2), ('capt', 2), ('alam', 4), ('qom', 2), ('ageing', 1), ('amounted', 3), ('fy06', 1), ('earns', 1), ('ascension', 2), ('falklands', 3), ('dhekelia', 4), ('penning', 1), ('fold', 4), ('perceiving', 2), ('tortoise', 10), ('antagonist', 1), ('leisurely', 1), ('sauntering', 1), ('wayside', 3), ('fatigue', 4), ('cheer', 1), ('shame', 3), ('schemed', 1), ('foxes', 3), ('tailless', 1), ('deprivation', 2), ('brush', 1), ('interrupting', 4), ('spider', 3), ('spun', 1), ('thriller', 2), ('grossing', 2), ('shahab', 1), ('tallies', 3), ('entries', 3), ('greg', 3), ('schulte', 3), ('pedophile', 4), ('ideological', 2), ('easter', 12), ('gossip', 2), ('colom', 6), ('hamilton', 2), ('salma', 1), ('hayek', 2), ('valentina', 1), ('paloma', 1), ('pinault', 3), ('henri', 4), ('ugly', 3), ('ventanazul', 1), ('metro', 6), ('goldwyn', 1), ('ppr', 1), ('labels', 1), ('gucci', 1), ('balenciaga', 1), ('puma', 1), ('divorce', 6), ('dismissing', 3), ('159th', 1), ('paynesville', 1), ('congotown', 1), ('compatible', 2), ('volt', 2), ('needlessly', 1), ('antagonizes', 1), ('myth', 5), ('uncalculated', 1), ('melih', 1), ('gokcek', 1), ('nuns', 5), ('drapchi', 1), ('16s', 2), ('oscar', 5), ('arias', 4), ('manual', 2), ('otton', 1), ('cafta', 10), ('comprises', 8), ('statute', 3), ('backdrop', 4), ('351', 2), ('187', 1), ('breeding', 3), ('heraldo', 1), ('munoz', 1), ('manipur', 2), ('concealed', 4), ('imphal', 1), ('okram', 1), ('ibobi', 1), ('282', 1), ('hussey', 1), ('symonds', 5), ('lbw', 1), ('yousef', 3), ('phrase', 3), ('typically', 4), ('defenseless', 2), ('wrestler', 4), ('luo', 3), ('meng', 1), ('diuretic', 1), ('purge', 4), ('hua', 1), ('offenders', 7), ('michele', 5), ('alliot', 6), ('athlete', 2), ('swimmer', 1), ('ouyang', 1), ('kunpeng', 1), ('steroid', 4), ('281', 1), ('gayle', 2), ('paced', 1), ('pitch', 3), ('batsman', 5), ('fours', 6), ('267', 1), ('internationals', 2), ('authorites', 1), ('hilla', 8), ('occured', 2), ('outlaws', 1), ('bulava', 1), ('mutates', 3), ('penetrate', 2), ('stavropol', 1), ('rogge', 5), ('delanoe', 1), ('sebastian', 5), ('coe', 1), ('balkenende', 2), ('suite', 1), ('audiences', 12), ('yimou', 1), ('colorful', 6), ('dragons', 2), ('extravagant', 3), ('theme', 6), ('civilization', 3), ('torchbearer', 2), ('cauldron', 4), ('constructively', 2), ('jowhar', 2), ('perina', 1), ('slim', 6), ('simultaneously', 4), ('mohsen', 8), ('lowering', 5), ('seems', 7), ('spaniards', 7), ('artibonite', 1), ('medusa', 2), ('refocus', 1), ('azimbek', 1), ('beknazarov', 1), ('nepotism', 1), ('maksim', 2), ('rewards', 7), ('awakening', 2), ('adolescence', 1), ('sexuality', 2), ('examines', 2), ('adolescents', 1), ('zheng', 2), ('mok', 3), ('elaine', 7), ('advertisements', 5), ('ads', 2), ('reciprocate', 1), ('ad', 5), ('lipsky', 3), ('tower', 6), ('verifiable', 1), ('denuclearization', 2), ('donkey', 2), ('unanswered', 2), ('pouring', 4), ('pumps', 3), ('locate', 10), ('yichang', 1), ('hubei', 6), ('wanzhou', 1), ('downpours', 1), ('abkhaz', 6), ('mujhava', 1), ('outspoken', 8), ('chlorine', 4), ('commonplace', 1), ('reshape', 1), ('broadening', 1), ('ojedokun', 1), ('screeners', 1), ('baggage', 1), ('glut', 1), ('unsold', 1), ('ulf', 2), ('henricsson', 2), ('giovanni', 1), ('claudio', 2), ('fava', 1), ('lawmakes', 1), ('porter', 6), ('goss', 12), ('tenet', 2), ('voluntary', 3), ('overdrafts', 1), ('unwarranted', 2), ('kallenberger', 1), ('undisclosed', 11), ('bellinger', 1), ('deactivated', 2), ('suitcase', 4), ('ammonium', 1), ('nitrate', 2), ('anfo', 1), ('deactivate', 1), ('backups', 1), ('nikiforov', 2), ('allowance', 4), ('staffing', 2), ('uefa', 5), ('maccabi', 1), ('betar', 1), ('dinamo', 1), ('sums', 4), ('postponing', 5), ('nikolas', 1), ('clichy', 1), ('sous', 2), ('bois', 2), ('napolitano', 4), ('radicalization', 2), ('businesswomen', 1), ('flatly', 4), ('sinking', 3), ('madhav', 2), ('kumar', 4), ('memento', 1), ('sherpa', 1), ('unfurled', 1), ('banner', 6), ('rededicate', 1), ('undertaken', 3), ('commemorated', 1), ('fundraisers', 1), ('commemorate', 12), ('acquisitions', 3), ('yadana', 2), ('dharmeratnam', 3), ('sivaram', 7), ('tamilnet', 3), ('columnist', 3), ('mirror', 6), ('realtors', 2), ('chevron', 11), ('itinerary', 1), ('acknowledges', 7), ('thamilselvan', 1), ('vidar', 1), ('helgesen', 2), ('staying', 3), ('mackay', 2), ('contrasts', 2), ('vacationing', 7), ('rests', 4), ('gagra', 1), ('sukhumi', 2), ('snowstorm', 4), ('subzero', 1), ('slippery', 1), ('nebraska', 6), ('kansas', 5), ('motels', 1), ('disbursing', 3), ('ndc', 4), ('exclusion', 1), ('millenium', 2), ('haruna', 1), ('idrissu', 1), ('abidjan', 7), ('qin', 3), ('protectionist', 2), ('trousers', 2), ('knit', 2), ('underwear', 2), ('safeguards', 4), ('softened', 1), ('adopts', 1), ('jaua', 1), ('vedomosti', 2), ('speculating', 1), ('muifa', 2), ('paralyzing', 1), ('quang', 4), ('ngai', 2), ('thua', 2), ('thien', 2), ('hue', 2), ('tri', 1), ('daklak', 1), ('bonfoh', 2), ('boko', 6), ('suicidal', 1), ('detection', 3), ('allots', 1), ('nonprofit', 3), ('immorality', 1), ('repealed', 1), ('offending', 2), ('shoichi', 1), ('nakagawa', 1), ('penn', 1), ('speculated', 3), ('fights', 3), ('roundly', 1), ('chertoff', 12), ('testifies', 1), ('oversees', 8), ('kozulin', 8), ('hooliganism', 3), ('incitement', 4), ('hadson', 2), ('reimbursed', 1), ('amortization', 1), ('slave', 5), ('lingered', 1), ('melnichenko', 2), ('precipitated', 1), ('1623', 1), ('anguilla', 5), ('rebelled', 1), ('nevis', 6), ('sekou', 1), ('unwillingness', 2), ('culminated', 4), ('sekouba', 1), ('konate', 1), ('conde', 1), ('pattern', 7), ('impressive', 8), ('nafta', 1), ('absorbs', 1), ('buffeted', 1), ('capitalization', 1), ('stuffing', 1), ('couch', 2), ('quills', 1), ('unabated', 4), ('enthusiasm', 2), ('aux', 1), ('dames', 1), ('echo', 2), ('wearily', 1), ('damn', 3), ('robbers', 3), ('tellers', 2), ('wallets', 1), ('etc', 1), ('brutally', 5), ('gagged', 3), ('whispers', 2), ('replies', 2), ('owe', 4), ('teacher', 13), ('plaster', 1), ('shirt', 6), ('noticeable', 1), ('confidently', 1), ('rowdy', 1), ('classroom', 3), ('busied', 1), ('breeze', 2), ('flap', 1), ('stapler', 1), ('stapled', 1), ('parkinson', 5), ('debilitating', 1), ('duelfer', 5), ('addendum', 1), ('policymakers', 4), ('126', 3), ('debriefing', 1), ('villager', 3), ('discriminatory', 2), ("b'tselem", 3), ('mekorot', 1), ('peoples', 14), ('rabat', 3), ('concerted', 4), ('bursa', 1), ('compatriots', 1), ('modifies', 1), ('worry', 13), ('enhances', 1), ('enshrines', 2), ('detriment', 1), ('375', 3), ('ishac', 1), ('diwan', 1), ('qusai', 1), ('wahab', 1), ('bahrainian', 1), ('adds', 9), ('satisfies', 1), ('guy', 2), ('verhofstadt', 1), ('sol', 1), ('preaching', 7), ('tuzla', 1), ('gazans', 2), ('streamed', 2), ('gijs', 1), ('vries', 1), ('fostering', 2), ('muriel', 1), ('degauque', 1), ('yousaf', 2), ('anyama', 1), ('gendarmes', 1), ('connie', 3), ('newman', 1), ('flagrantly', 1), ('semester', 1), ('sizably', 2), ('tulane', 1), ('trailers', 1), ('seminar', 4), ('alerts', 2), ('moinuddin', 1), ('karnataka', 5), ('puri', 1), ('nationalization', 10), ('affirming', 1), ('fayyum', 1), ('giza', 1), ('eradicated', 3), ('lobbied', 2), ('filip', 1), ('velach', 2), ("d'affaires", 2), ('tkachev', 1), ('krasnodar', 1), ('beatrice', 1), ('mtetwa', 2), ('norton', 1), ('dismantle', 20), ('gulu', 2), ('toby', 1), ('harnden', 1), ('simmonds', 1), ('accreditation', 5), ('budapest', 5), ('workings', 1), ('vetoes', 1), ('cooperated', 2), ('sorting', 1), ('ghalib', 2), ('kubba', 2), ('sabotaging', 1), ('adhere', 5), ('investigates', 2), ('schmit', 1), ('gestures', 5), ('zabayda', 1), ('chitchai', 1), ('wannasathit', 1), ('haiphong', 2), ('durango', 1), ('breakdown', 3), ('resembled', 1), ('benedetti', 2), ('incendiary', 1), ('pardo', 1), ('bab', 3), ('sharjee', 1), ('frangiskos', 1), ('ragoussis', 1), ('blige', 2), ('jamie', 4), ('foxx', 3), ('hudson', 4), ('pasadena', 2), ('unpredictable', 3), ('castoff', 1), ('cinderella', 1), ('dreamgirls', 1), ('naacp', 2), ('miro', 1), ('ashdown', 3), ('yousifiyah', 1), ('simplifying', 1), ('ohio', 14), ('ler', 1), ('csw', 2), ('minesweepers', 1), ('scaling', 3), ('airdrops', 1), ('karkh', 1), ('cropper', 3), ('arrange', 8), ('patrolled', 6), ('ogero', 1), ('automobiles', 3), ('hardenne', 7), ('compromised', 1), ('regaining', 1), ('chiang', 2), ('ping', 1), ('kun', 1), ('ghangzhou', 1), ('homage', 3), ('yat', 1), ('sen', 4), ('nangjing', 1), ('slideshow', 1), ('sgt', 1), ('whitney', 2), ('mounts', 1), ('newest', 6), ('surprisingly', 2), ('hate', 10), ('biennial', 2), ('74th', 1), ('weaver', 6), ('jumbo', 2), ('researching', 1), ('overturn', 5), ('evaluation', 3), ('malwiya', 1), ('jagged', 1), ('architecture', 2), ('spiral', 4), ('minarets', 2), ('abbassid', 1), ('hatem', 2), ('edict', 3), ('effectiveness', 5), ('budgets', 2), ('recipient', 3), ('relieved', 5), ('baton', 3), ('thad', 3), ('hovered', 2), ('recalling', 4), ('alps', 1), ('closeness', 1), ('unjustly', 2), ('inducted', 3), ('studded', 1), ('multitudes', 1), ('traumatic', 2), ('transfusion', 1), ('explains', 4), ('655', 2), ('understandable', 2), ('vincennes', 1), ('bandar', 6), ('inductees', 3), ('rockers', 1), ('lynyrd', 1), ('skynyrd', 1), ('butch', 1), ('kievenaar', 1), ('blondie', 1), ('opener', 5), ('warmup', 4), ('competent', 3), ('trumpeter', 1), ('herb', 1), ('alpert', 1), ('moss', 1), ('founders', 1), ('reside', 2), ('arghandab', 2), ('prematurely', 7), ('mitrovica', 3), ('seceded', 3), ('feith', 2), ('websites', 6), ('reunited', 5), ('lafayette', 1), ('novosibirsk', 1), ('disadvantaged', 3), ('stymied', 1), ('geese', 9), ('revoked', 7), ('scheuer', 2), ('inspires', 1), ('hubris', 1), ('anonymously', 1), ('inflamed', 2), ('flocks', 5), ('processed', 5), ('christ', 9), ('scouts', 2), ('kicking', 4), ('drums', 4), ('festive', 1), ('decked', 1), ('zhanjun', 1), ('blacklist', 2), ('accredited', 1), ('liu', 10), ('binjie', 1), ('celso', 3), ('amorim', 5), ('embraer', 1), ('ramping', 1), ("'re", 4), ('sulphur', 2), ("sh'ite", 1), ('sheng', 2), ('huaren', 1), ('booming', 10), ('simmons', 1), ('manas', 3), ('decisive', 4), ('fayyaz', 1), ('baqubah', 2), ('gillard', 2), ('cobbled', 1), ('foreclosures', 7), ('mortgages', 1), ('refinancing', 1), ('properties', 6), ('customized', 1), ('simulates', 1), ('sint', 7), ('maarten', 5), ('fifths', 5), ('juliana', 1), ('weisgan', 1), ('shiloh', 2), ('harbors', 2), ('antilles', 5), ('widening', 6), ('constitute', 5), ('bahamian', 1), ('enactment', 3), ('1891', 2), ('nyasaland', 1), ('1964', 5), ('hastings', 1), ('kamuzu', 1), ('dpp', 2), ('1888', 2), ('1900', 2), ('sprat', 1), ('umpire', 1), ('strolling', 2), ('orchard', 1), ('bunch', 3), ('ripening', 1), ('vine', 4), ('lofty', 2), ('quench', 1), ('quoth', 2), ('paces', 1), ('tempting', 1), ('morsel', 2), ('despise', 1), ('seldom', 2), ('butlers', 1), ('chauffeurs', 1), ('k', 7), ('drawer', 2), ('fifteen', 7), ('clone', 6), ('backfired', 1), ("'d", 2), ('obscene', 1), ('mood', 4), ('tourniquet', 1), ('noticing', 1), ('muentefering', 3), ('recruiter', 2), ('smiled', 3), ('slyly', 1), ('mules', 2), ('dividing', 8), ('fractions', 1), ('uncle', 6), ('hitched', 2), ('mule', 4), ('andrea', 1), ('nahles', 1), ('kajo', 1), ('wasserhoevel', 1), ('trawlers', 2), ('solbes', 1), ('natsios', 6), ('constructing', 1), ('firehouses', 1), ('sonia', 5), ('handgun', 4), ('elvis', 2), ('presley', 3), ('titan', 7), ('memphis', 3), ('mm', 1), ('wesson', 1), ('graceland', 3), ('visitor', 1), ('unfastened', 1), ('beside', 5), ('journeyed', 1), ('dancer', 2), ('sergey', 1), ('magerovskiy', 2), ('tiffany', 1), ('stiegler', 1), ("ba'ath", 2), ('rebecca', 1), ('naturalization', 1), ('tanith', 1), ('belbin', 1), ('shariat', 3), ('shagh', 1), ('transmitter', 2), ('hymns', 3), ('rages', 2), ('listeners', 4), ('flurry', 5), ('initialed', 1), ('valdes', 2), ('nico', 2), ('colombant', 3), ('seydou', 1), ('diarra', 1), ('thundershowers', 1), ('rounder', 1), ('nel', 1), ('boeta', 1), ('dippenaar', 1), ('bowled', 3), ('cannes', 6), ('wong', 3), ('wai', 1), ('stylized', 1), ('sci', 1), ('fi', 1), ('2047', 1), ('bernando', 1), ('vavuniya', 1), ('beatle', 2), ('yuganskneftegaz', 6), ('bogdanchikov', 1), ('donatella', 2), ('versace', 2), ('allegra', 1), ('anorexia', 1), ('zimmerman', 1), ('estanged', 1), ('beck', 4), ('syndicated', 2), ('insider', 2), ('gaunt', 2), ('correspond', 1), ('ferrero', 4), ('ortiz', 4), ('mishandled', 2), ('batumi', 2), ('reforming', 3), ('inject', 1), ('facilitate', 7), ('kazemi', 4), ('qomi', 3), ('naji', 3), ('otri', 1), ('additionally', 7), ('pramoni', 1), ('louise', 2), ('frechette', 1), ('plaque', 1), ('courageous', 7), ('araque', 2), ('kiryenko', 2), ('shurja', 2), ('616', 1), ('eden', 3), ('kolkata', 2), ('wasim', 2), ('jaffer', 4), ('laxman', 4), ('delighted', 1), ('scoring', 8), ('holing', 1), ('sohail', 1), ('tanvir', 1), ('wicket', 4), ('keeper', 2), ('mahendra', 2), ('dhoni', 1), ('waw', 1), ('vomiting', 6), ('kutesa', 3), ('barge', 1), ('looted', 2), ('yorkers', 2), ('trudging', 1), ('jogged', 1), ('biked', 1), ('defying', 4), ('museums', 6), ('costing', 3), ('earn', 5), ('nathalie', 2), ('dechy', 2), ('golovin', 3), ('marta', 3), ('marrero', 2), ('marion', 3), ('bartoli', 2), ('emilie', 1), ('loit', 1), ('ruano', 1), ('pascual', 2), ('panicked', 4), ('bleach', 1), ('restated', 4), ('cereals', 1), ('smerdon', 1), ('brink', 3), ('vukovar', 6), ('awaited', 4), ('mile', 4), ('mrksic', 1), ('radic', 1), ('veselin', 1), ('sljivancanin', 1), ('eprdf', 4), ('534', 1), ('537', 2), ('delegate', 3), ('fossil', 4), ('fuels', 6), ('reforestation', 1), ('cheating', 2), ('robby', 1), ('ginepri', 2), ('gilles', 3), ('muller', 2), ('yeu', 1), ('tzuoo', 1), ('hero', 9), ('paradorn', 2), ('srichaphan', 3), ('neurosurgeon', 1), ('fuji', 4), ('nihon', 1), ('keizai', 1), ('pioneered', 1), ('economical', 1), ('daimlerchrysler', 4), ('gwangju', 1), ('precaution', 6), ('h7', 2), ('206', 3), ('congratulatory', 2), ('tomislav', 1), ('nikolic', 1), ('quagga', 2), ('zebra', 4), ('qua', 1), ('hunted', 2), ('extinction', 3), ('subspecies', 1), ('reinhold', 1), ('rau', 1), ('endeavor', 2), ('impeach', 2), ('yearlong', 2), ('pakitka', 1), ('thrust', 1), ('zabol', 2), ('observance', 8), ('submitting', 1), ('diocese', 1), ('oils', 2), ('rituals', 3), ('commemorating', 6), ('biblical', 3), ('supper', 2), ('apostles', 2), ('wash', 1), ('feet', 14), ('liturgy', 1), ('crucifixion', 3), ('resurrection', 2), ('frances', 5), ('copei', 4), ('booth', 2), ('liberians', 3), ('unchallenged', 3), ('almaty', 2), ('disapproved', 1), ('bolstering', 3), ('clamping', 1), ('peretz', 16), ('rightists', 1), ('coaltion', 1), ('ceramic', 1), ('enlisted', 3), ('couples', 4), ('murugupillai', 1), ('jenita', 1), ('jeyarajah', 1), ('crested', 1), ('myna', 2), ('galam', 1), ('obvious', 4), ('playground', 1), ('aviaries', 1), ('fabricated', 3), ('antoine', 2), ('ghanem', 1), ('deflecting', 1), ('nuria', 1), ('llagostera', 1), ('vives', 1), ('flavia', 2), ('patty', 2), ('schnyder', 2), ('draws', 6), ('pinera', 5), ('aryanto', 1), ('boedihardjo', 1), ('aip', 1), ('hidayat', 1), ('ciamis', 1), ('regency', 1), ('comparing', 6), ('salik', 1), ('firdaus', 1), ('misno', 1), ('arraigned', 2), ('lauro', 1), ('channels', 9), ('fictional', 3), ('savors', 1), ('stirred', 6), ('martinis', 1), ('gary', 2), ('chef', 1), ('clearance', 3), ('rep', 1), ('freer', 1), ('558', 1), ('files', 4), ('clotting', 1), ('defendents', 1), ('zubeidi', 1), ('rms', 3), ('hasbrouk', 1), ('waivers', 2), ('debenture', 1), ('distributes', 2), ('158', 1), ('666', 1), ('austin', 4), ('zalkin', 1), ('608', 1), ('413', 1), ('967', 1), ('809', 1), ('muscovy', 1), ('mongol', 3), ('absorb', 1), ('principalities', 2), ('romanov', 1), ('1682', 1), ('1725', 1), ('hegemony', 1), ('russo', 3), ('1904', 3), ('defeats', 1), ('lenin', 1), ('iosif', 1), ('stalin', 4), ('stagnated', 4), ('gorbachev', 2), ('glasnost', 1), ('perestroika', 1), ('inadvertently', 2), ('splintered', 2), ('shifted', 3), ('legitimacy', 3), ('buttressed', 1), ('carefully', 10), ('seaports', 1), ('dislocation', 1), ('122', 4), ('uninhabitable', 3), ('antigua', 2), ('barbuda', 1), ('constrained', 7), ('bedding', 2), ('spencer', 1), ('topped', 3), ('antiguan', 1), ('niue', 4), ('yawning', 1), ('disadvantages', 1), ('abject', 1), ('engagement', 7), ('hemispheric', 2), ('equaling', 1), ('gardening', 1), ('reengagement', 1), ('mis', 1), ('outlays', 1), ('ant', 4), ('passion', 3), ('lime', 3), ('honey', 4), ('coconut', 1), ('cream', 4), ('dove', 4), ('pitied', 1), ('bough', 1), ('fowling', 1), ('whelp', 2), ('lambs', 1), ('pupil', 1), ('lookout', 1), ('famishing', 1), ('cottage', 3), ('babe', 1), ('sneered', 1), ('collectors', 2), ("i'd", 1), ('compliment', 1), ('durbin', 3), ('battlefield', 4), ('riek', 1), ('machar', 3), ('homestead', 1), ('nyongwa', 1), ('ankunda', 1), ('proxy', 2), ('remarked', 1), ('weakly', 1), ('jolt', 1), ('aftershocks', 4), ('hudur', 2), ('bakool', 4), ('fy08', 1), ('masorin', 2), ('sevastopol', 4), ('tartus', 1), ('decimated', 1), ('doodipora', 1), ('nabi', 4), ('azad', 1), ('rezaei', 3), ('seated', 5), ('registers', 2), ('mostafa', 3), ('moin', 2), ('baqer', 1), ('qalibaf', 2), ('stun', 3), ('constitutions', 1), ('relics', 5), ('saints', 5), ('ecumenical', 1), ('bartholomew', 2), ('constantinople', 3), ('chrysostom', 1), ('nazianzen', 1), ('insurmountable', 2), ('1054', 1), ('crusaders', 2), ('sacking', 1), ('1204', 1), ('salome', 1), ('zurabishvili', 1), ('brunei', 9), ('inforamtion', 1), ('daunting', 3), ('institutionalizing', 1), ('najam', 2), ('weeklong', 5), ('clause', 3), ('briston', 2), ('squibb', 1), ('gilead', 2), ('collaborate', 2), ('dose', 2), ('doses', 6), ('sustiva', 1), ('viread', 1), ('emtriva', 1), ('replication', 1), ('apec', 18), ('malaki', 1), ('hiker', 1), ('shourd', 7), ('untied', 1), ('hikers', 8), ('bittersweet', 1), ('bauer', 5), ('fattal', 4), ('concertacion', 1), ('foxley', 1), ('harvard', 2), ('velasco', 3), ('conquered', 5), ('1824', 1), ('yaqoob', 2), ('bot', 3), ('notari', 1), ('ne', 2), ('involuntarily', 1), ('tubes', 1), ('tombs', 7), ('artifacts', 2), ('zahi', 3), ('hawass', 5), ('servant', 2), ('saqqara', 3), ('murals', 1), ('excavation', 1), ('coffins', 2), ('mummies', 1), ('scribe', 1), ('motorized', 1), ('rickshaw', 1), ('enormous', 5), ('jurist', 2), ('abortion', 21), ('asfandyar', 2), ('marriott', 3), ('idle', 2), ('hello', 1), ('milk', 3), ('collectivization', 1), ('nationalizing', 2), ('russert', 3), ('prodemocracy', 1), ('chronicled', 1), ('eager', 5), ('suppressed', 5), ('rankings', 7), ('maternity', 2), ('skated', 1), ('undefeated', 3), ('moallem', 1), ('appalled', 1), ('barbarism', 1), ('elmar', 3), ('husseinov', 5), ('procession', 12), ('oppressive', 3), ('ilham', 4), ('aliyev', 3), ('provocation', 5), ('garnering', 2), ('inherit', 3), ('huygens', 5), ('saturn', 7), ('composition', 1), ('relaying', 3), ('cassini', 3), ('evolved', 7), ('docks', 1), ('rooftops', 3), ('armstrong', 4), ('banbury', 1), ('appointees', 2), ('roque', 5), ('lenghty', 1), ('hayam', 1), ('zahri', 1), ('borroto', 1), ('genetic', 5), ('feasibility', 3), ('expresses', 6), ('caldwell', 2), ('contemplating', 1), ('egg', 5), ('glittering', 1), ('electorate', 2), ('trick', 4), ('gemelli', 1), ('inflammation', 1), ('engagements', 3), ('muscles', 2), ('minya', 1), ('delight', 2), ('unsanitary', 1), ('simulation', 1), ('helmets', 2), ('followup', 1), ('chelyabinsk', 2), ('nonproliferation', 4), ('solidifies', 1), ('overpass', 3), ('oft', 1), ("o'er", 1), ('reaches', 7), ('earning', 4), ('rounding', 2), ('descending', 1), ('mick', 1), ('jagger', 1), ('hostess', 3), ('oprah', 1), ('winfrey', 1), ('golfer', 1), ('woods', 3), ('longevity', 3), ('consitutional', 1), ('spearker', 1), ('doe', 2), ('misfortune', 2), ('breakthroughs', 3), ('abandoning', 5), ('reversible', 1), ('ghor', 3), ('minimally', 1), ('invasive', 2), ('uterine', 2), ('fibroid', 2), ('embolization', 1), ('hysterectomy', 1), ('shrinks', 1), ('tumors', 4), ('rowed', 1), ('fibroids', 1), ('dave', 2), ('heineman', 2), ('alimport', 1), ('madrassa', 3), ('qilla', 1), ('saifullah', 2), ('belongings', 2), ('uproot', 2), ('arrogance', 1), ('sponsor', 9), ('foxy', 3), ('rapper', 3), ('inga', 1), ('marchand', 1), ('spitting', 1), ('probation', 2), ('counseling', 1), ('manicurists', 1), ('schoolgirl', 3), ('slightest', 1), ('plotter', 1), ('indianapolis', 3), ('reassessed', 1), ('384', 1), ('maligned', 1), ('supremacy', 1), ('malta', 15), ('unify', 2), ('horizons', 4), ('bereavement', 1), ('2a', 2), ('haswa', 1), ('chalabi', 8), ('sii', 4), ('rightly', 5), ('flexibility', 6), ('jib', 1), ('dial', 1), ('stefan', 1), ('mellar', 1), ('deniers', 1), ('profane', 2), ('hikmet', 1), ('cetin', 2), ('rotation', 2), ('pen', 2), ('writes', 3), ('upside', 3), ('°c', 1), ('chiyangwa', 3), ('mashonaland', 1), ('godfrey', 1), ('dzvairo', 1), ('itai', 1), ('marchi', 1), ('kenny', 3), ('karidza', 1), ('tendai', 1), ('matambanadzo', 1), ('inspecting', 2), ('naad', 1), ('mangwana', 1), ('disapproval', 3), ('krygyz', 1), ('sampling', 5), ('decorated', 2), ('dubrovka', 1), ('meridian', 7), ('haden', 1), ('maclellan', 1), ('surrey', 1), ('feniger', 1), ('1912', 2), ('1939', 5), ('partisans', 2), ('xenophobic', 1), ('combative', 1), ('deficiencies', 2), ('judged', 3), ('lsi', 1), ('dp', 5), ('sp', 1), ('wallachia', 1), ('moldavia', 1), ('suzerainty', 1), ('1856', 2), ('1859', 1), ('1862', 1), ('1878', 2), ('transylvania', 1), ('axis', 1), ('soviets', 1), ('abdication', 1), ('nicolae', 1), ('ceausescu', 2), ('securitate', 1), ('draconian', 2), ('principe', 3), ('concessional', 1), ('rescheduling', 1), ('prgf', 2), ('bonuses', 4), ('incredible', 3), ('nomadic', 2), ('1876', 1), ('tsarist', 1), ('1916', 2), ('akaev', 1), ('bakiev', 5), ('manipulated', 3), ('otunbaeva', 1), ('interethnic', 1), ('lark', 1), ('uninterred', 1), ('crest', 1), ('hillock', 1), ('monstrous', 1), ('stuck', 4), ('refrained', 1), ('answering', 4), ('lasting', 16), ('spraying', 2), ('mosquitoes', 2), ('ziemer', 2), ('comedian', 3), ('pryor', 3), ('posthumous', 1), ('deft', 1), ('degenerative', 1), ('nerve', 4), ('1938', 2), ('bowie', 1), ('merle', 1), ('haggard', 1), ('jessye', 1), ('rent', 4), ('yonts', 2), ('latif', 6), ('hakimi', 10), ('chinooks', 1), ('rotor', 1), ('sandstorm', 4), ('wadajir', 1), ('hodan', 1), ('florence', 3), ('reconciling', 1), ('seacoast', 1), ('ambulance', 2), ('kusadasi', 2), ('tak', 2), ('ezzedin', 1), ('qassam', 2), ('conducts', 3), ('ravaging', 2), ('spawned', 2), ('smoldering', 1), ('parched', 1), ('smog', 1), ('brasilia', 5), ('proposes', 6), ('sonthi', 1), ('boonyaratglin', 1), ('extraditing', 3), ('influencing', 2), ('shaima', 1), ('rezayee', 2), ('tolo', 3), ('char', 1), ('bowing', 1), ('shaer', 3), ('360', 3), ('bombard', 1), ('sheriff', 7), ('booked', 1), ('fingerprinted', 1), ('booking', 2), ('shrunk', 1), ('layoff', 1), ('citi', 1), ('replenish', 3), ('merrill', 2), ('lynch', 2), ('brokerage', 2), ('walks', 1), ('ferencevych', 3), ('waning', 1), ('memories', 2), ('turbulent', 5), ('naha', 1), ('mint', 1), ('mouknass', 1), ('definitive', 3), ('brig', 1), ('hartmann', 2), ('sexy', 1), ('pertains', 1), ('salim', 7), ('hamdan', 2), ('mental', 5), ('nasty', 1), ('fsg', 1), ('spessart', 1), ('frigate', 4), ('rheinland', 1), ('pfalz', 1), ('pak', 6), ('ui', 2), ('models', 4), ('strutting', 1), ('catwalk', 1), ('mellon', 1), ('pittsburgh', 4), ('imran', 3), ('siddiqi', 1), ('retained', 8), ('usual', 8), ('kyiv', 3), ('finalizing', 4), ('beechcraft', 1), ('turboprop', 2), ('zhulyany', 1), ('wooden', 6), ('phyu', 3), ('jerzy', 4), ('szmajdzinski', 3), ('chant', 2), ('zionism', 3), ('confronted', 5), ('intoning', 1), ('ruhollah', 3), ('khomeini', 3), ('mica', 1), ('stanisic', 3), ('outs', 3), ('adde', 1), ('slovakian', 1), ('zsolt', 1), ('grebe', 1), ('peregrine', 1), ('gabcikovo', 1), ('upsets', 1), ('robredo', 4), ('philipp', 2), ('kohlschreiber', 1), ('transformer', 1), ('kayettuli', 1), ('ayad', 4), ('gloomier', 1), ('crafting', 3), ('unsealed', 5), ('haris', 1), ('ehsanul', 1), ('sadequee', 1), ('coerced', 2), ('blackmail', 3), ('positioning', 1), ('iraqiya', 4), ('bheri', 1), ('surkhet', 1), ('cables', 3), ('takirambudde', 1), ('totals', 2), ('zalmay', 8), ('khalilzad', 12), ('firefighting', 1), ('arid', 3), ('razed', 2), ('workshop', 3), ('carpentry', 1), ('provoke', 6), ('kuomintang', 1), ('hsiao', 1), ('bi', 2), ('khim', 1), ('safehouse', 2), ('bombmaking', 1), ('blasphemy', 3), ('perwiz', 1), ('kambakhsh', 2), ('defaming', 3), ('reexamine', 1), ('stipulated', 1), ('punishable', 3), ('saarc', 3), ('dissolving', 2), ('142', 3), ('baribari', 1), ('shoreline', 2), ('campaigns', 9), ('alhurra', 1), ('confusion', 3), ('repel', 1), ('foreclosure', 5), ('simkins', 3), ('barretto', 3), ('percussionist', 1), ('conga', 1), ('spanned', 2), ('dizzy', 1), ('gillespie', 1), ('tito', 2), ('puente', 1), ('salsa', 1), ('celia', 1), ('cruz', 5), ('rhythm', 3), ('maduro', 9), ('incomprehensible', 3), ('beached', 2), ('forty', 4), ('spit', 3), ('hopeless', 1), ('refloating', 1), ('refloat', 1), ('settings', 1), ('anticipate', 3), ('claus', 4), ('mythical', 1), ('martti', 2), ('ahtisaari', 3), ('winding', 1), ('trillions', 2), ('borg', 1), ('bonus', 4), ('risky', 1), ('bets', 2), ('farris', 1), ('redrawing', 1), ('separates', 1), ('bathrooms', 2), ('pierced', 1), ('ging', 3), ('cultivated', 3), ('fend', 5), ('attributes', 1), ('sahab', 1), ('rivalries', 3), ('alerting', 2), ('chase', 8), ('europrean', 1), ('greens', 2), ('renate', 1), ('kuenast', 1), ('kuhn', 1), ('batasuna', 1), ('du', 3), ('qinglin', 1), ('lambert', 3), ('nigerians', 2), ('kano', 6), ('mersin', 1), ('counterkidnapping', 1), ('leonel', 3), ('momcilo', 2), ('perisic', 4), ('cinema', 2), ('thatcher', 1), ('pathe', 1), ('productions', 1), ('dj', 1), ('frears', 1), ('helen', 3), ('mirren', 1), ('ratners', 7), ('weisfield', 3), ('outbid', 1), ('qalqilya', 3), ('gerald', 3), ('ratner', 1), ('sweetened', 1), ('acceptances', 1), ('aug', 2), ('rupee', 1), ('overvalued', 1), ('amortizing', 1), ('downgrading', 2), ('eff', 1), ('erratic', 4), ('profitability', 5), ('fluctuates', 3), ('erm2', 1), ('preceding', 4), ('peers', 2), ('tipped', 2), ('bounce', 1), ('payroll', 3), ('revamp', 2), ('mixture', 3), ('supplanted', 1), ('overstaffing', 1), ('mortgaged', 1), ('shortfalls', 6), ('renewing', 5), ('presides', 4), ('uneasy', 2), ('stimulating', 2), ('specializes', 1), ('conformity', 1), ('enhance', 11), ('245', 1), ('qamdo', 1), ('prefecture', 5), ('bern', 1), ('prized', 1), ('sizable', 9), ('secrecy', 4), ('consequently', 2), ('incorporate', 2), ('awaits', 2), ('behest', 1), ('aftershock', 6), ('mururoa', 1), ('atoll', 4), ('polynesia', 2), ('distinguished', 2), ('microenterprises', 1), ('vendors', 3), ('deficient', 2), ('shipwrecked', 2), ('buffetings', 1), ('awoke', 2), ('reproaches', 1), ('calmness', 1), ('plow', 2), ('assuming', 6), ('lash', 4), ('fury', 1), ('sorry', 5), ('cd', 2), ('demolished', 5), ('issawiya', 1), ('daoud', 6), ('criminalizing', 1), ('tainting', 1), ('erich', 1), ('scrambled', 2), ('intercept', 4), ('interrogating', 3), ('circumventing', 1), ('rumbek', 1), ('phil', 8), ('spector', 11), ('superior', 2), ('fidler', 1), ('cutler', 1), ('reconvene', 2), ('technique', 4), ('lana', 3), ('daughters', 5), ('siti', 4), ('fadillah', 2), ('supari', 4), ('probability', 2), ('tynychbek', 1), ('akmatbayev', 2), ('transferable', 1), ('blackout', 9), ('subways', 4), ('outage', 5), ('substation', 2), ('anatoly', 5), ('chubais', 2), ('tula', 1), ('escravos', 1), ('repelled', 7), ('entitlements', 1), ('chookiat', 1), ('ophaswongse', 1), ('wesley', 2), ('moodie', 6), ('legg', 2), ('mason', 2), ('86th', 2), ('querrey', 2), ('aces', 3), ('grosjean', 1), ('danai', 1), ('udomchoke', 1), ('43rd', 2), ('oudsema', 1), ('nightfall', 2), ('scan', 1), ('proclaim', 1), ('accordingly', 1), ('purification', 1), ('thirteenth', 1), ('jailings', 1), ('batted', 1), ('bat', 2), ('shaharyar', 1), ('preside', 3), ('perkins', 3), ('moveon', 1), ('org', 2), ('funneling', 4), ('muqdadiyah', 2), ('inzamam', 1), ('haq', 5), ('hajj', 3), ('stoning', 4), ('mina', 1), ('jamarat', 1), ('devil', 4), ('grueling', 1), ('bodied', 1), ('converge', 2), ('communion', 1), ('kazakh', 2), ('wasit', 1), ('assassins', 2), ('ugandans', 4), ('\x92s', 9), ('milton', 3), ('obote', 3), ('kampala', 5), ('mwesige', 1), ('shaka', 1), ('ssali', 1), ('murat', 3), ('sutalinov', 1), ('objectionable', 1), ('ancestral', 2), ('cancelation', 1), ('herman', 1), ('rompuy', 1), ('refrain', 7), ('insolent', 2), ('capitalized', 4), ('edinburgh', 1), ('undetermined', 5), ('descended', 3), ('talat', 12), ('dervis', 2), ('eroglu', 2), ('favors', 8), ('reunify', 3), ('cypriots', 16), ('hinge', 2), ('chhattisgarh', 1), ('raipur', 1), ('jharkhand', 1), ('schumer', 3), ('fratto', 1), ('indices', 1), ('donating', 7), ('jilin', 3), ('dehui', 1), ('tulsi', 1), ('giri', 1), ('kadima', 16), ('accuracy', 4), ('inaccuracies', 4), ('pat', 5), ('tillman', 2), ('mostafavi', 1), ('jude', 1), ('culprit', 2), ('protein', 5), ('genes', 1), ('proteins', 1), ('sampled', 2), ('demolitions', 2), ('chepas', 2), ('josefa', 1), ('chihuahua', 7), ('baeza', 1), ('aston', 1), ('mulally', 1), ('khamis', 1), ('mallahi', 2), ('accomplice', 7), ('tawhid', 2), ('wal', 15), ('117', 4), ('dahab', 1), ('compiled', 3), ('192', 3), ('255', 2), ('rahul', 3), ('dravid', 6), ('sachin', 1), ('tendulkar', 2), ('dinesh', 2), ('kartik', 1), ('anchored', 3), ('136', 3), ('tallied', 1), ('brar', 1), ('shamsbari', 1), ('doda', 2), ('mart', 14), ('wreaked', 1), ('blockage', 1), ('sidakan', 1), ('132', 5), ('atlantis', 6), ('rex', 1), ('walheim', 1), ('hans', 3), ('schlegel', 2), ('orbital', 1), ('outing', 1), ('crewmates', 1), ('cermak', 3), ('mladen', 3), ('markac', 3), ('krajina', 2), ('leopold', 1), ('eyharts', 1), ('floated', 3), ('deadlines', 4), ('sony', 10), ('ericsson', 3), ('plundered', 1), ('stabbed', 4), ('handsets', 1), ('umpires', 1), ('smear', 2), ('din', 4), ('circulating', 6), ('leaflets', 3), ('restarted', 7), ('charkhi', 4), ('hashimzai', 1), ('sketchy', 4), ('obeyed', 1), ('raging', 2), ('mourns', 2), ('nsc', 1), ('selecting', 1), ('adversaries', 3), ('explicit', 1), ('theatergoers', 1), ('suspense', 1), ('disturbiaunseated', 1), ('blades', 3), ('peeping', 1), ('starring', 3), ('shia', 2), ('labeouf', 1), ('morse', 1), ('takers', 5), ('dreamworks', 1), ('distributor', 1), ('disturbia', 2), ('lebeouf', 1), ('penguin', 2), ('surf', 2), ('transformers', 1), ('hualan', 1), ('mutating', 3), ('ursula', 4), ('plassnik', 2), ('pluralistic', 2), ('nad', 3), ('heartland', 2), ('satan', 1), ('interwoven', 1), ('sud', 2), ('salif', 1), ('sadio', 3), ('ousamane', 1), ('ngom', 1), ('taraba', 1), ('grappling', 3), ('orellana', 2), ('suspends', 1), ('encampment', 1), ('disturbed', 5), ('equity', 3), ('afflicting', 1), ('imperative', 1), ('prohibit', 4), ('defamation', 3), ('oblivious', 1), ('hospitality', 4), ('destitute', 1), ('huts', 1), ('inspire', 5), ('condoms', 2), ('firestorm', 2), ('homily', 2), ('clouds', 3), ('wolfowitz', 10), ('supplemental', 1), ('recounted', 1), ('fats', 4), ('domino', 4), ('nickname', 3), ('fat', 6), ('hits', 3), ('blueberry', 1), ('uncover', 3), ('portrait', 3), ('handsome', 3), ('erasmus', 1), ('avenging', 1), ('dangerously', 2), ('246', 1), ('oleksiy', 1), ('ivchenko', 1), ('ukrainy', 1), ('apprehended', 3), ('predrag', 1), ('kujundzic', 3), ('doboj', 2), ('verifying', 4), ('widen', 5), ("shi'te", 1), ('dulles', 1), ('ahram', 3), ('omission', 1), ('rostock', 1), ('heiligendamm', 1), ('rostok', 1), ('pig', 4), ('streptococcus', 2), ('suis', 2), ('bacteria', 5), ('174', 2), ('pork', 7), ('provocations', 4), ('anwar', 12), ('gargash', 1), ('sift', 1), ('displaying', 1), ('passages', 1), ('bara', 1), ('kazimierz', 3), ('marcinkiewicz', 3), ('caps', 5), ('nuys', 1), ('calif', 1), ('realestate', 1), ('fluctuation', 1), ('361', 3), ('millennia', 2), ('rok', 3), ('dprk', 5), ('1950', 5), ('demilitarized', 3), ('38th', 1), ('myung', 5), ('bak', 5), ('punctuated', 1), ('cheonan', 2), ('1493', 3), ('bartolomeo', 1), ('1648', 3), ('1784', 1), ('gustavia', 1), ('repurchased', 1), ('appellations', 1), ('coat', 2), ('populace', 1), ('collectivity', 1), ('hereditary', 1), ('premiers', 1), ('ensuing', 4), ('assumption', 3), ('promulgation', 1), ('plurality', 1), ('overruled', 1), ('leninist', 2), ('gridlock', 1), ('jhala', 1), ('khanal', 1), ('guyana', 5), ('abolition', 5), ('importation', 3), ('indentured', 1), ('plantations', 3), ('ethnocultural', 1), ('persisted', 3), ('cheddi', 1), ('jagan', 2), ('bharrat', 1), ('jagdeo', 1), ('rhodesia', 1), ('1923', 1), ('1920s', 4), ('unequivocally', 2), ('anticorruption', 3), ('chiluba', 2), ('usd', 2), ('abrupt', 3), ('spratly', 1), ('reefs', 3), ('overlaps', 1), ('reef', 1), ('placard', 2), ('shopkeeper', 2), ('salesman', 2), ('draped', 4), ('pozarevac', 2), ('milorad', 2), ('vucelic', 1), ('mira', 1), ('markovic', 1), ('remembrances', 1), ('surgical', 6), ('mash', 2), ('trauma', 1), ('beja', 3), ('vandalizing', 2), ('shebaa', 2), ('blockbuster', 1), ('thermopylae', 1), ('480', 2), ('grossed', 2), ('copied', 1), ('disciplined', 4), ('amnesties', 1), ('absolve', 1), ('guerillas', 7), ('watchful', 1), ('zhao', 6), ('ziyang', 1), ('magnolia', 1), ('downplayed', 5), ('auspices', 5), ('themes', 2), ('bajram', 4), ('kosumi', 6), ('fatmir', 1), ('sejdiu', 1), ('agim', 2), ('ceku', 4), ('waseem', 1), ('sohrab', 1), ('goth', 1), ('cartographers', 1), ('currencies', 12), ('lutfi', 2), ('haziri', 1), ('commands', 3), ('ethic', 1), ('foster', 4), ('angering', 2), ('bargal', 2), ('puntland', 1), ('dams', 2), ('elyor', 1), ('ganiyev', 1), ('173', 3), ('elsa', 3), ('alvarezes', 1), ('shortwave', 3), ('encryption', 2), ('261', 1), ('543', 2), ('bharatiya', 2), ('janata', 4), ('159', 3), ('dissent', 6), ('thanking', 2), ('wishes', 8), ('kwanzaa', 1), ('wintery', 1), ('valleys', 3), ('jawad', 3), ('bolani', 2), ('qader', 1), ('jassim', 1), ('sherwan', 1), ('waili', 2), ('aigle', 2), ('azur', 2), ('gaulle', 1), ('qarabaugh', 1), ('stifling', 2), ('klerk', 1), ('robben', 2), ('denktash', 3), ('jafaari', 1), ('commend', 1), ('torshin', 1), ('shepel', 1), ('klebnikov', 3), ('writings', 2), ('ereli', 11), ('hanover', 3), ('centrifuge', 2), ('disapproves', 1), ('evangelist', 2), ('wholly', 2), ('childhood', 7), ('cdc', 5), ('declassified', 3), ('gimble', 1), ('assertions', 2), ('telephoned', 6), ('godfather', 2), ('papa', 1), ('autobiography', 3), ('mariann', 1), ('boel', 1), ('sensible', 2), ('zhenchuan', 1), ('breakers', 1), ('hurling', 1), ("n'guesso", 1), ('statutes', 2), ('norms', 3), ('permissible', 1), ('mistreatment', 10), ('definition', 3), ('inflicted', 6), ('gvero', 1), ('trans', 5), ('corridor', 4), ('interstate', 2), ('fingerprint', 2), ('mocny', 1), ('fingerprinting', 2), ('apply', 18), ('accosted', 1), ('trunk', 2), ('anne', 2), ('idrac', 1), ('sustains', 1), ('overuse', 3), ('contamination', 7), ('landfills', 1), ('infants', 4), ('isaias', 3), ('afeworki', 1), ('backward', 4), ('sufficiently', 2), ('bakery', 5), ('rethink', 1), ('susy', 2), ('tekunan', 2), ('quest', 2), ('recycled', 2), ('organic', 1), ('baking', 2), ('cookies', 1), ('unfriendly', 2), ('deserters', 2), ('nasariyah', 1), ('lattes', 1), ('untitled', 1), ('retailer', 8), ('julio', 4), ('cobos', 1), ('thriving', 2), ('lublin', 3), ('synagogue', 3), ('schudrich', 1), ('scrolls', 1), ('rabinnical', 1), ('videos', 8), ('papua', 6), ('merbau', 1), ('undisturbed', 1), ('hifikepunye', 2), ('pohamba', 6), ('windhoek', 2), ('nujoma', 5), ('swapo', 2), ('admhaiyah', 1), ('designation', 4), ('momen', 1), ('dawei', 5), ('ye', 1), ('heliodoro', 1), ('legislatures', 3), ('construct', 5), ('reclassify', 1), ('bloating', 1), ('dot', 1), ('canals', 2), ('riverbanks', 1), ('irrawaddy', 2), ('scarce', 5), ('profiteers', 1), ('exorbitant', 2), ('essentials', 1), ('lecturers', 1), ('knu', 1), ('ghazaliyah', 1), ('policing', 1), ('hovers', 1), ('kph', 2), ('chequers', 1), ('outer', 5), ('peoria', 2), ('kalamazoo', 1), ('mich', 1), ('managers', 12), ('severance', 3), ('maumoon', 1), ('gayoom', 2), ('embark', 1), ('legalized', 4), ('nasheed', 2), ('elevation', 2), ('defeating', 3), ('tsz', 2), ('remotely', 2), ('demarcated', 2), ('coordinates', 2), ('tracts', 2), ('badme', 1), ('eebc', 1), ('immersed', 1), ('advent', 1), ('frg', 2), ('gdr', 2), ('expended', 1), ('heel', 1), ('corporations', 4), ('geographical', 3), ('intervening', 2), ('mitigating', 1), ('radicova', 1), ('boar', 3), ('agonies', 1), ('fiercer', 1), ('renewal', 5), ('vultures', 2), ('crows', 2), ('unto', 1), ('gasping', 1), ('subjects', 4), ('helpless', 3), ('grudges', 1), ('tusks', 1), ('bull', 5), ('gored', 2), ('growled', 1), ('cowards', 1), ('majesty', 1), ('marry', 1), ('proliferating', 1), ('belts', 3), ('vanallen', 2), ('fan', 3), ('ichiro', 1), ('ozawa', 3), ('audiotapes', 1), ('doug', 1), ('wead', 2), ('discusses', 4), ('pathologically', 1), ('liar', 1), ('179', 1), ('343', 1), ('csongrad', 1), ('brett', 3), ('tea', 8), ('196', 1), ('triangular', 2), ('3rd', 2), ('mall', 8), ('abnormally', 1), ('mortality', 4), ('ratnayke', 1), ('velupillai', 2), ('prabhakaran', 3), ('whittington', 10), ('bruised', 1), ('wyoming', 3), ('renowned', 4), ('chahine', 3), ('cosmopolitan', 1), ('multiculturalism', 1), ('imperialism', 3), ('lakhdaria', 2), ('etihad', 1), ('fomenting', 2), ('bastille', 1), ('inalienable', 1), ('instructor', 1), ('basij', 1), ('vigilantes', 1), ('azov', 1), ('kerch', 2), ('volganeft', 1), ('139', 4), ('sulfur', 1), ('cary', 1), ('porpoises', 1), ('arena', 4), ('tuneup', 1), ('leaning', 4), ('nashville', 2), ('fallouj', 1), ('petrodar', 1), ('conglomerate', 1), ('rawalpindi', 7), ('quarterfinal', 6), ('yekiti', 2), ('maashouq', 2), ('khaznawi', 4), ('kameshli', 2), ('arbab', 1), ('basir', 1), ('encountering', 2), ('converts', 2), ('rajah', 1), ('solaiman', 3), ('zamboanga', 1), ('ferry', 12), ('cnooc', 3), ('unocal', 6), ('forceful', 3), ('bidder', 2), ('inlets', 1), ('fumes', 1), ('petrechemical', 1), ('pollutants', 3), ('bearing', 4), ('interpreting', 1), ('sepat', 3), ('taitung', 1), ('gusts', 4), ('plowing', 1), ('kurd', 7), ('guardedly', 1), ('defining', 2), ('grips', 1), ('regrettably', 1), ('channeled', 1), ('culls', 1), ('555', 1), ('mentioning', 5), ('wisely', 1), ('krugman', 1), ('trichet', 1), ('weathered', 3), ('boao', 1), ('rigging', 9), ('mowaffaq', 1), ('rubaie', 1), ('anfal', 5), ('formulas', 1), ('fade', 2), ('urgently', 7), ('phillips', 1), ('comfort', 2), ('ciudad', 6), ('juarez', 10), ('battleground', 1), ('goers', 2), ('sinaloa', 1), ('lags', 2), ('emitted', 1), ('disqualified', 6), ('nosedive', 1), ('shortened', 5), ('646', 2), ('creators', 1), ('890', 1), ('calin', 2), ('tariceanu', 2), ('popov', 1), ('siirt', 2), ('diyarbakir', 4), ('perspective', 4), ('voyage', 3), ('mariam', 3), ('suffocation', 5), ('poncet', 1), ('buffer', 6), ('barcode', 1), ('barcodes', 5), ('clerks', 1), ('inventory', 3), ('scanners', 2), ('exactly', 9), ('barcoded', 1), ('chewing', 1), ('invalidated', 1), ('massed', 2), ('redoing', 1), ('glasgow', 7), ('trainees', 2), ('cylinders', 2), ('nails', 1), ('mack', 3), ('sabeel', 3), ('kafeel', 3), ('haneef', 3), ('macapagal', 4), ('jam', 1), ('refiling', 1), ('soliciting', 3), ('everybody', 2), ('sacrilegious', 1), ('valdivia', 1), ('clot', 4), ('ultrasound', 1), ('unicameral', 1), ('verkhovna', 1), ('rada', 1), ('clots', 2), ('immobility', 1), ('destined', 3), ('suits', 4), ('informer', 3), ('nycz', 1), ('dreaded', 1), ('apparatus', 4), ('uthai', 1), ('burying', 1), ('petrovka', 1), ('smashing', 3), ('bakyt', 1), ('seitov', 1), ('secretariat', 2), ('ramechhap', 1), ('trailed', 1), ('francesca', 2), ('schiavone', 1), ('chess', 2), ('kasparov', 1), ('kasyanov', 1), ('liberals', 2), ('magnet', 1), ('disparate', 1), ('transcends', 1), ('superseded', 1), ('trump', 6), ('cohen', 3), ('blond', 1), ('haired', 1), ('telephones', 1), ('emomali', 2), ('rakhmon', 2), ('hazards', 3), ('tajik', 4), ('jokhang', 1), ('igor', 6), ('andreev', 3), ('gongga', 1), ('rabdhure', 1), ('inflate', 1), ('appease', 3), ('amin', 6), ('finalists', 1), ('finisher', 2), ('mexicans', 2), ('underscore', 4), ('coleco', 3), ('chapter', 6), ('reorganization', 2), ('stockholders', 1), ('unsecured', 2), ('owed', 6), ('reorganized', 2), ('ranger', 1), ('avon', 1), ('glitches', 1), ('patch', 1), ('craze', 1), ('anjouan', 3), ('moheli', 1), ('azali', 3), ('fomboni', 1), ('rotates', 1), ('sambi', 1), ('bacar', 1), ('effected', 2), ('anjouanais', 1), ('comoran', 1), ('dioceses', 2), ('curia', 1), ('mementos', 1), ('moreover', 3), ('1825', 2), ('consisted', 2), ('countercoups', 1), ('bolivians', 5), ('widest', 1), ('empower', 1), ('amerindian', 2), ('lowlands', 1), ('entrant', 1), ('wavered', 1), ('tallinn', 1), ('bursting', 3), ('bubble', 2), ('1861', 3), ('sicily', 2), ('benito', 3), ('mussolini', 3), ('fascist', 3), ('azerbaijani', 3), ('eec', 2), ('forefront', 1), ('outperformed', 1), ('encamped', 3), ('notch', 1), ('boediono', 1), ('continuity', 1), ('impediments', 3), ('conserving', 2), ('peatlands', 1), ('trailblazing', 1), ('redd', 1), ('choked', 2), ('ostrich', 4), ('suppose', 1), ('err', 1), ('testament', 1), ('resigning', 2), ('interred', 1), ('instituting', 2), ('kheir', 2), ('terrorizing', 1), ('negate', 2), ('morally', 1), ('reprehensible', 4), ('silvan', 5), ('chodo', 3), ('firings', 2), ('commute', 1), ('basing', 1), ('grigory', 1), ('karasin', 2), ('lighthouses', 1), ('bachelor', 1), ('toussaint', 2), ('rewarded', 1), ('93rd', 1), ('sfeir', 2), ('maronite', 3), ('redirected', 1), ('unfiltered', 2), ('click', 2), ('redirecting', 1), ('hack', 1), ('blog', 3), ('drummond', 1), ('firecracker', 1), ('diwali', 4), ('ignited', 2), ('pallipat', 1), ('sweets', 1), ('snacks', 1), ('lamps', 1), ('ilo', 3), ('bilis', 2), ('518', 1), ('hun', 4), ('346', 1), ('unverified', 1), ('24th', 3), ('rizkar', 1), ('pawn', 1), ('steadfast', 1), ('covenant', 1), ('deposited', 1), ('byelection', 1), ('disbarred', 1), ('amsterdam', 2), ('rollout', 1), ('hennes', 1), ('mauritz', 1), ('ab', 1), ('purses', 1), ('risque', 1), ('conical', 1), ('bras', 1), ('fellowships', 1), ('orphanages', 1), ('discounts', 4), ('recalls', 1), ('reliability', 1), ('honda', 1), ('hyundai', 2), ('kifaya', 2), ('tomorrow', 3), ('forgery', 2), ('sniffing', 1), ('sherry', 1), ('fining', 1), ('misquoting', 2), ('informing', 4), ('padilla', 5), ('classification', 1), ('goddess', 1), ('beijings', 1), ('capitol', 11), ('memorials', 3), ('postsays', 2), ('hacksaws', 1), ('transports', 1), ('muse', 1), ('lone', 5), ('merging', 2), ('nizar', 2), ('trabelsi', 2), ('bakara', 3), ('620', 1), ('777', 1), ('kochi', 1), ('vasil', 2), ('baziv', 1), ('slauta', 1), ('kharkiv', 1), ('yevhen', 1), ('kushnaryov', 1), ('yuschenko', 3), ('instructors', 2), ('rousing', 1), ('nasiriyah', 3), ('ansa', 3), ('ivashov', 2), ('ryzhkov', 1), ('yevgeny', 1), ('primakov', 1), ('phan', 1), ('khai', 1), ('tran', 1), ('duc', 2), ('luong', 2), ('burundians', 4), ('sized', 3), ('giustra', 1), ('bellerive', 3), ('osterholm', 1), ('spreads', 3), ('hiroshima', 9), ('nagasaki', 4), ('atom', 4), ('katsuya', 1), ('okada', 1), ('naoto', 1), ('kan', 1), ('processes', 6), ('chipmaker', 2), ('shaft', 5), ('laurence', 1), ('golborne', 2), ('analyze', 3), ('boring', 1), ('shafts', 2), ('mardi', 5), ('gras', 5), ('literally', 1), ('precedes', 2), ('purple', 2), ('beads', 2), ('feather', 1), ('boas', 1), ('connick', 1), ('batlle', 2), ('chao', 1), ('congratuatlions', 1), ('posht', 1), ('rud', 1), ('artemisinin', 1), ('bala', 1), ('boluk', 1), ('vx', 3), ('midestern', 1), ('drained', 2), ('newport', 1), ('sodium', 2), ('hydroxide', 1), ('escorts', 2), ('reverses', 1), ('definitely', 1), ('falciparum', 1), ('posters', 8), ('plastered', 1), ('simmering', 2), ("ba'athists", 1), ('blueprints', 2), ('sui', 1), ('nawab', 1), ('maliky', 1), ('risked', 2), ('kandani', 2), ('ngwira', 5), ('miyazaki', 2), ('emergence', 3), ('jaghato', 1), ('nahim', 1), ('pajhwok', 2), ('blechschmidt', 2), ('malawian', 1), ('consolidating', 2), ('yulija', 2), ('plenary', 3), ('willy', 1), ('mwaluka', 1), ('artisans', 1), ('zones', 6), ('kirk', 3), ('tops', 3), ('hotspots', 1), ('consequence', 4), ('kosachev', 2), ('adijon', 1), ('luncheon', 3), ('awake', 2), ('warrior', 1), ('malignant', 2), ('tumor', 4), ('tendering', 1), ('99', 10), ('jon', 2), ('peters', 3), ('guber', 3), ('litigation', 2), ('iles', 5), ('eparses', 2), ('integral', 2), ('taaf', 1), ('archipelagos', 1), ('crozet', 1), ('kerguelen', 2), ('ile', 2), ('fauna', 1), ('adelie', 1), ('slice', 1), ('1840', 3), ('eligibility', 3), ('satisfying', 2), ("mutharika's", 1), ('exhibited', 1), ('goodall', 1), ('gondwe', 1), ('unreliable', 3), ('kiel', 3), ('oresund', 1), ('bosporus', 1), ('seaway', 1), ('hydrographic', 3), ('delimit', 4), ('latitude', 3), ('jomo', 1), ('kenyatta', 2), ('toroitich', 1), ('kanu', 4), ('fractured', 2), ('dislodge', 2), ('multiethnic', 1), ('rainbow', 1), ('narc', 2), ('uhuru', 1), ('conciliatory', 1), ('odm', 1), ('powersharing', 1), ('eliminates', 1), ('coral', 7), ('uninhabited', 6), ('willis', 1), ('islets', 1), ('automated', 3), ('beacons', 1), ('lighthouse', 2), ('dolphin', 5), ('ought', 3), ('gladly', 1), ('traitor', 1), ('nay', 1), ('drunken', 3), ('wallow', 1), ('converged', 1), ('disparities', 4), ('owning', 1), ('jeungsan', 1), ('quoting', 3), ('dhi', 1), ('qar', 2), ('nautical', 1), ('listen', 1), ('7115', 1), ('9885', 1), ('11705', 1), ('11725', 1), ('voanews', 1), ('solvent', 2), ('depressing', 1), ('argentinean', 1), ('angie', 1), ('sanclemente', 1), ('valenica', 1), ('airat', 1), ('vakhitov', 2), ('korans', 2), ('drifting', 2), ('hae', 1), ('panmunjom', 1), ('ashraf', 6), ('sara', 2), ('meadowbrook', 1), ('ozlam', 1), ('sanabel', 1), ('obsessed', 1), ('chorus', 3), ('alexeyenko', 1), ('mathew', 2), ('stewart', 5), ('surveying', 2), ('ordnance', 1), ('swiergosz', 1), ('chelsea', 2), ('goats', 5), ('cows', 2), ('filtering', 3), ('regulating', 3), ('vaguely', 1), ('worded', 3), ('lawbreakers', 2), ('hotmail', 2), ('fortinet', 1), ('irawaddy', 1), ('valery', 1), ('sitnikov', 1), ('bio', 2), ('336', 2), ('enacts', 1), ('fitzpatrick', 1), ('habbaniya', 1), ('yields', 3), ('mandates', 1), ('donation', 5), ('airlifts', 1), ('benghazi', 1), ('heightening', 1), ('choe', 3), ('thae', 1), ('bok', 1), ('su', 4), ('hon', 2), ('okah', 2), ('deceased', 4), ('mandarin', 1), ('tuo', 1), ('bisphenol', 2), ('bpa', 1), ('liver', 2), ('rachid', 2), ('ilhami', 1), ('gafir', 1), ('abdelkader', 1), ('oxygen', 2), ('preacher', 5), ('loyalties', 1), ('jamal', 8), ('nimnim', 1), ('kyodo', 4), ('grieves', 1), ('talangama', 1), ('peng', 3), ('shuai', 1), ('36th', 2), ('michaella', 2), ('krajicek', 7), ('wessels', 2), ('lena', 4), ('groenefeld', 4), ('kiefer', 2), ('stosur', 1), ('arthurs', 1), ('dent', 2), ('preservation', 2), ('1850s', 1), ('clemency', 4), ('disrespectful', 1), ('kai', 4), ('dissipated', 1), ('inundated', 4), ('stanley', 3), ('tookie', 1), ('infamous', 5), ('zinedine', 3), ('zidane', 11), ('inspirational', 1), ('playmaker', 1), ('juventus', 4), ('grouped', 2), ('unnerved', 2), ('westinghouse', 2), ('competed', 6), ('wrecking', 1), ('clunkers', 4), ('fulayfill', 1), ('suez', 4), ('geyer', 1), ('cavalry', 1), ('157', 3), ('jeb', 1), ('rené', 1), ('préval', 2), ('sanderson', 1), ('rony', 1), ('comprise', 4), ('petraeus', 9), ('saves', 3), ('trooper', 1), ('embezzling', 8), ('mobutu', 2), ('sese', 1), ('seko', 1), ('shajoy', 1), ('jesper', 1), ('helsoe', 1), ('feyzabad', 1), ('yazdi', 1), ('tirin', 3), ('mahendranagar', 1), ('sham', 4), ('legitimizing', 2), ('bager', 1), ('uspi', 1), ('asadullah', 2), ('seismologists', 5), ('guardians', 1), ('farraj', 3), ('libbi', 3), ('shiekh', 2), ('insein', 3), ('lntelligence', 1), ('alcantara', 2), ('altcantara', 1), ('technicians', 2), ('pad', 3), ('vsv', 1), ('equator', 3), ('voto', 1), ('bernales', 1), ('convey', 3), ('likening', 1), ('gear', 1), ('pervasive', 2), ('practitioners', 1), ('asserted', 3), ('stalls', 3), ('tarnish', 1), ('depict', 2), ('disastrous', 7), ('detractors', 1), ('wishers', 1), ('iskander', 2), ('paralympic', 3), ('paralympics', 1), ('chongqing', 3), ('urumqi', 2), ('tianjin', 5), ('statisticians', 1), ('gymnasiums', 1), ('sleek', 2), ('chrome', 1), ('oversized', 1), ('wheels', 3), ('velocity', 1), ('575', 1), ('streaked', 1), ('515', 1), ('581', 1), ('levitates', 1), ('magnetic', 2), ('alstom', 1), ('horsepower', 1), ('decker', 3), ('prototype', 3), ('rental', 2), ('786', 1), ('boosters', 3), ('alleviation', 1), ('borrower', 2), ('citibank', 1), ('295', 2), ('revelations', 1), ('britons', 3), ('laying', 9), ('mayo', 1), ('70s', 3), ('environments', 1), ('\x91', 1), ('\x92', 1), ('kickbacks', 6), ('paige', 2), ('kollock', 2), ('chester', 2), ('gunsmoke', 2), ('qualifications', 2), ('decathlon', 1), ('emmy', 2), ('limping', 1), ('starred', 3), ('mccloud', 1), ('taher', 2), ('ani', 1), ('busta', 2), ('rhymes', 3), ('lectures', 1), ('trevor', 1), ('uncooperative', 2), ('jianchao', 1), ('recreational', 2), ('amateur', 2), ('lounderma', 1), ('unnerve', 1), ('550', 5), ('hanun', 1), ('jumping', 4), ('spoiled', 1), ('explanations', 1), ('inaccurate', 2), ('cristobal', 1), ('casas', 1), ('uribana', 1), ('panzhihua', 1), ('tit', 1), ('tat', 1), ('recall', 9), ('gaspard', 1), ('kanyarukiga', 3), ('bulldozing', 1), ('nyange', 1), ('xerox', 3), ('crum', 3), ('forster', 3), ('schooled', 1), ('comparison', 3), ('492', 1), ('cutthroat', 1), ('staunchly', 2), ('freight', 2), ('transshipment', 3), ('hooper', 3), ('overfishing', 2), ('pitcairn', 4), ('1767', 1), ('1790', 1), ('mutineers', 2), ('tahitian', 2), ('vestige', 2), ('outmigration', 1), ('233', 1), ('akrotiri', 4), ('southernmost', 3), ('cemented', 1), ('melanesian', 1), ('ensured', 3), ('melanesians', 1), ('fijian', 1), ('laisenia', 1), ('qarase', 2), ('commodore', 1), ('voreqe', 1), ('bainimarama', 2), ('favoring', 6), ('embroiled', 4), ('cpa', 2), ('influxes', 1), ('obstructed', 3), ('undertook', 4), ('sprang', 1), ('snatch', 1), ('huntsmen', 3), ('hounds', 2), ('brawny', 1), ('refrigerator', 1), ('doorbell', 1), ('revolutionaries', 3), ('pin', 2), ('kung', 2), ('1911', 2), ('hani', 2), ('sibaie', 1), ('moustafa', 1), ('yafei', 1), ('condone', 1), ('unveil', 3), ('amil', 1), ('adamiya', 1), ('stick', 3), ('villa', 1), ('calabar', 2), ('andré', 1), ('nesnera', 1), ('korea\x92s', 1), ('degradation', 4), ('kirilenko', 2), ('slot', 6), ('pectoral', 1), ('booed', 1), ('domachowska', 1), ('davenport', 4), ('venus', 10), ('seemingly', 2), ('happen', 12), ('beachside', 2), ('berms', 1), ('surfboard', 1), ('exciting', 2), ('happens', 3), ('surfers', 2), ('emphasize', 1), ('swells', 1), ('removes', 3), ('posses', 1), ('gholamhossein', 1), ('elham', 2), ('mutually', 4), ('convenient', 1), ('tribunals', 3), ('protects', 5), ('fundamentally', 2), ('540', 3), ('referees', 5), ('theoretical', 1), ('practical', 4), ('sepp', 2), ('blatter', 2), ('6000', 1), ('trim', 2), ('daimler', 1), ('desi', 1), ('bouterse', 4), ('dunem', 3), ('discharges', 3), ('gere', 7), ('shilpa', 4), ('shetty', 8), ('kissed', 4), ('cheeks', 3), ('kissing', 2), ('varanasi', 1), ('meerut', 1), ('endeavourhas', 1), ('undocked', 1), ('looped', 2), ('exterior', 1), ('goodbyes', 1), ('hatches', 1), ('recycling', 1), ('yen', 13), ('expectant', 1), ('umbilical', 1), ('cords', 4), ('cord', 4), ('troedsson', 2), ('tends', 2), ('colder', 5), ('suna', 1), ('afewerki', 1), ('ontario', 1), ('belief', 5), ('worn', 4), ('bayan', 4), ('jabr', 4), ('coastguard', 1), ('alloceans', 2), ('ariana', 4), ('spyros', 1), ('kristina', 1), ('smigun', 2), ('marit', 1), ('bjoergen', 1), ('hilde', 1), ('pedersen', 1), ('snowboard', 2), ('temples', 4), ('genders', 1), ('speedskating', 1), ('ebrahim', 1), ('sheibani', 2), ('saderat', 2), ('jabalya', 2), ('collins', 4), ('frail', 3), ('arthritis', 2), ('akash', 2), ('warhead', 4), ('orissa', 4), ('chandipur', 2), ('bhubaneshwar', 2), ('drinan', 2), ('congestive', 2), ('directive', 3), ('supersedes', 1), ('defer', 1), ('textbook', 1), ('overlooks', 1), ('calculation', 1), ('characterization', 1), ('cynical', 1), ('880', 1), ('azzedine', 1), ('belkadi', 1), ('kerimli', 1), ('pflp', 1), ('saadat', 1), ('rehavam', 1), ('zeevi', 1), ('splattered', 1), ('pierre', 9), ('pettigrew', 1), ('handover', 10), ('gibbs', 6), ('unsure', 2), ('bowling', 1), ('rolando', 1), ('otoniel', 1), ('guevara', 1), ('aharonot', 3), ('samahdna', 1), ('runup', 1), ('chileans', 3), ('libertador', 1), ("o'higgins", 1), ('shaking', 2), ('valparaiso', 1), ('auckland', 5), ('stratfor', 2), ('intelcenter', 1), ('turkestan', 2), ('adumin', 2), ('westernmost', 2), ('heeding', 1), ('rocking', 2), ('energized', 1), ('githongo', 2), ('kiraitu', 1), ('murungi', 3), ('anglo', 7), ('leasing', 5), ('asghar', 2), ('payday', 1), ('michoacan', 3), ('shihri', 3), ('divine', 1), ('everywhere', 2), ('umar', 3), ('abdulmutallab', 2), ('summed', 1), ('barbecues', 1), ('bulandshahr', 1), ('leil', 1), ('commuted', 3), ('nottingham', 3), ('atheists', 1), ('lambeth', 1), ('cloning', 2), ('hwang', 10), ('suk', 2), ('misappropriation', 1), ('veterinarian', 1), ('deceiving', 2), ('ningbo', 4), ('flour', 5), ('veils', 1), ('wives', 6), ('scuffles', 2), ('khori', 1), ('skier', 6), ('wengen', 2), ('lauberhorn', 1), ('alleys', 1), ('bib', 1), ('raich', 3), ('706', 2), ('106', 5), ('589', 1), ('practically', 2), ('plates', 2), ('soonthorn', 3), ('rittipakdee', 1), ('ganei', 2), ('botched', 3), ('unvetted', 1), ('gorges', 1), ('yuanmu', 1), ('overpopulation', 1), ('oic', 2), ('socio', 3), ('mecca', 6), ('caved', 2), ('racing', 4), ('delegitimize', 1), ('drastic', 2), ('newer', 4), ('amrullah', 1), ('tyre', 2), ('militaristic', 1), ('lanterns', 2), ('souls', 2), ('motoyasu', 1), ('candlelit', 1), ('horrific', 2), ('lantern', 1), ('bowed', 3), ('janakpur', 2), ('itahari', 1), ('fonseka', 3), ('rajapaksa', 2), ('astonished', 1), ('hongyao', 1), ('arafura', 1), ('visual', 2), ('merauke', 1), ('upjohn', 9), ('headcount', 1), ('gelles', 1), ('wertheim', 1), ('schroder', 1), ('875', 1), ('apiece', 2), ('suitors', 1), ('igad', 1), ('trimmed', 1), ('kubilius', 1), ('cutback', 1), ('eskom', 1), ('necessitating', 1), ('shedding', 2), ('reaped', 2), ('empowerment', 1), ('fiscally', 2), ('attaining', 2), ('1857', 2), ('guano', 1), ('1898', 6), ('navassa', 1), ('expedition', 3), ('biodiversity', 2), ('1903', 2), ('1914', 3), ('rested', 1), ('panamanians', 1), ('1811', 1), ('chaco', 5), ('1932', 5), ('lowland', 1), ('alfredo', 2), ('stroessner', 1), ('celtic', 2), ('pilgrimage', 4), ('omra', 1), ('norsemen', 1), ('boru', 1), ('1014', 1), ('rebellions', 2), ('repressions', 1), ('1921', 4), ('ulster', 2), ('andrews', 1), ('hart', 9), ('trotted', 1), ('noise', 5), ('scudded', 1), ('optimist', 1), ('pessimist', 1), ('857', 1), ('772', 1), ('wellington', 3), ('107', 4), ('loder', 1), ('crusader', 1), ('sutherland', 4), ('misdemeanor', 1), ('sobriety', 1), ('maiberger', 2), ('misdmeanor', 1), ('keifer', 1), ('obscenity', 3), ('metropolis', 1), ('bei', 5), ('baishiyao', 1), ('cadmium', 6), ('dilute', 3), ('smelter', 2), ('administers', 3), ('politicizing', 2), ('friedan', 4), ('groundwork', 2), ('feminism', 1), ('feminine', 2), ('mystique', 2), ('psychology', 1), ('housewife', 1), ('groundbreaking', 2), ('husbands', 2), ('unfulfilled', 1), ('caucus', 5), ('abdouramane', 1), ('goushmane', 2), ('conviasa', 1), ('controllers', 3), ('sidor', 1), ('margarita', 1), ('ordaz', 3), ('heroes', 3), ('defections', 1), ('portraits', 1), ('privileges', 5), ('yvon', 1), ('neptune', 1), ('jocelerme', 1), ('privert', 1), ('protestors', 1), ('naryn', 1), ('pour', 1), ('onshore', 1), ('changbei', 1), ('petrochina', 1), ('unreleased', 1), ('pneumonic', 1), ('2500', 1), ('infect', 4), ('tawilla', 1), ('cannon', 4), ('widens', 1), ('trimester', 1), ('abortions', 4), ('incest', 1), ('obstruction', 3), ('addington', 1), ('hannah', 1), ('canaries', 1), ('utor', 1), ('whipping', 1), ('huddled', 1), ('mindoro', 2), ('albay', 2), ('mayon', 2), ('recommend', 8), ('sludge', 1), ('walayo', 1), ('loaning', 2), ('hepatitis', 1), ('engineered', 4), ('paves', 2), ('cerda', 1), ('disappearances', 1), ('blockades', 2), ('belkhadem', 1), ('destabilizing', 4), ('ugalde', 1), ('sprinter', 3), ('gatlin', 5), ('eugene', 2), ('magistrates', 1), ('prescribed', 2), ('milky', 1), ('magellanic', 1), ('cloud', 6), ('fragmentary', 1), ('parnaz', 1), ('azima', 3), ('haleh', 1), ('esfandiari', 1), ('woodrow', 1), ('kian', 1), ('tajbakhsh', 1), ('shakeri', 3), ('malibu', 1), ('aided', 5), ('concentrating', 1), ('hyde', 2), ('ohlmert', 1), ('qasr', 1), ('irrigation', 2), ('uncomplicated', 1), ('samawa', 3), ('patu', 1), ('cull', 1), ('extolling', 1), ('diyar', 1), ('altitudes', 2), ('nourished', 1), ('rainstorms', 2), ('napa', 2), ('sonoma', 1), ('swelling', 2), ('indict', 2), ('receded', 1), ('rained', 1), ('1955', 5), ('backlash', 5), ('shieh', 1), ('jhy', 1), ('wey', 1), ('tu', 2), ('cheng', 1), ('shu', 1), ('ezzedine', 1), ('elusive', 2), ('contemplate', 1), ('dairy', 4), ('prithvi', 2), ('aggravate', 1), ('ramush', 4), ('haradinaj', 11), ('guerilla', 3), ('idriz', 1), ('balaj', 1), ('lahi', 1), ('brahimaj', 1), ('subordinates', 3), ('persecuted', 2), ('pune', 1), ('503', 1), ('816', 1), ('scarcely', 3), ('misquoted', 1), ('careful', 4), ('dyes', 2), ('conceal', 2), ('kuril', 2), ('tremors', 3), ('magnitudes', 1), ('destructive', 3), ('coastlines', 4), ('disagreement', 9), ('561', 2), ('exceeds', 4), ('regev', 3), ('taxpayers', 2), ('aia', 2), ('hakkari', 2), ('tidjane', 1), ('thiam', 1), ('hoon', 4), ('falkland', 6), ('landfill', 3), ('wheeler', 5), ('wilmington', 2), ('exiting', 1), ('backers', 7), ('recife', 1), ('gabgbo', 1), ('sculpture', 1), ('gadgets', 1), ('interactive', 3), ('matteo', 1), ('duran', 1), ('graduation', 2), ('benita', 2), ('walder', 1), ('mercosur', 13), ('breaststroke', 2), ('brendan', 1), ('kosuke', 1), ('kitajima', 1), ('omaha', 1), ('medley', 1), ('katie', 1), ('hoff', 1), ('freestyle', 1), ('regents', 1), ('verez', 3), ('bencomo', 3), ('innovations', 1), ('meningitis', 2), ('themba', 1), ('nyathi', 3), ('agca', 5), ('demirbag', 1), ('forgave', 1), ('bette', 1), ('midler', 2), ('celine', 2), ('dion', 2), ('headliner', 2), ('caesar', 1), ('bawdy', 1), ('inaugurating', 2), ('colosseum', 2), ('elton', 5), ('meglen', 1), ('probable', 1), ('insiders', 1), ('cher', 1), ('vaile', 2), ('filter', 3), ('vuvuzelas', 2), ('545', 1), ('trumpets', 1), ('reduces', 1), ('ambient', 1), ('commentary', 4), ('camel', 4), ('racers', 1), ('experimenting', 1), ('robots', 2), ('jockeys', 3), ('lighter', 2), ('underage', 1), ('underfed', 1), ('jockey', 1), ('johnny', 1), ('horne', 3), ('unpremeditated', 1), ('garbage', 1), ('misery', 4), ('chikunova', 2), ('akhrorkhodzha', 1), ('tolipkhodzhayev', 1), ('offline', 1), ('danforth', 2), ('statesmen', 1), ('tearfully', 1), ('chesnot', 2), ('georges', 3), ('malbrunot', 2), ('doaba', 1), ('hangu', 1), ('klaus', 1), ('toepfer', 1), ('poisonous', 5), ('riverside', 1), ('wazirstan', 2), ('inaccessible', 4), ('accessing', 2), ('profiles', 1), ('377', 1), ('rak', 2), ('mushtaq', 1), ('garrison', 4), ('bechuanaland', 1), ('uninterrupted', 2), ('dominates', 3), ('preserves', 1), ('1895', 1), ('reverted', 1), ('democratized', 1), ('watermelons', 1), ('yams', 3), ('bind', 3), ('unload', 2), ('occupies', 3), ('earners', 2), ('quarry', 1), ('subsuming', 1), ('legislated', 1), ('reasoning', 1), ('overgrazing', 1), ('linen', 1), ('travelling', 1), ('tramp', 3), ('superb', 1), ('unconcern', 1), ('characteristic', 1), ('genius', 2), ('contemptuously', 1), ('carved', 3), ('smooth', 5), ('bark', 1), ('birch', 1), ('gump', 1), ('correctness', 2), ('overheard', 1), ('pie', 1), ('disbursed', 1), ('verification', 3), ('akitaka', 1), ('saiki', 2), ('hammering', 1), ('creatively', 1), ('bwakira', 2), ('wet', 4), ('tankbuster', 1), ('kheyal', 1), ('baaz', 1), ('sherzai', 2), ('gardez', 1), ('weed', 2), ('cantarell', 1), ('administrators', 1), ('ourselves', 4), ('narcotic', 2), ('ilayan', 1), ('bribed', 2), ('duda', 1), ('mendonca', 1), ('beds', 2), ('floors', 1), ('crumbled', 1), ('inferior', 1), ('correcting', 1), ('dengue', 1), ('fanning', 2), ('larvae', 1), ('breed', 1), ('284', 2), ('chul', 1), ('woon', 1), ('626', 1), ("n'zerekore", 1), ('yentai', 1), ('kapilvastu', 2), ('bhaikaji', 1), ('ghimire', 1), ('directing', 2), ('prostitution', 2), ('prostitutes', 1), ('handicaps', 1), ('pioneering', 1), ('lagham', 1), ('mengistu', 3), ('haile', 2), ('politicize', 2), ('chaudry', 1), ('156', 3), ('sebastiao', 1), ('veloso', 1), ('mutilating', 2), ('archives', 3), ('preview', 3), ('abdali', 1), ('arak', 2), ('powder', 1), ('keg', 1), ('servicmen', 1), ('jennings', 1), ('securities', 5), ('trader', 3), ('borrows', 1), ('cuomo', 1), ('brokers', 1), ('deporting', 3), ('wemple', 1), ('stoffel', 1), ('clarified', 1), ('kerem', 1), ('chacon', 3), ('yaracuy', 1), ('lapi', 1), ('carabobo', 1), ('henrique', 1), ('salas', 1), ('akerson', 3), ('turnaround', 3), ('jailbreak', 1), ('banghazi', 1), ('ensures', 2), ('unbeatable', 1), ('abdi', 1), ('dagoberto', 1), ('swirled', 1), ('torah', 2), ('enclaves', 8), ('narrowing', 1), ('redistributed', 1), ('overcrowding', 2), ('mutua', 4), ('witch', 1), ('discriminate', 1), ('shoddy', 3), ('resignations', 6), ('francis', 5), ('muthaura', 1), ('kospi', 1), ('tine', 2), ('noureddine', 1), ('deshu', 2), ('kakar', 2), ('marshmallow', 1), ('yam', 1), ('sibghatullah', 1), ('mujaddedi', 2), ('marshmallows', 1), ('cpp', 2), ('bel', 3), ('intersection', 3), ('benigno', 6), ('aquino', 13), ('broadband', 3), ('hilario', 1), ('davide', 1), ('alluded', 1), ('psychiatrist', 1), ('carreno', 1), ('backyards', 1), ('talhi', 1), ('abdallah', 4), ('sughayr', 1), ('khashiban', 1), ('freezes', 1), ('forbids', 7), ('qari', 5), ('frantic', 1), ('chosun', 1), ('ilbo', 2), ('outline', 4), ('saud', 11), ('continuation', 3), ('kuduna', 1), ('abdulhamid', 1), ('abubakar', 5), ('cough', 1), ('lubroth', 1), ('borrow', 5), ('collateral', 1), ('sinbad', 3), ('wikipedia', 3), ('demise', 1), ('erroneous', 2), ('forwarded', 2), ('adkins', 4), ('rosh', 2), ('hashanah', 2), ('awe', 1), ('strangling', 2), ('wolde', 1), ('meshesha', 1), ('ozcan', 1), ('ash', 7), ('icelandic', 2), ('disrupts', 1), ('aena', 1), ('belching', 1), ('abrasive', 1), ('cordoned', 5), ('minar', 1), ('kye', 3), ('lecture', 1), ('stanford', 2), ('haas', 5), ('yongbyong', 1), ('dinners', 3), ('temptations', 1), ('chesney', 2), ('parachute', 1), ('chill', 2), ('clarence', 2), ('gatemouth', 2), ('zydeco', 1), ('cajun', 1), ('okie', 1), ('dokie', 1), ('stomp', 1), ('dandy', 1), ('supervisor', 3), ('zaw', 1), ('shmatko', 2), ('masud', 1), ('malda', 2), ('murshidabad', 1), ('tyranny', 2), ('greatness', 1), ('bullring', 1), ('levan', 2), ('gachechiladze', 2), ('theofilos', 1), ('malenchenko', 1), ('flowstations', 2), ('kula', 1), ('chevrontexaco', 2), ('babel', 1), ('psv', 1), ('eindhoven', 2), ('afellay', 1), ('sota', 1), ('hirayama', 1), ('68th', 1), ('omotoyossi', 1), ('32nd', 1), ('fargo', 2), ('59th', 1), ('5th', 1), ('squatters', 2), ('outposts', 3), ('hilltops', 1), ('evictions', 1), ('thuggish', 1), ('fitch', 1), ('aa', 1), ('bbb', 1), ('intact', 3), ('shidiac', 1), ('lbc', 1), ('judging', 1), ('configuring', 1), ('plainclothes', 2), ('homecoming', 4), ('brining', 1), ('eloy', 1), ('820', 1), ('dushanbe', 2), ('talbak', 1), ('nazarov', 1), ('rakhmonov', 1), ('ralston', 6), ('purina', 1), ('422', 1), ('seafood', 2), ('greenville', 1), ('cake', 2), ('cincinnati', 1), ('rechargeable', 2), ('volume', 2), ('bread', 3), ('eveready', 1), ('1494', 1), ('taino', 3), ('exterminated', 2), ('1655', 1), ('1834', 2), ('geographically', 2), ('mohmmed', 1), ('dahlan', 3), ('bolstered', 4), ('ethanol', 2), ('expiration', 2), ('461', 1), ('statist', 2), ('distortions', 1), ('workshops', 2), ('rigidities', 1), ('weigh', 4), ('mahmud', 3), ('nejad', 1), ('digit', 6), ('excluding', 3), ('41st', 2), ('fended', 1), ('ace', 1), ('hydrocarbons', 5), ('limitations', 3), ('decaying', 1), ('neglected', 1), ('telecoms', 1), ('kazakhstani', 1), ('crunch', 3), ('tenge', 1), ('overreliance', 1), ('petrochemicals', 1), ('lucayan', 1), ('1492', 4), ('1647', 1), ('geography', 2), ('inca', 1), ('conquest', 5), ('1533', 1), ('viceroyalty', 2), ('1717', 1), ('1822', 2), ('offspring', 2), ('handsomest', 2), ('monkey', 3), ('tenderness', 2), ('nosed', 1), ('hairless', 1), ('laugh', 1), ('saluted', 3), ('allot', 2), ('dearest', 1), ('additives', 1), ('scattering', 2), ('paths', 4), ('recede', 1), ('828', 1), ('jixi', 1), ('nehe', 1), ('floruan', 1), ('barbey', 1), ('fataki', 1), ('154', 3), ('demobilize', 2), ('aiff', 2), ('pradip', 1), ('choudhury', 4), ('houghton', 3), ('carmo', 1), ('fernandes', 1), ('negatively', 4), ('morale', 2), ('deandre', 1), ('soulja', 3), ('crank', 1), ('itunes', 1), ('z', 2), ('globalized', 1), ('pinpoint', 1), ('futures', 4), ('refine', 2), ('abductee', 1), ('admited', 1), ('reparation', 2), ('militarism', 2), ('contrite', 1), ('curtailed', 6), ('stumbling', 2), ('solider', 4), ('sidelined', 3), ('funk', 1), ('divers', 2), ('recorders', 3), ('khayrat', 1), ('shater', 1), ('linguists', 1), ('theoneste', 1), ('bagosora', 3), ('codefendants', 1), ('200s', 1), ('bancoro', 2), ('giordani', 1), ('liquidity', 2), ('nationalized', 7), ('recoverable', 1), ('halliburton', 5), ('538', 2), ('carlo', 4), ('azeglio', 1), ('ciampi', 1), ('prestige', 1), ('fadilah', 2), ('immunized', 3), ('264', 1), ('inhumanely', 1), ('corporal', 4), ('payne', 2), ('receptionist', 2), ('manslaughter', 6), ('routed', 3), ('occupiers', 2), ('aaron', 1), ('galindo', 1), ('nandrolone', 1), ('confrontational', 2), ('somebody', 1), ('rebirth', 1), ('advocating', 5), ('unwavering', 1), ('arinze', 1), ('favorite', 6), ('easterly', 1), ('1800', 1), ('converging', 4), ('aktham', 1), ('naisse', 2), ('ennals', 1), ('somalian', 1), ('hatching', 1), ('naise', 1), ('embodied', 1), ('sparrows', 3), ('bussereau', 1), ('perfectly', 1), ('plummets', 1), ('giants', 4), ('finalizes', 1), ('modification', 1), ('barney', 1), ('danielle', 5), ('leeward', 3), ('disseminating', 1), ('usher', 4), ('platinum', 1), ('stylist', 1), ('tameka', 1), ('smalls', 1), ('mtv', 7), ('associations', 4), ('311', 2), ('carme', 1), ('yoadimadji', 1), ('yoadimnadji', 3), ('wilds', 1), ('dell', 3), ('silicon', 1), ('outsourcing', 1), ('numbering', 1), ('\x96', 8), ('veerman', 3), ('capua', 1), ('shih', 1), ('chien', 1), ('emphasizing', 3), ('wahid', 1), ('golo', 1), ('jebel', 3), ('marra', 3), ('moun', 1), ('omari', 1), ('276', 1), ('farooq', 3), ('tap', 2), ('lashing', 2), ('sociology', 1), ('razumkov', 1), ('manning', 5), ('croatians', 1), ('zadar', 1), ('dense', 3), ('zabihullah', 1), ('mujahed', 1), ('canyons', 1), ('naxalites', 1), ('exemplifies', 1), ('massacres', 2), ('welcometousa', 1), ('interagency', 1), ('zahedan', 2), ('guides', 1), ('leaner', 1), ('trimming', 1), ('underreporting', 1), ('moratinos', 1), ('melilla', 8), ('ceuta', 7), ('scaled', 3), ('razor', 6), ('fences', 5), ('novelist', 2), ('kiran', 1), ('desai', 4), ('booker', 2), ('novel', 3), ('inheritance', 1), ('magnificent', 1), ('humane', 3), ('breadth', 1), ('wisdom', 4), ('acuteness', 1), ('crumbling', 1), ('orphaned', 2), ('granddaughter', 2), ('anita', 1), ('vidoje', 2), ('blagojevic', 3), ('genocidal', 1), ('embera', 1), ('jundollah', 2), ('jihadists', 1), ('logical', 3), ('adapt', 2), ('blend', 1), ('norfolk', 1), ('receptive', 1), ('dictators', 1), ('multiply', 1), ('auditorium', 1), ('ogun', 2), ('decontaminating', 1), ('torun', 2), ('boone', 1), ('pickens', 6), ('oilman', 1), ('reno', 1), ('betraying', 3), ('jafarzadeh', 3), ('laser', 1), ('revisit', 2), ('sadrists', 1), ('loach', 1), ('shakes', 1), ('barley', 2), ('palme', 1), ("d'or", 1), ('flanders', 1), ('inarritu', 1), ('volver', 1), ('collectively', 1), ('cauvin', 2), ('narino', 1), ('cao', 1), ('gangchuan', 1), ('ojea', 2), ('quintana', 2), ('rakhine', 3), ('butheetaung', 1), ('oo', 4), ('hulk', 1), ('hogan', 2), ('clearwater', 2), ('bollea', 4), ('supra', 1), ('median', 3), ('shelor', 2), ('graziano', 2), ('extricated', 1), ('bayfront', 1), ('jassar', 3), ('rawi', 1), ('jibouri', 1), ('speedskater', 3), ('joey', 2), ('cheek', 8), ('champ', 1), ('johann', 1), ('koss', 1), ('emphasizes', 2), ('zetas', 4), ('cardenas', 5), ('hidalgo', 1), ('heriberto', 1), ('lazcano', 1), ('endure', 3), ('samoa', 2), ('retaken', 1), ('primitive', 1), ('caroline', 1), ('nkurunziza', 2), ('bulls', 1), ('pastured', 1), ('guileful', 1), ('feasted', 1), ('237', 1), ('lease', 4), ('overland', 2), ('bentegeat', 1), ('refusals', 1), ('granville', 1), ('abdelrahman', 1), ('rahama', 1), ('confessing', 1), ('disgrace', 2), ('ireju', 1), ('bares', 1), ('furious', 1), ('teaches', 3), ('messaging', 1), ('dalailama', 1), ('evan', 1), ('floundering', 1), ('reasonably', 3), ('kizza', 4), ('besigye', 16), ('gwan', 2), ('commandoes', 2), ('script', 1), ('mauled', 2), ('xijing', 1), ("xi'an", 1), ('lip', 5), ('eyebrow', 1), ('recluse', 1), ('disfigurement', 1), ('loose', 6), ('sadness', 4), ('tirelessly', 1), ('beings', 2), ('denuclearize', 1), ('papacy', 6), ('gianfranco', 1), ('fini', 2), ('bezoti', 1), ('marshburn', 1), ('40th', 1), ('kopra', 3), ('koichi', 2), ('wakata', 2), ('tuning', 1), ('macchiavello', 1), ('overthrowing', 1), ('patterns', 2), ('crossroads', 2), ('guaranteeing', 3), ('narrows', 1), ('rohmer', 5), ('relationships', 8), ('philosophical', 2), ('maud', 1), ('claire', 2), ('unionist', 3), ('paisley', 4), ('sinn', 4), ('fein', 4), ('chastelain', 1), ('unitary', 1), ('pristina', 6), ('borys', 1), ('247', 2), ('lutsenko', 1), ('tsushko', 1), ('staunchest', 1), ('despises', 1), ('tabloids', 1), ('fodder', 3), ('soap', 1), ('operas', 1), ('alien', 1), ('confer', 3), ('ruggiero', 3), ('fulfills', 2), ('982', 1), ('straits', 2), ('hafeez', 2), ('heir', 2), ('recommending', 4), ('ascend', 2), ('chrysanthemum', 2), ('vovk', 1), ('rs', 1), ('12m', 1), ('kapustin', 1), ('yar', 1), ('teaching', 6), ('rosa', 2), ('floats', 2), ('strings', 1), ('lesser', 7), ('climatic', 2), ('lenten', 1), ('packs', 1), ('grassland', 1), ('cannons', 3), ('demostrators', 1), ('slutskaya', 2), ('skate', 1), ('evgeny', 1), ('plushenko', 1), ('skaters', 2), ('entrants', 2), ('elena', 2), ('sokolova', 1), ('viktoria', 1), ('volchkova', 1), ('navka', 1), ('kostomarov', 1), ('dancers', 1), ('technocrats', 2), ('creativity', 2), ('greener', 1), ('equalize', 1), ('shota', 1), ('utiashvili', 1), ('turbine', 1), ('poti', 1), ('jane', 3), ('fonda', 3), ('scolded', 3), ('antics', 1), ('publicized', 4), ('capp', 1), ('wooten', 1), ('massey', 3), ('raleigh', 1), ('charleston', 3), ('manchin', 1), ('gazette', 1), ('sago', 1), ('fractious', 1), ('define', 1), ('distinguish', 2), ('absent', 5), ('marker', 1), ('estonian', 1), ('ruutel', 1), ('andrus', 1), ('ansip', 3), ('juhan', 1), ('andriy', 1), ('shevchenko', 1), ('ronaldo', 2), ('balking', 1), ('qeshm', 1), ('unhitches', 1), ('1600', 1), ('unintentional', 1), ('demonized', 1), ('molded', 1), ('explaining', 3), ('roseneft', 2), ('yugansk', 3), ('managerial', 1), ('asses', 3), ('mate', 4), ('plouffe', 1), ('erik', 5), ('solheim', 5), ('misallocation', 1), ('renegotiate', 1), ('wmd', 1), ('fiercest', 2), ('blanketed', 3), ('adhamiyah', 1), ('waziriyah', 1), ('muscular', 1), ('shafi', 1), ('vahiuddin', 1), ('calcutta', 2), ('toiba', 6), ('ghettos', 2), ('inward', 1), ('cartoonists', 1), ('depictions', 4), ('civilizations', 1), ('bandage', 1), ('kulov', 4), ('runners', 5), ('diddy', 2), ('combs', 6), ('mogul', 2), ('rechnitzer', 3), ('salvage', 2), ('retreating', 1), ('bosco', 2), ('katutsi', 2), ('iowa', 17), ('gamma', 3), ('dissipate', 1), ('coasts', 1), ('coppola', 1), ('limon', 1), ('elgon', 3), ('sirisia', 1), ('sabaot', 1), ('exempt', 3), ('avigdor', 3), ('yisrael', 1), ('beitenu', 1), ('goverment', 1), ('calf', 1), ('kulyab', 2), ('displeased', 1), ('ordinance', 2), ('newfoundland', 1), ('348', 2), ('sq', 1), ('subsidizes', 2), ('cashew', 1), ('shepherds', 3), ('hut', 1), ('haunch', 1), ('mutton', 1), ('peanuts', 2), ('kernels', 1), ('undp', 1), ('dahomey', 1), ('1872', 4), ('clamor', 1), ('yayi', 3), ('boni', 2), ('outsider', 1), ('cumulative', 1), ('dampened', 2), ('nigh', 1), ('squid', 2), ('furnish', 1), ('wool', 2), ('dane', 2), ('dampen', 1), ('abated', 1), ('commercially', 4), ('eco', 2), ('perch', 1), ('jackdaw', 2), ('envy', 2), ('emulate', 3), ('whir', 2), ('wings', 7), ('entangled', 1), ('fleece', 1), ('fluttered', 1), ('clipped', 1), ('daw', 2), ('woodcutter', 1), ('expedient', 1), ('importunities', 1), ('suitor', 1), ('extract', 3), ('fearfully', 4), ('cheerfully', 1), ('assented', 2), ('toothless', 1), ('clawless', 1), ('woodman', 1), ('sowing', 2), ('hemp', 4), ('hopping', 2), ('repent', 1), ('heed', 3), ('despised', 2), ('aisle', 1), ('messed', 1), ('crapping', 1), ('tayr', 1), ('filsi', 1), ('recommends', 3), ('rehnquist', 7), ('pausing', 2), ('nixon', 2), ('roberts', 9), ('panhandle', 2), ('solemly', 1), ('hallandale', 2), ('boating', 2), ('obsolete', 1), ('shalikashvili', 1), ('inscribed', 2), ('romano', 3), ('prodi', 6), ('tacitly', 1), ('cardboard', 1), ('deliberating', 1), ('reinstatement', 3), ('savo', 1), ('todovic', 3), ('comprehend', 1), ('timoshenko', 2), ('distracted', 1), ('balikesir', 1), ('antoin', 1), ('rezko', 5), ('dom', 1), ('foca', 4), ('interrogations', 5), ('afrik', 1), ('chariot', 6), ('antiquities', 7), ('tutankhamun', 1), ('tut', 2), ('1922', 4), ('mussa', 6), ('taif', 2), ('skyline', 1), ('stephanie', 2), ('demerits', 1), ('misused', 1), ('breaching', 2), ('blanked', 1), ('emmen', 1), ('argentines', 2), ('harrison', 2), ('otalvaro', 1), ('52nd', 1), ('lionel', 1), ('messi', 1), ('doetinchem', 1), ('taye', 1), ('taiwo', 1), ('g7', 4), ('kolesnikov', 1), ('331', 1), ('wirajuda', 1), ('bahlul', 2), ('medic', 4), ('sassi', 1), ('347', 1), ('oviedo', 1), ('norbert', 1), ('lammert', 1), ('diminish', 2), ('girona', 1), ('bigots', 1), ('horror', 4), ('apure', 1), ('catalonians', 1), ('backpacks', 2), ('luton', 2), ('rocio', 1), ('esteban', 1), ('cooperativa', 1), ('boniface', 1), ('alexandre', 3), ('ramazan', 2), ('localized', 1), ('wikileaks', 3), ('aftenposten', 1), ('sami', 2), ('arian', 3), ('noneducational', 1), ('understood', 2), ('reschedule', 3), ('proliferate', 1), ('novin', 2), ('mesbah', 2), ('judgment', 8), ('regina', 1), ('reichenm', 1), ('reassurance', 1), ('douglas', 2), ('infomation', 1), ('569', 1), ('badakshan', 2), ('mohean', 1), ('depth', 3), ('vladislav', 3), ('ardzinba', 4), ('khadjimba', 4), ('nodar', 1), ('khashba', 1), ('bagapsh', 9), ('voided', 1), ('186', 2), ('gali', 1), ('kharj', 2), ('majmaah', 1), ('assorted', 1), ('rodon', 1), ('sinmun', 2), ('vicious', 3), ('somaliland', 2), ('hargeisa', 1), ('maigao', 1), ('paksitan', 1), ('pollsters', 3), ('1718', 1), ('safta', 1), ('2013', 3), ('forge', 3), ('naysayers', 1), ('cynics', 1), ('strenuously', 1), ('disappear', 3), ('renovations', 2), ('balancing', 1), ('reauthorize', 2), ('redeployment', 2), ('assumptions', 1), ('disturbingly', 1), ('hezb', 2), ('olympia', 2), ('relays', 1), ('merajudeen', 1), ('patan', 2), ('stanishev', 2), ('reprocessing', 3), ('odom', 2), ('squander', 1), ('invading', 3), ('compounded', 3), ('181', 2), ('hospitalizations', 1), ('diverting', 2), ('gripped', 1), ('hurry', 1), ('50th', 1), ('ysidro', 1), ('embolden', 2), ('adjust', 5), ('diameter', 1), ('fushun', 2), ('sinuiju', 1), ('rob', 2), ('portman', 1), ('iiss', 1), ('hails', 1), ('tipping', 1), ('badaun', 1), ('organiation', 1), ('pedestrians', 4), ('shahawar', 1), ('matin', 1), ('siraj', 3), ('brooklyn', 1), ('stoked', 1), ('impress', 1), ('eldawoody', 3), ('flagship', 2), ('frazier', 2), ('observes', 3), ("qur'an", 1), ('scud', 1), ('showering', 1), ('machines', 8), ('heist', 2), ('thankful', 1), ('agendas', 1), ('discretion', 2), ('bradford', 1), ('ernst', 1), ('disburses', 1), ('kasami', 1), ('malegaon', 2), ('shab', 1), ('barat', 1), ('1621', 1), ('sophistication', 1), ('cpsc', 1), ('toys', 4), ('dallas', 4), ('minivan', 2), ('trailer', 2), ('undocumented', 2), ('chieftain', 1), ('darfuri', 1), ('rizeigat', 2), ('eissa', 1), ('aliu', 2), ('mas', 3), ('bahr', 4), ('ghazal', 1), ('hinges', 2), ('tandem', 1), ('jebaliya', 1), ('podemos', 1), ('akylbek', 1), ('sariyev', 2), ('ricans', 1), ('plebiscites', 1), ('guei', 1), ('blatantly', 1), ('disaffected', 1), ('linas', 1), ('marcoussis', 1), ('guillaume', 1), ('soro', 2), ('ouagadougou', 1), ('reintegration', 1), ('dramane', 1), ('pleasant', 1), ('nonpolluting', 1), ('thrives', 1), ('jurisdictions', 1), ('monopolies', 1), ('computerized', 1), ('tamper', 1), ('biometric', 1), ('reassert', 1), ('annapolis', 2), ('optician', 1), ('telescopes', 1), ('munificent', 1), ('patronage', 1), ('languishing', 2), ('kangaroo', 1), ('awkwardly', 1), ('bulky', 2), ('pouch', 1), ('desirous', 1), ('deceitful', 1), ('smiling', 2), ('consciousness', 5), ('insupportable', 1), ('wit', 3), ('cheerless', 1), ('unappreciated', 1), ('implored', 1), ('creator', 2), ('endow', 1), ('wag', 2), ('resentment', 1), ('affection', 4), ('fulness', 1), ('thereof', 1), ('incaudate', 1), ('conferred', 5), ('chin', 1), ('wags', 1), ('gratification', 1), ('pluto', 5), ('charon', 1), ('geology', 1), ('kuiper', 1), ('payenda', 1), ('rocketed', 1), ('caves', 1), ('subverting', 1), ('mahamadou', 1), ('issoufou', 1), ('sarturday', 1), ('shahidi', 2), ('hassas', 1), ('checkpost', 1), ('khela', 1), ('barbershops', 1), ('jabber', 1), ('alias', 3), ('belgaum', 1), ('mohamuud', 1), ('musse', 1), ('gurage', 1), ('dastardly', 1), ('responsibilty', 1), ('ossetian', 1), ('katsina', 1), ('annulment', 2), ('acquittals', 1), ('convict', 1), ('hostilities', 6), ('dormant', 2), ('mazda', 1), ('outsold', 1), ('volkswagen', 1), ('agadez', 1), ('uninsured', 2), ('initials', 3), ('mnj', 1), ('bales', 2), ('crusted', 1), ('pastures', 2), ('immobilized', 1), ('drifts', 1), ('injection', 4), ('siding', 1), ('antonin', 1), ('scalia', 1), ('hermogenes', 1), ('esperon', 1), ('dulmatin', 1), ('patek', 1), ('suspiciously', 1), ('behaving', 1), ('insistence', 4), ('stopper', 1), ('roxana', 2), ('saberi', 7), ('evin', 1), ('genetically', 4), ('hats', 1), ('cobs', 1), ('fillon', 5), ('recognizable', 1), ('pests', 1), ('monsanto', 1), ('frattini', 1), ('oumar', 4), ('konare', 6), ('deterioration', 4), ('detached', 2), ('chairwoman', 2), ('colllins', 1), ('strangely', 1), ('ineffectively', 1), ('galveston', 1), ('aurangabad', 1), ('laredo', 9), ('berrones', 1), ('casings', 2), ('lao', 3), ('apache', 2), ('abusive', 5), ('yankee', 2), ('handkerchiefs', 1), ('colors', 1), ('dazzled', 1), ('filmmakers', 3), ('documentaries', 1), ('restless', 1), ('frontline', 2), ('pbs', 2), ('suli', 3), ('katyusha', 3), ('controller', 1), ('nevzlin', 4), ('sunda', 1), ('arc', 2), ('volcanos', 1), ('encircling', 1), ('val', 4), ('grace', 2), ('gaule', 1), ('dabaan', 1), ('nuri', 2), ('naqoura', 3), ('baalbek', 1), ('swearing', 4), ('ural', 1), ('distorted', 1), ('potent', 2), ('unbiased', 1), ('inquiries', 2), ('migrate', 1), ('roshan', 1), ('interpretations', 2), ('pepsico', 6), ('pepsi', 1), ('indra', 1), ('nooyi', 3), ('madras', 1), ('undergraduate', 1), ('graduate', 1), ('yale', 1), ('skillfully', 1), ('sightings', 1), ('congregate', 1), ('surroundings', 2), ('lunchtime', 2), ('grower', 1), ('masjid', 1), ('eyewitness', 1), ('excrement', 2), ('preachers', 2), ('forgiving', 1), ('motivation', 2), ('geologist', 1), ('piotr', 1), ('stanczak', 1), ('geofizyka', 1), ('krakow', 1), ('contributors', 1), ('rehearsing', 1), ('revelry', 2), ('penitence', 1), ('unami', 1), ('rancher', 2), ('muga', 1), ('apondi', 2), ('cholmondeley', 3), ('delamere', 1), ('harbored', 1), ('sympathetic', 3), ('nonassociated', 1), ('2022', 1), ('causeway', 1), ('maastricht', 2), ('amerindians', 1), ('annihilated', 1), ('1697', 2), ('revolted', 1), ("l'ouverture", 1), ('1804', 2), ('postponements', 2), ('inaugurate', 1), ('neighbours', 1), ('avarice', 1), ('neighbour', 3), ('avaricious', 1), ('envious', 1), ('vices', 1), ('farmyard', 3), ('grievously', 2), ('spectator', 1), ('shake', 3), ('devoured', 2), ('surfeited', 2), ('scratched', 1), ('jog', 1), ('enables', 1), ('nursing', 2), ('ivaylo', 1), ('kalfin', 1), ('calculated', 1), ('preparatory', 1), ('convenience', 1), ('seibu', 3), ('sogo', 3), ('afghani', 1), ('consult', 5), ('magloire', 1), ('retailing', 1), ('chains', 2), ('diary', 3), ('davit', 1), ('kezerashvili', 2), ('nomura', 1), ('parachinar', 4), ('sahibzada', 2), ('anis', 2), ('kasai', 1), ('occidental', 1), ('constatin', 1), ('kanow', 2), ('217', 1), ('irin', 1), ('burials', 1), ('ears', 6), ('dominating', 1), ('ilya', 1), ('kovalchuk', 1), ('goaltender', 1), ('evgeni', 1), ('nabokov', 1), ('shutout', 1), ('surging', 6), ('clinched', 2), ('suspecting', 3), ('suleimaniya', 1), ('abating', 3), ('abolishes', 1), ('blacklisted', 3), ('tier', 1), ('482', 1), ('203', 4), ('salami', 2), ('tor', 2), ('m1', 1), ('belfort', 1), ('whistler', 1), ('skied', 2), ('ivica', 2), ('100ths', 3), ('zurbriggen', 1), ('nkosazana', 1), ('dlamini', 1), ('transitioning', 1), ('extraditions', 1), ('revert', 1), ('mamoun', 1), ('darkazanli', 2), ('sphere', 4), ('enlargement', 3), ('unstoppable', 1), ('paule', 1), ('kieny', 1), ('obesity', 7), ('irreversible', 1), ('zuckerberg', 1), ('entrepreneur', 2), ('billionaires', 1), ('unfolding', 2), ('bacterium', 1), ('ubiquitous', 1), ('frenk', 1), ('guni', 1), ('rusere', 1), ('revoking', 2), ('otto', 1), ('molina', 5), ('finishers', 1), ('cpj', 1), ('090', 1), ('prosper', 1), ('alcoa', 1), ('santuario', 1), ('guatica', 1), ('restrepo', 1), ('reintegrate', 1), ('downbeat', 1), ('hausa', 1), ('impressions', 1), ('showered', 1), ('unprotected', 1), ('undermines', 2), ('intercourse', 1), ('ibaraki', 2), ('contingency', 1), ('sabawi', 2), ('jvp', 2), ('sars', 3), ('verge', 1), ('clinching', 1), ('huckabee', 1), ('sayyed', 1), ('tantawi', 1), ('bioterrorism', 1), ('purifying', 1), ('accommodating', 1), ('emptive', 3), ('bleak', 2), ('unhelpful', 2), ('navtej', 1), ('sarna', 1), ('trapping', 4), ('billboards', 3), ('decorations', 6), ('swastika', 2), ('fascists', 1), ('neon', 1), ('sizes', 1), ('underfunding', 1), ('baltasar', 1), ('garzon', 1), ('ramzi', 1), ('binalshibh', 1), ('tahar', 1), ('ezirouali', 1), ('heptathlon', 1), ('blonska', 3), ('natalia', 1), ('dobrynska', 1), ('alwan', 1), ('tamimi', 2), ('baquoba', 1), ('motorcycles', 6), ('rowsch', 2), ('shaways', 3), ('hourmadji', 1), ('doumgor', 1), ('chadians', 1), ('duekoue', 4), ('khaleda', 1), ('zia', 5), ('tarique', 1), ('taka', 1), ('zhuang', 1), ('collaborative', 1), ('cabezas', 1), ('unsatisfactory', 1), ('inflationary', 2), ('zeros', 1), ('dzhennet', 1), ('abdurakhmanova', 1), ('umalat', 1), ('magomedov', 1), ('markha', 1), ('ustarkhanova', 2), ('ramzan', 4), ('kadyrov', 7), ('videotapes', 4), ('inflame', 2), ('leashes', 1), ('blogger', 6), ('kareem', 3), ('illustrates', 1), ('relented', 1), ('reappointing', 1), ('hamed', 3), ('aberrahman', 1), ('unprofessional', 2), ('epsilon', 4), ('catastrophes', 1), ('happening', 1), ('doctrine', 4), ('envisions', 2), ('penetrating', 2), ('busters', 1), ('tauran', 2), ('zaragoza', 4), ('gmt', 1), ('andrey', 1), ('denisov', 1), ('underline', 1), ('373', 3), ('erode', 3), ("madai'ni", 1), ('overrunning', 1), ('249', 1), ('particulate', 1), ('cavic', 1), ('pluralism', 2), ('azizullah', 1), ('lodin', 1), ('evangelical', 1), ('nita', 2), ('zelenak', 1), ('nipayia', 1), ('asir', 1), ('raouf', 3), ('handwriting', 1), ('shorja', 1), ('inflaming', 1), ('cud', 3), ('uedf', 1), ('vaccinating', 1), ('jeanet', 1), ('goot', 1), ('infectiousness', 1), ('thereby', 1), ('inoculation', 1), ('hebrides', 3), ('isle', 5), ('1765', 1), ('extinct', 2), ('manx', 1), ('gaelic', 1), ('cultures', 3), ('idi', 1), ('promulgated', 1), ('amending', 1), ('loosened', 2), ('respectable', 1), ('didier', 3), ('ratsiraka', 2), ('antananarivo', 1), ('lessened', 2), ('simplification', 1), ('mitigated', 1), ('graduates', 1), ('bedside', 3), ('vineyards', 1), ('spades', 1), ('mattocks', 1), ('repaid', 1), ('superabundant', 1), ('mechanisms', 1), ('preserved', 4), ('melody', 2), ('surety', 1), ('pleases', 1), ('begging', 1), ('coward', 1), ('cookstown', 1), ('tyrone', 1), ('paralysed', 1), ('waist', 1), ('wheelchair', 4), ('stool', 2), ('newell', 2), ('negligent', 1), ('letten', 2), ('bernazzani', 1), ('misconduct', 3), ('levees', 10), ('nacion', 1), ('mladjen', 1), ('kenjic', 2), ('vojkovici', 1), ('fraught', 1), ('detachment', 3), ('petitioning', 2), ('kiwayu', 1), ('pitted', 2), ('ta', 1), ('tuol', 1), ('sleng', 1), ('duch', 1), ('amezcua', 2), ('adan', 1), ('stimulant', 6), ('minds', 2), ('mirrored', 1), ('despondent', 1), ('hobart', 3), ('boulevard', 1), ('vasilily', 1), ('filipchuk', 1), ('introduces', 3), ('thespians', 1), ('shakespeareans', 1), ('zaher', 1), ('sardar', 2), ('barometer', 2), ('lifeline', 1), ('georgians', 2), ('guideline', 1), ('vaccinated', 1), ('gregorio', 2), ('rosal', 1), ('deserts', 1), ('greenery', 1), ('sonntags', 1), ('blick', 1), ('reassigned', 1), ('millerwise', 1), ('dyck', 1), ('hierarchical', 1), ('alec', 2), ('staffed', 1), ('pleshkov', 1), ('krasnokamensk', 1), ('chita', 2), ('reprisal', 3), ('forays', 1), ('harcharik', 1), ('\x93', 2), ('faisal', 8), ('angioplasty', 1), ('pakhtunkhwa', 2), ('impeding', 1), ('schedules', 1), ('hadjiya', 1), ('handcuffed', 2), ('skirmishes', 3), ('bands', 2), ('terrorize', 1), ('fldr', 1), ('handler', 1), ('canine', 1), ('soiling', 1), ('ketzer', 1), ('discharge', 2), ('emptively', 1), ('halfun', 1), ('bartlett', 2), ('weaker', 4), ('spiked', 2), ('haroon', 2), ('aswat', 5), ('30s', 1), ('niyazov', 1), ('schulz', 1), ('corroborate', 1), ('chevallier', 1), ('shek', 1), ('jarrah', 1), ('danny', 1), ('ayalon', 1), ('coldplay', 1), ('rude', 1), ('gwyneth', 3), ('paltrow', 2), ('folha', 2), ('paolo', 1), ('opined', 1), ('nicest', 1), ('testy', 1), ('ringtone', 1), ('edging', 1), ('068171296', 1), ('068217593', 1), ('fraenzi', 2), ('aufdenblatten', 1), ('068263889', 1), ('068275463', 1), ('782', 1), ('685', 1), ('redesigned', 1), ('slope', 1), ('sangju', 1), ('4000', 1), ('paz', 6), ('mexicali', 1), ('marghzar', 1), ('underfunded', 1), ('unprepared', 1), ('comrade', 1), ('infromation', 2), ('nigerla', 1), ('shoppertrak', 1), ('rct', 1), ('wielding', 5), ('nutritional', 2), ('blanket', 2), ('quietly', 1), ('elaborating', 1), ('chaparhar', 1), ('radioactivity', 1), ('sprawling', 2), ('expatriates', 2), ('narim', 1), ('alcolac', 1), ('vwr', 1), ('thermo', 1), ('fisher', 3), ('fujian', 7), ('tributary', 2), ('yangtze', 2), ('avert', 4), ('maruf', 1), ('bakhit', 1), ('fayez', 1), ('vest', 2), ('ncri', 2), ('630', 2), ('55th', 2), ('minia', 1), ('sights', 1), ('exxon', 1), ('reaping', 1), ('sanchez', 4), ('hers', 1), ('baloyi', 2), ('hop', 2), ('cheadle', 1), ('portray', 3), ('remixed', 1), ('benham', 1), ('natagehi', 1), ('paratroopers', 1), ('excursion', 1), ('retreated', 3), ('landale', 1), ('mirko', 1), ('norac', 1), ('ademi', 1), ('medak', 1), ('raffarin', 5), ('gall', 1), ('bladder', 1), ('reims', 1), ('penjwin', 1), ('mukasey', 5), ('durham', 1), ('taxiways', 1), ('hornafrik', 1), ('abdirahman', 1), ('dinari', 1), ('sreten', 1), ('lukic', 3), ('vascular', 1), ('1726', 1), ('1828', 1), ('tupamaros', 1), ('yearend', 2), ('frente', 1), ('amplio', 1), ('freest', 1), ('pa', 4), ('intifada', 2), ('salam', 1), ('fayyad', 1), ('uptick', 1), ('mandeb', 1), ('hormuz', 1), ('malacca', 1), ('cranes', 1), ('plowlands', 1), ('brandishing', 1), ('sling', 3), ('forsook', 1), ('liliput', 1), ('earnest', 1), ('suffice', 1), ('oak', 2), ('crept', 4), ('hearty', 2), ('groan', 1), ('lament', 3), ('cries', 3), ('orator', 3), ('organ', 2), ('unblotted', 3), ('escutcheon', 3), ('finger', 1), ('scorn', 2), ('misdeeds', 1), ('whitewash', 1), ('mortification', 1), ('tired', 2), ('partitioning', 2), ('unsettling', 1), ('buyout', 1), ('breakout', 1), ('machetes', 2), ('kuru', 1), ('wareng', 1), ('barakin', 1), ('ladi', 1), ('jos', 5), ('haram', 2), ('assumes', 4), ('anwarul', 1), ('foy', 3), ('usman', 1), ('ghani', 2), ('phases', 2), ('unseated', 1), ('shoving', 4), ('railed', 1), ('undetected', 2), ('wadia', 1), ('jaish', 1), ('hafsa', 1), ('misusing', 3), ('hiked', 1), ('busier', 1), ('quelled', 1), ('harbi', 4), ('yaounde', 1), ('debriefed', 2), ('cancels', 1), ('fasted', 1), ('bed', 4), ('nidal', 1), ('saada', 1), ('amona', 1), ('overstaying', 1), ('zenani', 2), ('culpable', 1), ('homicide', 5), ('grandchildren', 1), ('computing', 2), ('browsing', 2), ('conferencing', 2), ('hrd', 1), ('sibal', 3), ('laptop', 9), ('kapil', 1), ('ipad', 4), ('gadget', 2), ('linux', 1), ('campuses', 3), ('perito', 1), ('glacier', 7), ('glacieres', 1), ('spectacular', 1), ('breakup', 6), ('abdolsamad', 1), ('khorramshahi', 1), ('shatters', 1), ('dharamsala', 3), ('martic', 3), ('interception', 1), ('arjangi', 1), ('conson', 2), ('elliott', 1), ('abrams', 1), ('welch', 1), ('catandunes', 1), ('floodwalls', 2), ('berkeley', 2), ('minke', 2), ('crusade', 1), ('satirical', 1), ('eternal', 4), ('anesthetic', 2), ('bharti', 2), ('duke', 3), ('shopkeepers', 2), ('rockefeller', 1), ('zaldivar', 1), ('detainment', 3), ('gusting', 1), ('treacherous', 1), ('pile', 1), ('trnava', 1), ('unaffected', 2), ('compensating', 1), ('ethem', 2), ('erdagi', 2), ('tuition', 1), ('horses', 2), ('biak', 1), ('yearly', 4), ('tremendously', 1), ('amazed', 2), ('deception', 2), ('substantiate', 1), ('supposition', 1), ('involuntary', 1), ('callup', 1), ('chimango', 1), ('188', 1), ('asgiriya', 1), ('kandy', 1), ('toss', 3), ('seam', 1), ('hoggard', 3), ('spinner', 1), ('monty', 1), ('panesar', 3), ('sangakkara', 2), ('collingwood', 1), ('prasanna', 1), ('jayawardene', 1), ('alastair', 1), ('baba', 3), ('gana', 1), ('kingibe', 1), ('divisive', 2), ('intrude', 1), ('unintended', 1), ('pregnancies', 2), ('roe', 2), ('legalizing', 2), ('conception', 1), ('liken', 1), ('latifullah', 1), ('banditry', 3), ('sha', 2), ('zukang', 1), ('dictate', 3), ('hailu', 2), ('shawel', 1), ('abqaiq', 3), ('mosaic', 1), ('farthest', 1), ('snapshot', 1), ('bang', 1), ('turbans', 1), ('mature', 1), ('galactic', 1), ('sorts', 1), ('clarity', 1), ('ammar', 2), ('nom', 1), ('guerre', 1), ('masons', 1), ('muqataa', 1), ('royalty', 2), ('morality', 1), ('headdress', 1), ('wearers', 1), ('detector', 3), ('irreparable', 2), ('escalates', 1), ('grievances', 6), ('shaaban', 1), ('muntadar', 2), ('nhk', 2), ('arbor', 3), ('tsa', 2), ('grassroots', 2), ('plantings', 1), ('overshadows', 2), ('headgear', 1), ('medicare', 6), ('seniors', 4), ('prescription', 8), ('preventative', 1), ('enroll', 2), ('pronounces', 1), ('subjecting', 2), ('commons', 2), ('protégé', 1), ('suited', 1), ('jusuf', 1), ('kalla', 1), ('mukmin', 1), ('mammy', 1), ('maiduguri', 4), ('fare', 1), ('mohtarem', 1), ('manzur', 1), ('births', 2), ('disengage', 1), ('rowhani', 7), ('adamant', 1), ('muntazer', 2), ('zaidi', 5), ('ducked', 1), ('masterminded', 1), ('murderers', 3), ('hangings', 1), ('khazaee', 1), ('tightens', 1), ('invalid', 2), ('reluctantly', 1), ('1713', 1), ('utrecht', 1), ('gibraltarians', 1), ('tripartite', 1), ('cooperatively', 1), ('noncolonial', 1), ('sporadically', 1), ('durrani', 1), ('1747', 1), ('empires', 3), ('notional', 1), ('1919', 2), ('experiment', 1), ('tottering', 1), ('relentless', 1), ('ladin', 1), ('bonn', 1), ('manipulation', 3), ('sandinista', 5), ('contra', 3), ('saavedra', 1), ('mitch', 1), ('depressed', 6), ('polarized', 2), ('buoyant', 1), ('rope', 3), ('soaked', 2), ('strange', 1), ('lacerated', 1), ('faint', 2), ('scampered', 2), ('woe', 2), ('belabored', 1), ('tonight', 1), ('toil', 1), ('waggon', 1), ('rut', 1), ('hercules', 5), ('exertion', 1), ('tuba', 1), ('firmn', 1), ('hotbeds', 1), ('mitsumi', 1), ('overtime', 2), ('pastor', 3), ('quran', 2), ('puli', 1), ('obscure', 1), ('terry', 2), ('mizhar', 1), ('618', 1), ('varema', 1), ('divorced', 3), ('pummeling', 1), ('northwesterly', 1), ('pitting', 3), ('lobby', 4), ('vitamin', 1), ('therapies', 1), ('retroviral', 3), ('tac', 3), ('matthias', 1), ('rath', 2), ('defamatory', 2), ('nutrients', 3), ('bounnyang', 1), ('vorachit', 1), ('ome', 1), ('taj', 1), ('nenbutsushu', 2), ('macedonians', 1), ('463', 1), ('counterattack', 1), ('109', 4), ('hogg', 4), ('yuganskeneftegaz', 1), ('ramin', 1), ('mahmanparast', 1), ('mobs', 2), ('dimona', 3), ('adhaim', 1), ('waxman', 2), ('emissary', 1), ('censors', 1), ('sudharmono', 4), ('suharto', 2), ('golkar', 1), ('jonah', 1), ('brass', 1), ('viewing', 2), ('unopposed', 2), ('nasdaq', 3), ('cac', 3), ('dax', 3), ('532', 1), ('864', 1), ('406', 1), ('ounce', 3), ('electricidad', 1), ('edc', 1), ('aes', 2), ('nationalizations', 1), ('mouthing', 1), ('articulated', 1), ('iadb', 1), ('ramda', 5), ('crimping', 1), ('breakdowns', 2), ('tomohito', 3), ('mikasa', 1), ('emperors', 2), ('heirs', 2), ('concubines', 1), ('trusted', 2), ('counterfeit', 3), ('rsf', 5), ('photographers', 4), ('saidi', 1), ('tohid', 1), ('bighi', 1), ('henghameh', 1), ('somaieh', 1), ('nosrati', 1), ('matinpour', 1), ('concede', 5), ('239', 1), ('sinopec', 2), ('vitoria', 2), ('espirito', 1), ('catu', 1), ('bahia', 1), ('gasene', 1), ('datafolha', 2), ('zoran', 2), ('djindjic', 5), ('dejan', 1), ('bugsy', 1), ('milenkovic', 2), ('nebojsa', 1), ('covic', 2), ('seselj', 4), ('instrumental', 1), ('baluyevsky', 2), ('hajime', 1), ('massaki', 1), ('mutalib', 1), ('convening', 1), ('procedural', 1), ('clyburn', 2), ('gamble', 1), ('affordable', 3), ('baki', 3), ('andar', 1), ('rejoining', 1), ('madelyn', 1), ('dunham', 3), ('impregnating', 1), ('dusan', 2), ('tesic', 2), ('matabeleland', 1), ('counterfeiting', 1), ('hargreaves', 2), ('geologists', 1), ('confessions', 1), ('ranges', 2), ('censored', 1), ('piot', 1), ('pears', 1), ('shoe', 1), ('baitullah', 1), ('perpetuating', 1), ('ericq', 1), ('edouard', 2), ('alexis', 3), ('les', 1), ('cayes', 1), ('attainable', 1), ('augustin', 1), ('haro', 3), ('welt', 1), ('saroki', 1), ('overheating', 3), ('predictions', 3), ('bolder', 1), ('cautions', 2), ('cutbacks', 3), ('curve', 4), ('mountainside', 2), ('herve', 1), ('morin', 1), ('areva', 1), ('stupid', 2), ('gay', 12), ('silbert', 1), ('californian', 1), ('marriages', 2), ('gujarat', 2), ('chuck', 1), ('hamel', 1), ('corrosion', 1), ('prudhoe', 1), ('diseased', 2), ('implanted', 1), ('manufactures', 1), ('syncardia', 1), ('tucson', 2), ('nabbed', 2), ('eskisehir', 1), ('kiliclar', 1), ('nazer', 1), ('osprey', 1), ('reacts', 1), ('garner', 2), ('concluding', 3), ('obey', 2), ('sticking', 5), ('unfold', 1), ('weblogs', 1), ('blogs', 1), ('aleim', 1), ('saadi', 3), ('gothenburg', 1), ('scandinavia', 1), ('gungoren', 1), ('savage', 1), ('olusegan', 1), ('yedioth', 3), ('ahronoth', 3), ('trouncing', 1), ('prefers', 1), ('taker', 1), ('denials', 2), ('444', 4), ('slaying', 4), ('younes', 1), ('megawatt', 1), ('deutchmark', 1), ('dinar', 1), ('privatized', 3), ('infusion', 1), ('criminality', 1), ('insecurity', 5), ('fundamentals', 3), ('chernobyl', 1), ('expansionary', 5), ('lows', 3), ('riverine', 1), ('semidesert', 1), ('adherence', 2), ('devaluation', 1), ('cfa', 2), ('jeopardized', 2), ('predominate', 1), ('ranches', 1), ('breadfruit', 2), ('tomatoes', 4), ('melons', 1), ('exemptions', 1), ('booty', 1), ('spoil', 2), ('modestly', 2), ('heap', 2), ('witnessing', 1), ('learns', 1), ('misfortunes', 2), ('beg', 1), ('requite', 1), ('kindness', 1), ('flattered', 1), ('yours', 2), ('messes', 1), ('eats', 1), ('behaves', 1), ('cubapetroleo', 1), ('cnbc', 1), ('bell', 2), ('coercive', 1), ('conniving', 1), ('dismisses', 1), ('protocols', 2), ('doubting', 1), ('chests', 1), ('beltran', 1), ('shyloh', 1), ('giddens', 2), ('barman', 2), ('naqba', 2), ('entangle', 1), ('405', 1), ('ve', 1), ('plummeting', 3), ('counterinsurgency', 2), ('falluja', 1), ('conduit', 1), ('remissaninthe', 1), ('ravix', 2), ('roared', 1), ('formulations', 1), ('differing', 1), ('2050', 1), ('polluting', 1), ('mortally', 3), ('bitar', 1), ('bitarov', 1), ('makhachkala', 2), ('adilgerei', 1), ('magomedtagirov', 1), ('xianghe', 1), ('salang', 1), ('avalanches', 3), ('belgians', 1), ('returnees', 2), ('consisting', 3), ('statoil', 1), ('krasnoyarsk', 1), ('assortment', 1), ('firearms', 4), ('subtracted', 1), ('mawlawi', 1), ('masah', 1), ('ulema', 1), ('cambridge', 1), ('incapacitated', 2), ('azocar', 1), ('moviemaking', 2), ('reinforces', 2), ('bollywood', 1), ('kiteswere', 1), ('tarnishing', 2), ('silverman', 1), ('misguided', 3), ('deifies', 1), ('militarist', 1), ('gao', 3), ('shara', 3), ('demonstrably', 1), ('antony', 1), ('ambareesh', 1), ('jayprakash', 1), ('narain', 1), ('rashtriya', 1), ('dal', 1), ('jabel', 1), ('wasting', 2), ('20s', 3), ('creutzfeldt', 1), ('bovine', 1), ('spongiform', 1), ('encephalopathy', 1), ('alienation', 1), ('victimize', 1), ('loosely', 1), ('smash', 1), ('delivers', 1), ('samho', 1), ('dream', 3), ('filipinos', 5), ('qater', 1), ('frontal', 1), ('aboutorabi', 1), ('fard', 1), ('pretending', 3), ('seeker', 1), ('joongang', 1), ('esfandiar', 1), ('mashaie', 5), ('heater', 2), ('arg', 2), ('exits', 1), ('fang', 1), ('llam', 1), ('impassioned', 1), ('vandemoortele', 1), ('defies', 1), ('constituency', 5), ('kakdwip', 2), ('1004', 1), ('101', 5), ('bricks', 6), ('maghazi', 1), ('thun', 1), ('statistical', 1), ('lindy', 1), ('makubalo', 1), ('variation', 3), ('methodology', 2), ('attache', 2), ('olesgun', 1), ('miserable', 1), ('turkana', 1), ('rongai', 1), ('marigat', 1), ('mogotio', 1), ('corresponding', 1), ('hawks', 3), ('mesa', 8), ('sledge', 1), ('hammers', 1), ('structurally', 1), ('unsound', 1), ('seabees', 1), ('shujaat', 1), ('zamir', 1), ('exploding', 2), ('asef', 1), ('shawkat', 1), ('escapees', 2), ('bumpy', 1), ('firebase', 1), ('ripley', 1), ('baskin', 1), ('bypassed', 1), ('resorting', 2), ('inroads', 1), ('wefaq', 1), ('botanic', 1), ('partnered', 1), ('orchids', 1), ('splash', 1), ('brilliance', 1), ('kohlu', 2), ('shahid', 1), ('rivalry', 4), ('durjoy', 1), ('bangla', 1), ('bogra', 1), ('demographer', 1), ('spouse', 1), ('mu', 1), ('guangzhong', 1), ('outlaw', 3), ('fetus', 1), ('passover', 2), ('heartened', 1), ('motivating', 2), ('shies', 1), ('kanan', 1), ('trent', 4), ('duffy', 1), ('deir', 2), ('balah', 1), ('caterpillar', 2), ('swerve', 1), ('aweil', 1), ('hanifa', 1), ('733', 1), ('g20', 1), ('azizi', 1), ('jalali', 1), ('benoit', 1), ('maimed', 1), ('ceel', 1), ('waaq', 1), ('vacationers', 2), ('campsites', 1), ('schoolgirls', 1), ('motorbikes', 1), ('bundled', 1), ('iapa', 1), ('overhauling', 1), ('entitlement', 1), ('exceedingly', 1), ('explorers', 3), ('samoan', 1), ('pago', 2), ('togoland', 1), ('facade', 1), ('rpt', 1), ('continually', 1), ('capitalism', 3), ('gardener', 2), ('tile', 1), ('prospering', 1), ('watered', 2), ('tilemaker', 1), ('shine', 1), ('bolting', 1), ('breakfast', 5), ('abstraction', 1), ('pickle', 1), ('fork', 2), ('spectacles', 1), ('needless', 1), ('lens', 1), ('wharf', 1), ('swamp', 2), ('stumped', 1), ('predator', 1), ('alarming', 2), ('chemist', 2), ('coupled', 2), ('brewed', 1), ('adhesive', 1), ('togetherness', 1), ('monosodium', 1), ('glue', 1), ('uhm', 4), ('shimbun', 1), ('valero', 1), ('prejudice', 1), ('tarcisio', 1), ('bertone', 2), ('furor', 1), ('priestly', 1), ('celibacy', 1), ('galo', 1), ('chiriboga', 1), ('rejoined', 3), ('dries', 1), ('buehring', 1), ('mudasir', 2), ('gujri', 1), ('gopal', 1), ('slams', 1), ('tolerating', 1), ('animists', 1), ('heineken', 1), ('pingdingshan', 1), ('notoriously', 2), ('sarin', 2), ('informant', 2), ('coded', 1), ('correspondence', 1), ('deciphering', 1), ('reaffirm', 3), ('endeavouris', 1), ('endeavourundocked', 1), ('spacewalks', 4), ('educate', 1), ('26th', 2), ('stern', 5), ('invaders', 2), ('hell', 1), ('wook', 1), ('gainers', 1), ('performace', 1), ('concacaf', 1), ('frisked', 2), ('slots', 4), ('hamarjajab', 1), ('schuessel', 3), ('bridged', 1), ('khatibi', 1), ('communicate', 2), ('conscience', 2), ('flourish', 1), ('curbs', 2), ('abilities', 1), ('literacy', 2), ('rangeen', 1), ('refueling', 2), ('milomir', 1), ('stakic', 2), ('sample', 3), ('h7n3', 1), ('droppings', 1), ('thyroid', 1), ('47s', 1), ('slayings', 1), ('warranted', 2), ('kharazi', 2), ('zvyagintsev', 1), ('parulski', 1), ('tusk', 6), ('smolensk', 1), ('djinnit', 1), ('unacceptably', 1), ('civility', 2), ('reconstructive', 2), ('aisha', 3), ('grossman', 1), ('sliced', 1), ('hacked', 1), ('canons', 1), ('glad', 1), ('assailed', 3), ('unravel', 1), ('fabric', 1), ('betting', 4), ('calculators', 1), ('bookmaking', 1), ('khurul', 1), ('kalmykia', 1), ('expectation', 1), ('ipsos', 2), ('midterm', 2), ('exams', 5), ('answers', 2), ('khouna', 1), ('haidallah', 1), ('maaouiya', 1), ('taya', 3), ('advertisement', 1), ('expansive', 1), ('communicated', 1), ('fares', 1), ('firmest', 1), ('mediating', 1), ('pepper', 1), ('truncheons', 1), ('beyazit', 1), ('activated', 2), ('bluefin', 4), ('wwf', 2), ('sushi', 1), ('leigh', 3), ('liang', 3), ('eighties', 2), ('sever', 2), ('jinling', 1), ('identifies', 3), ('shadi', 3), ('spiraled', 1), ('hagino', 1), ('uji', 1), ('unaccounted', 3), ('deserter', 2), ('townspeople', 2), ('shfaram', 1), ('renen', 1), ('schorr', 1), ('shooter', 1), ('kach', 1), ('belhadj', 1), ('sibneft', 2), ('measles', 4), ('inoculate', 1), ('nomads', 2), ('ziyad', 1), ('karbouli', 4), ('desouki', 1), ('vaccinators', 1), ('macheke', 1), ('aeneas', 1), ('chigwedere', 1), ('comatose', 2), ('unconscious', 2), ('lci', 1), ('initiating', 2), ('react', 1), ('relate', 1), ('incur', 1), ('directives', 1), ('jameson', 5), ('grill', 5), ('maybe', 2), ('raiser', 1), ('picnic', 1), ('kickball', 1), ('volleyball', 1), ('archery', 2), ('crafts', 1), ('creek', 1), ('roast', 1), ('fixings', 1), ('drinks', 4), ('raffle', 3), ('dreams', 2), ('enclosed', 2), ('bray', 2), ('241', 1), ('2661', 1), ('jcfundrzr', 1), ('aol', 3), ('colonizers', 1), ('distinct', 3), ('linguistic', 2), ('1906', 1), ('condominium', 1), ('963', 1), ('1839', 2), ('knife', 2), ('benelux', 1), ('bolshevik', 2), ('agrochemicals', 1), ('aral', 1), ('stagnation', 1), ('curtailment', 1), ('1935', 1), ('ferdinand', 2), ('edsa', 2), ('corazon', 2), ('estrada', 3), ('insurgencies', 1), ('conqueror', 1), ('flapped', 1), ('exultingly', 1), ('pounced', 1), ('undisputed', 1), ('comission', 1), ('sportsmen', 1), ('coho', 1), ('walleye', 1), ('kowal', 2), ('reproduced', 1), ('muskie', 1), ('kowalski', 1), ('franken', 2), ('laotian', 1), ('harkin', 1), ('dispose', 1), ('waiver', 1), ('suicides', 1), ('malpractice', 4), ('premiums', 3), ('standby', 6), ('baiji', 7), ('uday', 1), ('numaniya', 1), ('domed', 1), ('cykla', 1), ('assailant', 1), ('fathi', 1), ('nuaimi', 1), ('void', 1), ('firmer', 1), ('fiery', 5), ('jiang', 1), ('jufeng', 1), ('skull', 7), ('bildnewspaper', 1), ('josef', 4), ('fastening', 1), ('ornament', 1), ('exposing', 3), ('align', 1), ('propped', 1), ('robustly', 1), ('getters', 1), ('mizarkhel', 1), ('layoffs', 2), ('737s', 1), ('747', 5), ('rashad', 1), ('356', 1), ('tareen', 3), ('defaulting', 1), ('disbursements', 1), ('pontificate', 1), ('inserted', 3), ('delegated', 1), ('urbi', 1), ('et', 2), ('orbi', 1), ('supremacist', 1), ('mahlangu', 1), ('afrikaner', 1), ("terre'blanche", 2), ('bludgeoned', 1), ('stemmed', 2), ('seal', 10), ('fenced', 1), ('abbott', 3), ('259', 1), ('labs', 1), ('kaletra', 1), ('generic', 1), ('overpricing', 1), ('muted', 1), ('malaysians', 1), ('vacations', 1), ('caucasian', 1), ('teresa', 1), ('borcz', 1), ('mailed', 2), ('harkat', 1), ('zihad', 1), ('communal', 2), ('ranbir', 1), ('dayers', 1), ('poroshenko', 2), ('acrimonious', 1), ('chrysostomos', 1), ('heretic', 1), ('poachers', 1), ('skins', 1), ('imperialist', 1), ('crucified', 1), ('relaxing', 2), ('bakri', 5), ('overflowed', 4), ('neiva', 1), ('jebii', 1), ('kilimo', 2), ('xii', 3), ('1582', 1), ('noncompliant', 1), ('yunlin', 1), ('platon', 3), ('lebedev', 4), ('mariane', 1), ('habib', 2), ('odierno', 1), ('zctu', 2), ('bobbie', 1), ('vihemina', 1), ('prout', 1), ('wrought', 1), ('czar', 2), ('singling', 1), ('chibebe', 1), ('seige', 1), ('tobie', 1), ('okala', 2), ('brownback', 2), ('hicks', 9), ('cosatu', 5), ('homosexual', 1), ('massouda', 2), ('enthusiastic', 2), ('alexeyev', 3), ('discriminated', 1), ('insights', 1), ('kappes', 3), ('sulik', 1), ('rebut', 1), ('touchdown', 6), ('rod', 2), ('broncos', 1), ('yards', 2), ('undrafted', 1), ('quarterback', 3), ('jake', 1), ('plummer', 1), ('kicker', 1), ('elam', 1), ('receiver', 1), ('samie', 1), ('corpse', 1), ('kits', 1), ('repaired', 4), ('reopening', 6), ('kaman', 2), ('hasten', 2), ('relaunch', 2), ('monk', 6), ('yury', 2), ('luzhkov', 1), ('satanic', 1), ('thu', 3), ('htay', 1), ('ashin', 1), ('gambira', 2), ('mandalay', 2), ('hkamti', 1), ('sagaing', 1), ('willian', 1), ('orchestrating', 2), ('sadiq', 1), ('defy', 4), ('bandundu', 2), ('mende', 3), ('merchandise', 3), ('navigate', 2), ('slimy', 1), ('nickelodeon', 2), ('messiest', 1), ('dispenser', 1), ('goo', 1), ('sandler', 1), ('stiller', 1), ('wannabe', 1), ('signifies', 2), ('youthful', 1), ('lighthearted', 1), ('imprisioned', 1), ('trivial', 2), ('meltdown', 2), ('1745', 1), ('cozumel', 3), ('theodor', 2), ('zu', 2), ('guttenberg', 3), ('schneiderhan', 3), ('ou', 2), ('xinqian', 1), ('adjusted', 1), ('asadollah', 1), ('sabouri', 2), ('obligates', 1), ('disposition', 2), ('leftwing', 1), ('relates', 1), ('buraydah', 1), ('tata', 9), ('cheapest', 3), ('singur', 1), ('uttarakhand', 1), ('chapfika', 1), ('zvakwana', 1), ('tuvalu', 7), ('atolls', 3), ('seamen', 2), ('ttf', 2), ('nz', 2), ('vulnerability', 2), ('remoteness', 2), ('lobster', 2), ('anguillan', 1), ('intercommunal', 1), ('trnc', 1), ('impetus', 1), ('reuniting', 2), ('acquis', 1), ('forbade', 1), ('altered', 3), ('flute', 2), ('projecting', 1), ('tunes', 1), ('haul', 4), ('leaping', 1), ('perverse', 1), ('creatures', 4), ('merrily', 1), ('goblet', 1), ('signboard', 2), ('unwittingly', 2), ('dashed', 2), ('jarring', 1), ('terribly', 2), ('zeal', 1), ('naturedly', 1), ('benefactor', 1), ('gnawed', 1), ('orioles', 1), ('baltimore', 1), ('playoffs', 4), ('outfield', 1), ('reindeer', 2), ('deserved', 2), ('rudolph', 2), ('glowing', 1), ('proboscis', 1), ('pinna', 1), ('cylinder', 2), ('origins', 3), ('jumpers', 2), ('beltrame', 2), ('stefano', 1), ('chiapolino', 2), ('predazzo', 1), ('belluno', 1), ('spleen', 1), ('cavalese', 1), ('fractures', 2), ('concussion', 2), ('roofs', 4), ('montas', 2), ('someday', 1), ('zwelinzima', 1), ('vavi', 1), ('skewed', 2), ('uz', 1), ('mushahid', 1), ('squadron', 1), ('gymnast', 3), ('shawn', 1), ('brightest', 1), ('enming', 1), ('aspiring', 1), ('olympian', 1), ('sagging', 1), ('backgrounds', 3), ('gdps', 1), ('arawak', 2), ('1672', 1), ('inevitably', 1), ('slows', 2), ('simmers', 1), ('policharki', 1), ('khaisor', 1), ('siphiwe', 2), ('safa', 2), ('sedibe', 2), ('memorable', 2), ('symbolism', 1), ('heighten', 1), ('enviable', 1), ('curator', 3), ('xinmiao', 1), ('qing', 1), ('1644', 1), ('spanning', 2), ('shula', 3), ('zaken', 2), ('andijon', 4), ('cascade', 2), ('adwar', 1), ('rabiyaa', 1), ('faisalabad', 2), ('sidique', 2), ('shehzad', 1), ('tanweer', 1), ('hasib', 1), ('sidon', 2), ('slid', 1), ('shehade', 2), ('uncovering', 1), ('housekeeper', 2), ('taser', 1), ('giuliani', 1), ('patriots', 2), ('lubanga', 7), ('hema', 1), ('serge', 1), ('brammertz', 2), ('acutely', 1), ('utmost', 2), ('laughing', 3), ('ilna', 1), ('sajedinia', 1), ('karoubi', 1), ('rightful', 2), ('geagea', 2), ('liquids', 2), ('believing', 3), ('liner', 1), ("ma'ariv", 1), ('nazif', 2), ('heidelberg', 1), ('intestine', 1), ('mullen', 5), ('hoekstra', 1), ('diane', 1), ('feinstein', 1), ('saxby', 2), ('chambliss', 3), ('waking', 2), ('comfortably', 2), ('dozing', 1), ('bailey', 1), ('videolink', 1), ('rohrabacher', 3), ('neil', 1), ('abercrombie', 2), ('silenced', 2), ('horrifying', 1), ('owl', 4), ('counseled', 1), ('acorn', 1), ('sprout', 2), ('heroism', 1), ('ignace', 1), ('schops', 1), ("voa's", 1), ('ivanic', 2), ('acorns', 1), ('mistletoe', 1), ('irremediable', 1), ('insure', 1), ('mikerevic', 1), ('dismissals', 1), ('pluck', 2), ('flax', 1), ('boded', 1), ("pe'at", 1), ('sadeh', 1), ('lastly', 1), ('darts', 1), ('dormitories', 1), ('disobey', 1), ('credence', 1), ('321', 2), ('stubb', 1), ('wisest', 1), ('odde', 1), ('leaflet', 1), ('solitude', 1), ('mixing', 1), ('nagano', 2), ('ayyub', 1), ('khakrez', 1), ('touts', 1), ('haleem', 1), ('traded', 5), ('121', 3), ('329', 1), ('913', 1), ('781', 1), ('abdulaziz', 2), ('intending', 2), ('colts', 2), ('lions', 3), ('touchdowns', 3), ('cowboys', 1), ('julius', 1), ('phillip', 2), ('madhya', 1), ('buzzard', 1), ('hotline', 2), ('outstrip', 1), ('205', 1), ('9942', 1), ('vaeidi', 1), ('soltanieh', 1), ('provincal', 1), ('zinjibar', 2), ('crazy', 1), ('pest', 1), ('fouling', 1), ('insect', 1), ('extracting', 1), ('cesar', 1), ('abderrahaman', 1), ('infidel', 1), ('noaman', 2), ('gomaa', 2), ('swear', 2), ('confiscate', 1), ('affiliates', 5), ('aqaba', 2), ('ashland', 1), ('scam', 4), ('gyeong', 1), ('nuptials', 1), ('bryant', 1), ('sita', 1), ('di', 4), ('miliatry', 1), ('garikoitz', 1), ('aspiazu', 2), ('rubina', 2), ('pyrenees', 1), ('tablet', 3), ('wireless', 1), ('txeroki', 1), ('myricks', 1), ('demotion', 1), ('samsun', 1), ('seaside', 3), ('dimensional', 2), ('3d', 3), ('vertigo', 1), ('modell', 2), ('heralds', 1), ('filmmaking', 1), ('replicating', 1), ('physiology', 1), ('nausea', 2), ('715', 1), ('1278', 1), ('andorrans', 1), ('1607', 1), ('onward', 1), ('seu', 1), ("d'urgell", 1), ('feudal', 2), ('titular', 1), ('benefitted', 1), ('hellenic', 1), ('inequities', 1), ('ohrid', 2), ('fronts', 3), ('keeling', 1), ('1609', 2), ('1820s', 2), ('clunie', 1), ('cocos', 1), ('1841', 1), ('skillful', 1), ('meshes', 1), ('exacted', 1), ('promissory', 1), ('raft', 2), ('747s', 1), ('chopper', 1), ('locator', 1), ('renouncing', 1), ('unknowingly', 2), ('crisp', 1), ('overpaid', 1), ('dilemma', 1), ('athar', 1), ('chalit', 1), ('phukphasuk', 1), ('thirapat', 1), ('serirangsan', 1), ('paulino', 1), ('matip', 1), ('splm', 2), ('django', 2), ('reinhardt', 2), ('bossa', 2), ('aneurysm', 2), ('ventura', 1), ('dans', 1), ('mon', 1), ('jobim', 1), ('acronym', 1), ('expending', 1), ('deviated', 1), ('cerberus', 2), ('fragility', 1), ('waive', 3), ('enrollment', 1), ('seminars', 1), ('confuse', 1), ('straightened', 2), ('nissan', 6), ('mckiernan', 1), ('unites', 1), ('solitary', 4), ('buhriz', 2), ('taza', 1), ('dutton', 1), ('buchan', 1), ('gasses', 2), ('unscheduled', 2), ('curbed', 1), ('shrines', 3), ('babil', 2), ('victors', 1), ('qurans', 2), ('mcadams', 2), ('peacekeeers', 1), ('demented', 1), ('storming', 3), ('invoke', 1), ('emission', 1), ('brokering', 2), ('fledged', 1), ('kien', 1), ('premiering', 1), ('dramatizes', 1), ('integrating', 1), ('comeback', 4), ('indifferent', 1), ('dishonor', 1), ('pararajasingham', 1), ('undertake', 1), ('yuli', 1), ('tamir', 2), ('soleil', 2), ('ronit', 1), ('tirosh', 1), ('reconstructed', 1), ('pieced', 1), ('presidencies', 1), ('goran', 1), ('persson', 2), ('laila', 2), ('freivalds', 2), ('tempered', 1), ('sharpest', 2), ('gag', 1), ('colby', 1), ('vokey', 1), ('cerveny', 2), ('mcnuggets', 1), ('abdurrahman', 1), ('yalcinkaya', 1), ('dtp', 2), ('fda', 5), ('salmonella', 2), ('unger', 1), ('budny', 1), ('marxists', 1), ('rash', 2), ('miliband', 6), ('jacqui', 1), ('headless', 1), ('jamaat', 2), ('fitna', 1), ('geert', 1), ('wilders', 1), ('quotations', 1), ('summoning', 2), ('stein', 4), ('bloom', 1), ('narthiwat', 1), ('sungai', 1), ('kolok', 1), ('carrasquero', 1), ('kumgang', 1), ('reunions', 1), ('defected', 12), ('mclaughlin', 1), ('disrespectfully', 1), ('tabulation', 1), ('des', 2), ('moines', 1), ('intuitive', 1), ('talker', 1), ('dismal', 1), ('saudis', 3), ('shuttered', 1), ('humphreys', 1), ('kozloduy', 1), ('reinsurer', 1), ('zurich', 3), ('reinsurers', 1), ('jetliner', 1), ('cargolux', 1), ('utilize', 1), ('quieter', 1), ('380', 3), ('superjumbo', 3), ('alu', 3), ('alkhanov', 6), ('danilovich', 2), ('justly', 1), ('militaries', 1), ('dahoud', 1), ('withstood', 1), ('idled', 2), ('mpla', 2), ('dos', 2), ('unita', 2), ('helena', 2), ('tristan', 1), ('cunha', 1), ('agriculturally', 1), ('tasalouti', 1), ('expectancy', 1), ('vertical', 1), ('horizontal', 1), ('clusters', 1), ('mitigate', 1), ('outreach', 1), ('1667', 1), ('nominally', 1), ('1650', 1), ('saeedlou', 1), ('precipice', 1), ('endeavoring', 1), ('willful', 1), ('funny', 1), ('mane', 1), ('wig', 2), ('windy', 1), ('charming', 1), ('sisters', 1), ('blandly', 1), ('gust', 1), ('foolish', 4), ('bald', 2), ('glistening', 1), ('billiard', 1), ('embarrassed', 1), ('woodchopper', 1), ('besought', 1), ('sadeq', 3), ('mahsouli', 1), ('thoughtless', 1), ('deity', 1), ('salivated', 1), ('thorn', 4), ('amphitheatre', 1), ('devour', 1), ('honourably', 1), ('abstained', 2), ('claimant', 1), ('yogi', 2), ('berra', 1), ('stocky', 1), ('catcher', 1), ('horrified', 3), ('miraculous', 1), ('bathtub', 2), ('invented', 2), ('1850', 2), ('1875', 2), ('bothered', 1), ('miscreants', 1), ('toad', 1), ('evicting', 1), ('reply', 4), ('query', 1), ("ha'aretz", 1), ('utilization', 1), ('interaction', 1), ('unsolicited', 1), ('kramer', 3), ('spammers', 2), ('server', 1), ('disabling', 1), ('upgrading', 2), ('faraa', 1), ('yamoun', 1), ('mohammadi', 2), ('parental', 1), ('jeffery', 2), ('jeffrey', 4), ('hamstrung', 1), ('orion', 2), ('workhorse', 1), ('dhanush', 1), ('subhadra', 1), ('moiseyev', 5), ('balletic', 1), ('acrobatic', 1), ('dances', 2), ('souq', 1), ('ghazl', 1), ('inoculations', 1), ('surfaces', 2), ('rye', 1), ('bluegrass', 1), ('turf', 2), ('mown', 1), ('fertilized', 1), ('billed', 1), ('successors', 2), ('flares', 1), ('abizaid', 3), ('reyna', 5), ('sprained', 1), ('ligament', 2), ('saddamists', 1), ('gianni', 1), ('magazzeni', 2), ('piles', 1), ('echoupal', 4), ('kiosks', 1), ('expensively', 1), ('rafidain', 1), ('finsbury', 1), ('stirring', 4), ('notoriety', 1), ('sermons', 2), ('earl', 1), ('christa', 2), ('mcauliffe', 2), ('liftoff', 2), ('booster', 3), ('columbiadisintegred', 1), ('showings', 1), ('cycling', 2), ('rowing', 3), ('disciplines', 1), ('steele', 5), ('adolfo', 3), ('scilingo', 2), ('drugged', 1), ('recanted', 2), ('cult', 2), ('embracing', 2), ('headlining', 1), ('differed', 1), ('erian', 1), ('acceptable', 5), ('complains', 1), ('poster', 1), ('ezzat', 1), ('itv1', 1), ('suleimaniyah', 1), ('salah', 1), ('reservist', 1), ('genitals', 1), ('kerkorian', 1), ('ghosn', 1), ('patzi', 2), ('contry', 1), ('transporation', 1), ('263', 1), ('299', 1), ('diagnostic', 1), ('utterly', 1), ('irrelevant', 1), ('interahamwe', 2), ('dean', 4), ('orjiako', 1), ('hassanpour', 1), ('abdolvahed', 1), ('hiva', 1), ('botimar', 1), ('asou', 1), ('zhou', 2), ('guocong', 1), ('grossly', 1), ('rings', 2), ('jamuna', 1), ('witty', 5), ('051655093', 1), ('hilton', 2), ('camille', 1), ('karolina', 1), ('sprem', 1), ('580', 2), ('harkleroad', 1), ('smyr', 3), ('petrova', 2), ('mujahadeen', 1), ('adjourns', 1), ('gaston', 1), ('gaudio', 1), ('kanaan', 1), ('postcard', 2), ('qaumi', 2), ('parlemannews', 1), ('crackdowns', 2), ('alyaty', 1), ('melange', 1), ('edison', 1), ('confidentiality', 3), ('baptiste', 2), ('natama', 1), ('unavoidable', 1), ('wannian', 1), ('whereas', 1), ('hanyuan', 1), ('zhengyu', 1), ('dung', 1), ('halo', 1), ('skulls', 3), ('trenches', 1), ('lining', 1), ('specialize', 1), ('validated', 1), ('si', 1), ('cumple', 1), ('rumbo', 2), ('propio', 2), ('mvr', 1), ('depressions', 1), ('1851', 1), ('courier', 2), ('rustlers', 1), ('pokot', 1), ('samburu', 2), ('letimalo', 1), ('combing', 1), ('bend', 1), ('oceanic', 3), ('wilderness', 1), ('archipelagoes', 1), ('boasts', 2), ('aquarium', 1), ('turtles', 3), ('vlado', 1), ('buckovski', 4), ('cathy', 1), ('majtenyi', 1), ('uwezo', 1), ('theatre', 1), ('colonize', 1), ('equatoria', 3), ('1870s', 2), ('mahdist', 2), ('facilitated', 3), ('rum', 1), ('distilling', 1), ('croix', 1), ('mindaugas', 1), ('1236', 2), ('1386', 1), ('1569', 1), ('abortive', 1), ('variations', 1), ('banana', 3), ('gonsalves', 1), ('flea', 5), ('dare', 2), ('limbs', 1), ('notarized', 1), ('hint', 1), ('pinions', 1), ('biceps', 1), ('pugiliste', 1), ('ladders', 1), ('stepstools', 1), ('demontrators', 1), ('unregistered', 2), ('shaath', 2), ('qidwa', 1), ('pall', 1), ('sugars', 1), ('clinical', 4), ('diet', 1), ('shelley', 1), ('schlender', 1), ('staggered', 2), ('hammond', 1), ('obamas', 1), ('tayeb', 1), ('musbah', 1), ('abstentions', 2), ('pilgrimages', 1), ('inflicting', 1), ('khar', 1), ('hacari', 1), ('santander', 1), ('honked', 1), ('circled', 1), ('unleaded', 1), ('spite', 2), ('kalameh', 1), ('sabz', 1), ('refiner', 1), ('sk', 2), ('bazian', 1), ('dahuk', 1), ('uloum', 3), ('injustices', 1), ('impulses', 1), ('disloyalty', 1), ('adulthood', 2), ('olds', 1), ('juristictions', 1), ('camouflage', 2), ('kimonos', 1), ('ud', 1), ('gabla', 1), ('concocted', 1), ('animosity', 1), ('berman', 3), ('lowey', 2), ('appropriations', 1), ('jalalzadeh', 1), ('cai', 1), ('guo', 1), ('quiang', 1), ('gunpowder', 1), ('designing', 1), ('firework', 1), ('guggenheim', 1), ('yiru', 1), ('7000', 1), ('aka', 3), ('tanoh', 1), ('bouna', 1), ('abderahmane', 1), ('vezzaz', 1), ('tintane', 1), ('acapulco', 3), ('otay', 1), ('yunesi', 2), ('interrogate', 1), ('moken', 1), ('banged', 1), ('offerings', 1), ('loftis', 1), ('schilling', 1), ('rood', 3), ('jamaicans', 2), ('asafa', 1), ('usain', 1), ('bolt', 4), ('haniyah', 1), ('farhat', 1), ('cautioning', 1), ('rematch', 1), ('gels', 1), ('cabins', 1), ('100th', 2), ('bermet', 2), ('akayeva', 3), ('aidar', 1), ('reactions', 3), ('sequence', 1), ('tyson', 1), ('sonora', 1), ('anxiously', 1), ('steam', 2), ('approves', 3), ('shenzhou', 4), ('liwei', 1), ('naser', 1), ('earthen', 1), ('raba', 1), ('borderline', 1), ('spearheading', 1), ('genoino', 3), ('tarso', 1), ('genro', 1), ('treasurer', 1), ('dirceu', 1), ('reshuffling', 1), ('nestle', 3), ('trickle', 2), ('worshipers', 4), ('timer', 1), ('coexist', 2), ('gaudy', 1), ('props', 1), ('muqudadiyah', 1), ('silo', 1), ('kicks', 1), ('schoch', 3), ('bruhin', 3), ('relais', 1), ('prommegger', 1), ('heinz', 1), ('inniger', 1), ('jaquet', 1), ('460', 1), ('kohli', 1), ('daniela', 1), ('meuli', 1), ('pomagalski', 1), ('isabelle', 1), ('blanc', 1), ('kamel', 2), ('ibb', 1), ('baptist', 3), ('jibla', 1), ('bruno', 1), ('gollnisch', 2), ('disputing', 2), ('nullify', 2), ('acholi', 1), ('aphaluck', 1), ('bhatiasevi', 1), ('292', 1), ('vomit', 1), ('saliva', 1), ('dhess', 1), ('shalabi', 1), ('dagma', 1), ('djamel', 1), ('discotheques', 2), ('dusseldorf', 1), ('abdalla', 1), ('trademark', 2), ('trademarks', 1), ('vuitton', 3), ('counterfeiters', 1), ('bernd', 2), ('alois', 1), ('soldaten', 1), ('cavernous', 1), ('armory', 1), ('lekki', 1), ('decommission', 1), ('acehnese', 1), ('resent', 1), ('nogaideli', 2), ('burdzhanadze', 1), ('42nd', 1), ('murphy', 2), ('translates', 1), ('shaleyste', 1), ('cart', 1), ('reconcilation', 1), ('alimov', 1), ('berkin', 1), ('chaika', 1), ('emigre', 1), ('pavel', 1), ('ryaguzov', 1), ('anglican', 2), ('canterbury', 3), ('rowan', 2), ('mostar', 2), ('krzyzewski', 2), ('grocery', 2), ('annualized', 1), ('coalitions', 2), ('jalbire', 1), ('retires', 1), ('265', 2), ('shearer', 1), ('tremor', 2), ('pius', 5), ('archive', 3), ('initiators', 1), ('middleman', 1), ('lupolianski', 1), ('marshal', 1), ('slavonia', 1), ('interlarded', 1), ('downturns', 1), ('vagaries', 1), ('statutory', 1), ('gateways', 1), ('ltte', 5), ('vulnerabilities', 1), ('alleviated', 1), ('eater', 1), ('halter', 2), ('courted', 2), ('ashamed', 1), ('admirer', 1), ('hairs', 1), ('zealous', 1), ('dazzling', 1), ('boisterous', 1), ('tilt', 1), ('kalachen', 1), ('rapporteur', 1), ('557', 1), ('522', 1), ('439', 2), ('enroute', 1), ('whatsoever', 1), ('xiamen', 1), ('kaohsiung', 1), ('lambasted', 1), ('unsavory', 1), ('dunking', 1), ('filthy', 1), ('workable', 1), ('jocic', 1), ('cimpl', 2), ('flashing', 3), ('floodwater', 1), ('getty', 2), ('marble', 1), ('bc', 2), ('tombstone', 3), ('sculpted', 1), ('voulgarakis', 1), ('popovkin', 1), ('jabir', 1), ('jubran', 1), ('fayfi', 2), ('barzani', 11), ('veiled', 2), ('manar', 3), ('iqbal', 3), ('machinists', 1), ('gene', 3), ('destroys', 2), ('insulin', 1), ('glucose', 1), ('snipers', 1), ('carrizales', 1), ('atal', 1), ('bihari', 1), ('vajpayee', 4), ('bhartiya', 1), ('bjp', 2), ('earle', 1), ('prosecutorial', 1), ('pornographic', 1), ('passwords', 1), ('proliferators', 1), ('axum', 5), ('obelisk', 7), ('teshome', 1), ('toga', 1), ('granite', 2), ('structur', 1), ('unsaturated', 1), ('clog', 1), ('applauding', 1), ('hubs', 1), ('artistic', 1), ('sahar', 1), ('sepehri', 1), ('evangelina', 1), ('elizondo', 1), ('phantom', 1), ('915', 1), ('konarak', 1), ('prediction', 2), ('furnished', 1), ('spaces', 1), ('wmo', 1), ('factored', 1), ('salaheddin', 1), ('talib', 1), ('nader', 1), ('shaban', 1), ('seaport', 1), ('1750', 1), ('lithuanians', 1), ('slovaks', 6), ('conducive', 3), ('chipaque', 1), ('policymaking', 1), ('sabirjon', 1), ('yakubov', 3), ('kwaito', 1), ('derivative', 1), ('mbalax', 1), ('youssou', 1), ("n'dour", 1), ('ovation', 2), ('stiffly', 1), ('stumbled', 2), ('fracturing', 1), ('inequalities', 1), ('batna', 1), ('likened', 2), ('roulette', 1), ('irresponsibly', 1), ('sittwe', 1), ('birdflu', 1), ('sparrowhawk', 1), ('jubilation', 1), ('unfunded', 1), ('specializing', 1), ('warriors', 2), ("jama'at", 1), ("qu'ran", 1), ('nahda', 1), ('rusafa', 1), ('decisively', 2), ('latifiyah', 1), ('aps', 1), ('intercede', 1), ('151', 1), ('austere', 1), ('pachyderm', 1), ('foments', 1), ('perception', 1), ('favoritism', 1), ('crimp', 1), ('pastrana', 5), ('arbour', 1), ('indiscriminate', 2), ('pastoral', 1), ('nomadism', 1), ('sedentary', 1), ('quarreled', 1), ('literate', 1), ('indebtedness', 1), ('saa', 1), ('duhalde', 1), ('peso', 3), ('bottomed', 1), ('audacious', 1), ('understating', 1), ('exacerbating', 1), ('dominica', 1), ('ecotourism', 2), ('geothermal', 1), ('lightening', 1), ('loads', 2), ('luxuries', 1), ('overburdened', 1), ('traveler', 4), ('intensely', 1), ('shining', 1), ('afforded', 3), ('galloped', 2), ('quarreling', 1), ('hopped', 1), ('groaned', 3), ('antagonists', 1), ('comb', 1), ('fahim', 1), ('kohdamani', 2), ('emroz', 1), ('ajmal', 2), ('alamzai', 2), ('didadgah', 1), ('rodong', 1), ('wenesday', 1), ('organizational', 1), ('faulted', 1), ('responders', 1), ('toilets', 2), ('gijira', 1), ('fdic', 1), ('tartous', 1), ('rainstorm', 1), ('nirvana', 2), ('cobain', 4), ('wed', 2), ('bean', 1), ('flannel', 1), ('sweaters', 1), ('smells', 1), ('patat', 1), ('jabor', 1), ('dalian', 1), ('tian', 1), ('neng', 1), ('meishan', 1), ('vent', 1), ('reformer', 1), ('lukewarm', 1), ('realistic', 2), ('puebla', 2), ('mosleshi', 1), ('637', 1), ('texmelucan', 1), ('rehn', 3), ('herceptin', 2), ('drugmaker', 2), ('ayar', 1), ('postpones', 1), ('lazio', 1), ('fiorentina', 1), ('manipulate', 3), ('serie', 1), ('handpicking', 1), ('relegation', 1), ('demotions', 1), ('164', 1), ('fulani', 1), ('herdsmen', 1), ('martyrdom', 4), ('hamm', 6), ('creationism', 1), ('intelligent', 2), ('gymnastics', 1), ('healed', 1), ('molucca', 1), ('ternate', 1), ('vivanews', 1), ('pm', 2), ('radius', 2), ('rotator', 1), ('cuff', 1), ('keywords', 1), ('chat', 1), ('alluding', 2), ('nsa', 6), ('accessed', 1), ('storing', 1), ('wiretap', 1), ('pbsnewshour', 1), ('alternates', 1), ('mighty', 1), ('najjar', 1), ('badawi', 2), ('demonizing', 3), ('meza', 1), ('oleksander', 1), ('horobets', 1), ('despicable', 1), ('wallet', 1), ('rfid', 1), ('biographical', 1), ('bezsmertniy', 1), ('terrence', 1), ('craybas', 4), ('corina', 1), ('morariu', 1), ('mashona', 1), ('obliged', 2), ('qutbi', 1), ('dome', 5), ('tahhar', 2), ('toluca', 1), ('alistair', 1), ('pietersen', 2), ('367', 1), ('323', 1), ('aristolbulo', 1), ('isturiz', 1), ('timergarah', 1), ('sibbi', 1), ('streamlines', 1), ('siphon', 1), ('pullouts', 1), ('rouen', 1), ('haze', 3), ('islamophobia', 2), ('xenophobia', 2), ('manifestations', 1), ('disproportionally', 1), ('overrepresented', 1), ('pekanbara', 1), ('islamophobic', 1), ('underdocumented', 1), ('underreported', 1), ('hexaflouride', 1), ('tackling', 1), ('tindouf', 1), ('lugar', 3), ('yudhyono', 1), ('peipah', 2), ('lekima', 1), ('guanglie', 1), ('mesopotamia', 1), ('abnormalities', 1), ('tassos', 2), ('papadopoulos', 5), ('haves', 1), ('nots', 1), ('satisfy', 3), ('keith', 1), ('snorted', 1), ('ashes', 2), ('nme', 2), ('ingesting', 1), ('cremated', 1), ('dad', 3), ('cared', 1), ('bert', 1), ('famously', 1), ('luck', 7), ('petitions', 1), ('dissenting', 1), ('edmund', 1), ('vacated', 1), ('strikingly', 1), ('sews', 1), ('devra', 1), ('robitaille', 1), ('fliers', 1), ('washingtonians', 1), ('designs', 5), ('mousa', 1), ("'80s", 1), ('irrelevent', 1), ('confiscation', 2), ('valuables', 1), ('khagrachhari', 2), ('bengali', 4), ('statments', 1), ('baghaichhari', 1), ('karradah', 2), ('gravesite', 1), ('zelenovic', 2), ('khanty', 1), ('mansiisk', 1), ('padded', 1), ('burdensome', 1), ('po', 1), ('psl', 1), ('straddling', 1), ('overexploitation', 1), ('deepwater', 1), ('kjetil', 1), ('aamodt', 1), ('110474537', 1), ('concessionary', 1), ('globally', 2), ('ladder', 1), ('broadened', 3), ('deepened', 1), ('parity', 1), ('aggravating', 2), ('110625', 1), ('maaouya', 1), ('sidi', 2), ('cheikh', 2), ('abdallahi', 2), ('afro', 2), ('mauritanians', 1), ('moor', 1), ('berber', 1), ("qa'ida", 1), ('aqim', 1), ('combi', 1), ('jar', 1), ('smeared', 1), ('suffocated', 1), ('expiring', 1), ('fondles', 1), ('nurtures', 1), ('hates', 1), ('neglects', 1), ('caressed', 1), ('smothered', 1), ('nurtured', 1), ('banjo', 1), ('halifax', 2), ('passaro', 7), ('plotters', 1), ('simulating', 2), ('goldschmidt', 2), ('alishar', 1), ('rizgar', 2), ('arsala', 3), ('mirajuddin', 1), ('giro', 1), ('melt', 4), ('sheet', 3), ('pole', 4), ('rignot', 1), ('glaciers', 3), ('corpus', 3), ('christi', 3), ('kenedy', 1), ('neal', 1), ('redraw', 3), ('unmonitored', 1), ('josslyn', 1), ('aberle', 1), ('incarceration', 1), ('unpaid', 2), ('readied', 1), ('homayun', 1), ('interpret', 2), ('combining', 3), ('khamail', 1), ('reassess', 1), ('wnba', 1), ('playoff', 1), ('hawi', 1), ('parma', 4), ('peeling', 1), ('rides', 1), ('khao', 1), ('lak', 1), ('agitated', 3), ('trumpeting', 1), ('trunks', 1), ('calamities', 1), ('perishable', 1), ('dodger', 1), ('millionaire', 2), ('hopkins', 2), ('walikale', 3), ('alison', 1), ('forges', 1), ('karate', 2), ('eddie', 2), ('enzo', 2), ('sportscar', 1), ('irwindale', 1), ('speedway', 1), ('redline', 2), ('deuce', 1), ('bigalow', 1), ('sadek', 1), ('exotic', 3), ('enzos', 1), ('anheuser', 4), ('busch', 4), ('brewing', 1), ('bottler', 1), ('budweiser', 2), ('immense', 2), ('brewer', 1), ('caldera', 4), ('coltan', 1), ('cassiterite', 1), ('diaoyu', 1), ('unguarded', 1), ('perimeter', 1), ('leftover', 1), ('maaleh', 3), ('nullified', 3), ('retroactively', 1), ('shifts', 2), ('hib', 2), ('shuffle', 1), ('541', 1), ('proportions', 1), ('dharmendra', 1), ('rajaratnam', 1), ('placards', 2), ('sasa', 1), ('radak', 1), ('ovcara', 1), ('saidati', 1), ('mukakibibi', 2), ('umurabyo', 2), ('publishers', 1), ('hatf', 2), ('agnes', 1), ('uwimana', 1), ('disobedience', 1), ('224', 3), ('462', 1), ('745', 1), ('arenas', 1), ('uladi', 1), ('mazlan', 1), ('jusoh', 1), ('resonated', 1), ('deepens', 1), ('katarina', 1), ('srebotnik', 5), ('asb', 2), ('shinboue', 1), ('asagoe', 2), ('leanne', 1), ('lubiani', 1), ('87th', 1), ('qantas', 4), ('a380', 1), ('a380s', 2), ('midair', 1), ('rolls', 1), ('royce', 1), ('turbines', 1), ('volleys', 1), ('bani', 1), ('navarre', 1), ('corpsman', 1), ('kor', 1), ('affirmation', 1), ('yankham', 1), ('kengtung', 1), ('silently', 2), ('countdown', 1), ('manan', 1), ('452', 1), ('edible', 1), ('kavkazcenter', 1), ('khalim', 1), ('sadulayev', 1), ('rivaling', 1), ('telethons', 1), ('kalma', 2), ('acropolis', 2), ('unesco', 1), ('parthenon', 1), ('392', 1), ('485', 1), ('clamped', 1), ('drywall', 1), ('helipad', 1), ('kruif', 1), ('bedfordshire', 1), ('khayam', 3), ('bedford', 1), ('skyjackers', 1), ('mourn', 5), ('straying', 2), ('expedite', 2), ('726', 1), ('atwood', 2), ('artificially', 2), ('chang', 4), ('bestseller', 1), ('nanking', 1), ('cola', 3), ('pesticides', 1), ('residue', 1), ('cse', 3), ('statistically', 1), ('stringent', 3), ('kennedys', 1), ('jacqueline', 1), ('onassis', 1), ('stillborn', 1), ('repose', 1), ('hkd', 1), ('konstanz', 1), ('hajdib', 2), ('suitcases', 1), ('dortmund', 1), ('koblenz', 1), ('kazmi', 1), ('outnumbering', 1), ('8000', 1), ('hycamtin', 2), ('cisplatin', 1), ('cervix', 1), ('organs', 3), ('prolonging', 1), ('hina', 1), ('miljus', 3), ('jutarnji', 1), ('bats', 1), ('loj', 2), ('diligently', 1), ('cowboy', 2), ('shy', 1), ('casual', 1), ('bankrupt', 3), ('grinstein', 1), ('destinations', 2), ('rafat', 1), ('ecc', 2), ('costliest', 1), ('burdens', 1), ('rmi', 2), ('downsizing', 1), ('cooled', 1), ('lackluster', 2), ('psa', 1), ('nagorno', 1), ('karabakh', 1), ('chiefdoms', 1), ('springboard', 1), ('1844', 1), ('dominicans', 1), ('unsettled', 2), ('leonidas', 1), ('trujillo', 1), ('1930', 2), ('balaguer', 3), ('popes', 2), ('1870', 1), ('circumscribed', 1), ('lateran', 1), ('catholicism', 3), ('concordat', 1), ('primacy', 1), ('interreligious', 2), ('profess', 1), ('ungrudgingly', 1), ('commiserated', 1), ('surely', 1), ('vasp', 3), ('celma', 1), ('slater', 2), ('illustrious', 1), ('inhabitant', 1), ('mcqueen', 2), ('mc', 1), ("'70s", 1), ('bullitt', 1), ('papillon', 1), ('memorabilia', 1), ('boyhood', 1), ('yung', 1), ('meaningless', 1), ('graz', 1), ('saturated', 2), ('nozari', 1), ('dormitory', 2), ('hamshahri', 1), ('shargh', 1), ('unforgivable', 2), ('chow', 1), ('panyu', 2), ('chilled', 1), ('fuzhou', 1), ('antibiotics', 4), ('jessica', 1), ('fiance', 1), ('raviglione', 3), ('xtr', 1), ('ludford', 1), ('hanjiang', 1), ('mashjid', 1), ('jalna', 1), ('osaid', 1), ('falluji', 1), ('najdi', 1), ('newsletter', 1), ('sawt', 1), ('disseminate', 1), ('jihadist', 1), ('khaleeq', 1), ('tumbling', 1), ('kel', 1), ('seun', 1), ('kuti', 2), ('fela', 1), ('nnamdi', 1), ('moweta', 1), ('leo', 1), ('cheaply', 1), ('undercutting', 1), ('bomblets', 1), ('hyper', 1), ('eavesdrop', 3), ('clearances', 1), ('assistants', 1), ('dubs', 1), ('vivanco', 2), ('discriminating', 1), ('disregarding', 1), ('laguna', 1), ('aynin', 1), ('haaretzthat', 1), ('zigana', 1), ('gumushane', 1), ('surround', 1), ('intersect', 1), ('semiarid', 1), ('arla', 1), ('loses', 1), ('chretien', 1), ('secularist', 1), ('koksal', 1), ('toptan', 1), ('rim', 1), ('disowning', 1), ('lustiger', 2), ('notre', 1), ('dame', 1), ('patriarchal', 1), ('khalayleh', 1), ('doomsday', 1), ('gobe', 1), ('squadrons', 1), ('uprooting', 1), ('admits', 2), ('conclusive', 1), ('waded', 1), ('unprovoked', 1), ('faults', 2), ('habsadeh', 2), ('shargudud', 2), ('hamidreza', 1), ('estefan', 1), ('feliciano', 2), ('thalia', 1), ('jamrud', 1), ('venevision', 1), ('ovidio', 1), ('cuesta', 1), ('baramullah', 1), ('srinigar', 1), ('assembling', 1), ('bikaner', 1), ('sketch', 1), ('amos', 1), ('kimunya', 2), ('esmat', 1), ('klain', 1), ('599', 1), ('emanate', 1), ('dahl', 1), ('froeshaug', 1), ('4x5', 1), ('atiku', 1), ('lai', 1), ('immoral', 1), ('yambio', 1), ('seyi', 1), ('memene', 1), ('kerosene', 1), ('veil', 1), ('ramdi', 1), ('deepak', 1), ('gurung', 1), ('256', 3), ('voyages', 1), ('bago', 1), ('kyauk', 1), ('ein', 2), ('kanyutkwin', 1), ('allert', 1), ('behave', 2), ('428', 1), ('sounding', 1), ('kleiner', 1), ('caufield', 1), ('byers', 1), ('blossomed', 1), ('lockerbie', 2), ('nurses', 5), ('machakos', 1), ('drank', 1), ('brew', 2), ('makutano', 1), ('methanol', 1), ("chang'aa", 1), ('akhmad', 2), ('palpa', 1), ('bitlis', 1), ('sulaimaniyah', 2), ('pejak', 1), ('hyperinflation', 2), ('cessation', 1), ('midway', 3), ('nwr', 3), ('hawaiian', 1), ('papahanaumokuakea', 1), ('refuges', 2), ('terrestrial', 1), ('corals', 1), ('shellfish', 1), ('seabirds', 1), ('insects', 1), ('vegetation', 2), ('colon', 1), ('traverse', 1), ('firsts', 1), ('aruban', 1), ('aruba', 2), ('dip', 1), ('footing', 2), ('frequenting', 1), ('lamentation', 1), ('fuss', 1), ('batsmen', 1), ('jaques', 2), ('harbhajan', 2), ('493', 1), ('332', 2), ('shbak', 3), ('intimidating', 1), ('intra', 1), ('sucre', 1), ('gasquet', 3), ('mirnyi', 3), ('olivier', 1), ('rochus', 1), ('ramstein', 1), ('pontifical', 1), ('poupard', 1), ('castel', 1), ('gandolfo', 1), ('byzantine', 3), ('nun', 5), ('theorized', 1), ('othman', 1), ('swank', 1), ('guild', 3), ('cate', 3), ('blanchett', 3), ('portrayal', 1), ('katherine', 1), ('hepburn', 1), ('aviator', 2), ('freeman', 1), ('shaloub', 1), ('orbach', 1), ('ensemble', 1), ('quirky', 1), ('sideways', 2), ('duress', 2), ('jpmorgan', 1), ('materazzi', 4), ('midfielder', 1), ('ramming', 1), ('verbally', 2), ('gunning', 2), ('wael', 1), ('rubaei', 1), ('arafa', 2), ('izzariya', 1), ('schatten', 2), ('embryos', 1), ('embryonic', 2), ('preclude', 1), ('underlings', 1), ('coercion', 1), ('impropriety', 1), ('127', 1), ('fadela', 1), ('chaib', 1), ('sufferer', 1), ('315', 1), ('beleaguered', 2), ('kandili', 1), ('anatolianews', 1), ('erzurum', 1), ('governorates', 1), ('qods', 1), ('explosively', 2), ('efps', 2), ('shorten', 1), ('healing', 2), ('adhamiya', 2), ('significance', 2), ('editorials', 1), ('gye', 1), ('wafd', 1), ('europol', 3), ('baleno', 1), ('newseum', 4), ('fatigues', 1), ('revote', 1), ('picnicking', 1), ('aleg', 1), ('qadis', 1), ('badghis', 5), ('iveta', 2), ('benesova', 4), ('na', 1), ('jarmila', 1), ('gajdosova', 1), ('ting', 1), ('tiantian', 1), ('bild', 4), ('rtl', 2), ('scandalized', 1), ('anymore', 1), ('downriver', 2), ('mains', 1), ('mechanics', 1), ('ana', 1), ('rauchenstein', 1), ('sabaa', 1), ('inflexible', 2), ('spelled', 1), ('guzzling', 1), ('drel', 2), ('46th', 2), ('contradict', 2), ('lobes', 1), ('sedatives', 1), ("l'aquila", 4), ('caricatures', 2), ('soir', 1), ('acquaint', 1), ('acosta', 4), ('inflammable', 1), ('consumes', 1), ('philanthropy', 1), ('mikati', 5), ('nhs', 3), ('loopholes', 1), ('hutton', 1), ('paktiawal', 3), ('disgust', 2), ('forgivable', 1), ('faras', 1), ('jabouri', 2), ('aqidi', 1), ('163', 3), ('joanne', 1), ('moore', 6), ('fahad', 1), ('cured', 1), ('melanne', 1), ('verveer', 3), ('epidemics', 1), ('invests', 2), ('yomiuri', 2), ('nanjing', 1), ('haerbaling', 1), ('divulge', 1), ('crafted', 1), ('naimi', 3), ('pennies', 1), ('counselor', 2), ('tsholotsho', 1), ('chinotimba', 1), ('inbalance', 1), ('madero', 1), ('otis', 1), ('powerlines', 1), ('whiskey', 1), ('gunshots', 2), ('banderas', 4), ('710', 2), ('abolishing', 1), ('commutes', 1), ('convicts', 2), ('footprints', 1), ('khuzestan', 1), ('saudia', 1), ('jules', 1), ('guere', 1), ('influnce', 1), ('majzoub', 1), ('samkelo', 1), ('mokhine', 1), ('jehangir', 1), ('mirza', 1), ('enthusiastically', 1), ('acknowledgment', 1), ('muqrin', 2), ('thrifty', 1), ('handmade', 1), ('ellice', 3), ('polynesians', 1), ('micronesians', 1), ('tonga', 3), ('squash', 2), ('vanilla', 1), ('tongan', 1), ('upturn', 1), ('tanganyika', 1), ('zanzibar', 3), ('minimizing', 1), ('negation', 1), ('1010', 1), ('tifa', 1), ('fashioning', 1), ('fowler', 3), ('twigs', 2), ('thrush', 1), ('fitting', 5), ('intently', 1), ('upwards', 1), ('trod', 2), ('viper', 4), ('swoon', 1), ('purposed', 1), ('myself', 3), ('unawares', 1), ('snares', 1), ('ahmedou', 1), ('ashayier', 1), ('kouk', 1), ("sa'dun", 1), ('hamduni', 1), ('foreman', 4), ('talha', 2), ('hmas', 1), ('fitted', 1), ('turnbull', 1), ('awantipora', 1), ('saldanha', 1), ('lateef', 1), ('adegbite', 1), ('tenets', 1), ('ulemas', 2), ('betrayed', 2), ('darkest', 1), ('zarqwai', 1), ('scrubbed', 1), ('hangar', 1), ('dovish', 2), ('annex', 1), ('blocs', 2), ('unilaterally', 2), ('sabri', 1), ('annexing', 1), ('disengagement', 3), ('shas', 3), ('abolish', 3), ('335', 1), ('treetops', 1), ('compliments', 1), ('obaidullah', 1), ('akhund', 2), ('lal', 1), ('advani', 4), ('jinnah', 2), ('subcontinent', 1), ('patched', 1), ('vassily', 1), ('kononov', 3), ('slandered', 1), ('reese', 2), ('yoshie', 1), ('sato', 1), ('yokosuka', 1), ('kitty', 1), ('assessors', 1), ('vimpelcom', 1), ('jaunpur', 1), ('patna', 1), ('rdx', 2), ('hexogen', 1), ('unclaimed', 1), ('bavaria', 1), ('allay', 1), ('aggressions', 1), ('58th', 1), ('wrecked', 1), ('shadows', 1), ('shines', 1), ('aijalon', 1), ('gomes', 2), ('renunciation', 2), ('unhindered', 1), ('kasab', 1), ('taiba', 2), ('faizullah', 1), ('akhbar', 1), ('youm', 1), ('sects', 1), ('solecki', 3), ('jamia', 1), ('americanism', 1), ('049', 1), ('verizon', 2), ('kgb', 2), ('stepan', 1), ('sukhorenko', 2), ('proclaiming', 2), ('georgi', 1), ('parvanov', 1), ('prolongs', 1), ('normalized', 1), ('hennadiy', 1), ('vasylyev', 1), ('epa', 1), ('sandwich', 2), ('ecweru', 1), ('swahili', 1), ('mulongoti', 1), ('bududa', 1), ('header', 1), ('khedira', 1), ('82nd', 1), ('mesut', 1), ('oezil', 1), ('mueller', 6), ('edinson', 1), ('cavani', 1), ('equalized', 1), ('forlan', 1), ('marcell', 1), ('jansen', 1), ('montagnards', 3), ('resettling', 1), ('unsubstantiated', 1), ('smearing', 2), ('categorized', 1), ('shegag', 1), ('karo', 1), ('hudaidah', 1), ('411', 1), ('luca', 2), ('badoer', 1), ('maranello', 1), ('reggio', 1), ('emilia', 1), ('venice', 1), ('ignites', 1), ('scoop', 1), ('footprint', 1), ('subsurface', 1), ('679', 1), ('cantv', 2), ('447', 1), ('yasar', 2), ('buyukanit', 1), ('tokage', 3), ('tolling', 2), ('wadowice', 1), ('knees', 1), ('wept', 2), ('worshipped', 1), ('readies', 1), ('gurirab', 1), ('redistribution', 1), ('sensing', 1), ('kindergarten', 3), ('petting', 1), ('binyamina', 1), ('symptom', 1), ('chilling', 1), ('echoed', 2), ('bullying', 1), ('deprive', 1), ('mastering', 1), ('wabho', 1), ('wajama', 2), ('electricial', 1), ('gojko', 2), ('jankovic', 5), ('flourished', 2), ('trusting', 1), ('triumf', 1), ('riza', 2), ('greenland', 6), ('vikings', 1), ('easternmost', 1), ('kwajalein', 1), ('usaka', 1), ('1881', 1), ('bourguiba', 2), ('paroled', 1), ('offender', 1), ('joachim', 1), ('ruecker', 1), ('repressing', 1), ('unmatched', 1), ('zine', 1), ('abidine', 1), ('tunis', 1), ('ghannouchi', 1), ("m'bazaa", 1), ('viable', 2), ('fluctuated', 1), ('terrible', 1), ('alderman', 2), ('raccoon', 2), ('zoological', 1), ('tales', 1), ('graze', 1), ('tidings', 1), ('hound', 3), ('whence', 1), ('entertained', 1), ('boatmen', 1), ('outpouring', 2), ('emotion', 1), ('yielding', 1), ('gasped', 1), ('wretched', 1), ('perilous', 1), ('clauses', 3), ('renoun', 1), ('elves', 1), ('subordinate', 1), ('leonardo', 1), ('dicaprio', 2), ('overaggressive', 1), ('sparing', 2), ('falun', 5), ('gong', 5), ('ching', 1), ('hsi', 1), ('mistreats', 1), ('baltim', 1), ('kafr', 1), ('zigazag', 1), ('kakooza', 2), ('entebbe', 1), ('jovica', 1), ('simatovic', 1), ('insidious', 1), ('nihilism', 1), ('fanatic', 1), ('copts', 1), ('nightly', 1), ('renegotiating', 1), ('karabilah', 4), ('cone', 1), ('dye', 2), ('foam', 1), ('insulation', 2), ('disintegration', 1), ('goldsmith', 1), ("u'zayra", 1), ('larkin', 1), ('khayber', 1), ('hyuck', 1), ('format', 1), ('worthless', 1), ('satterfield', 4), ('617', 2), ('gulag', 2), ('dae', 1), ('ri', 2), ('jo', 3), ('hamash', 1), ('levied', 1), ('bextra', 2), ('prescriptions', 1), ('somavia', 1), ('spelling', 1), ('passersby', 2), ('sayings', 1), ('donetsk', 2), ('borjomi', 1), ('jaca', 1), ('pyeongchang', 1), ('salzburg', 1), ('questionnaire', 1), ('accommodations', 1), ('6th', 1), ('belligerence', 2), ('negotiation', 3), ('buddhism', 1), ('anuradhapura', 1), ('circa', 2), ('polonnaruwa', 1), ('1070', 1), ('1200', 1), ('mcchrystal', 1), ('pinerolo', 1), ('1500s', 1), ('sliding', 4), ('glides', 1), ('circular', 1), ('matesi', 3), ('briquettes', 1), ('norpro', 1), ('tenaris', 2), ('xingguang', 1), ('1796', 1), ('1802', 1), ('alain', 1), ('pellegrini', 1), ('ceylon', 1), ('lubero', 1), ('guehenno', 1), ('eelam', 1), ('overshadow', 1), ('natasha', 2), ('kofoworola', 1), ('quist', 3), ('petkoff', 3), ('anguish', 1), ('cual', 1), ('ojeda', 1), ('borges', 1), ('proficiency', 1), ('indoctrinate', 1), ('bounds', 1), ('weekends', 1), ('gravel', 1), ('kihonge', 1), ('supervising', 1), ('wreaths', 1), ('yugoslavian', 1), ('dacic', 1), ('colleen', 1), ('larose', 3), ('drillings', 1), ('arising', 3), ('pedraz', 1), ('couso', 2), ('taras', 1), ('portsyuk', 1), ('maori', 2), ('buenaventura', 1), ('chieftains', 1), ('waitangi', 1), ('npa', 1), ('1843', 1), ('tsotne', 1), ('gamsakhurdia', 5), ('zviad', 1), ('hajan', 1), ('coleman', 2), ('lapsed', 1), ('printemps', 1), ('464', 1), ('dispatching', 1), ('brandished', 2), ('vampire', 1), ('rigorous', 2), ('refill', 1), ('usage', 2), ('wraps', 2), ('trespassing', 1), ('botanical', 2), ('seini', 1), ('sperling', 4), ('leniency', 1), ('rebuke', 1), ('khamas', 1), ('hajem', 1), ('depended', 3), ('bole', 1), ('nihal', 1), ('denigrates', 1), ('ruble', 1), ('steward', 1), ('codes', 1), ('göteborg', 1), ('krisztina', 1), ('nagy', 1), ('anp', 3), ('tiechui', 1), ('paramedics', 1), ('irrawady', 1), ('fazul', 1), ('stanezai', 1), ('impervious', 1), ('buster', 1), ('lioness', 1), ('harden', 1), ('drift', 1), ('easley', 1), ('laszlo', 1), ('solyom', 1), ('hares', 3), ('mufti', 1), ('shuttles', 1), ('jalula', 1), ('yourselves', 1), ('amerli', 1), ('petrol', 1), ('invariably', 1), ('passers', 1), ('leveraged', 1), ('maltese', 1), ('faroe', 2), ('faroese', 1), ('moorish', 1), ('dynasties', 1), ('258', 3), ("sa'adi", 1), ('1578', 1), ('alaouite', 1), ('1860', 1), ('internationalized', 1), ('tangier', 1), ('bicameral', 1), ('moderately', 1), ('taboo', 2), ('hobbles', 1), ('overspending', 1), ('overborrowing', 1), ('realizing', 3), ('stables', 1), ('favourite', 2), ('lapdog', 4), ('licked', 1), ('dainty', 1), ('lap', 2), ('blinking', 1), ('stroked', 1), ('commenced', 1), ('prancing', 1), ('pitchforks', 1), ('clumsy', 1), ('jesting', 1), ('joke', 1), ('summers', 1), ('natured', 1), ('shibis', 1), ('dhimbil', 2), ('hawiye', 2), ('llasa', 1), ('radhia', 1), ('achouri', 1), ('trily', 1), ('showdowns', 1), ('reprimands', 1), ('sanaa', 1), ('coleand', 1), ('supertanker', 1), ('limburg', 1), ('fawzi', 2), ('supervises', 1), ('dmitrivev', 1), ('prestwick', 1), ('geithner', 2), ('jagdish', 1), ('tytler', 2), ('yongbyon', 1), ('renaissance', 1), ('kedallah', 1), ('younous', 1), ('purging', 1), ('demeans', 1), ('gratuitous', 1), ('instructional', 1), ('kuta', 1), ('eide', 6), ('taormina', 1), ('suggestive', 1), ('taboos', 1), ('menstrual', 1), ('unidentifed', 1), ('provocateurs', 1), ('enticing', 2), ('385', 1), ('gration', 3), ('falsifying', 1), ('saqib', 3), ('shootouts', 1), ('eastward', 1), ('alternately', 1), ('hendrik', 1), ('taatgen', 1), ('ambrosio', 1), ('intakes', 1), ('wastewater', 1), ('yingde', 1), ('reservoirs', 1), ('neurological', 1), ('knockout', 1), ('strongmen', 1), ('nazareth', 3), ('yardenna', 1), ('dwelling', 1), ('courtyard', 1), ('annunciation', 1), ('copenhagen', 1), ('enacting', 1), ('snub', 1), ('siachen', 1), ('equate', 2), ('kalikot', 1), ('seiken', 1), ('sugiura', 2), ('spouses', 1), ('torres', 1), ('yake', 1), ('867', 1), ('headbands', 1), ('453', 2), ('577', 1), ('969', 1), ('729', 1), ('lewthwaite', 2), ('jamaican', 3), ('germaine', 1), ('fanatics', 1), ('twisted', 1), ('holdouts', 1), ('aurobindo', 1), ('pharma', 1), ('lamivudine', 1), ('zidovudine', 1), ('nevirapine', 6), ('regimen', 1), ('patents', 1), ('sharpened', 1), ('daley', 1), ('rahm', 1), ('lid', 2), ('repays', 1), ('liempde', 1), ('nuriye', 1), ('kesbir', 1), ('climbs', 1), ('cot', 1), ('greeks', 2), ('breasts', 1), ('exam', 1), ('malakhel', 1), ('osmani', 1), ('aubenas', 1), ('reopens', 1), ('xinjuan', 1), ('bruises', 1), ('georg', 1), ('trondheim', 1), ('vague', 1), ('bernt', 1), ('eidsvig', 2), ('choir', 2), ('pedophilia', 1), ('jac', 2), ('takeifa', 1), ('keita', 1), ('ricci', 2), ('shyrock', 1), ('hulya', 2), ('kocyigit', 2), ('675', 1), ('architectural', 1), ('profound', 2), ('burgeoning', 1), ('hinting', 1), ('managua', 1), ('disavowed', 1), ('murr', 1), ('shameful', 2), ('thuggery', 1), ('michuki', 1), ('bitten', 1), ('doghmush', 2), ('neskovic', 1), ('bijeljina', 1), ('gebran', 2), ('amagasaki', 1), ('osaka', 1), ('milososki', 1), ('beneficial', 1), ('mia', 1), ('crvenkovski', 1), ('nikola', 2), ('gruevski', 1), ('swerved', 1), ('althing', 1), ('930', 1), ('askja', 1), ('emigrated', 3), ('paracel', 2), ('pattle', 1), ('woody', 1), ('1788', 1), ('islanders', 1), ('mechanized', 1), ('bailouts', 2), ('rutte', 1), ('dwindling', 2), ('industrialization', 1), ('soles', 1), ('fasten', 2), ('idols', 1), ('unlucky', 1), ('pedestal', 1), ('hardly', 1), ('sultans', 1), ('splendour', 1), ('dukeness', 1), ('liege', 1), ('gorgeous', 1), ('jewel', 1), ('gleaming', 1), ('badgesty', 1), ('catarrh', 1), ('overtaken', 2), ('rabbit', 1), ('obstructs', 1), ('amusement', 2), ('cheyenne', 1), ('showers', 1), ('wednesdays', 1), ('upholding', 1), ('abbasali', 1), ('kadkhodai', 1), ('tahreer', 1), ('compare', 2), ('peshmerga', 1), ('ludlam', 2), ('christman', 1), ('starved', 1), ('menoufia', 1), ('43nd', 1), ('unasur', 1), ('clarifies', 3), ('basile', 1), ('casmoussa', 1), ('guenael', 1), ('rodier', 1), ('glacial', 2), ('attributing', 1), ('colonia', 1), ('cachet', 1), ('burrow', 1), ('gino', 1), ('casassa', 1), ('repeals', 1), ('segun', 1), ('odegbami', 1), ('nfa', 1), ('salisu', 1), ('hendarso', 1), ('danuri', 2), ('sumatran', 1), ('religiously', 1), ('269', 1), ('alienate', 1), ('hazel', 1), ('blears', 1), ('khalidiyah', 1), ('bakwa', 1), ('asghari', 7), ('ziba', 1), ('sharq', 1), ('awsat', 1), ('tempers', 1), ('designating', 1), ('excited', 1), ('spontaneous', 2), ('motel', 1), ('dietary', 1), ('hauled', 1), ('pragmatists', 1), ('copes', 1), ('revisited', 1), ('asteroid', 5), ('stargazers', 1), ('wd5', 1), ('1908', 2), ('megaton', 1), ('exhumation', 1), ('glorious', 1), ('auwaerter', 2), ('johns', 1), ('fabrizio', 1), ('meoni', 3), ('kiffa', 1), ('motorcyclists', 1), ('charter97', 1), ('cyril', 2), ('despres', 1), ('ktm', 1), ('8956', 1), ('ceremon', 1), ('flabbergasted', 1), ('asparagus', 1), ('dirt', 2), ('acidic', 1), ('vapor', 1), ('cassettes', 1), ('augment', 1), ('mcbride', 1), ('vocalist', 1), ('nichols', 1), ('craig', 1), ('wiseman', 1), ('peformed', 1), ('mcgraw', 1), ('gretchen', 1), ('horizon', 1), ('kris', 1), ('kristofferson', 1), ('zamani', 1), ('benisede', 3), ('speedboats', 1), ('coherent', 1), ('nyein', 1), ('ko', 1), ('naing', 1), ('appropriated', 1), ('fadhila', 1), ('perverted', 1), ('cctv', 1), ('nozzles', 1), ('salomi', 1), ('reads', 1), ('blackwater', 1), ('incited', 2), ('ire', 1), ('benedicto', 1), ('jimenez', 3), ('commercio', 1), ('zevallos', 1), ('dee', 1), ('boersma', 1), ('serfdom', 1), ('dumitru', 1), ('newsroom', 1), ('formalities', 1), ('dens', 1), ('airdrop', 1), ('ingmar', 1), ('bergman', 3), ('actresses', 1), ('ullman', 1), ('bibi', 1), ('andersson', 1), ('faro', 1), ('strawberries', 1), ('madness', 1), ('tinged', 1), ('melancholy', 1), ('humor', 1), ('iconic', 1), ('knight', 1), ('bylaw', 1), ('thg', 1), ('tetrahydrogestrinone', 1), ('boa', 1), ('mailbox', 1), ('measurer', 1), ('nist', 4), ('machining', 1), ('invent', 1), ('braille', 1), ('nanotechnology', 1), ('cybersecurity', 1), ('grid', 1), ('standardized', 1), ('hoses', 1), ('mummified', 1), ('mummy', 2), ('earthenware', 1), ('sarcophagus', 2), ('teir', 1), ('atoun', 1), ('theyab', 2), ('beatified', 2), ('habsburg', 1), ('sainthood', 2), ('emmerick', 1), ('visions', 1), ('mel', 1), ('gibson', 1), ('ludovica', 1), ('angelis', 1), ('beatification', 1), ('directorate', 1), ('touted', 1), ('prizren', 2), ('handovers', 1), ('vigilante', 1), ('edwin', 1), ('idema', 3), ('hornets', 3), ('lakers', 2), ('workload', 1), ('rezai', 3), ('principlists', 1), ('reem', 1), ('zeid', 1), ('khazaal', 1), ('gheorghe', 1), ('flutur', 1), ('caraorman', 1), ('leavitt', 2), ('preventive', 3), ('huy', 1), ('nga', 1), ('locus', 1), ('interwar', 2), ('moldovan', 1), ('dniester', 1), ('slavic', 1), ('transnistria', 1), ('voronin', 2), ('pcrm', 1), ('aie', 2), ('reconstituted', 1), ('barren', 1), ('heyday', 1), ('1755', 1), ('crocodile', 1), ('murderer', 1), ('bosom', 1), ('coldness', 1), ('grin', 1), ('coals', 1), ('pleasures', 1), ('thawed', 1), ('civilly', 1), ('foreshadows', 1), ('budgeted', 2), ('940', 1), ('tedder', 2), ('onerepublic', 2), ('bedingfield', 1), ('dreaming', 1), ('beatboxing', 2), ('beatboxers', 1), ('adverse', 4), ('dispenses', 1), ('anybody', 1), ('kapondi', 1), ('joshua', 1), ('kutuny', 1), ('wilfred', 1), ('machage', 1), ('mistaking', 2), ('dragmulla', 1), ('hurl', 1), ('marts', 1), ('pierce', 6), ('29th', 3), ('elvira', 1), ('nabiullina', 1), ('karel', 2), ('gucht', 1), ('shoaib', 1), ('festus', 1), ('okonkwo', 1), ('attends', 1), ('amed', 1), ('snag', 1), ('olpc', 3), ('exclusively', 1), ('loophole', 1), ('kordofan', 1), ('sla', 1), ('ghubaysh', 1), ('federations', 1), ('edel', 1), ('checkup', 1), ('poet', 1), ('rivero', 1), ('osvaldo', 2), ('espinoso', 1), ('chepe', 1), ('conspired', 1), ('gulzar', 1), ('nabeel', 1), ('shamin', 1), ('uddin', 1), ('skill', 2), ('treasures', 1), ('dakhlallah', 1), ('ideals', 1), ('brice', 1), ('hortefeux', 2), ('flashlight', 1), ('interrogator', 1), ('azmi', 1), ('bishara', 5), ('enkhbayar', 1), ('samper', 3), ('cali', 1), ('barco', 1), ('bogata', 1), ('headache', 1), ('tagging', 1), ('mastered', 1), ('doused', 1), ('methane', 3), ('unfolded', 2), ('blizzards', 1), ('herders', 1), ('afder', 1), ('liban', 1), ('gode', 1), ('deteriorate', 1), ('atomstroyexport', 1), ('blowtorch', 1), ('deteriorates', 1), ('kisangani', 1), ('kidnapper', 1), ('temur', 1), ('pasted', 1), ('krivtsov', 1), ('iraqna', 1), ('nicanor', 2), ('faeldon', 2), ('posh', 1), ('makati', 1), ('deluxe', 1), ('ghorian', 1), ('navfor', 1), ('harardhere', 1), ('sacrificial', 1), ('altar', 2), ('ubt', 1), ('sardenberg', 2), ('validity', 2), ('trampling', 1), ('keck', 1), ('infrared', 2), ('vortex', 3), ('vortices', 1), ('tf', 2), ('teenaged', 1), ('jungles', 2), ('mastung', 1), ('voltage', 2), ('naushki', 1), ('wellhead', 1), ('cawthorne', 1), ('shams', 2), ('dignified', 1), ('emails', 1), ('flakus', 1), ('weird', 1), ('mingora', 1), ('neolithic', 1), ('republished', 1), ('alok', 1), ('tomar', 2), ('lauded', 1), ('palocci', 1), ('rato', 1), ('ringing', 1), ('tet', 1), ('hermosa', 1), ('myitsone', 1), ('northernmost', 2), ('kachin', 1), ('humam', 1), ('hammoudi', 1), ('narayan', 1), ('pokhrel', 3), ('mora', 2), ('huerta', 1), ('announces', 2), ('knut', 1), ('ahnlund', 3), ('elfriede', 1), ('jelinek', 1), ('descriptions', 2), ('irreparably', 1), ('horace', 1), ('engdahl', 1), ('madison', 1), ('tinted', 1), ('glasses', 1), ('lennon', 1), ('lyricist', 1), ('taupin', 1), ('serenaded', 1), ('comedians', 2), ('whoopie', 1), ('goldberg', 1), ('portraying', 1), ('waldron', 2), ('shaheen', 1), ('nexus', 1), ('cheecha', 1), ('watni', 1), ('corvettes', 1), ('overruns', 1), ('sipah', 1), ('sahaba', 1), ('husbandry', 1), ('terrain', 4), ('upscale', 5), ('conscientious', 1), ('encompasses', 2), ('entrepreneurship', 1), ('supplements', 1), ('pretended', 1), ('lameness', 1), ('butcher', 2), ('pulse', 1), ('mouthful', 1), ('vexation', 1), ('sup', 1), ('flagon', 1), ('insert', 1), ('requital', 1), ('pager', 1), ('anesthetist', 1), ('stethoscope', 1), ('dangling', 1), ('ellison', 4), ('hardfought', 1), ('mcneill', 2), ('286', 1), ('252', 1), ('tuncay', 1), ('seyranlioglu', 2), ('heroic', 1), ('tabinda', 1), ('kamiya', 1), ('astros', 2), ('clemens', 3), ('outfielders', 1), ('sammy', 1), ('sosa', 1), ('leagues', 1), ('hander', 1), ('strikeouts', 1), ('cy', 1), ('rippled', 1), ('deauville', 1), ('kouguell', 1), ('comerio', 2), ('compares', 2), ('padang', 1), ('daraga', 1), ('durian', 1), ('catanduanes', 1), ('enezi', 1), ('kut', 1), ('rescind', 1), ('ryon', 1), ('dawoud', 1), ('rasheed', 1), ('thawing', 1), ('predictor', 1), ('groundhog', 4), ('punxsutawney', 2), ('stump', 1), ('carryover', 1), ('candlemas', 1), ('copa', 2), ('wwii', 1), ('blared', 1), ('dabbagh', 1), ('keynote', 1), ('complementary', 1), ('genome', 1), ('dripped', 1), ('notion', 1), ('atttacks', 1), ('hurriya', 1), ('kufa', 1), ('boodai', 1), ('swamped', 1), ('tearfund', 1), ('andrhra', 1), ('ar', 1), ('rutbah', 1), ('khurram', 1), ('mehran', 1), ('msn', 1), ('bing', 1), ('sufi', 1), ('sufis', 1), ('heretics', 1), ('turkman', 1), ('qaratun', 1), ('khairuddin', 1), ('nassif', 2), ('590', 1), ('yair', 1), ('klein', 2), ('landlords', 1), ('mykolaiv', 1), ('maariv', 2), ('rohingya', 2), ('chasing', 1), ('loyalist', 1), ('lvf', 1), ('tyrants', 1), ('oppress', 1), ('rocker', 1), ('springsteen', 1), ('repertoire', 1), ('bmg', 2), ('idolwinner', 1), ('refrigerated', 1), ('kabylie', 2), ('abass', 1), ('barbero', 1), ('ieds', 2), ('neutralizing', 1), ('tessa', 1), ('jowell', 1), ('expose', 1), ('baojing', 1), ('jianhao', 1), ('blackmailing', 1), ('blackmailer', 2), ('maurice', 1), ('floquet', 2), ('88th', 1), ('somme', 1), ('triomphe', 1), ('lek', 2), ('pongpa', 1), ('alimony', 2), ('wasser', 1), ('backup', 1), ('irreconcilable', 1), ('tracy', 1), ('mcgrady', 2), ('cavaliers', 2), ('lebron', 1), ('assists', 2), ('pacers', 1), ('croshere', 1), ('steals', 1), ('dunleavy', 1), ('faridullah', 1), ('kani', 1), ('wam', 1), ('interivew', 1), ('jianzhong', 1), ('surkh', 1), ('nangahar', 1), ('empowers', 2), ('penalize', 1), ('baptismal', 1), ('arranges', 1), ('shutters', 1), ('portico', 1), ('rites', 1), ('asserting', 1), ('sarabjit', 1), ('moods', 1), ('retirements', 1), ('politicized', 1), ('derg', 1), ('selassie', 1), ('mayan', 2), ('kingdoms', 1), ('colchis', 1), ('kartli', 1), ('iberia', 1), ('330s', 1), ('persians', 2), ('shevardnadze', 2), ('oceanographic', 1), ('circumpolar', 1), ('acc', 2), ('mingle', 1), ('convergence', 4), ('discrete', 1), ('ecologic', 1), ('concentrates', 1), ('approximates', 1), ('imply', 2), ('1631', 1), ('retook', 1), ('1633', 1), ('amongst', 1), ('roamed', 1), ('amused', 1), ('frightening', 3), ('frighten', 1), ('fool', 2), ('perched', 1), ('beak', 1), ('wily', 1), ('stratagem', 1), ('complexion', 1), ('deservedly', 1), ('deceitfully', 1), ('refute', 1), ('housedog', 3), ('reproached', 1), ('luxuriate', 1), ('depicted', 1), ('zuhair', 1), ('reapprove', 1), ('abiya', 1), ('rizvan', 1), ('chitigov', 1), ('shali', 1), ('rescinded', 1), ('judo', 1), ('repatriation', 1), ('ticona', 2), ('esperanza', 1), ('copiapo', 1), ('chute', 2), ('libel', 2), ('shadowed', 1), ('nazran', 1), ('zyazikov', 1), ('jafri', 1), ('sodomy', 2), ('venomous', 1), ('vindicated', 1), ('samara', 1), ('arsamokov', 1), ('ingush', 1), ('condominiums', 1), ('equipping', 1), ('interacted', 1), ('ahvaz', 2), ('kayhan', 1), ('pinas', 1), ('schoof', 1), ('ayala', 1), ('alabang', 1), ('baikonur', 1), ('cosmodrome', 1), ('pythons', 1), ('kandal', 1), ('wedded', 1), ('python', 5), ('chamrouen', 2), ('kroung', 1), ('pich', 1), ('cage', 1), ('subscribe', 1), ('animism', 1), ('inhabit', 1), ('inanimate', 1), ('snakes', 1), ('neth', 1), ('vy', 1), ('dharmsala', 1), ('acknowledging', 1), ('worthwhile', 1), ('rosaries', 1), ('colleges', 2), ('scorpion', 1), ('venom', 1), ('selectively', 1), ('516', 1), ('collier', 3), ('howell', 1), ('enlarged', 1), ('franchises', 1), ('echocardiograms', 1), ('knicks', 1), ('eddy', 1), ('curry', 1), ('irregular', 1), ('heartbeat', 1), ('hoiberg', 1), ('guenter', 1), ('verheugen', 1), ('sonntag', 2), ('sheeting', 1), ('coveted', 1), ('lithium', 4), ('entitle', 1), ('salar', 1), ('uyuni', 1), ('sics', 2), ('dahir', 1), ('aweys', 1), ('ousting', 3), ('powerless', 1), ('tvn', 1), ('stainmeier', 1), ('butmir', 1), ('eufor', 1), ('karameh', 1), ('sapporo', 2), ('dwarfed', 1), ('jeremic', 2), ('pressewednesday', 1), ('bud', 1), ('selig', 1), ('fehr', 1), ('sox', 1), ('sama', 1), ('murillo', 1), ('hokkaido', 1), ('stiffer', 1), ('cyclist', 2), ('hondo', 4), ('carphedon', 1), ('murcia', 1), ('gerolsteiner', 1), ('issori', 1), ('duggal', 2), ('scourge', 1), ('atmospheric', 2), ('buoys', 1), ('thammararoj', 1), ('killer', 1), ('cerkez', 5), ('dario', 1), ('kordic', 1), ('ganiyu', 1), ('adewale', 1), ('badoosh', 1), ('babaker', 1), ('zibari', 1), ('dodik', 2), ('lajcak', 1), ('clamps', 1), ('anand', 1), ('sterilized', 1), ('balasingham', 2), ('nimal', 1), ('siripala', 1), ('salvaging', 1), ('cabs', 1), ('greeting', 3), ('fortunate', 1), ('feasts', 1), ('pacheco', 2), ('costan', 1), ('merchants', 2), ('emphatically', 1), ('sakineh', 1), ('ashtiani', 2), ('lashes', 2), ('adultery', 2), ('starve', 1), ('inexplicable', 1), ('5\xa0storm', 1), ('measurement', 1), ('measurements', 1), ('outcries', 1), ('zim', 3), ('shinsei', 1), ('maru', 1), ('compensatiion', 1), ('bayu', 1), ('krisnamurthi', 1), ('parviz', 1), ('davoodi', 1), ('vollsmose', 1), ('odense', 1), ('conversions', 1), ('evangelization', 1), ('merapi', 3), ('volcanologist', 1), ('surano', 2), ('eruptions', 2), ('lene', 1), ('espersen', 2), ('baghran', 2), ('merimee', 3), ('understates', 1), ('thankot', 1), ('bhairahawa', 1), ('geophysical', 1), ('sparse', 1), ('guernsey', 4), ('congratulation', 1), ('summarizes', 1), ('flaring', 2), ('pollutes', 1), ('afghanis', 1), ('waistcoat', 1), ('stained', 1), ('fayaz', 4), ('biakand', 1), ('sunnah', 1), ('215', 1), ('aulnay', 1), ('eker', 1), ('mellot', 1), ('korangal', 1), ('commissions', 2), ('shon', 1), ('meckfessel', 1), ('fadlallah', 1), ('dispel', 1), ('kahar', 2), ('koyair', 1), ('drunkedness', 1), ('screaming', 2), ('documenting', 2), ('crosses', 1), ('hossam', 1), ('zaki', 1), ('sadat', 1), ('outstripped', 1), ('legia', 1), ('elijah', 1), ('cummings', 2), ('missteps', 1), ('maas', 1), ('muhamed', 1), ('sacirbey', 2), ('garza', 1), ('superdome', 1), ('workouts', 1), ('trinity', 1), ('alamodome', 1), ('herbal', 1), ('palnoo', 1), ('kulgam', 1), ('detonator', 2), ('resembling', 2), ('siasi', 1), ('unprincipled', 1), ('coldest', 1), ('mikulski', 1), ('shyster', 1), ('uhstad', 1), ('thura', 2), ('mahn', 2), ('hardliner', 1), ('indicative', 1), ('3700', 1), ('bermel', 1), ('ghormley', 2), ('slumped', 1), ('bargains', 1), ('resales', 1), ('janice', 2), ('karpinski', 4), ('kabungulu', 2), ('kibembi', 1), ('shryock', 1), ('carcasses', 1), ('manifest', 1), ('portoroz', 1), ('obita', 1), ('rostov', 1), ('flagrant', 2), ('checkups', 1), ('dhangadi', 1), ('reclaimed', 1), ('interesting', 2), ('fragmentation', 1), ('nesterenk', 1), ('cruiser', 1), ('chabanenko', 1), ('rearming', 1), ('harith', 1), ('tayseer', 1), ('endeavouron', 1), ('spacewalking', 1), ('reaffirms', 1), ('bergner', 1), ('rish', 1), ('ashfaq', 1), ('parvez', 1), ('kayani', 1), ('fatou', 1), ('bensouda', 1), ('hemingway', 1), ('herrington', 2), ('brighton', 1), ('everado', 1), ('tobasco', 1), ('montiel', 1), ('handpicked', 1), ('ofakim', 1), ('unbeaten', 2), ('resurrected', 1), ('tajouri', 1), ('campaigner', 1), ('polska', 1), ('diminishes', 1), ('junoon', 2), ('obsession', 1), ('falu', 2), ('ethnomusicologist', 1), ('q', 1), ('nabarro', 1), ('mirwaiz', 1), ('vilsack', 1), ('kucinich', 1), ('rodham', 2), ('dulaymi', 2), ('nationalizes', 1), ('poleo', 2), ('mezerhane', 2), ('eugenio', 1), ('anez', 1), ('nunez', 1), ('romani', 1), ('lately', 1), ('distract', 1), ('morshed', 1), ('ldp', 1), ('responsive', 1), ('jawed', 1), ('ludin', 1), ('sordid', 1), ('horticulture', 1), ('evolving', 1), ('derive', 1), ('onerous', 1), ('jdx', 1), ('multilaterals', 1), ('exacerbates', 1), ('tarmiyah', 1), ('judaidah', 1), ('ratios', 1), ('mingling', 1), ('lott', 2), ('witt', 2), ('zalinge', 1), ('minimized', 1), ('demoralized', 1), ('disinvest', 1), ('digits', 2), ('suleyman', 1), ('demirel', 3), ('aysegul', 1), ('esenler', 1), ('bourgas', 1), ('egebank', 1), ('joblessness', 1), ('haridy', 1), ('redmond', 2), ('mirdamadi', 1), ('pakhtoonkhaw', 1), ('iteere', 1), ('tracing', 1), ('almazbek', 1), ('atambayev', 2), ('absalon', 2), ('appointee', 1), ('hashem', 1), ('ashibli', 1), ('manie', 1), ('clerq', 1), ('torching', 1), ('jumbled', 1), ('acclaimed', 1), ('avant', 1), ('garde', 1), ('yakov', 1), ('chernikhov', 1), ('274', 1), ('antiques', 1), ('hermitage', 1), ('gilded', 1), ('ladle', 1), ('gastrostomy', 1), ('zoba', 1), ('yass', 1), ('aalam', 3), ('saloumi', 1), ('nkunda', 1), ('rutshuru', 1), ('disproportionate', 1), ('fiat', 3), ('opel', 4), ('cordero', 1), ('montezemolo', 1), ('corriere', 1), ('della', 1), ('sera', 1), ('kamin', 3), ('disregards', 1), ('kotkai', 2), ('bajur', 1), ('resealed', 1), ('squeezing', 1), ('workforces', 1), ('democratia', 1), ('datanalisis', 2), ('channu', 1), ('torchbearers', 1), ('piazza', 2), ('massaua', 1), ('livio', 1), ('berruti', 1), ('palazzo', 1), ('citta', 1), ('kissem', 1), ('tchangai', 1), ('walla', 1), ('lome', 1), ('emmanual', 1), ('townsend', 1), ('jackets', 1), ('schwarzenburg', 2), ('frenchmen', 1), ('choi', 1), ('youn', 1), ('jin', 1), ('spilt', 1), ('unjustifiable', 1), ('beruit', 1), ('odyssey', 1), ('quds', 2), ('indignation', 1), ('boulder', 1), ('zwally', 1), ('bioethics', 1), ('sperm', 1), ('kompas', 1), ('iwan', 1), ('darmawan', 2), ('rois', 1), ('underlined', 1), ('ridding', 1), ('untrue', 1), ('1452', 1), ('459', 1), ('magazines', 2), ('pamphlets', 3), ('decried', 1), ('vadym', 1), ('chuprun', 1), ('preach', 1), ('namik', 1), ('infuriated', 1), ('bumper', 2), ('abdulla', 1), ('shahin', 1), ('pegs', 1), ('pagonis', 1), ('habila', 1), ('bluefields', 1), ('steelers', 1), ('chargers', 1), ('falcons', 2), ('rams', 2), ('seahawks', 1), ('invalidate', 2), ('kubis', 2), ('tarija', 1), ('308', 1), ('afari', 1), ('djan', 1), ('tain', 2), ('brong', 1), ('ahafo', 1), ('npp', 1), ('duping', 1), ('marinellis', 2), ('fleeced', 1), ('ziauddin', 1), ('gilgit', 1), ('conoco', 1), ('gela', 1), ('bezhuashvili', 1), ('abiding', 1), ('rebuffing', 1), ('ghost', 3), ('602', 1), ('universally', 1), ('soundly', 2), ('originates', 1), ('latgalians', 1), ('panabaj', 1), ('moviegoers', 1), ('irate', 1), ('propriety', 1), ('bhagwagar', 1), ('sensationalizing', 1), ('revalue', 1), ('churn', 1), ('345', 1), ('anatol', 1), ('liabedzka', 1), ('krasovsky', 1), ('1776', 1), ('confederacy', 1), ('buoyed', 1), ('desolate', 1), ('indisputably', 1), ('1614', 1), ('trappers', 1), ('beerenberg', 1), ('winters', 1), ('victorian', 1), ('awkward', 1), ('bengalis', 2), ('wajed', 1), ('harangued', 1), ('nineva', 1), ('pushpa', 1), ('dahal', 1), ('dasain', 1), ('predetermined', 1), ('stunned', 1), ('reverberated', 1), ('downfall', 1), ('prabtibha', 1), ('patil', 1), ('fallujans', 1), ('swazis', 1), ('mswati', 3), ('grudgingly', 1), ('backslid', 1), ('mattel', 4), ('gagging', 1), ('cesme', 1), ('ksusadasi', 1), ('bassel', 1), ('fleihan', 4), ('sanitary', 1), ('typhoid', 1), ('aguilar', 4), ('zinser', 4), ('morelos', 1), ('disdain', 1), ('lugansville', 1), ('espiritu', 1), ('bankroll', 1), ('fundraiser', 2), ('1845', 1), ('chandpur', 1), ('apologies', 1), ('giorgio', 1), ('exhort', 1), ('darwin', 1), ('resurrect', 1), ('adana', 1), ('disparage', 1), ('enraged', 1), ('idolatry', 1), ('goatherd', 2), ('eventide', 1), ('pulikovsky', 2), ('lively', 2), ('selective', 1), ('snowed', 1), ('herd', 2), ('strangers', 1), ('abundantly', 1), ('qubad', 1), ('sonata', 2), ('follower', 2), ('ingratitude', 1), ('restriction', 1), ('hindrance', 1), ('iwc', 1), ('hunts', 1), ('puteh', 2), ('nahrawan', 1), ('becher', 1), ("sa'eed", 1), ('comptroller', 1), ('feeble', 1), ('compassionately', 1), ('advertisers', 1), ('nursery', 2), ('abayi', 1), ('abia', 2), ('kourou', 1), ('moans', 1), ('tonic', 1), ('nutrient', 1), ('helios', 1), ('optical', 1), ('parasol', 1), ('halts', 1), ('ge', 2), ('hints', 2), ('mistrust', 1), ('fixation', 1), ('reminder', 1), ('tunisian', 2), ('hedi', 1), ('yousseff', 1), ('boudhiba', 4), ('planners', 1), ('mentally', 2), ('trench', 5), ('fanned', 1), ('andreu', 1), ('hearse', 1), ('volodymyr', 2), ('lytvyn', 1), ('ulrich', 1), ('wilhelm', 1), ('juventud', 1), ('rebelde', 1), ('conjwayo', 1), ('tiempo', 1), ('mauricio', 1), ('zapata', 1), ('arauca', 4), ('bernal', 2), ('sununu', 1), ('tripura', 5), ('dangabari', 1), ('svalbard', 1), ('wainganga', 1), ('jens', 1), ('stoltenberg', 1), ('environmentalist', 1), ('wangari', 1), ('maathai', 1), ('capsize', 1), ('bhandara', 1), ('925', 1), ('janan', 1), ('souray', 1), ('gloom', 1), ('lashkargah', 1), ('tables', 1), ('pham', 1), ('thrive', 1), ('painstakingly', 1), ('anchor', 1), ('ulsan', 1), ('sopranos', 2), ('mobster', 1), ('soprano', 3), ('hangout', 1), ('satriale', 1), ('manny', 1), ('costeira', 3), ('condominum', 1), ('serial', 1), ('authentication', 1), ('demolishing', 1), ('pals', 1), ('episode', 1), ('reprocess', 2), ('gref', 1), ('pai', 1), ('f15', 1), ('dohuk', 1), ('okay', 1), ('insurers', 1), ('caters', 1), ('caymanians', 1), ('czechs', 4), ('preoccupied', 1), ('sudeten', 1), ('ruthenians', 1), ('reich', 1), ('truncated', 1), ('ruthenia', 1), ('velvet', 2), ('siam', 1), ('chinnawat', 1), ('shahdi', 1), ('mohanna', 1), ('wetchachiwa', 1), ('udd', 2), ('confiscating', 1), ('cleavages', 1), ('politic', 1), ('marginal', 1), ('underinvestment', 1), ('vitality', 1), ('dombrovskis', 1), ('meekness', 1), ('gentleness', 1), ('temper', 1), ('altogether', 1), ('boldness', 1), ('bridle', 1), ('dread', 1), ('valynkin', 1), ('mainichi', 1), ('amelia', 1), ('rowers', 3), ('falash', 2), ('mura', 2), ('rabbis', 4), ('renting', 1), ('lehava', 1), ('rentals', 1), ('lifestyles', 1), ('muttur', 1), ('hanssen', 1), ('indescribable', 1), ('horrors', 1), ('miracles', 1), ('e2', 1), ('pingtung', 1), ('azizuddin', 3), ('flattening', 1), ('shanties', 1), ('browne', 1), ('inductee', 1), ('songwriters', 2), ('masser', 1), ('burgie', 1), ('bobby', 1), ('teddy', 1), ('randazzo', 1), ('dylan', 1), ('nominating', 2), ('catalog', 1), ('induction', 1), ('abac', 7), ('vindicates', 1), ('septum', 1), ('cerebral', 1), ('balart', 2), ('piling', 1), ('orenburg', 1), ('beiring', 4), ('2017', 1), ('polo', 1), ('rugby', 1), ('roller', 1), ('equestrian', 1), ('equine', 1), ('hallams', 1), ('muammar', 1), ('divas', 1), ('antwerp', 2), ('potts', 1), ('angelina', 1), ('jolie', 5), ('pitt', 3), ('naankuse', 1), ('dedication', 1), ('baboons', 1), ('leopards', 1), ('dalia', 1), ('itzik', 1), ('diouf', 3), ('seasonally', 1), ('tropics', 1), ('climates', 1), ('modifying', 1), ('acidity', 1), ('salinity', 1), ('henman', 2), ('idaho', 1), ('taepodong', 1), ('geoscience', 1), ('spewing', 1), ('plume', 1), ('gulfport', 1), ('sancha', 1), ('waterworks', 1), ('changqi', 1), ('jubilant', 1), ('neve', 1), ('dekalim', 1), ('commissioning', 1), ('mo', 1), ('mowlam', 5), ('layered', 1), ('hospice', 1), ('radiotherapy', 1), ('shelve', 1), ('iskan', 1), ('harithiya', 1), ('brazen', 1), ('mashhad', 2), ('nourollah', 1), ('niaraki', 1), ('dousing', 1), ('fuselage', 1), ('tupolev', 1), ('airtour', 1), ('silos', 2), ('logjams', 1), ('ballenas', 1), ('implicate', 2), ('defrauding', 1), ('congressmen', 2), ('psychologically', 1), ('unfurling', 1), ('ayham', 1), ('sammarei', 2), ('mujaheddin', 1), ('distinction', 1), ('radhika', 1), ('coomaraswamy', 1), ('westminster', 2), ('cormac', 1), ('delmas', 1), ('challengerspace', 1), ('minuteman', 3), ('donovan', 1), ('watan', 1), ('blackburn', 1), ('basically', 1), ('sneaking', 1), ('torkham', 2), ('burqa', 1), ('yoshinori', 1), ('ono', 1), ('yvelines', 1), ('hauts', 1), ('seine', 2), ("d'", 1), ('oise', 1), ('zheijiang', 1), ('forklift', 2), ('inscriptions', 1), ('phoenixes', 1), ('etched', 1), ('porcelain', 1), ('mirrors', 3), ('avril', 2), ('lavigne', 2), ('derek', 1), ('whibley', 1), ('bedrooms', 1), ('sauna', 1), ('disarms', 1), ('noranit', 1), ('setabutr', 1), ('amass', 1), ('sigou', 1), ('solidaria', 1), ('salvadorans', 1), ('vulgar', 1), ('gniljane', 1), ('selim', 1), ('krasniqi', 2), ('transocean', 1), ('trident', 1), ('channeling', 1), ('indus', 1), ('fused', 1), ('aryan', 1), ('scythians', 1), ('satisfactorily', 1), ('marginalization', 1), ('rocky', 1), ('brightens', 1), ('microchips', 1), ('nicaraguans', 2), ('idiot', 1), ('drunkard', 1), ('clinging', 1), ('chinchilla', 1), ('mongols', 3), ('chinggis', 1), ('khaan', 1), ('eurasian', 1), ('steppe', 1), ('mongolians', 1), ('mprp', 4), ('mpp', 2), ('waemu', 1), ('disbursement', 2), ('bakers', 1), ('concealment', 1), ('nibble', 1), ('tendrils', 1), ('rustling', 1), ('arrow', 1), ('maltreated', 1), ('partridge', 2), ('earnestly', 2), ('partridges', 1), ('recompense', 1), ('scruple', 1), ('hen', 3), ('pondered', 1), ('matched', 1), ('425', 1), ('touches', 1), ('closings', 1), ('mohaqiq', 2), ('nasab', 1), ('haqooq', 1), ('zan', 1), ('vujadin', 1), ('popovic', 1), ('milutinovic', 1), ('sainovic', 1), ('dragoljub', 1), ('ojdanic', 1), ('lazarevic', 2), ('moses', 1), ('bittok', 3), ('lottery', 1), ('refinances', 1), ('cyanide', 1), ('cashed', 1), ('echeverria', 4), ('tavis', 1), ('smiley', 1), ('imagine', 1), ('evading', 1), ('conscription', 1), ('adi', 2), ('abeto', 2), ('asmara', 1), ('qadir', 1), ('sinak', 1), ('muadham', 1), ('brillantes', 1), ('kilju', 1), ('cabin', 1), ('spinetta', 1), ('cricketer', 1), ('mauro', 1), ('vechchio', 1), ('sharks', 1), ('stalking', 1), ('crittercam', 1), ('saola', 1), ('hachijo', 1), ('habibur', 1), ('gaddafi', 1), ('thilan', 1), ('samaraweera', 1), ('tharanga', 1), ('paranavithana', 1), ('purposely', 2), ('misleading', 1), ('culprits', 2), ('devise', 1), ('sisli', 1), ('netting', 2), ('compounding', 1), ('agence', 1), ('presse', 1), ('jaime', 2), ('razuri', 6), ('riskiest', 1), ('womb', 1), ('veterinarians', 1), ('farhatullah', 1), ('kypriano', 1), ('kristin', 1), ('halvorsen', 1), ('crave', 1), ('leong', 1), ('lazy', 1), ('mandera', 1), ('prep', 1), ('skelleftea', 1), ('carli', 1), ('lloyd', 2), ('dribbled', 1), ('footed', 1), ('ricocheted', 1), ('pia', 1), ('sundhage', 1), ('cups', 1), ('olmo', 2), ('severity', 1), ('kazemeini', 1), ('disapora', 1), ('speeds', 1), ('parallels', 1), ('lagunas', 1), ('chacahua', 1), ('lazaro', 2), ('cabo', 1), ('corrientes', 1), ('guatemalans', 1), ('tabasco', 1), ('chanet', 2), ('mengal', 1), ('salem', 1), ('ushakov', 2), ('respectfully', 1), ('355', 1), ('overtake', 1), ('latvians', 1), ('erase', 1), ('clinch', 1), ('certificates', 4), ('kyat', 1), ('siddiq', 2), ('ronco', 1), ('doled', 1), ('highness', 1), ('surkhanpha', 2), ('kiriyenko', 2), ('megawatts', 2), ('royals', 1), ('scimitar', 1), ('graduating', 1), ('sandhurst', 1), ('accompany', 1), ('isna', 1), ('zolfaghari', 2), ('nie', 1), ('frailty', 1), ('decriminalizing', 1), ('sweltering', 1), ('tursunov', 1), ('edgardo', 1), ('massa', 1), ('gremelmayr', 1), ('bjorn', 1), ('phau', 1), ('teesta', 1), ('ecology', 1), ('ganges', 1), ('damadola', 1), ('scold', 1), ('cuzco', 1), ('reckon', 1), ('incwala', 1), ('swazi', 1), ('nhlanhla', 1), ('nhlabatsi', 1), ('mbabane', 1), ('hms', 1), ('seawater', 1), ('yunus', 1), ('qanuni', 4), ('tadjoura', 1), ('loudspeakers', 1), ('ophir', 1), ('pines', 1), ('ney', 3), ('relinquish', 1), ('rosemond', 1), ('pradel', 1), ('certainty', 2), ('kostiw', 2), ('indiscretion', 1), ('distraction', 2), ('shoplifting', 1), ('tetanus', 2), ('husseindoust', 1), ('destablize', 1), ('dabous', 2), ('yanbu', 2), ('howlwadaag', 2), ('streamlined', 1), ('weiner', 1), ('lobbyists', 1), ('tenzin', 1), ('taklha', 1), ('attribute', 1), ('vials', 1), ('profiting', 1), ('ciampino', 1), ('martha', 1), ('karua', 2), ('goldenberg', 1), ('murungaru', 2), ('kendrick', 1), ('meek', 2), ('cong', 1), ('superhighway', 1), ('shady', 1), ('loitering', 1), ('johanns', 3), ('boyle', 1), ('1860s', 1), ('sughd', 1), ('ssr', 2), ('deluge', 1), ('khujand', 1), ('rasht', 1), ('sedimentary', 1), ('basins', 1), ('garments', 1), ('overflowing', 1), ('damsel', 1), ('reclining', 1), ('forgetting', 1), ('nurture', 1), ('truss', 2), ('curious', 1), ('sandbags', 1), ('learnt', 1), ('escapes', 1), ('chevy', 1), ('gallegos', 1), ('sheldon', 1), ('quail', 3), ('katharine', 2), ('shotgun', 4), ('pellets', 2), ('avid', 2), ('232', 1), ('honesty', 1), ('728', 1), ('arnoldo', 1), ('aleman', 1), ('discredited', 1), ('sandanista', 1), ('54th', 1), ('dikes', 1), ('vicinity', 1), ('flashpoints', 1), ('osnabrueck', 1), ('montiglio', 2), ('processor', 1), ('westland', 1), ('hallmark', 1), ('slaughterhouse', 2), ('usda', 1), ('vani', 1), ('contreras', 1), ('averting', 1), ('jeopardizes', 1), ('34th', 1), ('socially', 1), ('hatim', 1), ('1657', 1), ('basset', 1), ('megrahi', 1), ('mans', 1), ('saydiyah', 1), ('neighbourhood', 1), ('lightened', 1), ('lateral', 1), ('limped', 1), ('2100', 1), ('edt', 1), ('doubly', 1), ('aoun', 1), ('sulieman', 1), ('dushevina', 2), ('ivana', 1), ('lisjak', 1), ('gaz', 1), ('byes', 1), ('virginie', 1), ('razzano', 2), ('kveta', 1), ('peschke', 1), ('tsvetana', 1), ('pironkova', 1), ('rae', 1), ('bareli', 1), ('70th', 1), ('rajiv', 1), ('tarmac', 2), ('safeguarding', 1), ('refurbished', 1), ('bike', 1), ('walkways', 1), ('sorted', 1), ('crawl', 1), ('unidentifiied', 1), ('gruesome', 1), ("'n", 1), ('caliber', 1), ('chairperson', 1), ('jaoko', 1), ('recounting', 1), ('episodes', 1), ('pheasants', 1), ('townships', 1), ('reinvigorate', 1), ('doi', 1), ('talaeng', 1), ('quadriplegic', 1), ('clips', 1), ('streaming', 1), ('outward', 1), ('sunspots', 1), ('disembark', 2), ('489', 1), ('forgotten', 1), ('jaber', 1), ('wafa', 1), ('saboor', 1), ('hadhar', 1), ('leatherback', 1), ('fascinate', 1), ('roams', 1), ('nesting', 1), ('leatherbacks', 1), ('phrases', 3), ('tubigan', 1), ('joko', 1), ('suyono', 1), ('intensifies', 1), ('apostates', 1), ('qais', 1), ('shameri', 1), ('sabotages', 1), ('rekindle', 1), ('lawfully', 1), ('empt', 1), ('seche', 1), ('otari', 1), ('unleash', 1), ('miscalculated', 1), ('zap', 1), ('ararat', 1), ('mazlum', 1), ('mattei', 1), ('nuimei', 1), ('listened', 1), ('\x97', 1), ('monuc', 1), ('anyplace', 1), ('catapulted', 1), ('showcased', 1), ('madhoun', 1), ('leveling', 1), ('kumtor', 1), ('cis', 1), ('recapitalization', 1), ('cycles', 1), ('grytviken', 2), ('shackleton', 1), ('fated', 1), ('nm', 2), ('aviary', 1), ('nightingale', 3), ('wont', 1), ('peacock', 1), ('bajura', 1), ('accham', 1), ('kohistani', 1), ('ahadi', 1), ('locusts', 1), ('zinder', 1), ('caste', 2), ('castes', 1), ('fortis', 1), ('stella', 1), ('artois', 1), ('radek', 1), ('stepanek', 2), ('johansson', 1), ('tulkarm', 1), ('maclang', 1), ('batad', 1), ('banaue', 1), ('ifugao', 1), ('legaspi', 1), ('starmagazine', 1), ('distorts', 1), ('muasher', 1), ('safehaven', 1), ('wachira', 1), ('waruru', 1), ('73rd', 1), ('holodomor', 1), ('kiwis', 1), ('scorers', 1), ('201', 1), ('ashraful', 1), ('napier', 1), ('kindhearts', 3), ('detective', 1), ('lilienfeld', 2), ('colt', 1), ('cobra', 1), ('revolver', 1), ('definitively', 1), ('holster', 1), 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